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农民培训问题的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐谷明 《工友》2006,(12):8-10
近年来,“技工荒”的出现实质上不再是简单的农民工的生存问题,而是与农民工教育权的诉求有很大的关系。当进城务工不再是什么新鲜事的时候,谁该为农民工教育的“国民待遇”埋单?是农民工、企业还是政府?  相似文献   

十九世纪之初,大工业创造了英国工人阶级;二十世纪八十年代后的改革开放,创造了中国农民工阶层——一个拥有2亿之众的阶层。所谓“农民工问题”——一是“户籍利差”问题。计划体制条件下的户籍制度,国民待遇“捆绑”于户籍之上。城市人享受社会保险、单位  相似文献   

外资饭店劳动关系存在的问题及对策白铁林旅游业是我国改革开放以来率先利用外资的行业。从1979年国家首批8家旅游饭店引进外资至今,现已有外商投资旅游饭店(以下简称外资饭店)498家,占全国旅游涉外饭店总数的20%。从业人员已过20万,占全国旅游涉外饭店...  相似文献   

旅游业是我国改革开放以来率先利用外资的行业。旅游饭店则是利用外资最早、开放度最高、与国际最先接轨的领域。为适应对外开放的需要,改善旅游环境,提高饭店业经营管理水平,我国旅游业引进外资的大部分主要用在旅游饭店建设上。从1979年国家首批7家旅游饭店引进外资至今,现已有外商投资旅游饭店(包括港澳台投资,以下简称外资饭店)近800余家。目前,外资饭店的劳动关系比较融洽,职工情绪稳定,职工劳动权益基本得到落实和维护,劳动争议大多能够得到妥善地解决。外资饭店劳动关系稳定主要有以下几个特点:一、签订劳动合同,确立法…  相似文献   

胡贲 《时代风采》2011,(2):24-25
【导读】珠三角近年来活跃着一些非政府组织,它们受跨国公司资助,在一些外资品牌的代工厂建立“工人热线”,监督代工厂,专业地维护工人权益,也令外资品牌方体面地摆脱了“血汗工厂”的嫌疑。某种程度上,这些NGO(非政府组织)更像是补充了基层工会的职责。  相似文献   

她,清纯靓丽,来自日本,毕业于中国名校,是名供职于苏州知名律师行任外资高级顾问的新潮白领;他.是大西北整天风餐露宿野外作业的卑微草根送电工。一次火车上浪漫邂逅,她放弃优越生活回国发展念头,选择定居中国,  相似文献   

中国工会十四大重新修订的《中国工会章程》中明确指出:“维护职工合法权益是工会的基本职责。”建立社会主义市场经济体制,是一场深刻的革命。随着党的十六大精神的贯彻落实,个体、私营、外资等各种形式的非公有制经济发展迅速,从业人员的队伍越来越大,一大批国  相似文献   

当事人基本情况: 申诉人:朱某,男 被诉人:某公司 案情简介: 李某为北京某外资公司的总经理,2008年2月李某通过熟人介绍朱某帮其开车,李某认为,朱某是自己私人聘请的,朱某的工资也是由自已发放,于是并未与朱某签订劳动合同.  相似文献   

我国实行对外开放政策已经九年了。为了进一步提高利用外资的宏观综合效益,有必要对我国当前利用外资的形势作一较为准确的基本估计和分析,并据此提出切实可行的对策。自从1979年7月公布《中外合资经营企业法》以来,我国逐步健全和完善了涉外经济法规,改革外资管理体制,尽力为外商创造适宜的投资环境,合理引导外资投向,使外商投资规模不断扩大,投资效益日益提高,尤其是1986年10月公布《国务院关于鼓励外商投资的规定》之后,我国利用外资工作又向前迈进了一大步,迄今已经进入了稳步健康发展阶段。截至1987年底,我国吸收了近40个国家和地区的外商来华投资,批准成立外商投资企业  相似文献   

