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是否应在环境刑法中设立危险犯是当今国际社会中的热点法学问题。为了保护人类赖以生存的地球家园,减少对环境的破坏,各国都已经或者正在考虑将破坏环境的危险犯纳入到刑法调整范围。墨西哥与中国同为发展中国家,面临着近乎相同的环境问题。墨西哥基于"风险预防"的宗旨,在刑法典中规定环境犯罪危险犯,其背后深层次的刑法理念在于持"生态中心主义"的环境刑法法益观,中国有必要借鉴墨西哥环境犯罪危险犯中的合理内核,结合本国国情完善环境犯罪立法,将保护环境法益的时间点提前,以加大对环境犯罪的预防力度,促进环境保护。  相似文献   

全球化时代俄罗斯有组织犯罪及其法律对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以全球化为背景,对当代俄罗斯有组织犯罪的现状、发展趋势及其立法规制进行了深入的分析与探讨。笔者认为,在全球化的背景下,为了有效地打击日益猖獗的有组织犯罪,特别是跨国有组织犯罪,应当在国际法准则的基础上不断完善各国的国内刑法体系,使之与国际法相协调和统一,而这种统一和协调只有通过建构统一的国际刑法典的途径才能实现。  相似文献   

俄罗斯恐怖主义犯罪近年呈上升趋势 ,不论是对个人实施的恐怖主义还是有组织的恐怖主义都有所增长。本文从把恐怖主义作为犯罪的角度分析其快速增长的根源 ,既有社会因素 ,又有政府和执法机关工作不力因素。要从立法、国际合作、心理培训及加强国家主权上化解不利的根源因素 ,以达到反恐目的。  相似文献   

古丽阿扎提.吐尔逊博士的新著《中亚恐怖主义犯罪研究》已由中国人民公安大学出版社出版。这是著名学者陈兴良主编的北大刑法博士文丛中的一种。作者在采用比较研究和实证研究等方法评述中亚恐怖主义犯罪的基础上,对中亚恐怖主义犯罪的现状和未来作了较  相似文献   

现行的俄罗斯刑事法承继了苏联刑法的余波,再现了苏联解体后法律大变革的创新风采。其中,劳动改造立法伴随着俄罗斯刑事法的变迁而不断完善。劳动改造作为刑罚的一种,从苏维埃时期的萌芽,到1922年苏俄刑法典的确立,直至1996年俄罗斯联邦刑法典的颁布,愈发彰显保护社会与保障人权的变革特点。俄罗斯劳动改造刑罚经历了漫长剧烈的立法考验并依然长盛不衰。根据俄罗斯刑法的规定,劳动改造是由法院判决不剥夺其自由的被判刑人就地强制劳动并且向国家上交部分劳动所得的刑罚方法。它不同于我国已经废止的劳动教养。劳动改造不剥夺人身自由,但是劳动权和经济权受到限制。劳动改造作为独立的主刑适用,不是附加刑。劳动改造只能对有劳动能力的人实行。对不服劳动改造,恶意违规人员予以严惩。俄罗斯劳动改造立法体系较为完善,除了宪法纲领性指导外,以基本法律而论,既有实体上的俄罗斯刑法典有关劳动改造的规定,也有执行上俄罗斯刑事执行法有关劳动改造的规范,此外,还有一系列行政规章、法规、命令等。究其发展历程和鲜明的立法特色,无疑为我国的刑罚构建提供了有益的参考。  相似文献   

对于国家的国际犯罪及责任的争议一直不断。事实上,确立国家的国际犯罪责任制度 具有必要性和合理依据。国家的国际犯罪责任可以通过追究犯罪行为人的刑事责任、限制国家主 权、国际制裁、惩罚性损害赔偿等方式得以实现。尽管目前并没有相关国际公约或条约对国家的国 际犯罪及责任做出明确规定,但国家的国际犯罪却是客观存在的。在重视强行法和国际习惯法作 为渊源的、并且处于不断发展中的国际刑法领域,这种理论探究无疑具有重要意义  相似文献   

劫持人质罪是国际社会公认的国际恐怖主义罪行的一种表现, 该罪严重侵犯国际人 权法所保护的基本人权, 同时危害国际社会的安全, 破坏国际社会生活的正常秩序。因此, 明确劫 持人质罪的概念及其法律特征, 研究劫持人质罪的犯罪构成要件, 以及与国际刑法中其他犯罪的区 别, 有助于准确的识别罪与非罪、此罪与彼罪, 从而更加有利地打击国际恐怖主义犯罪。  相似文献   

