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我国并没有跨越“卡夫丁峡谷”   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章通过马克思原本意义上的晚年设想与中国革命和社会发展的对比,结合对马克思社会发展理论的扼要分析,指出:中国社会主义制度的建立并非跨越"卡夫丁峡谷"的表现.  相似文献   

自上世纪90年代以来,台湾当局的亚太经济战略均以减缓两岸经贸关系发展、挑战"一个中国"框架为主轴。马英九上台后,以"黄金十年"愿景为蓝图,在"壮大台湾、连接亚太、布局全球"的总战略下"通过大陆走向世界",以"战略平衡"、"同步多轨"、"官民结合"等方式推动对外签订双边经济合作协议(ECA)及加入TPP、RCEP等多边经济合作机制。这一战略虽给大陆维护"一个中国"框架带来新课题,但总体上保持两岸政经良性互动,稳住两岸关系和平发展大局,并对未来两岸关系发展产生深远影响。  相似文献   

In his virtual meeting with U.S. President Joe Biden on November 16, President Xi Jinping, from the perspective of a commu-nity with a shared future for humanity, pointed out that China and the United States need to increase their communication and coopera-tion, tend to their domestic affairs and, at the same time, shoulder their share of international responsibilities, as well as work together to advance the noble cause of world peace and development. Xi also expressed his readiness to work with President Biden to build consensus and take active steps toward moving China-U.S.relations in a positive direction as doing so will advance the interests of both populations and meet the expectations of the international com-munity.  相似文献   

作为近代著名教育家,张之洞较为系统的警察教育思想是其丰富的教育思想中颇具特色的组成部分。他关于警察教育方面的一些见解与实践,不仅为当时中国培养了一批专门人才,而且对当前我国警察教育的发展也具有启迪意义。  相似文献   

在推进平安中国、法治中国建设的时代背景下,已进入重新探索发展阶段的基层检察室建设需要切实解决自身定位及发展模式问题。故此,只有在分析基层检察室发展模式内涵、法理基础、自身定位的条件下,指出创新发展模式所面临的主要障碍,并着重从职能配置模式、履行职责方式、检察工作网络等方面论述创新基层检察室发展模式的主要路径,才能为推动基层检察室的全面规范发展提供一些有益的思考与启示。  相似文献   

AT the beginning of 2010, Fu Ying, Chinese ambassador to the United Kingdom, learned of her new mission to take effect January 4, 2010. A promotion would make her vice minister of foreign affairs, the second female in China ever to take the post. The first one was appointed over 30 years ago.  相似文献   

1959年达赖喇嘛叛逃后,一直在国外从事西藏独立、分裂祖国的活动。为了给其“藏独”活动披上合法的外衣,达赖不失时机地四处散布其各种独立谬论:“自古独立说”、“满蒙非中国说”、“供施关系说”、“民国时期独立说”。文章就其“自古独立说”,以新中国成立前西藏历史发展的大体脉络,予以批驳。  相似文献   

China's development miracle decoded It's hard to disassociate President Xi Jinping and his philosophy on governance from China's rapid development.After reading Xi Jinping:The Governance of China,I have up-to-date understanding of China's development in the new era,the development philosophy of the Communist Party of China(CPC),and the development blueprint for this big country with a population of 1.4 billion people.In recent years.  相似文献   

Best-selling author John Naisbitt and his wife Doris have co-written the upcoming book China's Megatrends:The Eight Pillars of A New Society.The two recently visited China to promote the new book.A U.S.citizen,John Naisbitt has proven himself a guru at predicting social trends in various countries.His series of books,which started with his first Megatrends in 1982,has sold more than 14 million copies around the world.The new book is based on the research of the Naisbitt China Institute in Tianjin Municipali...  相似文献   

金炳镐是当今中国马克思主义民族理论研究领域的开拓者和领军人物之一.他在诸多领域都取得了卓越的成就,最主要的是在对马克思主义民族理论和当代中国民族问题的研究方面,表现出了总结性、成熟性和创新性三个特点.其著作<民族理论通论>在马克思主义民族理论学科体系中居于核心地位.  相似文献   

