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到反精神病学主张的提出——莱因存在精神病学说之解读   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
莱因本是英国名的精神病学家,他把传统的精神分析学与存在主义哲学结合起来,创立了存在精神病学,从而成为存在分析学的当代主要代表。他提出要将精神病患的特殊经验置于“在他世界中的存在”的前后关系之中来理解,并由此出发,进一步考察了精神分裂性个体的内部自身世界和外部关系世界。前探讨的是分裂的自我,后探讨的是自我与他人的社会关系。不过,最终他走向了反精神病学的立场。  相似文献   

后现代精神病学对现代精神病学的法哲学反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中世纪的异教徒"疯子"们被监禁,施以酷刑,流放可谓不堪回首,我们可以说那是因为精神病学的概念还未真正产生。但是,伴随着精神病学的设立,现代精神病学的发展已经由惩罚性收容转变成治疗性措施。精神病人的行为举止让大家感觉到不一样,无法理解。我们对于自己无法理解的事,要么报以莫名的敬畏之心,要么想方设法将它们变得不可见,来获得自己生活的平静,这是对的吗?从法哲学的视角是否应该给予反思和拷问,以探寻精神病学之正义性。本文希望从现代精神病学发展的历史,以法哲学的批判思维分析了现代精神病学的缺陷,并展望后现代精神病学的特质及其替代现代精神病学之发展趋势。  相似文献   

<正> 本文分析了性犯罪及暴力犯罪者审判前的精神病学报告。随机抽取了性犯罪及暴力犯罪的精神病学报告各100例,比较了他们的精神病学特征,同时也比较了他们的社会地位、受教育程度、雇佣关系、先前行为及交往障碍,酗酒及吸毒、精神病发病率,以及罪犯与受害  相似文献   

<正>法医精神病学是一门研究人的精神障碍、精神健康与法律相关问题的医学分支学科。广义上法医精神病学研究的内容涉及与法律相关的精神障碍和各种精神健康问题,泛称精神病学与法律或法律精神病学;狭义的法医精神病学主要指依法对疑似精神障碍的违法者或诉讼当事人的精神状态和法律能力的鉴定,又称司法精神病学[1]。近年来,我国相关的法律法规日趋完善,《刑事诉讼法》第五编第四章着重对不负刑事责任的精神病人的强制医疗程序做出明确规定,同时  相似文献   

随着中国政治、经济、文化等综合实力的提高,法医精神病学也得到了长足的发展。主要体现在相关的法律法规日益完善,从事法医精神病学鉴定的专业人员逐渐增多,对精神病违法者进行强制治疗的公安安康医院数量增加,法医精神病学领域的科研学术活动日益频繁,法医精神病学专业人才培养也日益完善。但是目前仍然存在一些问题,例如:相关的法律法规有待进一步完善,从业人员的专业素质有待进一步提高,国家对安康医院的投入相对不足等,有待进一步解决。  相似文献   

顾艳  胡泽卿 《证据科学》2007,14(3):I0003-I0007
随着中国政治、经济、文化等综合实力的提高,法医精神病学也得到了长足的发展。主要体现在相关的法律法规日益完善,从事法医精神病学鉴定的专业人员逐渐增多,对精神病违法者进行强制治疗的公安安康医院数量增加,法医精神病学领域的科研学术活动日益频繁,法医精神病学专业人才培养也日益完善。但是目前仍然存在一些问题,例如:相关的法律法规有待进一步完善,从业人员的专业素质有待进一步提高,国家对安康医院的投入相对不足等。有待进一步解决。  相似文献   

<正> 第五届全国司法精神病学学术会议于1996年4月29日至5月3日在陕西省西安市召开。来自全国公检法司机关、精神卫生医疗科研机构、高等法学和医学院校系等部门的159位代表参加了会议。会议收到论文143篇。 本届大会回顾了自1987年首届学术会议以来十年间我国司法精神病学学科的发展以及在司法实践中的积极作用。提出了当前司法精神病学及其鉴定中存在的问题,即:司法精神病学鉴定与国家法律规定不配套,如刑事责任能力的分级问题、醉酒人实施危害行为的责任能力问题等;从事司法精神鉴定工作者的知识结构  相似文献   

