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Asia is increasingly entering into the Australian imaginary as the nation grapples with the issue of ‘Australian identity’. This article examines two instances in which the idea of Asia has been taken up in debates about marriage and relations between men and women. Asia is a site of fantasy for men in an era when they feel that ‘traditional’ values of male pre-eminence in the family are being undermined. In this fantasy, ‘Asia’ is known through stereotypic representations, the stereotypes underlying the nature of the response in the popular media.  相似文献   

Home Visits:     
This paper presents an in-depth analysis of home visits as an effective strategy for engaging involuntary clients into treatment and making treatment more effective. More specifically, this study examines the effects that regularly planned home visits have upon engagement in and attitudes toward parenting training of protective service clients. The home visits not only produced high attendance rates and low dropout rates but caused the participants to be more favorably disposed toward learning the knowledge and skills taught in the parenting program. Because of the home visits, participants were more engaged in the treatment program and were, consequently, better able to benefit.  相似文献   

工资集体协商的实质是经济利益的协商,协商的效果和质量取决于协商手段的运用,特别是协商过程中财务信息的运用。研究工资集体协商过程中涉及的若干会计问题,目的是引导协商主体,充分利用财务信息,提高工资集体协商的质量,实现共赢。  相似文献   

How is it possible to acknowledge and confront patriarchal violence within Muslim migrant communities without descending into cultural deficit explanations (they are overly patriarchal and inherently uncivilised) and without inviting extraordinary measures of stigmatisation, surveillance and control so increased after the events of September 11, 2001? In this paper, I explore this question by examining Norway's responses to the issue of forced marriages. I argue that social and political responses to violence against women in Muslim communities have been primarily culturalist. That is, the violence is understood as originating entirely in culture, an approach that obscures the multiple factors that give rise to and sustain the violence. The culturalist approach enables the stigmatising and surveillance of Muslim communities. I approach this argument in two parts. In part one I discuss two important and influential books written by women who identify their concerns as feminist and who lay out the case for considering the problem of forced marriage as a problem of controlling fundamentally unassimilable and culturally inferior Muslims. I explore these works as paradigmatic of the culturalising or culturalist move. In part two, I review a variety of legal initiatives in Norway, first contextualising them as part of a larger European venture to control Muslim populations and then examining what they share conceptually with the approaches in part one. I end with how we might begin to develop an anti-racist response to the problem of violence against women.  相似文献   

Those with some knowledge of the history of the British women's suffrage campaign will be well acquainted with the experiences of suffragettes at the hands of police and prison officials. It is, however, through the writings of the suffragettes that such treatment is usually articulated and in this article I shall, instead, describe how the Home Office viewed the suffrage campaign, how it attempted to keep the movement under control, and whether it was likely that it would succeed in doing so. The Home Office had two problems, that of policing the suffragettes and then of dealing with the women once they had achieved their aim of imprisonment. The article is divided into two sections. The first deals with policing and the second with the way in which the Home Office handled suffrage prisoners.  相似文献   

《商务谈判》课程实践教学之探索   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
《商务谈判》是一门实践性很强的课程,如何做好商务谈判的实践教学是一个永远的课题。《商务谈判》课程实践教学有“概括性认识实践先行”、“性格测试与课堂分组”、“经典案例与自身案例结合”、“用小组活动处理教学中的‘冷点’问题”等方法。  相似文献   

The recent decision of the House of Lords in Stack v. Dowden appears, at first sight, to endorse a new approach to the jointly owned family home. However, upon closer inspection, this proves to be something of an illusion: the new approach is remarkably similar to the traditional resulting trust in that it attaches more weight to financial payments than to other contributions. A further problem is that the disjunction between the reasoning of the judges and the actual result makes it a difficult decision to apply to future cases. This case-note will consider the legal and social issues raised by the case and will argue that it has the potential to disadvantage women who do not make an equal financial contribution to the purchase of the home.  相似文献   

