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城中村(含转制社区)的各类社会矛盾在快速城市化的进程中愈加突出,建立有效的化解机制一直是城市管理者及学者关注和研究的问题.在阐述广州城中村现存主要社会矛盾的基础上,剖析矛盾纠纷产生的根源,指出现阶段只有构建新的社会矛盾化解机制,才能破解城中村社会管理的难题,实现广州城乡全面发展和创建和谐广州的目标.  相似文献   

中国地方行政层级变迁的历史周期表明:不论"二级制",还是"三级制",总会出现某一层级直接管理的下级单位数目过多,此时总会面临上级能否对下级有效管理的难题。我国地方行政层级的改革进程经历了从"市管县"到"省管县"的变迁,而"省管县"的改革模式和改革目标都存在多样的可能。今后的改革要充分考虑到自然环境、管理半径、监督制度和职能转变等诸多因素,提高可操作性。  相似文献   

“省直管县”与地级市发展的对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
财政上“省直管县”和县委主要领导由省里任命以后.行政上的“省直管县”已势在必行。在这一轮“省直管县”改革中,地级市的利益流出在所难免,面临的问题日趋增多,既有原来地改市留下的诸多问题需要处理,也有在由财政到行政“省直管县”的过程中集聚的大量矛盾需要解决。为此,地级市应该采取积极的态度,变不利为主动,努力实现政府职能的有效转变,在实现战略调整,协调区域发展,形成自己的竞争优势和城市品牌方面下功夫,以期在“省直管县”的格局中取得新优势.谋求新发展。  相似文献   

Specifically, this study was an examination of the role of social media for and by Arkansas sheriff offices with respect to community relations efforts and the solving of crimes. A review of the literature led to an examination of the relationship between predictor variables frequency and quality of social media communication, while using county population density and county social economic status (SES) as control variables. A hierarchical multiple linear regression model was used to evaluate the data that had been collected via a phone and online survey. All statistical requirements to use this regression model were met. Careful adherence to ethical standards was practiced. The relatively small sample resulting from the small population was cited as a concern. However, responses from 52 of the 75 Arkansas county sheriff offices provided sufficient data for the study. The predictor variable, frequency, accounted for a significant degree of variation in both dependent variables. The predictor variable, quality or variety of social media sources, was not significant, so the null hypothesis was not rejected. However, more social media sources increase the significance of the frequency. Overall, Arkansas sheriff offices surveyed supported the use of social media for both community relations and crime solving. The social media platforms identified as being used by one or more sheriff office or individual sheriff to connect with residents in their community included, a Basic Website, Electronic Newsletters, FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.  相似文献   

This paper examines the extent to which small manufacturers in the Nashville metropolitan area have installed the latest technology and used external public and private sources of technical information. A mail survey of 404 manufacturing firms was conducted with 123 firms responding. Results indicate that small manufacturers in Nashville need technological assistance and that the existing assistance network (e.g., federal and state assistance agencies) is not effectively serving this need.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1983,48(145):34125-34127
The Department is giving notice that it is deleting some and clarifying other existing routine use disclosures, clarifying the categories of individuals covered by the system, adding a restriction of the policy on access to the system by non-record subjects and non-Employee Counseling Service staff, and updating the list of system managers for the Privacy Act record system notice: 09-90-0010-Employee Counseling Service Program Records, HHS/OS/ASPER. Records in this system contain information on employees who have been counseled by the Employee Counseling Services for alcohol abuse, drug abuse or emotional problems.  相似文献   


Facial composite images are often used in the criminal investigation process to facilitate the search for and identification of someone who has committed a crime. Since the use of facial composite images is sometimes relied upon as an integral part of an investigation, it is important to ascertain information about the various decisions made and procedures implemented by law enforcement regarding the use of composites. A 39-item survey was developed to examine the prevalence of a number of procedures related to composite production, including the systems implemented, criteria for selecting systems, law enforcement training, satisfaction with systems, legal challenges, and procedural issues with respect to interviewing multiple witnesses and the distribution of composite images. Surveys were distributed to 1637 city, state and county law enforcement agencies nationwide; 163 completed surveys were returned. This paper summarizes our survey results and discusses the implications for investigative procedures, law enforcement training, and future research needs.  相似文献   