俄罗斯恐怖主义的立法概念反映恐怖主义犯罪的本质属性,是研究恐怖主义问题的逻辑起点。俄罗斯恐怖主义不是单纯孤立的行为,而是多种行为的总合,既不同于战争,也不是国家恐怖主义。它是在俄罗斯反恐立法的框架内建构的,凸显刑事违法性与社会危害性,具有广义的类罪立法特色。  相似文献   

中俄毗邻地区跨国犯罪问题及中俄警务司法合作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国与俄罗斯山水相连。随着两国各领域关系的发展,经贸合作和人员相互往来愈来愈密切,跨国犯罪问题也严重困扰两国的警察和司法部门,尤其是在两国毗邻地区,跨国犯罪问题更显突出。近年来,中俄毗邻地区开展了跨国警务司法合作,预防和打击跨国犯罪,通过联合侦查、协助办案、共同办案、相互配合调查取证、越境追捕、快速遣返等措施,有效地预防和控制了跨国犯罪,维护了双方的共同利益。  相似文献   

对俄罗斯国际私法立法的评介及借鉴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
顾海波  赵凯 《东北亚论坛》2007,16(4):95-100
前苏联解体后,俄罗斯根据对外民事交往的形势和需求,构建了新的国际私法体系。与前苏联相比,俄罗斯国际私法在立法形式上并没有重大突破,但在立法内容上,调整范围大为拓宽、意思自治原则应用的领域也更为广阔、最密切联系原则成为准据法确定的基本原则、诸多冲突规范均有实质性的改变。俄罗斯新的国际私法立法,对与其立法背景大体相同或相似的当前中国国际私法立法具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

This article discusses the political positioning of the crime group Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC) during the attacks on São Paulo in 2006 and on the continuous recruitment of new generations in crime. A situational map of programmatic violence in Brazil was built from 30 apology for crime videos, submitted to Situational Analysis. The attacks stand in the map as a phenomenon of political communication of the world of crime in the public sphere, showing continuities between the 2006 terrorist format and a situation suggestive of the radicalisation of new generations based on hate, adherence to the political/armed wing of the commands, and cognitive-affective shielding of young crime soldiers.  相似文献   


This paper applies the distance-to-crime approach to the case of Improvised Explosive Device (IED) and shooting attacks conducted by the Provisional Irish Republican Army (PIRA) during the Northern Ireland conflict, 1970–1998. The aim is to (a) measure the typical ‘distance to crime’ (b) detect whether a distance-decay effect is noticeable and (c) investigate whether there is a discernible difference in the distance traveled depending upon individual offender characteristics or aspects of how the offence was committed. In particular, it highlights that many of the same dynamics that influence offender decision making within the volume crime world, also apply within the terrorism realm. Five findings stand out in particular. First, a distance decay effect is identifiable. Second, younger offenders travel significantly smaller distances. Third, complex attacks typically involve greater distances. Fourth, our results show the ability of leading decision-makers within PIRA to impact upon the day-to-day operations of the field operatives. Together the results reinforce the argument that when we focus on terrorism from a preventative angle, we should focus on their behaviors: what they do rather than remain preoccupied with concerns about who they are and/or what they might be like. Collectively the results also highlight the fact that for a finer-grained understanding of terrorist behavior we need to disaggregate on a number of levels: within the cadre of operatives, across terrorist attacks, across targets and within conflicts.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that a nexus between terrorist groups and those involved in organised crime exists. This study explores the co-operative possibilities that exist between these phenomena, focusing specifically on the level of assistance participants in organised criminal activity might provide to those engaged in terrorism, the “initial nexus.” This was achieved initially through interviews with subject matter experts with knowledge of the organised crime and counter terrorism situation in Scotland. Thereafter, law enforcement personnel who investigate serious and organised crime were interviewed, and their opinions sought in respect of the likely actions of those they investigate. The data gathered is subject to analysis and comment are provided as to what level of co-operation between those involved in organised crime and terrorism can be expected; what motivational factors may have a bearing on the level of co-operation provided; and discussion of “tipping points,” ethical or otherwise, where the withdrawal of co-operation could occur, providing opportunities for increasingly successful law enforcement intervention.  相似文献   