2011年农历正月十五过后,广州市花都区总工会走进区内6个镇(街)20余家大型工业区的外资、港澳台及民营企业就“用工荒”问题开展实地调研。  相似文献   

This paper utilises a qualitative narrative analysis approach to examine smaller foreign investors operating within the Russian agricultural sector as private farmers: the foreign versions of the krestyansko-fermerskiye khoziaistva (peasant farms) that were the early focus of agrarian reform. With difficulty experienced by foreign investment in Russian agriculture, and with the Putin administration shifting its focus to larger scale agriculture, interest lies in the fate of these smaller foreign investors, set in the broader question of: ‘Is there really a future for smaller foreign investors in Russia?’ The investors were aligned along a performance and narrative spectrum, and the construction of their identities – guided by their adaptive processes on the ‘Turnerian’ frontier – were found to shape their business conduct, and interactions with labour forces and regional authorities. Negative prejudgment of the labour force existed amongst the investors – with associated negative notions of trust, inefficiency, laziness, morality, and sexual deviancy – and they were involved in explicit or ambiguous forms of gift-gifting, drawing parallels to Soviet blat behaviour. This paper concludes that despite efforts to construct identity, the narratives of the investors betrayed themselves in certain aspects, with elements of ‘undoing’ in the identity process.  相似文献   

Customary land and forests are more embedded in the global economy than ever. With globally significant supplies of land and raw materials and favorable terms for foreign investors, developing countries – particularly in Africa – have become increasingly attractive trade partners and destinations for investors. Increasing competition over land is placing new pressures on vast tracts of forest and woodland, areas often considered ‘under-utilized’ by national governments despite their critical role in supporting local livelihoods. While increased demand for primary agricultural, forest and mining commodities in the context of forest tenure reforms and decentralized decision-making could create unprecedented economic opportunities for forest-dependent communities, increased ‘stakes’ over forest resources and land will undoubtedly heighten governance challenges. This is in no small part due to the political dynamics of property, and to the role of the ‘recursive constitution of property rights and authority’ in the evolution of the modern nation-state. By identifying the social ‘stakes’ associated with different pathways through which sectoral and extra-sectoral commodities shape forests, this paper provides a conceptual framework for analyzing how shifting contours of rights, property and authority in the context of forest-related trade and investment shape human well-being for affected communities and the wider citizenry of host countries. It then illustrates the use of the framework through its application to two brief case studies from southern Africa: tobacco production in Malawi and copper mining in Zambia. It is hoped that this framework will provide a meaningful contribution to growing scholarship on the political dynamics of property, and implications for rights-based approaches to agricultural investment and large-scale land acquisitions.  相似文献   

Much of the literature on the ‘land grab’ has thus far focused on the international drivers of foreign agricultural investment, with far less attention paid to the roles of developing country states and domestic political economy in changing forms of agrarian production. This paper analyses how global and domestic processes combine to produce patterns of agrarian transformation in Ethiopia, one of the main targets of foreign agricultural investment. The paper presents a typology of changes in land use and examines in detail three case studies of investments in Ethiopia drawn from this typology. The paper concludes that the most dramatic changes are taking place in lowland, peripheral regions where large-scale, capital-intensive farms employing wage labour pose a serious risk to pastoralists whose ‘use’ of land is contested by the state. Although the government has been careful to avoid mass displacement of settled smallholders, there are also important changes taking place in highland areas, with the government encouraging investments that combine the resources of investors with the labour and land of smallholders. These investments have resulted in exposure to new forms of market risk.  相似文献   

This paper examines the domestic political economy of so-called ‘land-grabbing’ in Ethiopia, assessing the motivations of the Ethiopian government, which has strongly promoted foreign agricultural investment. The paper draws on a unique set of federal and regional databases detailing foreign and domestic investments in Ethiopia to analyse the likely role investment will play in the Ethiopian economy and the areas which have been targeted for investment. The analysis identifies increased foreign exchange earnings as the main likely contribution of investment but in doing so highlights concerns for food security in Ethiopia, as the goal of national self-sufficiency has given way to a risky trade-based food security strategy. The paper also argues that the federal government's attempts to direct investment to sparsely-populated lowlands have important implications for the ethnic self-determination that is a key tenet of Ethiopia's federal system.  相似文献   

Despite recent headlines about the ‘land rush’, scant empirical evidence implies that the debate is often theoretical and dominated by preconceived notions. To provide evidence that could better inform the debate, this paper focuses on three areas. First, we find that new land demand, which skyrocketed after the 2007/08 commodity price spike, remained at high levels, with a strong focus on Africa, and often countries with weak land rights protection. Some countries transferred large areas to investors, frequently locals, with limited benefits and in many cases negative impact due to weak processes and limited capacity. Second, complementing the focus on demand with an assessment of agro-climatic potential point towards major scope for productivity increase on currently cultivated areas and allows identification of countries where demand for land expansion may concentrate. Finally, comparative analysis of country policies highlights the need for recognition of existing rights, an emphasis on voluntary transfers, transparency, and thorough review of economic, social, and environmental viability as necessary—though by no means sufficient—conditions to reduce the likelihood of negative impacts.  相似文献   

