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18世纪中叶全俄市场形成。在统一的空间框架下,俄国不同地区之间的价格和工资变化趋于同步。彼得堡工人实际工资水平的变化反映了俄国所有工人物质状况的变化,虽然各地区的价格和工资水平存在差异,但变化的一致程度非常高。  相似文献   

2005年前后,柬埔寨国内政治发生了重大变化。自1993年以来,柬埔寨发生过一些大的重要变化,政治力量的消长和政党关系的变更多次发生,但是这些变化都只是数量和策略的变化。而这次则是质变,是柬埔寨政治生态的重大变化。其基本特征表现有三:1.人民党确立了“受法制保护的民主政治”的规则。反对党和“民主派”在言论自由下闹出的无中生有、造谣诽谤受到法律的追究,并为此付出了沉重代价。压在人民党和洪森头上的种种“罪名”终于洗清。2.宪法作出了对人民党有利的重大修改。1993年宪法中为制约各党派力量提出的重大提案必须得到超过三分之二…  相似文献   

一.认同的历史性变化认同具有生动而多重的性质,它随着历史和社会的发展而发生变化。如前面所考察的那样,日本华侨经历了战争开始前、战时、战后及中日邦交正常化以后这样一些历史阶段,作为一个民族集团在各个方面发生了很大的变化。那么,在其历史进程中,他们的认同发生了什么样的变化?具有什么样的特征呢?我认为,他们的认同具有这样的倾向:以中国或广东省、福建省等的出身为基础,随着他们的处境的变化,其境遇也发生变动。即,笔者认为其变化经历了以下4个阶段。(1)以中日战争前的血缘、地缘为基础的“原始的留恋”感;(2)战时作为中国人共同…  相似文献   

中亚形势变化与"上海合作组织"   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2001年"9·11"事件之后,中亚地区形势发生了重大变化.中亚是"上海合作组织"的空间依托,中亚形势的变化不能不对"上海合作组织"的发展产生影响.本文从中亚形势变化与"上海合作组织"发展的角度,对中亚形势变化的特点、中亚形势变化对"上海合作组织"的影响以及"上海合作组织"在新形势下的发展问题进行初步探讨.  相似文献   

自19世纪中叶以来,由于马来半岛霹雳拿律地区发现大量锡矿,以及清朝政府解除海禁,大量华人移居马来西亚。随着马来西亚社会经济的发展和变化,华人职业构成发生了几次大的变化。第二次世界大战后,华人职业的变化尤为显著,在一定程度上反映了马来西亚战后几十年经济政策的调整和变化。本文着重探讨战后马来西亚华人职业变化的一些特点和趋势。  相似文献   

印度在发展民族经济的过程中 ,对外资的利用一直持慎重的态度 ,采取既利用又限制的原则。自 2 0世纪 90年代以来 ,随着经济改革的进展 ,印度的外资结构也发生了显著的变化 ,在充分利用间接投资的同时 ,外国直接投资和证券投资有了较快的增长。本文在论述了投资结构变化后 ,进一步分析了其变化的重要原因是印度政府出台了一系列鼓励吸引外资的政策  相似文献   

中国与大国关系预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据对2008年10-12月相关材料的评估,中国与各主要大国之间双边关系的变化如下:中美关系变化为降平升,由1.1先降至0.8,再升为1,10月美国对台军售使双边关系恶化,12月中美战略对话又使两国关系好转;中日关系变化为升平升,由1.9升至2.1,其间两国首脑多次会晤;中俄关系变化为平平平,分值为8,主要外交事件是10月温家宝总理访问俄罗斯;中英关系变化为平升平,由5.2升至5.3,其间两国中高层进行了会晤;中法关系变化为平降降,由6降至5.3,12月法国总统萨科齐会见达赖使双边关系恶化;中印关系变化为平平平,分值为5.4,其间两国进行了军事交流;中德关系变化为升平平,由5.8升至5.9,10月德国总理默克尔访华推动了双边关系改善.  相似文献   

近年来,关于华侨、华人战后变化及其发展趋势的讨论日趋“热门”,不断深入。华侨研究工作者能把视线逐渐转向较为现实的问题,无疑是一大进步。在多次的讨论中,对华侨、华人在战后所发生的重大变化取得了许多共同的认识,但对这种变化的性质和进程却有许多不同的看法,比较集中的问题有:华侨、华人在战后的变化是表面的形式上的变化,还是实质性的变化?是极其缓慢的变化,还是迅速的变化?是顺其自然  相似文献   

越南问题讨论会在昆明举行   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由云南国际问题研究所、云南省东南亚研究所联合召开的越南问题讨论会于1988年3月22日至25日在昆明举行。会议围绕越共“六大”以来越南内政外交的变化以及柬埔寨问题进行了讨论。与会人员分析了越共“六大”以来越南内外政策的变化情况及变化原因,认为越共“六大”以来,越南内外政策确实发生了一些变化,我们必须正视这个现实,加强对越南  相似文献   

前言亚洲金融危机发生后已过了十余年。在此期间,东亚经济发生了很大的变化。受到金融危机直接影响的地区一体化的动向有了加强,并出现了东亚共同体设想。亚洲经济实力地图也有很大的变化,尤其是中国的崛起相当显著。通过直接投资,东亚还形成了生产和  相似文献   

