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按照中央关于健全"党委领导、政府负责、社会协同、公众参与"的社会管理格局的要求,内蒙古包头市青山区把深入推进街道社区管理体制改革作为加强和创新社会管理、全面推进社区建设的基础工程,以基层党建工作创新推动基层社会管理创新,通过精简街道机  相似文献   

地方政府的治理改革与制度创新,是中国政治体制改革的突破口。地方政府,被地方经济和政治利益刺激,成为推动中国经济发展的主要角色。改革开放以来,地方政府改革与制度创新主要围绕以下内容展开:地方政府职能的转变和重新定位,地方政府的重组和机构改革,决策能力和管理工具的创新,调整政府与社会的关系,构建新型的政府与公民关系等。浙江省的治理创新,走在全国的前列。经济、社会与政府管理的内在协调性和相互促动,构成了浙江政府管理改革的动力和演进机制,其成功还取决于政府的自觉意识和合理的改革方案设计。  相似文献   

社会管理体制改革的探索方向表现为政府培育公民社会力量,引导社会治理创新。广东东莞市大力引导公民有序参与、培育社会组织、探索社区自治管理模式,进行了多元主体有序参与社会管理创新的实践,其关键在于发挥政府的主导作用,培育引导社会组织的发展,加强企业在社会管理创新中的作用,实现社会管理从一元管理到政府与社会组织、私人部门等多元治理的转变。  相似文献   

国外社会创新的理论与实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
社会创新作为解决社会问题、满足社会需求的重要途径之一,日益受到国内外学界和实践界的关注与重视。本文从经济学、社会学、管理学等不同学科领域出发,对现有国外相关研究的文献进行了系统梳理,并概括介绍了社会创新的实践前沿,以及国外政府、企业和社会组织为推动社会创新的发展而进行的实践探索,以期为中国现阶段加强和创新社会管理提供有益的参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

近年来,社会管理越来越成为中央和各级党委、政府以及社会各界关注的重点。如何推动我国社会管理迈出更大的步伐,是摆在各级党委、政府及相关部门面前重大而紧迫的课题。加强创新社会管理,必须建立健全与社会主义市场经济体制和新时期新特点相适应的社会管理格局和管理模式,特别是要在实有人口动态管理、新社会组织管理、虚拟社会管理、社会治...  相似文献   

姜维 《新东方》2012,(3):39-41
加强和创新社会管理已成为当前中央和地方政府管理生活中的热点。在国际旅游岛建设的背景下,要破解海南面临的社会管理难题,须从三个方面推动改革创新,坚持创新驱动:以新观念新思维统领社会管理全局;以多元政策工具破解社会管理难题;以创新有效制度驾驭社会管理进程。  相似文献   

随着科学发展观的落实和行政管理体制改革的深入,地方政府绩效管理研究具有重大的理论价值和强烈的实践意义。本文以武汉市研口区政府绩效管理实践与创新为例,分析了地方政府绩效管理的价值取向和实践路径,并进行了探讨深化,以期在进一步完善后为政府改革提供一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

汪晓华  ;单连春 《求索》2014,(9):95-99
NGO等新社会组织是随着社会经济发展而出现的非营利的社会组织.它们在补充和协调政府职能、为社会提供多层次公共产品及公共服务、推进政府改革、促进社会资源有效利用等方面起着重要作用.社会管理创新是我国当前社会改革的重要目标.行政法治是社会管理创新得以实现的基本途径.对于如何通过行政法治理来实现社会管理创新是行政法研究领域的重要课题.NGO可以推动政府行政管理方式的转变,使得政府的审批许可职能逐渐被登记服务所取代;NGO推动了行政理念的更新,原有的管理控制思想已经不再适应时代需要,扶助培育NGO等新社会组织的发展越来越成为政府所愿意接受的选择;NGO同样推动了社会管理中行政主体地位的转换,这类组织与政府的关系越来越趋向合作伙伴关系.  相似文献   

