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本文通过对一个司法调解个案进行剖析,解释其间法官与当事人的调解策略的生产机制。调解策略是行动者在结构中的位置潜在隐含着的行动方式,并且法官与当事人基于一种支配与误识的关系形成策略的契合,如此,才使得该个案以司法调解的方式结案。由此必须对该个案所涉及的法庭所在的司法场域的结构与法则,进而对司法场域由以获得合法性的政治场域进行分析,才可能真正发现调解的生产机制。  相似文献   

Judicial mediation in China represents an extreme case of integration between adjudication and mediation. Based on ethnographic work and extensive interviews, this article studies how judicial mediation actually works in China. It finds that the incorporation of mediation as part of the official trial process creates a set of internal contradictions. In addition to the role conflict inherent in a judge's acting also as a mediator, adjudication and mediation stages are organized by different principles. When the rather rigid format of adjudication is carried over to in‐trial mediation, it curtails the flexible, nonlegalistic approach that mediation is meant to promote. Challenged authority, an uncontrolled process, narrowed issues, and weakened norms all make a settled outcome difficult to achieve. In comparison with judicial mediation in other jurisdictions, this case study from China has important theoretical implications for understanding the limits of informal justice.  相似文献   

丰岛产业废弃物调解案是日本中央公调委进行公害纠纷行政处理的典型案例。日本中央公调委作为独立的公害纠纷行政处理机构,以其多样化的纠纷处理方式在纠纷处理中具有独特的优势地位。以自愿调解为主、强制调解为辅的行政调解原则又赋予了行政调解较强的约束力,调解机构以纠纷解决为目的的务实态度是值得我国环境行政调解所借鉴的。  相似文献   

贾宇 《法律科学》2014,(6):188-197
运用调解处理案件属于我们的文化传统,刑事和解制度曾是中国共产党人的成功实践。调解工作在陕甘宁边区处理刑事案件的活动中发挥着重要的作用,不仅刑事自诉案件经调解可以不判实刑,公诉案件、伤害致死的案件,经调解也可以不追究刑事责任。陕甘宁边区在实践中形成的刑事调解制度的基本原则对今天的刑事和解实践依然具有指导意义。  相似文献   

基于结构主义视角,本文一般化地概括了人民调解的结构样态。在人民调解的过程与结果层面均突显合意、契合和自治诸特征。在积极型国家与乡土社会的二元分划语境下,人民调解系一条制度性通道。迈向实践的人民调解研究和行动者—结构分析框架分别是人民调解研究可能的拓展方向及分析框架。  相似文献   

刑事和解的价值构造及中国模式的构建   总被引:120,自引:0,他引:120  
刑事和解的价值构造是其制度化的根据。以恢复正义为核心 ,刑事和解的价值构造包括公正价值与效率价值。通过新西兰、英国、德国、法国等西方国家刑事和解制度的考察 ,为我国刑事和解制度的构建提供了一个重要的参照。在现行法范围内 ,刑事和解的近期方案的设计可以以刑事自诉与交通肇事案件的调解制度为背景。中期方案的设计可在对微罪不起诉制度完善的基础上全面考虑刑事和解的对象与范围、适用条件、提案与受理、过程调控、法律处置诸方面。刑事契约一体化则构成刑事和解制度构建的远期方案  相似文献   

The use of mediation in England and Wales is nowadays an accepted and common practice within the alternative dispute resolution industry. Credited professionals have been performing the duties of a mediator in different fields of legal disputes; however, despite the positive perception of mediation, this area remains unregulated. So far, the rules applying to mediation in England and Wales originate from case law and contract between the parties. Such a scenario is not shared by other countries in which mediation has been regulated through an Act covering either private or judicial mediation. This article examines the current mediation scenario in England and Wales to assess whether there is a need to give it a statutory character in a similar manner to other jurisdictions.  相似文献   

唐延明 《行政与法》2012,(5):102-105
鉴于诉讼调解在彻底解决纠纷、实现案结事了方面确实具有判决难以比拟的优势,诉讼调解在司法政策上得到支持,在司法实践中受到欢迎,具有足够的正当性与合理性。但是,我国原有制度已经为法官优先选择调解提供了充分的激励,在此基础上再大力强调调解,采取多种措施激励法官调解,有可能会造成诉讼调解过度化乃至强制化的局面。这种局面不但会损害当事人的合法权益,影响司法权威,阻碍我国的法制建设,也不利于审判效率的提高。因此,必须谨防诉讼调解过度化现象的产生。  相似文献   