从20世纪90年代中期起至今,国际劳工标准已成为以美国为首的发达国家和发展中国家贸易争端中最新的争论焦点,不仅分歧重大,而且难以取得共识.但在美国的积极推动下劳工标准的问题在地区性的自由贸易协议谈判中和一些双边自由贸易协议谈判中取得了重大进展.为提高柬埔寨的劳工标准而使用贸易压力是美国一贯主张在贸易领域遵守国际承认的核心劳工标准的一个典型案例.<美国-柬埔寨纺织品服装贸易协议>可称之为柬埔寨模式政府主导、国际组织介入--普惠制之外的奖惩手段.  相似文献   

在我国工资集体协商制度发展过程中,立法条件、市场环境以及协商制度本身仍然存在许多制约因素,分析这些问题背后所蕴含的劳动关系伦理诉求、企业和劳动者伦理精神的缺失等问题,并进一步探讨内在伦理诉求和外部制度安排的关系,可以实现对伦理诉求的准确定位和外部制度的合理安排,更好地推进我国工资集体协商法制建设.  相似文献   

在我国劳动关系集体化转向的背景下,集体协商与集体谈判的区别、非公企业集体协商的适用范围、工会组织的角色与作用是推进非公有制企业集体协商亟待思考的深层次问题。当前,我国非公企业集体协商工作面临的主要困境是集体协商尚未成为非公企业劳资双方的强制性法定义务、集体协商尚未成为非公企业工会的核心工作、非公企业工会主席尚未在集体协商中发挥出关键性的作用以及各类主体在非公企业集体协商中所承担的角色亟待厘清。为进一步完善我国非公企业集体协商制度,在观念层面,应正确理解集体协商的实质性内涵及其重要作用;在工会层面,必须切实发挥非公企业工会的关键作用和各级总工会的领导作用:在立法层面,可以在条件成熟时制订修订相关法律法规。  相似文献   

This study employs the National Survey of Families and Households of 1988 to study the predictors of age at home leaving for three groups of home leavers: early, on time, and late. Predictors examined include family structure, family formation, and personal characteristics. Discriminant analysis suggests that predictors vary by age of home leaving, and that the differences between early and other types of home leavers are most salient. The impact of family structure is the strongest for early home leaving, but much less for on-time and late home leaving.  相似文献   

In July 2002, the U.K. Law Commission published its Discussion Paper No.287 on home-sharing. The conclusion drawn by the Law Commission was that it would not be possible to devise a statutory scheme for the resolution of family property disputes which is both workable and flexible enough to deal with the wide range of personal relationships that exist. It further took the view that, with appropriate changes to the way in which trusts principles are currently interpreted and applied by the courts, these trusts principles are sufficiently flexible and coherent to deal with the question of ascertaining and quantifying property rights over the family home. The aim of this paper is to examine the implications of these particular conclusions drawn by the Law Commission for both the law of trusts and the resolution of family property disputes between cohabitants. In particular, the paper will consider the extent to which trusts law remains a workable and desirable option and whether any mileage may be gained by drawing on the human rights culture that is emerging in U.K. legal and political discourse. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

To investigate how teenagers deal with conflict in romantic relationships, 869 high school students (mean age 16, range 14–19), experienced in romantic relations, completed a conflict tactic scale (adapted from Rands et al., 1981, and Straus, 1979). A principal components analysis revealed six factors, which in descending frequency of use were Compromise, Distraction, Avoidance, Overt Anger, Seeking Social Support, and Violence. Conflict tactics varied as a function of demographic characteristics. Specifically, older teens used Compromise more than younger; girls used Compromise and Overt Anger more and Distraction less than boys; African-Americans used Violence more and Compromise less than European-Americans, whereas Asian-Americans used Distraction and Avoidance more than European-Americans. To assess predictors of conflict tactics, teens also completed scales assessing self-esteem (Rosenberg, 1965), immature and mature defense mechanisms (Araujo and Steiner, 1998, under review) and internalizing and externalizing problem behaviors (Achenbach, 1966). Each of these was singly and jointly associated with the use of conflict tactics. In multiple regression analyses, the externalizing problem score best predicted Overt Anger and Violence in dealing with romantic conflict, the internalizing problem score best predicted Avoidance and Distraction; whereas the mature defense mechanism score was the best predictor of seeking Social Support and Compromise.  相似文献   

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