从广东河源市源城区社会创新观察项目的实证经验来看,社会组织的融入实现了分散人群的组织化,推动了社会诉求的理性化,提高了社会管理的自治化三项主要功能。经验背后的规律显示,渐进式的强制性制度变迁为社会组织的融入打开政策窗口,创新收益共享是社会组织可持续发展的动力,提高组织密度是激活社会组织自我政治进程的条件,官方民间的双向评估是社会组织保持公益精神的有效约束。社会创新工作的有序推进根本上取决于国家政权建设的质量和行政体制改革的深度,且需要地方政府形成本土性的问题思维框架。  相似文献   

张鸿铭 《今日浙江》2006,(23):23-23
《中共中央关于构建社会主义和谐社会的若干重大问题的决定》首次提出了“社会体制改革”的任务,形成了社会管理体制机制创新的整体框架。《决定》特别指出“必须创新社会管理体制,整合社会管理资源,提高社会管理水平,健全党委领导、政府负责、社会协同、公众参与的社会管理格局”,明确了政府在社会建设和管理中的职能定位和改革方向。各级政府在加快向服务型政府转型的过程中要努力为社会管理体制机制的创新提供制度平台。在市场化取向改革和基层民主政治建设中先行一步的浙江台州,更加有责任致力于社会管理机制创新的崭新实践。1建立健全…  相似文献   

基层政府社会管理中的适应性变革   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为适应社会变迁的要求和应对错综复杂的社会矛盾,作为社会管理前沿关口的基层政府采取了一些变革措施。本文从五个方面归纳了当前基层政府比较普遍实施的变革议程,呈现了社会管理创新的基本内容,分析了变革议程所针对的问题和预期目标,从中分析基层政府社会管理创新秉持的观念和遵循的逻辑。  相似文献   

地方政府债务的效应及形成机制新探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
地方政府债务是在我国社会主义市场经济体制改革进程中,伴随着计划经济体制向市场经济体制的转轨和政府职能的转换而产生的一种社会经济现象。地方政府债务包括地方政府从商业银行获得的贷款、中央政府将国债部分收入转贷给地方政府和地方政府为企业担保等形成的隐性债务等。地方政府债务的迅速膨胀已对社会经济发展产生了诸多负面影响。这种债务的形成和扩张既有显性的正式预算制度的制约,也有非正式预算制度、地方政府间财政竞争和地方政府债务动态发展机制等因素的拉动。  相似文献   

新农村建设向城市政府职能转变与创新提出了新要求。在乡镇企业吸收农业劳动力作用日渐式微的背景下,城市已成为农业劳动力转移的主要方向。为此,城市政府需要制定非歧视性的就业政策以促进农业劳动力转移,按照比例原则制定城市管理政策以降低农民工的城市生活成本,构建社会政策体系以推进农民工公民权的获得,以及帮助农民工获得现代性。总之,城市政府要通过综合配套改革推动农民工的市民化进程。城市政府的职能转变与创新,迫切需要各层级政府尤其是中央政府在制度、政策上给予支持与配合,以实现不同区域、不同层级政府间职能的有效衔接。  相似文献   

Lewis Husain 《当代中国》2016,25(99):438-452
Sub-national governments in China have substantial responsibility for policy development as well as for direct implementation of circumscribed policy options set out by higher levels of government, and much policy discourse emphasizes the importance of sub-national flexibility and creativity in policy implementation. Discourses of government innovation aim to encourage local initiative in policy formulation and solving of systemically-important policy problems, and policy experimentation/innovation are increasingly credited as important elements of the Chinese government toolbox in managing reform. Recent studies have tended to treat experimentation/innovation as systemic phenomena, and there are few analyses of how local governments respond to central ‘experimental’ policy frameworks and develop locally- or systemically-useful policy solutions. Given concerns around the capacity of local governments, this is highly relevant in understanding how locally-generated policy relates to systemic reform. The article presents a case study of a low tech and ‘second best’ reimbursement mechanism developed sub-nationally under the New Cooperative Medical Scheme, China’s rural health insurance framework, and its spread and incorporation into national policy. It argues for the importance of local government development of ‘appropriate’ policy mechanisms (jizhi) as underpinning central reforms and system adaptation.  相似文献   