李德恩 《法学论坛》2012,(5):135-141
立案调解是中国在世纪之初由人民法院发起的一种调解样式,其快速勃兴对于扩大调解适用范围发挥了重要作用。在大调解的实践背景下,立案调解宜广义理解为在立案阶段由人民法院主导进行的调解。西方国家多门法院系统的实践对于我国立案调解机制的建构具有启发意义。人民法院需要在保持司法品性的前提下对接大调解。立案庭可以被改造为类似多门法院系统的案件甄选和转介机构。构建立案调解机制的重点在于实现三调联动,并正确处理与诉权保障的关系。此外,人民法院还可以通过法定方式提升立案调解结果的效力。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes mediation as a signal. Starting from a stylized case, a game theoretical model of one-sided incomplete information, taken from Cho and Kreps (1987), is applied to discuss strategic effects of mediation. It turns out that to reject mediation can be interpreted as a negative signal while the interpretation of accepting or proposing mediation is ambiguous and does not necessarily change the prior beliefs of the uninformed party. This asymmetry suggests that, in equilibrium, there is an excess of mediation.  相似文献   

The process of allowing certain victims of crime to confront their juvenile offender in the presence of a trained mediator to both talkabout the event andnegotiate aplan for compensating the victim is developing in a growing number of communities throughout the United States. This article reports on the impact of the victim offender mediation program in Albuquerque, New Mexico. It is based on interviews with 206 victims and juvenile offenders in Albuquerque, as well as interviews with court officials andprogram stas This program represenisa strong court and community partnership. victims and offenders whoparticipated in mediation indicated high levels of satisfaction with both the processand outcomes of mediation. Wctims who were involved in mediation, particularly, were considerably more likely to indicate satisfaction with the manner in which the juvenile justice system handled their case than were those victims who were referred to mediation but did nut participate or similar victims who were never even referred to the mediation program. Offenders who negotiated their restitution obligation with the victim were far more likely to actually complete restitution, when compared to offenders whose restitution was ordered by the court with no mediation program involvement.  相似文献   

刘加良 《法律科学》2014,(4):182-192
委托调解的正当性和制度功能已为司法政策和国家治理政策所肯定。委托调解的实效发挥有赖于其制度要素的合理改进与持续完善。法院的管辖范围和可适用的审理程序决定着其是否有权进行委托调解。委托调解人应保持组织型和个人型并存的格局,可依次采用共同选定、商请法院确定和法院依职权确定三种方式予以确定。适用委托调解的案件应首先具备"可调性",且不只限于简单民事案件。依职权启动委托调解不会使参加程序的强制变为接受处理结果的强制,且可缓和合意贫困化所带来的机制紧张。处理好立案审查和立案前委托调解启动二者之间的先后关系,立案前委托调解将不会影响到对当事人之裁判请求权的妥当保障。对委托调解之期限的长度确定、延长以及是否从法定期间中扣除离不开谨慎的考量。法院对委托调解协议负有合法性审查义务且依其只能制作民事调解书。委托调解结案可收取更低的案件受理费,但不能免除。  相似文献   

目的以某综合性三甲医院2009—2011年全部已结案医疗纠纷病例为研究对象,探讨医疗纠纷解决机制及相关医疗纠纷鉴定的转变。结果2009—2011年3年中,共结案医疗纠纷106例,其中医院自行和解结案26件,占24.5%;第三方调解结案21件,占19.8%;法院判决和调解结案59件,占55.7%。建议医疗机构应充分发挥第三方解决医疗纠纷的能力,重视医疗纠纷鉴定。  相似文献   

大调解制度依托调解这种传统纠纷解决模式,以各种社会与政府资源的整合为手段,近几年来取得了较大的发展。对当今大调解工作机制的运作情况及实际效果进行实证分析研究结果表明,大调解机制在减轻法院工作压力等方面发挥了作用。但就纠纷当事人而言,较多的人倾向于法院调解,大调解机制的运行效果不够理想。改进的措施在于,充分发挥其他调解作为自发秩序的自治力量,强化其作用。  相似文献   

