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燃爆类危险化学品一旦在其运输途中发生事故,常常引起爆炸、火灾、环境污染、人员伤亡等灾难性的后果,或者造成交通中断,人员大面积疏散,严重影响了正常的社会生活秩序。燃爆类危险化学品公路运输事故处置牵涉面广、程序复杂、技术要求高,是近年来消防部队面对的一个新课题。本文分析了燃爆类危险化学品公路运输事故产生的原因、特点和危害;详细介绍了燃爆类危险化学品公路运输事故的处置程序和注意事项;提出了消防部队处置此类事故的处置方案。为消防部队在处置燃爆类危险化学品公路运输事故过程中提供了理论参考和技术上的支持。  相似文献   

危险化学品泄漏扩散研究探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对危险化学品泄漏扩散的研究是事故应急救援的基础。针对近年来日益增多的危险化学品泄漏事故,本文系统评述了国内外危险化学品泄漏扩散方面的研究,在此基础上,提出了进一步研究的一般框架和研究的方向。  相似文献   

针对危险化学品泄漏事故不断增多的趋势,以某省大型石化企业危险化学品泄漏事故的演练为范例,提出了危险化学品泄漏事故演练的处置经验。  相似文献   

12月1日起,一批法规及规范性文件正式实施。其中有的旨在加强危险化学品安全管理,有的规定在于推动国内外汇期权市场发展。这些规定将从不同层面进一步推动我国经济社会向前发展。确立危险化学品安全使用许可制度为加强危险化学品的安全管理,预防和减少危险化学品事故,我国修订了《危险化学品安全管理条例》  相似文献   

第一条为加强对剧毒化学品购买和公路运输的监督管理,保障国家财产和公民生命财产安全,根据《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法》、《危险化学品安全管理条例》等法律、法规的规定,制定本办法。第二条除个人购买农药、灭鼠药、灭虫药以外,在中华人民共和国境内购买和通过公路运输剧毒化学品的,应当遵守本办法。本办法所称剧毒化学品,按照国务院安全生产监督管理部门会同国务院公安、环保、卫生、质检、交通部门确定并公布的剧毒化学品目录执行。第三条国家对购买和通过公路运输剧毒化学品行为实行许可管理制度。购买和通过公路运输剧毒化学品,应当依照本办法申请取得  相似文献   

氟气等危险化学品泄露事故给公共安全带来了严重威胁,本文介绍了氟气的危害性,并通过对事故原因的分析,为加强此类危险化学品的安全管理提出建议和对策。  相似文献   

随着我国工业企业的发展,企业生产规模越来越大,使用化学品种类越来越多,重大危险源分布广泛。由于80%以上的化学品有易燃易爆、有毒有害、腐蚀放射等危险性,且其生产工艺复杂,高温高压突出,一旦发生事故,则极可能造成巨大的社会危害。更危险的是,目前人工合成的化学品的品种日趋复杂,其可能带来的对环境和健康的风险越来越大。危险化学品的安全管理和事故应急管理面临严峻的挑战,扎实做好危险化学品的生命周期(生产、经营、储存、运输、使用、和废弃处置全过程)的安全基础工作成为关键。  相似文献   

1.2012年7月1日国家安全生产监督管理总局令第53号公布2.自2012年8月1日起施行第一章总则第一条为了加强对危险化学品的安全管理,规范危险化学品登记工作,为危险化学品事故预防和应急救援提供技术、信息支持,根据《危险化学品安全管理条例》,制定本办法。第二条本办法适用于危险化学品生产企业、进口企业(以下统称登记企业)生产或者进口《危险化学品目录》所列危险化学品的登记和管理工作。  相似文献   

为明确我国目前施行GHS存在的问题,促进我国化学品分类与国际接轨,统一进出口要求,降低贸易壁垒,研究了《危险化学品名录》(2002版)与《联合国关于危险货物运输的建议书规章范本》(TDG)、《全球化学品统一分类和标签制度》(GHS)之间危险性分类的对比关系,发现我国主要用于危险化学品分类的《危险化学品名录》(2002版)与国际上危险货物分类标准(TDG)相似度高,但与国际上使用的危险化学品分类标准(GHS)存在多处不一致,导致实际工作中存在GHS中的危险化学品在我国现行名录中查找困难的问题;提出了在《危险化学品名录》(2002版)中改进危险性分类标准、更新名录内容的建议.  相似文献   