论社会中介组织在公共管理中的职能和作用   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
在日益强调政府的社会管理和公共服务职能的改革潮流中 ,社会中介组织正在发挥着越来越重要的作用。从社会中介组织的社会性、中介性和自律性等特征来看 ,社会中介组织是公共管理中一个不可或缺的主体 ,在公共管理中扮演着非常重要的角色。针对我国社会中介组织存在的各种问题 ,面对我国政府职能转变和加入世贸组织的迫切需要 ,我国应该深化行政管理体制改革 ,大力培育和发展社会中介组织 ,加强对社会中介组织的监管和监督 ,充分发挥社会中介组织的公共管理职能 ,建设国家与社会合作互动的良好局面。  相似文献   

The two goals of the 1998 State Council organizational streamlining were personnel reduction and a change of government functions. It is argued that the methods being used to achieve personnel reduction do not constitute a real reduction but largely involve transferring staff to other public institutions. Real personnel reduction could not be achieved without a major change of government function. Institutional reforms of both the central and local governments since the 1980s have been adaptations to the changing economic structure from a planned to a market economy. Government functions have served both existing economies. Cadres cannot be reduced unless the government function of direct management of state-enterprises is completely severed. The major contents of the 1998 institutional reform are examined and evaluated. The prospects for the success of the reform are also assessed.  相似文献   

Since the early 1980s, Chinese local governments have collected a significant amount of revenue outside the budgetary system. Fiscal shortage is commonly cited as the main reason for local extra-budgetary finance. However, a panel data analysis on provincial extra-budgetary practices reveals a different story. The findings suggest that extra-budgetary finance exists in China not as a strategy for local fiscal survival, but rather because local bureaucracies can conveniently exploit their administrative power to extract revenue from the local economy, and that extra-budgetary exactions fall disproportionately on peasants. Despite the constant calls by the central government to reform and regulate the extra-budgetary system, the centrally issued administrative directives have little impact on local practices.  相似文献   

Wanxin Li  Paul Higgins 《当代中国》2013,22(81):409-427
Whether government has the political will and capacity to control pollution is crucial for environmental outcomes. A vast country such as China, with centralized policymaking but idiosyncratic local implementation of environmental regulations and drastic regional disparities in wealth, raises the question of how does the central government stimulate local environmental commitment to accommodate such diversity? In exploring this issue, this paper compares three national environmental management programs that are used as influencing and bargaining tools between the central and local governments of China: Quantitative Examination of Comprehensive Control of Urban Environment (1989), Model City for Protecting the Environment (1997) and pilot Green Gross Domestic Product (2005). Although the introduction of these schemes represents an important step forward in addressing demanding environmental issues their impact is found to be mixed. However, each scheme also has something important to offer to this particular realm of environmental management and by recognizing and compiling their comparative advantages a number of policy implications for future local commitment towards and capacity for environmental protection can be provided.  相似文献   

Eun Kyong Choi 《当代中国》2016,25(97):146-159
The central leaders in China adopted a tax assignment system and centralized taxation in 1994 with the goal of increasing central tax revenues. By setting up the National Tax Bureau, the central leaders intended to leave central tax collection undisturbed by local influences. However, informal practices at the local level revealed that the local governments colluded with the central tax bureaucrats stationed in their regions at the expense of central interests. The need to develop local economies, an important task assigned to local governments, is one important reason behind local interference in central tax collection. This study finds that the central government coped with this problem by changing the incentives of the provincial party secretaries through linking central tax collection in a jurisdiction with their chance of promotion.  相似文献   

Bill K. P. Chou 《当代中国》2006,15(48):533-549
China's reform of government procurement aims to promote greater prudence in expenditure management through introducing transparency, accountability, and competition into the procurement process. The reform can also be construed as China's effort to fulfill its commitment to the WTO. This paper examines the evolution of the reform and measures the success of the reform against three indicators: the amount of cost reduction, the coverage of procurement activities, and the degree of harmonization with the WTO Agreement of Government Procurement. This paper argues that the success of the reform has been limited by an array of factors, including the misconceptions of certain procurement officials and their malpractices in procurement processes, the poor capacities of some local governments in enforcing reform, structural deficiencies in the budget management system, and the lack of political will of both central and local authorities in spurring trade liberalization.  相似文献   

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