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新南非成立后,同其他国家的民商事交往日益增加.在国际民商事交往过程中必然会产生大量的民商事纠纷,在运用司法手段解决纠纷的情况下,不可避免地会出现对外国法院判决的承认和执行问题.对外国法院判决的承认和执行具有重要意义,它直接决定着当事人权益的实现与否.南非法深受普通法和大陆法的影响,最终成为典型的“混合法”,因此南非法院对外国法院判决承认和执行的理论基础也是含混不清的. 目前南非法院对外国法院判决内容的是非不再进行详细审查.不过,外国法院判决要在南非得到承认和执行,首先必须符合三个条件1.作出判决的外国法院具有管辖权;2.该判决的承认和执行不得违反南非的自然公正原则;3.该判决不得与南非的《商业保护法》相冲突.  相似文献   

南共体在非洲一体化进程中的优势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在目前非洲地区一体化最具影响力的 3个地区组织 (南共体、西共体、东南非共同市场 )中 ,南共体最具优势和潜力 ,在非洲一体化中占突出地位。南共体的宗旨所提出的行动方向更明确。南共体实现目标所具备条件的优势体现在 :在清除关税壁垒、发展自由贸易方面 ,成员国很早着力削减关税 ,开始推动自由贸易 ,并制定了有最后期限的分步实行措施 ;在取消非关税壁垒方面 ,1 999年以来也有明显进展 ;在发展资本市场方面同样取得较快进展 ;加速基础设施项目的建设 ,从外部环境方面扫除自由贸易的障碍 ;实施严格的原产地规则 ,保证成员国利益。这 3个地区组织的核心国家分别是南非、尼日利亚和埃及 ,而南非的优势最突出。在非盟的目标框架中 ,南共体的作用显得更重要  相似文献   

2006年7月,非洲人权法院正式成立。它是在特定背景下成立的,经历了艰难而曲折的历程。与欧洲人权法院和美洲人权法院相比,非洲人权法院既有其共性,又有其特性。非洲人权法院享有诉讼管辖权和咨询管辖权,可以适用所有相关的国际人权条约,在法官组成上注重女性比例和对所涉国家时的回避制度。新成立的非洲人权法院能否成功履行其预定职能,主要取决于非洲人权法院受到非洲国家的支持程度,以及非洲人权法院自身如何运作。  相似文献   

作为一个移民国家,南非对涉外离婚案件的处理有大量的普通法规则和成文法规定.根据南非普通法,南非法院依据丈夫的住所地确定涉外离婚案件的管辖权;而在南非成文法中,法院可根据夫妻任一方的住所地、通常居所地确定管辖权.对涉外离婚案件的审理,南非法院依据的冲突规范是离婚适用法院地法.但对于离婚财产的分割是否也适用法院地法,南非学者和法院在理论与实践上还存在分歧.如果当事人的住所地、通常居所地或其本国法院做出的离婚判决需要在南非法院申请承认,根据南非<离婚法>第十三条规定,南非法院一般会承认这一离婚判决.  相似文献   

朱伟东 《西亚非洲》2013,(1):102-115
在当前全球经济存在不确定性因素的情况下,非洲各国进一步认识到必须加强非洲地区贸易与投资的发展。为此,非洲许多次区域经济共同体都提出了加强合作、建设更高层次一体化的目标。但是,如果非洲各经济共同体不关注本区域内法律的一体化,地区经济一体化的发展就会因各成员国之间法律的多样化而受到影响。非洲在法律一体化方面取得了一定的成就,但仍然面临许多的困难和问题。为了保障地区一体化的健康发展,非洲各经济共同体必须大力推进成员国间法律的一体化,特别是贸易、投资方面的实体法以及有关管辖权、法律适用、判决承认与执行等程序性事项的国际私法的统一化与协调化。  相似文献   

论国际刑事法院管辖权与国家主权的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ICC的建立是国际法发展的历史性突破,它有助于弥补间接执行制度对惩治国际犯罪的缺失。它具有管辖范围的普遍性、机构设置的超脱性、政治上的中立性等特点。ICC管辖权的确立系基于国家的共同同意,其固有管辖权并未违背国家主权原则。ICC对国内法院的刑事管辖权具有补充性,以有关国家不愿意或不能够管辖为其启动管辖的前提。在与非缔约国的关系上,ICC的管辖权并未超越于非缔约国的主权。  相似文献   