This article contributes to a growing discussion in peace mediation and peacebuilding circles about the issue of dialogue and negotiation with organized crime groups. The article seeks to demystify this issue by exploring the range of practice from confrontation to accommodation and transformation. The article argues that there is nothing unusual about engaging in dialogue and negotiation with organized crime groups and that those strategies have been used for decades in crime and violence reduction efforts in urban and civil war settings. In their quest to resolve conflict in violent and fragile contexts, mediators and negotiators can adapt existing peacebuilding practice to help structure dialogue processes with organized crime groups.  相似文献   


The world is arguably experiencing a resurgence of state-sponsored terrorism. Meanwhile, the crime-terror nexus is seen as a continued threat to global security and stability. However, there has been little attention paid to the use of organised crime by state-sponsored terror groups. This is because existing literature views the use of criminal fundraising as an alternative to state-sponsorship. Despite this, there are numerous examples of state-sponsored organisations which nevertheless engage in organised crime. This paper addresses this puzzle by comparing two competing theoretical approaches on the crime-terror nexus. Current literature tends to either focus on responses to economic necessity at the group level or on the broader structure of opportunities and constraints. A congruence analysis will be conducted using the case of Hezbollah to test these approaches to the specific issue of state-sponsorship and crime. The main finding is that approaches rooted in opportunity structures have significantly more explanatory power than those focused on group level motivation and necessity. This paper also finds a more complex role for state-sponsors with some states actively enabling crime. This suggests the need for an understanding of terror and crime which focuses on the internationalised political context as well as internal group dynamics.  相似文献   

During the first half of 2006 the city of São Paulo suffered three series of violent attacks against the security forces, civilians, and the government. The violent campaign also included a massive rebellion in prisons and culminated in the kidnapping of a journalist and the broadcast of a manifesto from the criminal organization PCC threatening the police and the government. Right after, the main device used to contain organized crime in the prisons was declared unconstitutional. This episode represents a prototypical example of the use of media-focused terrorism by organized crime for projection into the political communication arena.  相似文献   

The fight against organized crime has become a top security priority for the European Union (EU). While a new policy area is emerging, it is difficult to understand who is in lead and how the process develops. This article delves into the post-Lisbon EU security model, exploring how Washington and Brussels collaborate in combating organized crime in a context of changing definitions, actors and policies. It argues that US definitions, operational models and policies influence EU institutional thinking and policies, shifting the emphasis from prevention and rule of law to execution and intelligence. The dynamics of policy convergence and divergence on criminal matters in the transatlantic community reflect tectonic shifts in the deepest levels of thinking security in the West, affecting the moulding of a European security identity.  相似文献   

That terrorists, criminals, and their facilitators exploit the global marketplace is well known. While the global movement of illicit goods is well documented, robust empirical evidence linking terrorism and organized crime remains elusive. This article posits Network Science as a means of making these links more apparent. As a critical case study, Hezbollah is quite possibly the most mature globalized terrorist organization, although it thinks of itself as the “Party of God.” However, the means seem to justify the ends: this article shows that Hezbollah’s holy men have no qualms about resorting to pornography, contraband cigarettes, immigration fraud, and credit card fraud to raise funds. Beyond establishing links, Social Network Analysis reveals other important characteristics, such as the relative autonomy from Hezbollah headquarters that local fundraising networks enjoy. That finding implies a paradigm shift: Hezbollah is no less a terrorist organization than an organized crime syndicate. This is apparent in a network’s structure. Transnational Organized Crime is typically about nodes being connected to many others in the network. Yet, Hezbollah fundraising networks allow such connectivity because of the group’s typically high levels of mutual trust and familial relationships. This creates a vulnerability that can be exploited by law enforcement and intelligence organizations.  相似文献   

Much of the discourse surrounding counterterrorism centers on the inevitability of displacement, or the substitution of another form of terrorist attack in place of the one that has been thwarted. Yet a longstanding tradition of research in situational crime prevention finds that displacement is far from inevitable, and often depends crucially on the specific features of the incidents in question. In fact, crime prevention efforts are often followed by a “diffusion of benefits” (i.e., crime reductions) to incidents, groups, or locations that were not the intended target of the intervention. The current study examines various forms of displacement and diffusion in response to airport metal detectors among terrorist groups that had been involved in the perpetration of aviation attacks prior to their implementation. Using data from the Global Terrorism Database, the findings from interrupted time series models suggest a complex set of displacement and diffusion effects with respect to alternative attack modes, target types, and weapon usage.  相似文献   

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