Any investigation can have a digital dimension, often involving information from multiple data sources, organizations and jurisdictions. Existing approaches to representing and exchanging cyber-investigation information are inadequate, particularly when combining data sources from numerous organizations or dealing with large amounts of data from various tools. To conduct investigations effectively, there is a pressing need to harmonize how this information is represented and exchanged. This paper addresses this need for information exchange and tool interoperability with an open community-developed specification language called Cyber-investigation Analysis Standard Expression (CASE). To further promote a common structure, CASE aligns with and extends the Unified Cyber Ontology (UCO) construct, which provides a format for representing information in all cyber domains. This ontology abstracts objects and concepts that are not CASE-specific, so that they can be used across other cyber disciplines that may extend UCO. This work is a rational evolution of the Digital Forensic Analysis eXpression (DFAX) for representing digital forensic information and provenance. CASE is more flexible than DFAX and can be utilized in any context, including criminal, corporate and intelligence. CASE also builds on the Hansken data model developed and implemented by the Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI). CASE enables the fusion of information from different organizations, data sources, and forensic tools to foster more comprehensive and cohesive analysis. This paper includes illustrative examples of how CASE can be implemented and used to capture information in a structured form to advance sharing, interoperability and analysis in cyber-investigations. In addition to capturing technical details and relationships between objects, CASE provides structure for representing and sharing details about how cyber-information was handled, transferred, processed, analyzed, and interpreted. CASE also supports data marking for sharing information at different levels of trust and classification, and for protecting sensitive and private information. Furthermore, CASE supports the sharing of knowledge related to cyber-investigations, including distinctive patterns of activity/behavior that are common across cases. This paper features a proof-of-concept Application Program Interface (API) to facilitate implementation of CASE in tools. Community members are encouraged to participate in the development and implementation of CASE and UCO.  相似文献   

In an age of widespread background checks, we ask how managers in different organizational contexts navigate legal ambiguity in assessing applicants' criminal history information, based on interview data obtained in a recent field experiment. The study builds on institutional analyses of the social sources of workplace legality to describe how employers consider applicants with criminal histories. We find that some organizations set explicit standards to guide hiring decisions, providing concrete policies on how to treat applicants with records. Where such procedural mandates are lacking, however, hiring managers turn to a micro‐rational decision process to evaluate potential risk and liability. These individualized approaches create inconsistencies in how the law is interpreted and applied across organizations, as evidenced by actual hiring behavior in the field experiment.  相似文献   

Internet server managers have a range of techniques available to help them improve service performance and security. These techniques can become barriers to the investigation of illicit or illegal activity. This paper describes some of the legitimate techniques which can be used to improve server performance or security, and which present challenges for the investigator. Furthermore, it proposes a rigorous procedure which should be followed to ensure that any investigation of a web site or server has been complete and accurate, and that all possible useful information has been extracted and examined.  相似文献   

当前,在我国以"省管县"为方向的县域扩权改革中,"扩权强县"已成为改革的主流。吉林省采用多种方法,扩大县(市)经济社会管理权限;创新管理体制,推进"省直管县"体制改革进程;建立激励机制,调动县(市)加快发展的积极性;权力重心下移,实现了"扩权强县"的根本目的。这一改革提高了政府工作效率,改善了县级财政困境,推动了县域经济发展,取得了明显的成效。  相似文献   

This paper presents a study of the concepts of transferring computer technology among city governments. A sample of cities from a domestic population and an international population are used as the basis of the research. Contrary to expectation, and for both populations, the survey indicated the level of computer applications transfer among cities was found to be low compared to the amount of total application development. It was determined that an important source of transfer information was from “centers” such as the federal government, vendors, and transfer agencies, rather than city to city. International cities that were studied seem to experience a propensity toward centralized control at the national level. These controls often include the transfer of technical information. Further, the types of transfer may vary widely between the domestic vs the international cities. That is, domestic city transfers tend to be operations-oriented, while transfers from national centers tend to be management oriented. In general the study supported prior conclusions concerning the difficulties of transfer. The problem of mismatch and difficulties in modification make transfers very risky. Even so, there are many persons willing to take the risks in order to try to achieve lower costs and to realize the opportunity to obtain sophisticated applications.  相似文献   

近年来,国内关于“省直管县”体制改革的呼声越来越高,然而,学界在对“省直管县”体制改革进行研究的过程中普遍存在着概念混淆和滥用现象.本文对“市管县”、“省管县”、“财政省直管县”、“行政省直管县”、“强县扩权”、“扩权强县”等相关概念及其相互关系进行了分析,并在此基础上探讨了“省直管县”体制改革模式及其演进逻辑.  相似文献   

我国检察机关技术性证据审查制度呈现出保障技术性证据质量、监督制约公安机关对技术性证据的取证水平、弥补相关人员不出庭的制度局限、促进检察机关重新配置资源等功能特点。检察机关针对审查技术性证据的文件扩展了技术性证据的范围,明确了进行审查的有专门知识的人的来源与条件,规定了审查人员的安全、费用各项保障与审查人员的义务。但从制度史的阐释而言,证据审查制度仍面临制度定位不清晰、配套机制不流畅以及内部技术资源短缺等问题。为落实检察机关对技术性证据的有效审查,充分发挥技术性证据在案件中的应有作用,不仅需要明确将技术性证据审查意见书仅作为审判参考,将技术审查人员定位于专家辅助人的角色,而且还应建立技术性证据审查专门制度,进一步完善技术性证据的审查范围与启动条件,合理配编司法技术人员、建立技术专家名单、鼓励帮助技术人员提升业务能力。  相似文献   

