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通过对近年来成功解决的几起可疑文件鉴定的典型案例分析,较详细地阐述在文件鉴定实践中,如何运用系统检验的思想,通过可疑文件上留下的细微变造痕迹,巧妙识别可疑文件的伪造手段和方法,为法庭提供科学、可信的证据,取信于法官、律师及当事人,使得案件最终圆满审结.在面对某些疑难案件的鉴定中,在鉴定思路和方法上对文件检验人员,有一定的启示作用.  相似文献   

民事诉讼案件中可疑文件制作方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从司法鉴定角度来看,民事诉讼案件中的可疑文件与刑事案件中的文件物证相比,虽具共性又各有其特点。以构成可疑 文件各要素为出发点,对该类文件制作方法及其特点进行研究,以利于拓宽检验鉴定思路。  相似文献   

一提到文件检验,人们普遍想到的可能就是对于文件上可疑笔迹的检验与鉴定。在很长一段时间里,鉴定专家的自身经验,加上一柄放大镜,成为了文件检验工作的"全部家当"。然而,随着现代科学技术的发展以及办公自动化程度的提升,文件检验远非笔迹检验就能全部包含在内。文  相似文献   

对一份文件最早制成时间的检验一直以来都是全世界文检界的难题之一。核实可疑文件的制成时间没有统一的方法,目前主要通过对纸张、墨迹、打字机、复印机、打印机、传真机、印刷品,以及笔迹和签名等因素的检验来确定一份文件的制成时间。文件检验人员需要充分利用他们手中的文件的内容及文件周边信息所反映出来的条件和材料,进而得出结论。  相似文献   

对一份文件最早制成时间的检验一直以来都是全世界文检界的难题之一。核实可疑文件的制成时间没有统一的方法,目前主要通过对纸张、墨迹、打字机、复印机、打印机、传真机、印刷品,以及笔迹和签名等因素的检验来确定一份文件的制成时间。文件检验人员需要充分利用他们手中的文件的内容及文件周边信息所反映出来的条件和材料,进而得出结论。  相似文献   

圆珠笔油墨字迹书写时间鉴别的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
圆珠笔油墨字迹书写时间的鉴别是摆在文件鉴定人员面前的棘手问题.本文作者借鉴国外的检验方法,经过近十年的探索,考查了各种因素的影响,研究出了适合我国国情的通过圆珠笔字迹油墨被溶解能力测试来确定其书写时间的鉴定技术,并且进一步发展了国外的检验方法,研制出了专用的检验器材,发明了模拟低温操作程序,使这一技术的适用范围更广.在有合适比对样本的情况下,可以准确鉴别落款时间在一年以上、怀疑书写时间在半年以内的可疑文件的真伪.  相似文献   

随着市场经济的不断发展与深化,特别是近几年来,犯罪呈现出一些新的特点。这些特点和内涵为传统的文件检验技术发展带来前所未有的机遇和挑战。对文件检验工作提出了更多、更高的要求,文件检验工作同犯罪行为作斗争的形势将日趋严峻,承担的打击犯罪的任务将愈加艰巨。而另一方面,现实工作中又存在着诸多制约或阻碍文件检验工作发展的问题。如何寻求解决问题的方法和途径,本文结合近年来在基层文检工作实践,分析查找了当前制约文件检验工作中存在的问题和建议,供大家参考。  相似文献   

文件物证具有鲜明的物质性,提取、保存的方法不当,极易遭受污染和损坏,而且失不再来、无可弥补。实践中,最初接触可疑文件的基层办案人员由于缺乏常识或因粗心以及其他方面的失误,使可疑文件受到各种损害,给进一步研究案情、委托鉴定,甚至给整个侦查、审判工作造成无法弥补的损失。本文针对基层办案人员在提取、保存文件物证时存在的常见问题进行分析,并提出克服方法。  相似文献   

汉语现代标点符号自诞生以来经过多次修订调整,具有一定的时代性特征,对我国标点符号数量、形态等变化情况进行梳理,理顺其大致出现时间范围,能为某些案件中可疑文件制成时间的分析提供参考。本文基于文献研究法,对民国以来不同阶段标点符号的变化情况进行概括,然后运用实证分析法,结合具体标点符号的一些用例和现实中的案例,分析了运用标点符号时代特征佐证文件制成时间的方法路径。由于标点符号存在出现时间早晚的差异,而且有的标点符号尽管在不同年代都存在,但是形态特征和用法也略有不同,因此具有鲜明的时间指向性。标点符号的时代特征,可以揭示某些文件中标点符号与文件标称时间的矛盾性,从而对推断文件的制成时间具有一定的佐证作用,特别是适用于那些标称是民国时期或新中国成立初期的文件的检验,但在运用时要注意检材的条件、标点符号的地区差异,同时也要运用系统检验思维进行综合分析判断。  相似文献   

文件检验是一种常见的司法鉴定手段,文件检验结论在我国的司法实践中具有重要的作用。本文从证据学角度,论述了文件检验结论的证据效力、证据种类归属以及审查运用等问题,以期引起对这一问题更为深入和全面的研究。  相似文献   

能否准确地解读文件物证中的各种痕迹信息,有时对鉴定结论的做出至关重要。作者总结检案实践,参考有关文献,探讨了文件物证中痕迹信息的应用效果以及运用时需注意的问题。  相似文献   