Chen Qimao 《当代中国》2004,13(41):705-715
Taiwan's controversial 2004 presidential election has drastically changed the political landscape of the island. The balance of power is turning greatly in favor of the pro‐independence DPP and TSU coalition. China now focuses its energy on building up a well‐off society in an all‐round way. China will try its best to solve the Taiwan question peacefully. As Chen Shui‐bian has made up his mind to carry out his timetable for independence, Beijing is being driven into a corner. Chen Shui‐bian's victory not only constitutes a big challenge to China, but also a big challenge to the US. At the moment US–China relations are in one of the best stages of all time, but if the Taiwan issue goes out of control, US–China relations would be devastated, leading to a serious confrontation which might trigger a disastrous war between the two countries. In order to avoid such a worst‐case scenario, the two countries should coordinate to manage the situation and take effective measures to keep the issue under control.  相似文献   

江泽民同志在党的十六大报告中指出,面对世界范围各种思想文化的相互激荡,必须把弘扬和培育民族精神作为文化建设极为重要的任务,使全体人民始终保持昂扬向上的精神状态。这一科学论断,深刻揭示了民族精神对中华民族进步发展、对实现中华民族伟大复兴的巨大作用和伟大意义。  相似文献   

It was a late proposal,a reversal of the set order of things,as it took place almost three months after the couple got married.It took place because the newlyweds would like to choose a perfect day for this event.  相似文献   

放逐作为一种古老的刑罚,中西皆行之久远.不过,从各国实践的情况看,放逐的发生、发展至最终的消亡是有其深刻原因的.结合到刑罚总体的发展史,刑罚的发展大致可以归纳为三个阶段:死刑、肉刑时代,自由刑时代,自由的刑时代.而从刑罚的主要表征看来,现时正是"自由刑"向"自由的刑"过渡的交接阶段.  相似文献   

论文化生态圈与文化安全   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
文小勇 《思想战线》2002,28(4):93-97
生态学的兴起与发展 ,是人类探询人与自然关系的结果。借用生态学的原理与方法来解构人类赖以生存的文化系统及世界各种文化种群之间的关系 ,尤其是在当今世界多种文化碰撞与交融 ,强势文化与弱势文化尖锐交锋客观存在的大背景下 ,如何搭建一个多种文化对话的平台并建立一个“和而不同”的对话机制 ,是 2 1世纪人类必须面对的现实。因此 ,从生态学的原理来分析和理解今天地球上的文化差异与共性 ,探询世界不同文化圈或文化种群之间的对话与交流 ,从而在全球化的浪潮中找准自身文化发展的立足点 ,寻求安全的文化对话与交流机制 ,不失为一种可供选择和尝试性的途径。  相似文献   

The global economy faces an uncertain future.China also faces challenges to ensure steady economic development. shared his views with Financial News on how China will prevent financial risks and reform its financial system in 2012.Edited excerpts follow:  相似文献   

哲学元典的魅力就在于其诠释的无限可能性.<庄子>哲学博大精深,对其解读也是见仁见智.到了近代,章太炎用"平等"观解读<庄子>,认为<庄子>是一种关于自由平等的救世哲学.这个认识的出现,是章氏针对近代历史所开的一剂救世的药方,同时也开了一个先河,即以现代思想去解读古代经典.  相似文献   

论现阶段我国推行资产证券化的可行性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
石谦 《思想战线》2000,26(2):30-33
起源于美国70~80年代的资产证券化这一全球金融创新工具,经过近30年的发展与完善,已得到世界各国的效仿,目前也引起我国各界的普遍关注.根据资产证券化的基本内涵及其操作原理,我国现阶段推行资产证券化存在着一定的客观障碍,但也有可行性.只要不断深化金融体制改革,完善相关法律法规,消除一些片面认识,资产证券化完全可以成为我国银行资产业务运作的目标模式.  相似文献   

The People's Bank of China,the central bank,published a report on the execution of monetary policy in the second quarter,saying there aremany difficulties and challenges confronting the Chinese economy.Lu Zhengwei,a senior economist at Industrial Bank Co.Ltd.,examined the report and pointed out the excessive bank lending in the first half of this year may give rise to serious loan problems.He shared his view in the China Securities Journal.Edited excerpts follow  相似文献   

Song Qiang is one of the five authors whose essays make up the bestseller Unhappy China: The Great Time, Grand Vision and Our Challenges. Song also coauthored another widely popular book, China Can Say No, which came out in 1996. Beijing Review interviewed Song about his expectations and other people's disapproval of this new book.  相似文献   

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