Many African democracies experience highly variable aid flows. This article examines the influence of aid changes on presidential incumbent advantage in Africa. Aid changes influence the odds of incumbents winning reelection, with aid increases helping incumbents, but this effect is only present when the aid change occurs in the year before an election. Aid changes in earlier or later time periods have no influence. Case studies of elections in Ghana and Malawi reveal causal mechanisms linking aid changes to incumbent advantage and support the finding that aid changes have a limited window of influence.  相似文献   

Cross-strait relations over the past 30 years can be divided into three different time periods,which correspond to changes in the Sino-U.S.bi-structure in terms of materialist structure and idealist structure.In other words,although changes in Taiwan itself have affected cross-strait relations they are subordinate to changes in the Sino-U.S.bi-structure.  相似文献   

During fall 2000, all ISA members will be asked to vote on a set of changes to the association's constitution. Most of the proposed changes are required to bring ISA's constitution up to date with current practices and association circumstances (for example, instead of having only the Editor of ISQ as a member of the Governing Council, one of the proposed changes adds the Editors of ISR and ISP to the council). In the course of examining and reflecting on possible changes to the constitution, the ISA Governing Council discovered that there was controversy among its membership regarding how officers are elected. As a result of this discussion, the Governing Council voted to put a referendum before the membership concerning the election issue and the other requested constitutional changes (though only the officer election issue is discussed in the following pages). To ensure that all members of the association are aware of what the election issues are, we have asked members representing the various positions to discuss their views in the pages of ISP . In addition, Craig Murphy, 2000–2001 ISA President, has written an introduction to the election debate that is printed below. ISA members will be asked to choose between these options in a mail ballot this fall.  相似文献   

There is growing evidence that fostering individual agency for women is important for effective economic development and well-being. This article assesses the outcomes of the IMAGINE Initiative in Kenya, a programme intended to empower individuals through a four-day interactive workshop. Routine de-identified programme data from 213 individuals who applied to participate were used. Data included socio-demographic measures, psychometric scales, and interviews of changes in education, health, economics, and relationships. Programmatic data showed significant changes in the level of intrinsic motivation and agency for those who underwent the training and as well as substantial behavioural changes in core areas of their lives.  相似文献   

新加坡公务员培训制度的改革及发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪80年代以来,为了迎接全球化、信息化以及国际竞争加剧的挑战,新加坡政府对其公务员制度进行了一系列改革。公务员培训制度作为公务员制度的重要组成部分,也在培训机构、培训内容、培训方式等方面经历了诸多变革,反映了当今时代公务员培训制度改革和发展的某些共同趋势。了解新加坡公务员培训制度的改革和发展,合理借鉴新加坡公务员培训方面实践有效的管理经验,将对完善和发展我国公务员培训制度具有一定的启示意义。  相似文献   

对剑尾鱼感染嗜水气单胞菌的病理变化进行了全面细致的观察。结果显示 :剑尾鱼感染发病呈急性过程 ,感染后 10~ 15h为发病死亡高峰期 ;病理组织学变化以全身溶血性贫血和广泛的组织细胞变性、坏死为主 ;感染发病死亡时间主要集中在 5~ 2 4h ,感染部位和鳃最先受到损伤 ,最终因各器官结构破坏、功能衰竭和窒息而亡。  相似文献   

1990年10月3日中国与新加坡正式建交,中国与新加坡的两国关系的进入了新时期.中新建交十几年来,中国对新加坡的认知是什么?关注点是什么?有什么变化和特点?本文通过对国内发表的相关新加坡报道和文章数量变化的分析和对比,试揭示中新建交后中国对新加坡认知的变化轨迹.  相似文献   

With the current administration's attention, resources and reputation so tied to Iraq, the prospect for significant changes in American foreign policy are limited in George W. Bush's remaining months in office. A new administration coming into power in January 2009, however, gives the United States a chance to revisit the changes to American foreign policy implemented after 9/11, as well as to consider any needed course corrections. The opportunity such changes in administration offers is a major strength of the American political system. Clearly, now is the time to start thinking about such issues.  相似文献   

The Middle East has undergone significant changes in the past two decades. Most significantly, the region has experienced the dissolution of the post-1991 America-centric regional security complex as the United States reduces its forces and retools its center of effort toward the Indo-Pacific, and the creation of a new gas-centered sub-regional security complex in the Eastern Mediterranean. These changes have impacted Israel’s stature in its region and have led to significant changes in Israel’s foreign and national security policy. While in the past, Israel viewed itself as a “villa in the jungle”—not as an integral part of the region—it now sees itself as part of its surroundings and is pursuing a much more regional-centric policy. This change is clear in issue-specific alliances and collective security arrangements, as well as in long-range economic relationships. This article analyzes the regional changes and their impact in Israeli strategic thinking and policy.  相似文献   

This article seeks to determine the relationship between the implementation of drone strikes and any changes in al-Qaeda’s portrayal of the United States. To this end, the study examines the changes in frequency of 26 different accusations made against the United States in al-Qaeda propaganda published “pre-drone strikes,” as compared to propaganda published during the “drone strike era.” The statistical significance of changes in frequency was evaluated by conducting a series of proportions tests in STATA. The results indicate that al-Qaeda has shifted from more ambiguous claims that the United States meddles in foreign countries’ affairs, tolerates immoral acts, and is an occupying force to more specific accusations that the United States cowardly commits illegal acts and indiscriminately kills civilians.  相似文献   

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