从变造的法律概念入手,对刑法界和文检界关于变造的基本学说和含义进行了比较分析,在此基础上重新定义了变造文书的概念,强调变造文书的实质是对重要内容和证明事项的改变。根据变造的方法和手段,对变造文书进行重新分类,分析了各类变造文书的重要特点和常见的制作手段,重点提出了判断变造文书的两个依据和认定的两个原则,旨在探索能够运用于文书检验领域的实用性认定标准。  相似文献   

一直涉案打印文件言语人的同一认定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
涉案打印文件言语人的同一认定,即打印文件撰稿人的认定,这是新时期文件检验面临的一个新的、需要深入研究的重要课题。文章以一起跨世纪侦查的重大案件为主,阐述了从涉案打印文件言语特征(形式)和思想内涵(内容)两方面成功认定案件嫌疑人的具体做法和体会。文章认为,只要满足相关条件,以现代语言科学有关理论为指导,根据打印文件言语特征,认定案件嫌疑人是可行的,也是科学的。  相似文献   

朱墨时序鉴定是通过对印字交叉部位的检验,得出的印字先后顺序的判断。朱墨时序鉴定是文件鉴定的重要组成部分,它往往是判定文件物证真实性的重要依据之一。任何文件物证都是一个由多个要素组成的文件系统。通过介绍系统鉴定方法的原理、方法,以鉴定实践说明其在朱墨时序鉴定中的三种作用,同时也强调各种检验方法的综合运用。提倡在朱墨时序鉴定中,应运用系统鉴定方法,更加准确的把握印字交叉部位的表观特征,从而提高朱墨时序鉴定的准确性。  相似文献   

This study documents the results of a controlled experiment designed to quantify the abilities of forensic document examiners (FDEs) and laypersons to detect simulations in handwritten documents. Nineteen professional FDEs and 26 laypersons (typical of a jury pool) were asked to inspect test packages that contained six (6) known handwritten documents written by the same person and two (2) questioned handwritten documents. Each questioned document was either written by the person who wrote the known documents, or written by a different person who tried to simulate the writing of the person who wrote the known document. The error rates of the FDEs were smaller than those of the laypersons when detecting simulations in the questioned documents. Among other findings, the FDEs never labeled a questioned document that was written by the same person who wrote the known documents as “simulation.” There was a significant statistical difference between the responses of the FDEs and layperson for documents without simulations.  相似文献   

Fluorescence microscope is considered to be one of the most effective ways to examine the sequence of intersecting seal and toner lines of questioned documents. In reality, however, the toner (mainly divided into compact and noncompact toners) and seal of a questioned document have such a complex morphology and sequence of crossing lines that current methods cannot meet the requirement of practical document identification. In view of the challenges of document examination, a laser fluorescence microscope and method are developed in this study. The developed microscope provides additional functionality to traditional fluorescence microscopes of transmitted light modality, laser excitation, selectable excitation wavelength, and selectable fluorescence filters. The results obtained from the method of comparisons between transmitted light and fluorescence modalities were positive under most conditions, particularly for noncompact toner examination for which a 100% accuracy rate and 90% detection rate were achieved in blind testing.  相似文献   

Counterfeiting of currency and identity documents, death threats, illegitimate business transactions, and terrorist-related activities are some examples of the types of crimes that often involve documents produced from printers and copiers. Although standard protocol typically requires a questioned document (QD) examination prior to latent print (LP) processing, occasionally, items of evidence may be submitted for a QD examination following the application of a series chemicals utilized in the development of latent fingerprints. In such cases, the forensic examiner must take into account any previous treatments prior to initiating an examination on documents produced with a printer or copier. This study was devised to examine the effects of a latent print development technique [ninhydrin, physical developer, and a bleach enhancer] on the physical and chemical examination of documents produced from copiers and printers.  相似文献   

A technique routinely used in the examination of questioned documents has been found to be of assistance when employed in the examination of faded and/or partially legible hospital identification wristbands found with unidentified remains (UIDs). A non-destructive test used predominately by forensic document examiners in the analysis of writing inks, handwritten alterations, and obliterations has proven useful throughout the years when confronted with this unusual type of documentary evidence. This discussion paper was prompted by the Tri-State Crematory disaster, Walker County, Georgia, from a request by investigators as to whether or not any information could be obtained from the examination of faded hospital identification wristbands where no information was readily discernable. Subsequent analysis by non-destructive infrared inspection, a standard technique used in the examination of questioned documents, proved useful in assisting with the identification of unidentified skeletal remains.  相似文献   

Stamps and stamp impressions examinations are based on matching defects and design details on the questioned and control samples. These examinations are routinely carried out by document examiners around the world. International proficiency tests for questioned documents examination have been available for decades while similar programs specifically focusing on stamp impressions examination are rare. This study reported a recent proficiency testing program on stamp impressions examination organized by an accredited provider in accordance with ISO/IEC 17043 requirements. Twenty‐four forensic laboratories registered for the program. Apart from giving details on the design and operation of the program, this study also aimed to provide the limitations and difficulties encountered in sample preparations, homogeneity, and stability tests of the testing materials. Various comments and feedbacks received from the participants, particularly in respect of examination approaches, challenges faced by the participants in forming conclusions and their suggestions for further improvement would be evaluated.  相似文献   

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