司法精神病学研究室成立于1994年,其前身是法医临床学研究室司法精神病学研究组。全室现有专业人员7名,其中高级职称3名,中级职称3名,初级职称1名。 该专业的研究客体是涉及法律事务的精神障碍患者或被怀疑有精神障碍的人。科研内容包括民事行为能力、诉讼行为能力、  相似文献   

试论民事案件中的司法精神病学鉴定   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
随着人们法律意识的提高和我国司法制度的不断完善和健全,民事诉讼案件的数量逐年增加,2002年北京市各级法院受理的民事案件与刑事案件的数量之比为10∶1。与之相应,民事案件所涉及的司法精神病学鉴定案例也逐年递增。笔者就几年来民事案件中涉及的司法精神病学鉴定所遇到的实际问题加以归纳、总结,以期抛砖引玉。1民事案件中的司法精神病学鉴定种类民事案件中涉及的司法精神病学鉴定,一般可分为三类:(1)被鉴定人所患精神疾病与民事侵权事件的因果关系;(2)民事行为能力的评定;(3)脑器质性精神障碍的伤残评定。1.1被鉴定人所患精神疾病与民事…  相似文献   

正司法精神病学鉴定是司法鉴定中与法学关系最密切的一种鉴定,其中涉及的法学问题多样且复杂。笔者试从法学的角度给司法精神病学鉴定作以下定义:司法精神病学鉴定人综合各种证据,运用其专业知识(主要是医学和法学)进行医学诊断及分析论证,最后证明相关法律事实的过程。本文以刑事责任能力评定为视角,讨论司法精神医学鉴定中涉及的证据和证明问题。  相似文献   

论科赫特的精神分析方法论   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本从认识论的角度分析了科赫特的精神分析方法论,剖析了科赫特对精神分析实质的论述,具体阐述了科赫特对神入这一概念的澄清,分析了科赫特的精神分析方法论对其所发展的精神分析自身心理学和整个精神分析的发展所具有的意义。科赫特对精神分析实质的界定,为精神分析自身心理学理论的发展开辟了道路。证明了自身心理学仍然属于精神分析传统,确保了精神分析是一门纯粹的心理学,为反对精神分析的生物学化倾向和社会学化倾向提供了依据。科赫特的精神分析方法论也导致科赫特的自身心理学只描述个体早期心理发展的般状况,而不关注其具体内容。  相似文献   

精神分析的客体关系理论家费尔贝恩在修正与发展弗洛伊德和克莱因思想的基础上,结合自己的临床经验,从客体关系角度出发,阐述了一种纯粹心理的人格发展理论.该理论指出,人格发展的实质是自我客体关系的成熟;母婴关系是影响人格发展的首要因素.费尔贝恩还综合了弗洛伊德的阶段理论与克莱因的心态概念,构想了一个全新的人格发展图式.费尔贝恩的人格发展理论以其革命性和独创性在精神分析学、人格心理学、发展心理学领域都占据了一席之地.  相似文献   

The paper gives an account of Rāmaka??ha’s (950–1000) contribution to the Buddhist–Brāhma?ical debate about the existence or non-existence of a self, by demonstrating how he carves out middle ground between the two protagonists in that debate. First three points of divergence between the Brāhma?ical (specifically Naiyāyika) and the Buddhist conceptions of subjectivity are identified. These take the form of Buddhist denials of, or re-explanations of (1) the self as the unitary essence of the individual, (2) the self as the substance to which mental properties belong, (3) the self as the agent of both physical actions and cognitions. The difference of Rāmaka??ha’s position from both Nyāya and Buddhism is then elaborated. He posits a self, but not one that is an eternally unchanging substance, nor one that is anything other than consciousness. Hence his difference from Nyāya. He falls with Buddhism in holding that consciousness does not require anything other than itself to inhere in, but departs from Buddhism in holding that consciousness is not momentary but enduring. The guiding metaphor here is light, but light considered as a dynamic, qualitatively unchanging repetition of the action of illumination.  相似文献   

精神分析发展心理学是现代精神分析学的一个独立分支,其创立与发展依赖于两次大的转变,一是从心理病理学到普通心理学的转变,二是从成人精神分析向儿童精神分析的转变.其基本思想内涵主要表现为经典精神分析、自我心理学、客体关系理论以及社会文化学派等各自对儿童内在心理世界的理解、对心理结构的理解、对心理发展动力的理解以及对心理发展阶段的理解.  相似文献   