This study compares three groups of full-time politicians in the Czech Republic. Two of these – MPs and mayors – came into existence in the early 1990s immediately after the fall of the communist regime, and the third, here referred to as county full-time politicians, appeared only at the turn of the millennium. To investigate their profiles and careers, a database was created from a wide range of sources, such as election results, county council meeting reports, county and personal websites, media databases and similar. Analysis of the database showed that establishing a second tier of local government (counties) opened up career opportunities primarily for members of the main political parties who had ambitions to become full-time politicians but did not want to disengage from the local network on which their political capital often rested. Like other politicians, those in the counties are predominantly middle-aged men with higher education. Furthermore, the party selectorates prefer candidates with experience in other elected positions. However, the ‘professional’ political career frequently starts at the county level. So far, the most typical have been county politicians who hold paid positions for one or two election terms. Transitions from or to other levels of government are often discrete. With the exception of the entry of municipal professionals into county politics, these transitions involve a small circle of people. The most visible part of county politicians is formed of the county presidents and those related with national politics. Moreover, these people often serve as the regional officials of political parties and play an important role in the recruitment of parliamentary politicians. Therefore, the effect of the newly established regional political elite on party politics should be examined in more depth. It is argued that the ‘invisible majority’ of full-time county politicians deserves scientific interest too, because it can have a major influence on shaping the policies and specific features of each region.  相似文献   

A structure for utilizing third party or collateral sources of information in the child custody evaluation is discussed. Collateral information is vital to the process of trying to assess the credibility and validity of information obtained from the primary parties in a dispute. Information that is from more neutral parties has higher credibility and when the party has access to key information it produces more discriminant validity. When a source with high discriminant validity agrees with information from a primary party, then it enhances the convergent validity on an issue or hypothesis. Child custody cases are inherently characterized by biased data within the adversarial process. Gathering data from collateral sources and using a system to evaluate their usefulness on confirmation of hypotheses is a necessary part of the emerging forensic-clinical-scientific child custody evaluation paradigm.  相似文献   

This research examines differences between samples of 166 city and county prosecutors and 118 defense attorneys from Virginia, Tennessee, and Kentucky concerning their views toward the insanity plea in felony cases. Currently, tests for insanity used by the states are the M’Naghten rule, the ALI Model Penal Code test, and the Smith “irresistible impulse” test or combinations thereof. Defense counsels greatly favor the prosecution bearing the burden of proving a defendant’s sanity, while a majority of prosecutors believe that this is the defense counsel’s responsibility. Twenty-five percent of the prosecutors surveyed believed that it is the prosecutor’s responsibility to show by clear and convincing evidence, beyond a reasonable doubt, that defendants are sane and capable of bearing the responsibility for their crimes alleged. Philosophical and practical arguments about the burden of proof issue are examined. Preferences of defense counsels and prosecutors for different insanity tests are explored, finding that a majority of attorneys favor the more recent ALI test.  相似文献   

We describe a systematic way of collecting and organizing information on juvenile delinquency. Monthly data are collected from agencies such as police, courts, and corrections, by county and city. These data are aggregated into figures for different levels of administrative responsibility (such as counties, districts, areas, states, and region as a whole). Trends in monthly values are automatically detected, and sudden changes in rates are signaled. Agencies at each administrative level receive appropriate feedback of data on rates, trends, and signals.  相似文献   

县域扩权改革,是对我国行政管理体制的基础性改革。推行县域扩权改革,有利于解决影响县域经济发展的体制性矛盾,推动县域经济发展;有利于破解县域财政困局,增强县域财力;有利于社会主义新农村建设,进而实现城乡协调发展;有利于减少行政层级,提高政府管理效能。目前推行县域扩权改革,迫切需要明确省、市、县的职责权限,切实落实县级政府的职能和责任,稳妥调整市级政府机构和人员,合理确定市的行政级别,改革行政区划体制。  相似文献   

<四库全书荟要总目>,是指<四库全书荟要>中著录书名卷数、作者年代爵里、该书缮录所依据的底本与来源,以及校对所参照的版本的这一部分文字.<四库全书荟要总目>在图书版本研究、图书来源研究、<四库全书>编纂思想研究等方面,有<四库全书总目>无法替代的作用.  相似文献   

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