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日前,国家预防腐败局官方网站(http://www.nbcp.gov.cn/)全文转载了本刊今年第1期、第2期文章16篇。具体篇目如下: 1.包心鉴:反腐倡廉制度建设与创新(《廉政文化研究》2010年第1期)  相似文献   

柳青(1916-1978),原名刘蕴华,陕西省吴堡县人.当代著名小说家.他早年从事革命活动,1936年加入中国共产党,1938年奔赴延安.抗战胜利后,任大连大众书店主编.  相似文献   

路遥: (1949年-1992年),原名王卫国,中国当代作家,生于陕北一个世代农民家庭.1980年发表《惊心动魄的一幕》,  相似文献   

The role of DNA profiling is constantly increasing in various fields and criminal justice is not an exception. Several individuals, who are wrongfully convicted, have been exonerated based on DNA evidence. Research in the U.S. has consistently found the major factors contributing to wrongful convictions to be: (1) eyewitness errors; (2) mishandling of evidence by police and prosecutors; (3) false or coerced confessions; (4) improper interrogations and line-ups; (5)jailhouse informants or "snitches"; (6) ineffective assistance of counsel; (7) forensic errors; and (8) the adversarial system. This paper examines the data made available by the Innocent Project for 233 post-conviction DNA exonerations in the U.S. since 1989.  相似文献   

企业社会责任(Corporate social responsibility,简称CSR)是指企业在创造利润,对股东承担法律责任的同时,还要承担对员工、消费者、社区和环境等利益相关者的责任.企业社会责任在国外尤其是欧美等发达国家已经有了长久的发展和相对成熟的实践,2010年11月,国际标准化组织发布ISO26000社会责任指引,成为ISO9000(质量管理体系)和ISO14000(环境管理体系)之后制定的最新标准体系.  相似文献   

放射性物质的半衰期指辐射降低到初始水平的一半所需的时间。以下是部分原子的半衰期:钋(Po)215:0.0018秒 锶(Sr)90:30年 钋(Po)216:0.16秒 铯(Cs)137:30年 铋(Bi)212:1小时 镭(Ra)226:1620年 钠(Na)24:15小时 碳(C)14:5730年  相似文献   

铁路货物列车“拖尸”案(事)件是指受害人由于他杀、自杀、意外死亡等原因,尸体被货物列车从事发地拖运至发现地的案(事)件.在1991年-2012年上海局鉴定的17例货物列车“拖尸”案(事)件中,意外死亡12例、杀人碎尸1例、自杀1例、其他3例,死者以男性为主(16例),多为乡村农民和盲流,死亡原因主要为机械性窒息和颅脑损伤.在17例货物列车“拖尸”案(事)件中,受害人多为缺乏铁路常识,无钱买票而爬乘货物列车的乡村农民或盲流,尸体通常多在货物列车终到站并多在卸货时被发现,由于尸体现场遭到人为或外在不同程度的破坏,增加了法医学鉴别的难度.  相似文献   

1.吴昌硕 吴昌硕(1844年-1927年),浙江湖州安吉人,在书法、绘画、篆刻等方面表现出色。  相似文献   

A collaborative 18 month study was conducted within 4 protected mangroves areas in Airai State, Southeast Babeldaob and the Republic of Palau with traditional men and women groups. Water quality, forest structure, and the size distribution and relative abundance of the mud crab, Scylla serrata and the clam Anodontia edulenta were studied. Water quality parameters differed significantly between sites as follows: pH (F=16.8; df=3,138; p〈0.000), turbidity (KW-H=22.07; df=3,162; p〈0.0006), salinity (F=19.8; df=3,366; p〈0.000), dissolved oxygen (KW-H=13.4; dr=3, 169; p〈0.0012) and temperature (F=4.33; df=3,157; p〈0.006). The total mean density of all trees was 2,077±225 stems ha^-1 and differed significantly between sites (KW-H=9.3; df=3; p〈0.02). The total mean basal area was 18.9±2.76 m^2ha^-1 and differed significantly between sites (KW-H=36.2; df=3; p〈0.000). The total mean volume of all trees was 679 m^3ha^-1 ± 201 m^3ha^-1. The total mean density of saplings was 1,234 ± 297 saplings ha^-1. The mean percent tree canopy cover significantly differed between sites (F=3.3; df=3, 32; p〈0.02). Mean soil elevation decreased at sites 1 and 4 and increased at sites 2 and 3. The mean soil accretion was greater at sites 1 and 3 than sites 2 and 4. The mean weight for all crabs was significantly different between sites (F=3.2; df=3, 178; p〈0.02). The mean weight for 55 females was 0.62 g ± 0.04 kg (SE) and differed significantly between sites (F=4.2; dr=3, 51; p〈0.01). The mean weight for 157 males was 0.75 ± 0.04kg (SE). The mean carapace width (CW) for all crabs was 14.30 ± 0.20 cm (SE). The mean carapace width (CW) for 56 females was 14.4 ± 0.35cm (SE) and significantly differed between sites (F=4.6; df=3, 52; p〈0.006). The mean carapace width (CW) for 157 males was 14.3 ± 0.21 cm. The mean CPUE for all sites was 0.48 ± 0.04 crabs trapl night^-1 (SE) and significantly differed between sites (F=2.9; df=3, 77; p=0.04). A total of 21 tagged crabs were recaptured in the same area they were initially tagged, of which 3 male crabs had molted. A male was recaptured in the same trap 180 days after capture at Site 1 ; the carapace width increased by 3.6 cm and a weight increase of 0.75kg. A single A. edulenta was found in the protected areas. Clams harvested in Airai State outside the protected areas were significantly smaller than clams harvested in northwest Babeldaob (F=14.8; df=1, 198;p〈0.0002). Crab fishers and the community recommended a harvest ban on female crabs, enforcement of existing 6inch CW harvest size limit, further investigation of point sources of coliform bacteria and sediment pollution and a harvest limit on mangrove trees.  相似文献   