尼日利亚法院对涉外民商事案件的管辖权分为对人诉讼管辖权和对物诉讼管辖权。在对人诉讼中,只要当事人在法院管辖权内“出现”或“存在”,法院传票能够送达被告或被告服从法院管辖,尼法院就对该案件有管辖权;在对物诉讼中,只要有关财产或被告的住所处于尼境内,尼法院就对该案件有管辖权。  相似文献   

问:我是一个台湾商人。去年,我在台湾的公司因与另一家台湾企业发生债务纠纷而诉诸当地法院,最终我的公司获得胜诉。根据法院判决,对方应向我公司给付200多万美元,可是这家企业在判决生效后拒不履行付款义务,其在台湾也仅仅剩下了一个空壳,没有可执行的财产。后据我调查,该企业在祖国大陆有巨额投资。因此,我想知道,我能否通过大陆的法院执行该企业在大陆的资产?我应如何办理有关手续?—读者答:根据《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》及有关法律规定,台湾地区的诉讼当事人欲向人民法院申请执行台湾地区有关法院作出的民事判决,首…  相似文献   

国际刑事法院和国内法院在刑事司法管辖权上的关系日益引起人们重视。国际刑法 的管辖可以分为直接管辖模式和间接管辖模式。国际刑事法院采用了前者。这样, 国际刑事法院 和国内法院在刑事司法上对人的管辖权和对事的管辖权上的关系就成为一种相互限制、相互合作 和促进、相互竞争的关系。  相似文献   

五、司法机关马来西亚基本上沿袭了马来亚联合邦的司法体制。马来亚联合邦设有最高法院和一些下级法院。最高法院分高等法院和上诉法院。除了最高法院,还可向设在伦敦的英国枢密院司法委员会上诉。该委员会是英联邦一些成员国和殖民地法院的最高上诉法院,受理来自这些法院判决的上诉案。马来西亚成立时设立了联邦法院。该法院拥有最高的司法权,有权解释宪法,裁决州与州之间以及州与联邦之间的争端。联邦法院也是全国的上诉法院。在它之下设立两  相似文献   

经济手段在南部非洲发展共同体环境管理中的运用及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南部非洲发展共同体为根除贫穷和解决生态恶化问题需要寻求以可持续发展为导向、以促进共同实现经济效益和环境效益为目标的环境管理手段。作为一种市场激励手段,经济手段进入南共体环境管理的视野,并被广泛地运用于这一区域土地资源的管理和使用,水资源的使用、分配和管理以及工业部门中。南共体有关环境管理中经济手段运用的实践对于我国环境管理的革新同样具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Despite the lofty objectives set out in the treaties of African intergovernmental organisations, such as the African Union, ECOWAS, SADC and the East African Community, legal harmonisation in Africa is still underdeveloped. Apart from a push towards harmonisation in the protection of human rights and the environment, mainly driven by a global agenda, some progress has been made with regard to legal harmonisation linked to economic integration at the sub-regional level. However, the process is slow and measures to ensure implementation of agreed norms at the national level and ensure consistent interpretation are still underdeveloped. This is illustrative of the lack of political will and the big gap between political rhetoric and reality on the African continent.  相似文献   

This article analyses one specific instance of the use of targeted sanctions to combat the financing of terrorism by the European Union on behalf of the United Nations Security Council. The case raised a number of issues involving the use of sanctions against non-state actors and provoked a legal challenge at the European Court of Justice. These European court cases have been portrayed as a challenge to the use of targeted sanctions by the Security Council to maintain international peace and security. The fundamental critique here is that targeted sanctions must adhere to due process and the rule of law in order to protect individual human rights.  相似文献   

Mediators must strike a balance. On the one hand, they must direct participants' talk toward possible agreement. On the other hand, they must be sensitive and responsive to participants' evident stance (including affect and point of view) toward what is happening. In a case study of a videotaped, actual small claims court mediation session, several moments in which these competing constraints appear evident in the talk are analyzed. One participant (the landlord in a housing dispute) provides repeated indicators of his stance. The mediator disregards several of these. Finally, in a private caucus session, he acknowledges the landlord's stance. Understanding how talk works in such moments can help mediators respond sensitively to participants while maintaining impartiality and guiding the mediation process.  相似文献   

