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对做好民主测评与民主推荐工作的实践与思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
商兆鑫 《桂海论丛》2002,18(6):18-20
民主测评、民主推荐工作应从健全制度、完善机制入手 ,注重不断扩大参评人员范围、增加评议透明度、提高参评人员素质 ,使组织部门能够了解到真实民意 ,并充分尊重民意选拔任用干部 ,从而促进民主测评、民主推荐工作科学化。  相似文献   

正'Kabul,Afghanistan,I love my job!"Nicole L.Gee,a 23-year-old marine from California posted on her Instagram on August21,holding up a photo of herself cradling an Afghan newborn.The image also made it onto the U.S.Department of Defense 's social media pages.  相似文献   

Opening up is the only way for a country to achieve prosper-ity and development, a key step in its solution to contemporary problems, and also the fundamental driving force for the progress of human civilizations.  相似文献   

The Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee has concluded with a much anticipated resolution on the Party's history, the third such resolution since the Party's founding, amid expectation that a new assessment would appear this year. The session came at a time when China signaled it had entered a "new era" and celebrated the 100th anniversary of the Party's founding in tandem with achieving a xiaokang (moderately prosperous) society and after eliminating extreme poverty, while transitioning to a new development model, advancing the green revolution, recovering from the pandemic, and further bolstering sovereignty and national defense. Chinese media reports for the most part have focused on the 10 principles or lessons the report provides to help China tackle major challenges in coming decades.  相似文献   

Traditionally, the Sixth Plenary Session of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee focuses on ideological matters and usually sees a few reassertions and occasionally some redefinitions of the Party's central role. In recent years, sixth plenums have focused on discussions of the Party affairs, questions of ideology and Party building. At the conclusion of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, the Party released the text of the Resolution of the CPC Central Committee on the Major Achievements and Historical Experience of the Party Over the Past Century. The plenum, held in Beijing from November 8 to 11, laid the groundwork for the CPC National Congress in 2022. The meeting reviewed the work of the CPC over the last 100 years and set goals for the future.  相似文献   

Safeguarding world peace. Contributing to global development.Preserving international order. Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, characterized China's international engagement with these catchphrases at a ceremony in Beijing on July 1 marking the 100th anniversary of the Party's founding. "The Party cares about the future of humanity, and wishes to move forward in tandem with all progressive forces around the world," Xi, also Chinese President and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, said. While it does not bear aggressive traits, the Chinese nation will never allow any foreign force to "bully, oppress, or subjugate" it, Xi added.  相似文献   

State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi took questions from the media on China's foreign policy and external relations at a press conference on the sidelines of the Fourth Session of the 13th National People's Congress on March 7.This is an edited excerpt from what he said:China-U.S.As two countries with different social systems,China and the U.S.naturally have differences and disagreements.  相似文献   

Five decades may have gone by, but Ye Zhixiong, now in his 90s, can still clearly recall the warm welcome the Chinese delegation received inside the UN Assembly Hall on November 15, 1971. Ye, a Xinhua News Agency reporter at the time, was dis-patched there to witness the debut of the delegation of the People's Republic of China (PRC) at the UN. Some 20 days earlier, the UN General Assembly adopted Resolution 2758 to restore the PRC's lawful seat.  相似文献   

正The future of economic globalization looks bright with China at its core After 40 years of reform and opening up,China is playing the role of stabilizer and powerhouse of the global economy rather than a stabilizer of the East Asian economy as it was in the 1980s.The country's average annual contribu-  相似文献   

Micius and the Monkey King, a Dragonand a Heavenly Palace—this legendary sounding group somewhat surprisingly has nothing to do with Chinese history or my-thology, but everything to do with science. With more than 170 satelites orbiting in space and a submersible in the farthest depths of the ocean, scientists are asking questions of the sky and the sea, and from their replies they are unveiling the mystery of these unfamiliar worlds.  相似文献   

Educator Takes on New Challenge Zhu Qingshi, former President of the University of Science and Technology of China, has been tapped to head the first science university in Shenzhen, a  相似文献   

Oxford-FLTRP EnglishChinese,Chinese-English DictionaryPublished by Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press and Oxford University PressPages:2,064Price:RMB 199(China) (Published in UK as Oxford Chinese Dictionary at £45) IT is predicted that in a few years,the English-learning population in China will exceed the combined total population of all native-Englishspeaking countries.  相似文献   

正The world is in need of a blueprint for its future peaceful development With the spate of trouble witnessed globally in July,political and security situations around the world now seem more chaotic.In the Korean Peninsula,the United States and South Korea have pushed forward the deployment of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense(THAAD)system,  相似文献   

买1.6升及以下小排量车不再优惠 根据财政部和国家税务总局联合发布的《关于1.6升及以下排量乘用车车辆购置税减征政策到期停止执行的通知》,对1.6升及以下排量乘用车减按7.5%税率征收车辆购置税的政策于2010年12月31日到期后停止执行,2011年1月1日起,1.6升及以下排量乘用车统一按10%的税率征收车辆购置税。  相似文献   

42种高技能人才入沪门槛放低 今年9月8日,上海市人力资源社会保障局公布新政,首次明确将42类职业高级“蓝领”纳入《上海市居住证》(人才类)申办范畴。高级“蓝领”取得高级技师或技师证书且获得国家及省部级以上技能竞赛奖励的高技能人才,还可以申请上海户籍。  相似文献   

职务发明者可获股权奖励 从今年7月23日召开的上海市“高等学校创新能力提升计划”(简称“2011计划”)推进会获悉,上海正在探索高校科技成果转化股权激励制度。根据目前的方案,按照科技成果技术水平的不同等级,职务发明者可获20%-30%的奖励比例。上海高校科技成果转化的股权激励将纳入《张江国家自主创新示范区企业股权和分红激励试点实施细则》规定的试点范围和要求进行管理。  相似文献   

正President Xi Jinping's Middle East trip embodiesChina's foreign policy in the regionIn his New Year Message for 2016 on December 31.2015,Chinese President Xi Jinping noted,"The world is so big and faces so many problems,and the international community wants to hear China's voice and see China's solutions.China cannot be absent."Soon after,Xi set this diplomatic vision into action with a visit to the Middle East on January  相似文献   

正The G20 Summit in Hangzhou will showcase China’s role in a changing world The annual G20 Summit will take place in Hangzhou in the midst of what is now a relatively long-term lackluster performance of the overall global economy.While the G20 garnered widespread praise in containing the 2008 global financial crisis,it now  相似文献   

加强对无序设摊培疏结合、分类管理 由市绿化市容局等部门发布的《关于本市进一步加强无序设摊综合冶理工作的实施意见》今年8月1日已正式实施。 “意见》明确,人民广场地区、徐家汇地区等26个重点区域和90条交通主干道体现了上海的整体城市形象,对城市交通运行和市容环境具有重要意义,因此被列为严禁设摊区域。  相似文献   

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