范仲淹(989年-1052年)原名朱说,字希文,谥号“文正”。北宋政治家、文学家、军事家,祖籍陕西彬州(今陕西省咸阳市彬县),生于苏州吴县(今江苏省苏州市)。真宗大中祥符八年(1015)进士,恢复范姓,后官至参知政事(副宰相)。  相似文献   

人生的境界,大体上可分为四类:(一)自然境界——最低级的,了解的程度最少,这一类人,大半是“顺才”或“顺习”.(二)功利境界——较高级的,需要进一层的了解.(三)道德境界——更高级的,需要更高深的理解.(四)天地境界——最高的境界,需要最彻底的了解.  相似文献   

赤霄 《各界》2013,(10):40-44
声名大振 余靖,字安道,韶州曲江(今广东韶关)人,少年时性情活泼,聪明过人,却也放荡不羁,在乡里很有名气.余靖的舅父黄正看出他是可塑之才,细心教授,余靖有过目不忘才能,很快通读儒家经典,后来又拜著名隐士林逋和"紫阳真人"张伯端为师,这二人都是当时大学者,学贯古今且超然世外,有很多奇思妙想.余靖由此博览群书,学业大进,天圣二年(1024年),余靖和黄正甥舅二人参加会试,成为同科进士.  相似文献   

The science of hadith authentication and classification (ulum al-hadith) has been developed by Muslim scholars mostly based on critical analysis of the texts and chains of the reports (ahadith) that are attributed to Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.). Though this science is basically designed to identify the authentic reports which are truly the words, actions or tacit approvals of the Prophet (s.a.w.), however, it has left its implications onfiqh (legal) opinions among the Muslim jurists (fuqaha), who left contrasting legal opinions on certain issues offiqh, some of which are as a result of their differences on hadith classification, particularly classifications of hadith into solitary and recurrent reports. This paper uses analytical method, and intends to address the implications of hadith authentication and classification methods on the legislative power of the sunnah, with particular emphasis on the solitary sunnah and its legislative value among the Muslim jurists.  相似文献   

王湾(公元693年-751年),字号不详,唐代诗人,洛阳(今属河南)人。712年~713年(玄宗先天年间)进士及第,授荥阳县主簿。717年(开元五年)唐朝政府编次官府所藏图书,721年(开元九年)书成,共200卷,名为《群书四部录》,王湾由荥阳主簿受荐编书,参与集部的编撰辑集工作,书成之后,因功授任洛阳尉。约在729年(开元十七年),他曾作诗赠当时宰相萧嵩和裴光庭,其后行迹不详。  相似文献   

Past studies indicate that there was a correlation between gender and students' preferred styles of learning. Thus, the purpose of this study is to determine the influence of gender on the learning style preferences of business students based on the VARK (Fleming, 2002b) learning style survey, consisting of the V(isual), A(ural), R(ead-Write) and K(inesthefic) learning styles. The sampling design used for this study was non-probability sampling and the sampling technique conducted was convenient sampling on 207 male students and 199 female students from the business school. The study found that gender only influences the V(isual) and A(ural) learning styles of business students. In addition to that, even though both male and female students exhibited a similar response towards both these learning styles, female students were found to demonstrate slightly higher preference for the V(isual) and A(ural) learning styles as compared to the male students. The findings draw attention to facets of learning that may exist in pre-university and tertiary classrooms with a combination of female and male students, which could have an impact on teaching and managing these students.  相似文献   

[原文]子夏问曰:“‘巧笑倩兮,美目盼兮,素以为绚兮’.(1)何谓也?”子日:“绘事后素(2).”日:“礼后乎?”子日:“起予者商也(3),始可与言诗已矣.”  相似文献   

Fama and French (1992) argue that the book-to-market effect might be due to distress risk. CHAN, CHEN and Hsieh (1985) show that a large portion of the size effect can be explained by a default factor. This paper examines the relationship between size, book-to-market effects and distress risk. The paper provides evidence suggesting that size and book-to-market effects are very important in estimating the risk premium in Amman Stock Exchange (ASE). Furthermore, consistent with Dichev (1998) the paper concludes that the distress risk is unlikely to account for the size and book-to-market effects.  相似文献   

曹树蓬 《各界》2011,(8):57-59
王鼎(1768—1842年),字定九,号省压、省居士,又号威实。陕西蒲城县城人。王鼎少年时家境贫寒,勤奋好学,十九岁补诸生,乾隆五十七年(1792年)中举。嘉庆元年(1796年)登进士,选庶吉士,参加乾隆皇帝实录的编纂。旋授编修,至嘉庆十八年(1813年)“凡十迁至内阁学士”,  相似文献   

1978年夏天,民进中央副主席周建人(次年当选民进第六届中央委员会主席)、叶圣陶(1984年周建人去世,叶任代主席,同年12月当选为主席),雷洁琼(1979年当选民进中央副主席、1987年七届五中全会选举为主席)、叶至善(1987年增选为副主席)四位同志来成都视察,下榻于锦江宾馆,约见民进成都市委会负责同志晤谈,韩怡民、  相似文献   

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