The Anthropocene presents new challenges to the natural and social sciences by claiming that humanity is “entangled” with a myriad of scales, spaces, being(s), and temporalities. Yet, how does this entanglement alter our understanding of security? This article argues that the Anthropocene threatens not our physical security, but our ontological security: our deep and normalized conceptions of humanity and what it means to be a human “self” in a stable and continuous world. By replacing the foundation of ontological security in modernity – the uncertainty of death – with a new uncertainty of anthropos, the result is an existential discontinuity emanating from our own human selves. The Anthropocene thus manifests the need to secure humanity from humanity, or the paradox of securing oneself from oneself. Recent turns to the concept of “quantum entanglement” attempt to resolve this paradox by re-instilling a certain and secure “entangled” human self within an otherwise uncertain and insecure Anthropocene epoch. The article concludes that this move actually illustrates humanity’s separation, or dis-entanglement, from nature. Ethical and moral responsibilities to mediate and safeguard life and the planet derive not from (quantum) science nor from entanglement, but from a social world within which humans possess the agency to mediate and judge how to act through such concepts.  相似文献   

温尼科特的儿童精神分析学评介   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
温尼科特是英国精神分析客体关系学派的领军人物,以其独特的儿童精神分析的理论与实践研究著称于世.其主要的理论架构包括够好的母亲与促进性环境、真实自体与虚假自体以及过渡客体与过渡现象;分析性治疗强调了环境的作用、退行至依赖的治疗过程以及游戏治疗.然而,应当看到温尼科特研究中也有明显的缺陷,他的理论不成体系且有诸多自相矛盾之处.很多研究者质疑他在个体发展中对环境作用的过分强调,却看不到个体的责任表现于何处;父亲的地位在其理论中是无足轻重的;儿童性欲的问题也没有得到确定的解释.  相似文献   

The author explores the role of cultural planning as a planning tool in South Africa. He argues that cultural planning contributes to arts "as an intrinsic part of the way humans operate in the world" (Bamford 2006, 19), thereby focusing on cultural identity, creativity, and the globalization of culture. Arguing that cultural planning, as an engine for community development, is essential in South Africa, the author examines the broad definition and importance of cultural planning; the status of South African cities, particularly Johannesburg and Tshwane in Gauteng Province; and the requirements for successful cultural planning.  相似文献   

Intimate partner violence (IPV), an international public health matter, is linked to psychological distress including suicidal behavior. Despite the noted sequelae associated with IPV, many individuals display resilience in the face of IPV exposure. This study examines two potential protective factors in the IPV-suicidal ideation link, namely existential and religious well-being, in a sample of African American women. Low-income, African American, female suicide attempters who were abused by a partner within the previous year (N?=?111) were administered the Conflicts Tactics Scale-2, Spiritual Well-Being Scale, and Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation. Mediational models testing indirect effects through the bootstrapping method revealed that the total effect of IPV on suicidal ideation was positive and significant, confirming suicidal ideation as a consequential outcome of IPV among African American women. This effect was mediated by existential well-being; however, religious well-being was not a significant mediator, suggesting that existential well-being serves a unique protective role in the IPV-suicidal ideation relation. The results provide additional support for the well-known positive effects of existential well-being on mental health among African American samples. Culturally-informed, meaning-making interventions to enhance existential well-being appear to be effective in reducing suicidal ideation in this population.  相似文献   


This paper reviews empirical findings on physical and sexual violence against female street working sex workers, drawing on the findings from the researcher's own study. Thirty-two female street sex workers were interviewed in a city in the South West of England during 1998. The ethical issues of researching female prostitution are discussed in relation to this specific research project. The main findings from the current literature and this original study highlight the possible connections between childhood sexual abuse, entrance into the sex industry at an early age, and continual experience of violence. This paper explores violence from pimps and clients as well as how the street environment exposes sex workers to risk. Concluding discussion explores the self protection strategies of individual sex workers and the female sex work community as a means of maintaining a survivor identity and not a victim identity.  相似文献   

Two matters that have a significant presence in the contemporary Dutch assisted dying debate, are the nature of the suffering required for an assisted death to be lawful, and the issue of who can lawfully assist. This article explores whether the lawful medical assisted dying model is too restrictive in failing to recognise existential suffering, considering selected case studies involving such suffering and lay assisted death. It addresses the question whether The Netherlands would take a trip down a slippery slope if the lawful model of assisted death were extended to cases where individuals are 'tired of life'.  相似文献   

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