Large-scale investments in farmland have been criticized, chiefly, because of questions about the capacity of the countries targeted by these land deals to effectively manage these investments in order to ensure that they contribute to rural development and poverty alleviation. This article questions the idea that this is the only or even the main problem raised by such investments. If weak governance were the only problem, then appropriate regulation—and incentives to manage such investments correctly—would indeed be a solution. However the real concern behind the development of large-scale investments in farmland is that giving land away to investors, having better access to capital to ‘develop’, implies huge opportunity costs, as it will result in a type of farming that will have much less powerful poverty-reducing impacts, than if access to land and water were improved for the local farming communities; that it directs agriculture towards crops for export markets, increasing the vulnerability to price shocks of the target countries; and that even where titling schemes seek to protect land users from eviction, it accelerates the development of a market for land rights with potentially destructive effects on the livelihoods, both of the current land users that will face increased commercial pressure on land, and of groups depending on the commons—grazing and fishing grounds, and forests. The article maps these various levels of critiques. It concludes that we need to do more than impose a discipline on land-grabbing: we need a real alternative to this kind of investment in land.  相似文献   

越南作为"一带一路"沿线的重要国家和我国重要邻国,是近年来中国企业"走出去"的主要目的地国家之一。随着中国企业在越南投资的不断增加,其所面临的劳动用工风险亟须予以关注,主要表现在劳动法律制度频繁变动、外籍劳工配额限制严格、劳资纠纷不断增加、劳动力成本明显上升等方面,影响了"一带一路"倡议在越南的推进。为此,在国际层面上,应加强双边或多边劳务合作协议,有效消除劳务贸易壁垒;在国家层面上,应增强劳动风险指引精准性,切实做好风险防范预警;在企业层面上,应遵守当地劳动法律规制,实施企业经营管理属地化,提高企业集体谈判水平,加强用工风险防范能力。  相似文献   

This paper examines how tourism as a form of land use and economic development is a critical site of struggle over the meaning of neoliberalism, landscape and land rights in northern Tanzania. I examine two tourism arrangements in Loliondo: joint ventures between expatriate-owned ecotourism companies and predominately Maasai villages; and the leasing of a hunting concession on village lands by the central government to a powerful foreign investor from the United Arab Emirates. Despite the fundamental role of foreign investors in appropriating resources and surplus value from regional landscapes in each of these cases, I argue that the Maasai in Loliondo see contemporary land grabbing as firmly situated in state claims to property and territory. The Maasai in Loliondo have come to think of the market, expressed through their direct relationships with ecotourism investors, as the most promising space to legitimize and secure land rights and access to resources. Loliondo, an area in northern Tanzania bordering the Serengeti National Park and the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, has become one of the most important sites for tourism development in Tanzania. This region is home to the iconic Maasai people, who practice pastoralism and are part of what attracts tourists to Tanzania. These Maasai face increased pressure to assert their local vision of a landscape and their ability to commoditize it. I situate current land struggles within the political economy of tourism in Loliondo and show how different articulations of market–state–community become both materially and symbolically meaningful. Ultimately, I argue that the Maasai retain faith in market-based relationships in spite of increasingly limited room to maneuver.  相似文献   

The importance of law, and investment contracts in particular, has been noted in recent discussions around ‘land grabbing’. This paper extends a legal analysis to what has been termed ‘green grabbing’ in this special issue and argues that the contracts that shape foreign investment in carbon sequestration projects can pose substantial material risks for governments, local communities and even the environment. Investment contracts also present a formidable obstacle to the implementation of initiatives aimed at recognising the rights of forest-dwelling peoples, particularly the right to participate in decision-making. The paper draws on the experience of developing countries with the negotiation of investment contracts in traditional natural resource sectors and a small number of contracts from Sub-Saharan Africa that specifically deal with carbon sequestration to illustrate the problems that may arise in this new area of foreign investment.  相似文献   

与国有企业相比较,外资企业实行民主管理具有自身的特殊性。由此决定了外资企业在实行民主管理过程中,必须根据企业实际,在内容和形式上进行探索,采取多种途径和灵活的方法,以达到民主管理的实际效果。  相似文献   

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