中国特色社会主义进入了新时代,伴随着城市的不断发展,"总体国家安全观"要求下的危险化学品风险挑战日益严峻,只有借鉴先进国家和地区的优秀管理经验,努力完善危险化学品安全管理体系,才能确保安全与发展齐头并进。在文献查阅和调研走访的基础上,以典型超大城市上海为代表,从管理理念、法制机制、方法手段等方面分析了当前危险化学品管理的基本现状,介绍了我国在危险化学品精细化管理方面进行的探索与实践,并总结了美国、英国、德国和日本等发达国家值得借鉴的经验,旨在推进新形势下我国危险化学品管理创新,为城市战略发展和平安中国建设提供帮助。  相似文献   

海运危货法律关系论纲   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述了海运危货法律关系中运输主体的资格及其在危货运输中的权利义务问题,阐释了危货运输行为及危货本身的法律属性,揭示了海运危货法律关系相对于海上货物运输法律关系的特殊性。  相似文献   

近年来,我国相继颁布实施了一系列涉及道路危险货物运输安全管理的法律、法规和标准,初步形成了危险品管理法律法规体系,有力地保障道路危险货物运输行业的健康发展。但是,随着道路危险货物运输市场日趋复杂化与多元化,道路危险货物运输管理执法工作中面临新的问题。本文分别从道路危险货物运输管理依据的法律法规、执法力度、多头管理等方面分析了当前执法工作中存在的问题,并提出一些相应的解决方法。  相似文献   

国际法上的风险预防原则   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈维春 《现代法学》2007,29(5):113-121
风险预防原则已经成为国际和国内环境保护法律制度的一项重要的基本原则。该原则要求我们在进行任何的经济活动之前就对该活动可能会对自然环境和生态系统造成的影响进行风险预测,并相应采取针对性的措施,从而更好地保护自然环境和生态系统。但如何将该原则运用到危险废物越境转移领域,仍然有待我们进行理论上的探讨。应加强对危险废物越境转移中运用该原则等方面的探讨。  相似文献   

本文运用风险分析的方法,对危险品公路运输事故和灾害风险进行定量研究,给出危险品公路运输的社会风险和个人风险,从而对公路运输风险进行评价。以某石化厂1-丁烯公路运输进行实例研究和现场应用,从而为交通运输和化工企业提供公路危险品运输的路线选择及安全管理提供决策依据。  相似文献   

潘荣坤 《政法学刊》2009,26(2):114-118
交通协管员作为一种对交通警察管理公共交通事务的辅助力量,在当前国内现实的车路矛盾、人路矛盾、人车矛盾凸显的情况下,有着积极的作用和意义。在公共管理理论中的治理理论视野下,尤其是在公共治理与多中心治理理论的角度探析交通协管员,把国内交通协管员的实践看作是一种公共治理理论和多中心治理理论的较为典型的实践形式,提出交通协管员发展的多元化发展,综合化发展,法治化发展和组织化发展的方向和趋势。  相似文献   

The National Partnership for Environmental Priorities (NPEP) program was created by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) to reduce or eliminate the nation's production of hazardous wastes and products. The NPEP is a voluntary program that provides incentives to public, private, and federal organizations that minimize their use and generation of thirty-one priority chemicals. These chemicals are considered to be persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic in the environment and present health risks to human and ecological receptors. The USEPA estimates that 90 percent of priority chemicals are used or produced during manufacturing of various household and industrial products and, as a result, end up in municipal and industrial waste streams. Ultimately, these chemicals find their way back into the environment through wastewater discharges, incineration, or other disposal practices. The NPEP program supports the goals of the National Waste Minimalization Program by encouraging simple waste minimalization solutions such as recycling, replacement, or elimination of wastes or products that contain priority chemicals, and cradle-to-cradle management of waste. Although the USEPA does not limit waste minimalization practices to only the priority chemicals, the program has set specific goals to track the elimination of these thirty-one chemicals to the environment on an annual basis.  相似文献   

Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene (BTEX) have been classified as hazardous air pollutants and cause serious effects on human health. In this study, BTEX sampling was conducted during March 2018 and the concentrations were analyzed using GC-FID. The BTEX emissions exhibited a diurnal pattern with a peak in the evening followed by in morning due to rush hours of traffic. The study suggests that the high density of vehicles and traffic on road is responsible for higher emission of BTEX that affects the health of daily commuters and also the people residing near the roadside area in East Delhi.  相似文献   

Trade in hazardous waste has given rise to great concerns. One source of transboundary trade in hazardous waste is the ship-breaking industry. Though end-of-life vessels provide incentives to developing countries in the form of raw materials, these same developing countries are not only ill equipped to manage hazardous waste in an environmentally sound manner, but they also lack the resources to mitigate health impacts arising out of the handling of hazardous waste. These concerns of weaker economies have been addressed by the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal. However, the shipping of vessels with hazardous waste for final disposal in developing countries continues. To illustrate the inequity involved in such negotiations, we present a case study of the French aircraft carrier “Le Clemenceau”, which was sent to a shipyard in Alang, India, for disposal. This vessel became the focus of attention given its transport of an unknown amount of toxic waste, including asbestos. Similarly, there are reports that large quantities of toxic waste are still being imported by India from countries that ban the use of this waste. The use, import, and export of these chemicals raise serious environmental and health concerns. This paper assesses the implications of shipping such hazardous waste to developing countries and emphasizes the need for promoting research to plug the gaps and for implementing stringent measures to check the trade in environmental pollutants.
Sangeeta SonakEmail: Email:

维护南海尤其是马六甲海峡的海上航道安全,对全球国际贸易运输具有十分重要的意义,中国的贸易和石油安全很大程度上取决于南海航道的安全。南海航道并不太平,海盗袭击在南海航道上时有发生,海上恐怖主义也有可能将其触手伸向马六甲海峡上行驶的过往船舶,如何维护南海航道的安全对周边国家和世界贸易具有特殊的意义。在打击海盗等破坏航运安全犯罪活动中,国际法律机制还存在诸多不足,海盗罪在联合国海洋法公约中规定的范围过于狭窄,一些周边国家还没有签署《制止危及海上航行安全非法行为公约》,《亚洲地区反海盗及武装劫船合作协定》的合作机制也有进一步深化的必要。在未来的法律机制创建中,有必要进一步扩大海盗罪的范围,破除联合护航中的法律障碍,方便各国行使紧追权,并加强船舶追回的合作,以维护中国和周边国家的航运安全。  相似文献   

Traditional pollen preparation techniques provide clear residues for pollen identification; however, such methods are time-consuming, requiring repeated centrifugation, heating, and digestion with high-concentration hazardous chemicals. Tobacco leaves can effectively trap environmental pollen due to hairy surface and terpene-rich exudates. A new tobacco sample processing method was developed by using different extraction chemistry with surfactant. Marlboro Gold cigarettes were employed as model samples for method development. Parameters critical for pollen extraction, which include number of cigarette sticks used, extraction solution, and extraction temperature, were optimized. By using 1% dishwashing detergent to treat three cigarettes at room temperature, the improved method was able to recover sufficient pollen for microscopic analysis in three repeated centrifuge-washing steps and omit hazardous chemicals involved in traditional methods. We focused on the pollen of common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia), a plant native to North America, as an indicator to differentiate genuine and counterfeit U.S. brand cigarettes. Results from analyzing randomly purchased genuine (authenticated by forensic examination) and known counterfeit Marlboro Gold provided by law enforcement revealed that a significant amount (39%) of Ambrosia were consistently present in all genuine samples, while counterfeit contained none or only trace count. Similar results were found in other counterfeit U.S. brand cigarettes (all seized in the U.S.) involved in this study as well. Lack of Ambrosia in cigarette strongly indicates the product was not originated in the United States.  相似文献   

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