El Salvador is characterized by the sad record of having one of the highest degrees of violence and crime in Latin America. Recent governments have tried to fight it with programmes called ‘mano dura’ or ‘super-mano dura’ with measures and practices that have often violated human rights and judicial guarantees. This paper aims to explore the Supreme Court's role in the application of these policies by the Salvadoran government. We discovered that the highest court in this country supports this kind of policies termed by some analysts ‘policies of punitive populism’. In this sense, the Constitutional Chamber acted in contrast to what is required by democratic theory. The paper proceeds as follows: in the first part we analyse the theoretical framework of public safety policies and frame the Salvadoran case. In the second part, we explore the Supreme Court cases that support (or not) these policies, examining the performance of the court in relation to these cases. The last part is a summary of our evidence.  相似文献   

A study of 449 cases administered by four major providers of ADR services showed that mediation was capable of settling 78 percent of cases, regardless of whether the parties had been sent to mediation by a court or had selected the process voluntarily. Mediation also cost far less than arbitration, took less time, and was judged a more satisfactory process than arbitration.Jeanne M. Brett is the DeWitt W. Buchanan, Jr. Professor of Dispute Resolution and Organizations at the Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill. 60208  相似文献   

The question of how ordinary courts in new and emerging democracies may gain judicial independence remains an understudied subject compared to its constitutional court counterpart. Through a case study of Taiwan, this article adopts and expands upon the concept of power diffusion from the extant literature, arguing that the growing power of Taiwan’s private corporate sector led the dominant political party Kuomintang (KMT) to grant independence to the ordinary courts as a means to check against this threat, because the excessive rent-seeking and corruption brought about by these empowered corporations were threatening the nation’s successful economic model and its rule of law. Also, due to the corporate sector’s growing influence on the ruling party itself, the KMT leadership had to devise strategies that can credibly commit to ordinary court independence, which would otherwise be reversed thereafter. This unique implication guides a qualitative empirical analysis that reinterprets the historical events surrounding the judicial reforms that took place in the mid-1990s. The results yield strong evidence in support of the theory.  相似文献   

This article traces the history of a 16-year court battle over the child welfare system in Kansas City, Missouri, which eventually headed toward resolution as the result of an innovative public policy negotiation process. The process combined the substantive expertise of nationally and locally respected child welfare professionals with political muscle at the state, local, and community levels to develop and implement a plan for reform. If the results of this process become institutionalized in the Kansas City child welfare system, it will represent a significant transformation in the governing culture and practices of the system and the community it serves.  相似文献   

东盟国家知识产权立法与管理的新发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨静 《东南亚纵横》2008,13(2):64-69
一、东盟国家知识产权制度的历史 东盟国家实行知识产权制度的历史可以追溯到殖民时代,尽管在过去人们并不认为商标或者版权是知识产权,而是将它们当作保护商业利益,特别是与西方世界加强联系的某种工具。以菲律宾为例,该国第一部知识产权法令是在1833年由西班牙殖民者引入的。  相似文献   


Drawing on contemporary theorisation of the body and the ways in which the body is staged/performed, this article will consider the received legal tradition of the letter of the law as univocal and binding – enacted through the body of evidence and due process – and look at how, in the 2005 Michael Jackson trial, jurisprudence became imbricated with the staging of Jackson's multivalent body, the pornographic self-depiction of the child ‘victim’, and the television spectacle of dramatised court re-enactments, produced for such channels as E! Entertainment and Sky News. The implications of the latter (as opposed to the permitted live television coverage of the O.J. Simpson criminal trial in 1994) will be investigated in the light of Jean Baudrillard's notion of simulacra: in the case of the television re-enactments, the actual Santa Maria courthouse becomes displaced onto the world of the television set, where all the key members of the various legal teams, including Judge Rodney S. Melville, are played by professional actors. Edward Moss, who plays Michael Jackson, perpetuates and further ramifies the hyperreal performativity associated with the actual pop star, whose image has become so imbued with theatricality, media saturation and forensic prurience that he seems to have become a simulacrum of himself.  相似文献   

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