Through a case study of reality TV mediation shows, this article joins the debate about the recent promotion of formal and informal mediation by the Chinese government, what some scholars have called a “turn against law” (Minzner 2011). We identify three converging reasons for the sudden popularity of mediation shows on Chinese primetime television: (1) the desire of TV producers to commercially exploit interpersonal conflicts without fanning the flames of social instability; (2) the demands of official censors for TV programming promoting a “harmonious society”; and (3) the requirement for courts and other government institutions to publicly demonstrate their support for mediation as the most “appropriate” method for resolving interpersonal and neighborhood disputes. Cases drawn from two top‐rated mediation shows demonstrate how they privilege morality and “human feeling” (ganqing) over narrow application of the law. Such shows could be viewed merely as a form of propaganda, what Nader has called a “harmony ideology”—an attempt by the government to suppress the legitimate expression of social conflict. Yet while recognizing that further political, social, and legal reforms are necessary to address the root causes of social conflict in China, we conclude that TV mediation shows can help to educate viewers about the benefits and drawbacks of mediation for resolving certain narrow kinds of domestic and neighborhood disputes.  相似文献   

This article analyses the results of an empirical investigation into lawyers' perspectives of the goal of court-connected mediation in the Supreme Court of Tasmania, Australia. The findings of other empirical studies are drawn upon to contextualise the results. The data reveal a tendency for lawyers to emphasise settlement in accordance with the law as the main purpose of court-connected mediation. There was evidence that some lawyers maintain a competitive approach to court-connected mediation, seeking to ‘win’ for their clients with minimal regard to the other party's goals or to achieve outcomes that reflect a legal assessment of the case. However, where non-legal, satisfaction-related needs were met, many lawyers viewed such outcomes as particularly positive. A mixed range of views was revealed, with the common goals of an opportunity for settlement and a focus on law as a reference point. The findings contribute to knowledge about lawyers' understandings of ‘what is mediation for?’.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of an evaluation of five California counties utilizing court-based mediation services to process child maltreatment cases filed with the court. The programs employed a variety of different service delivery approaches and targeted cases at a variety of different stages of case processing. The results indicate that mediation is an effective method of resolving cases and may offer a number of benefits over adjudication, including more detailed treatment plans and fewer contested court hearings.  相似文献   

曹守晔 《中国法律》2010,(5):13-13,69,70
近日,备受关注的罗彩霞案尘埃落定。在本案中,被告律师认为原告主张的精神损害赔偿数额过大,并提供了此前其他法院审结的类似案例予以说明。在此类侵权案件中,争议的一个焦点是精神损害赔偿的数额,但法律没有对赔偿数额给出答案,也不可能有答案。对于法官来说,赔偿数额是其自由裁定权的范围,而被告代理人提供的案例,  相似文献   

In Finland the first experimental mediation projects founded on the principles and ideals of restorative justice were started in the beginning of the 1980s. Before the Act on Mediation in Criminal and Certain Civil Cases (1015/2005) came into force in 2006, mediation services were provided by cities, municipalities, and non-governmental organizations. Victim–offender mediation (VOM) practices varied, and there was minimal guidance and supervision by state authorities. The Act (1015/2005) aimed to standardize mediation services and practices and enable evaluation of VOM in order to provide solutions to some of the issues raised regarding mediation in intimate relationship violence (IRV). The Act states that only police or prosecutors may initiate the process for referring a case that involves intimate relationship violence. Furthermore, mediators/facilitators who handle IRV cases are required to attain further training. This article examines the ideals, attitudes, and practices of VOM in relation to intimate relationship violence in Finland. The aims and ideals stipulated in the Act on Mediation are presented and later compared to actual practices of VOM which were obtained through the review of documented agreements. These were the end-results of VOM in cases of intimate relationship violence. The empirical data also included a questionnaire sent to mediators in three offices as well as a national questionnaire sent to prosecutors.  相似文献   

Past research on restorative justice (RJ) has highlighted the importance of apology for both victims and offenders and the prevalence of apology during the RJ process. The present study moves this work further by examining the nature of the apologies that are offered during victim-offender mediation, as well as the individual-, case-, and mediation-level factors that can affect the offer and acceptance of apology. In addition, we measure the implications that the offer and acceptance of apology can have on satisfaction with the mediation outcome. We conducted a content analysis of 57 records of mediations occurring between 2008 and 2010 at a UK mediation centre. Perpetrators said “I’m sorry” in over one-third of cases, and full apologies were offered in nearly one-fifth of cases. Apologies were accepted in over 90% of cases, although forgiveness was much less common. The offer of apology was most closely associated with the type of incident/offence, and number of previous mediations in a case. There was also some support for the relationship between the offer of apology and victim age, perpetrator gender, formal sanction, and the number of participants attending the mediation meeting. None of the factors studied were associated with the acceptance of apology. The offer of apology was associated with satisfaction with the mediation outcome, and in all of the cases where the apology was accepted, the victim was satisfied with the mediation outcome. The findings thus shed light on the role that apology can play in the effectiveness of RJ.  相似文献   

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