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错案时有发生,错案与错误的科学证据有着密切关系。在全面推进依法治国、建设社会主义法治国家的大背景下,公安部对《公安机关人民警察执法过错责任追究规定》做了修订,其中的内容涉及鉴定人员出具虚假、错误鉴定意见的法律责任。除了相关部门加大投入、提高鉴定人员的待遇之外,作者提出了5条建议:加强对鉴定人员的职业伦理教育;鉴定人员应当努力提升自身的业务水平;规范实验室管理,严格鉴定程序;做好送检的检材、样本等物证的交接与保管;增强鉴定文书书写制作意识,保存好鉴定档案。  相似文献   

在刑事诉讼中,鉴定意见应用的错误与鉴定本身的错误一样极易导致错案。从几起刑事错案中暴露出鉴定意见应用中存在的共性问题,即司法人员有罪推定的司法观念以及证据规则的疏失。因此,应当进一步完善鉴定意见的关联性规则、意见规则和补强规则,同时应健全强制鉴定、庭前开示和裁判说理等相关配套制度。  相似文献   

介绍了一种基于计算机数据库平台的实验室信息管理系统(Laboratory Information Management System,简称LIMS)为平台的毒品检测工作的质量保证体系,将毒品检测工作的一般流程和LIMS的基本功能结合,制作建立在LIMS体系架构下的每个流程的交互界面和监控程序.实现了毒品实验室的样品管理、样品状态监控、数据的录入和采集、样品分析、工作流程管理、报告的审核和发布等信息管理功能.通过在毒品检测实验室建立LIMS,充分辅助了实验室的质量管理工作,有效减少了管理工作量,使实验室工作更高效、准确和规范.  相似文献   

鉴定结论被人们誉为"科学证据"。通过对13起错案涉及有关鉴定问题的透视,发现这一"殊荣"因侦查机关内设鉴定机构的"问题鉴定"使某些鉴定结论成了错案的"帮凶",这不仅导致了案件事实的错认,造成了司法不公正,同时降低了司法鉴定的公信力,最终影响了诉讼效率。我国司法鉴定制度改革在取消人民法院和司法行政部门内设鉴定机构的同时,准许侦查机关内设鉴定机构,这种制度是否合理值得进一步研究。  相似文献   

由省级人民政府指定的医院对有争议的人身伤害的医学鉴定进行重新鉴定,已实施了六年,在司法实践中,这类重新鉴定仍有不少错案。本文通过2例典型错案的分析,揭示错案产生的原因,意在说明在《刑事诉讼法》第120条修改或废止前,有必要对医生鉴定人就与鉴定有关的问题进行专门性的培训。  相似文献   

潘文荣 《证据科学》2007,14(4):318-320
由省级人民政府指定的医院对有争议的人身伤害的医学鉴定进行重新鉴定,已实施了六年,在司法实践中,这类重新鉴定仍有不少错案。本文通过2例典型错案的分析,揭示错案产生的原因,意在说明在《刑事诉讼法》第120条修改或废止前,有必要对医生鉴定人就与鉴定有关的问题进行专门性的培训。  相似文献   

毒品及毒品鉴定(Ⅲ)   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
3 毒品检验鉴定概述毒品的检验鉴定是一种诉讼行为 ,它是在法律的规范下 ,由具有毒品鉴定专门知识的人 ,使用科学的方法 ,对涉及毒品犯罪案件的有关样品进行提取、分离、检验、最终出具结论性意见 ,为案件侦破提供线索 ,为案件审理提供证据。3 1 毒品鉴定的检材收集涉嫌毒品犯罪案件的检材类型多种多样 ,既包括可疑毒品本身 ,又涉及与毒品犯罪案件相关的一些制毒工具、运送工具、吸毒工具等。有些检材来源于涉及毒品的盗窃、抢劫、交通管制、凶杀等刑事案件和治安案件。此外 ,在破获地下制毒工厂的案件中 ,还需要对用于毒品合成的易制毒化…  相似文献   

张保生 《中国法学》2013,(1):90-102
本文针对我国刑事错案种类泛化的问题,分析了"有错必纠"与无罪推定、证据裁判等法治原则的冲突;运用"证据之镜"原理阐释了刑事错案发生的不可避免性;通过对刑事诉讼证明标准的考察,限定了刑事错案的范围;通过对刑事再审制度和错案追究制度的认识论和价值论考察,强调了坚持证据裁判原则、加强证据制度建设对纠错制度完善的重要意义。  相似文献   

2008年,某部门给我实验室送来一批在2个地区缴获的共50起案件的毒品样本,希望利用毒品特征分析技术对其进行全面的定性、定量分析,通过总结每个样本的组成及含量特征,找出这批毒品样本之间的区别、关联和相似性,以获得相关的毒品情报信息。我实验室运用准确、科学的技术方法将50个案件的毒品分成5组,揭示了每个案件毒品之间内在的区别与联系,为该部门打击毒品犯罪活动提供了重要的战略情报服务。  相似文献   

死刑错案的出现严重威胁着司法的公正性,它是司法系统面临的又一大挑战,我国司法界也在极力寻找防止死刑错案的措施办法.本文将从产生死刑错案的立法、司法等方面为切入点,分析产生死刑错案的原因,从而为死刑错案的研究提供一些帮助.  相似文献   

In recent years, both China and the United States (US) have discovered numerous wrongful convictions, including several cases in which innocent people have been sentenced to death. These discoveries have led both countries to reform the death penalty but the extent and nature of the reforms in each country have been greatly different. This article explores the similarities and differences between the nature of wrongful convictions in death penalty cases in China and the US. It will also compare the reforms undertaken in each country. On the whole, the US has made greater progress in the prevention and correction of wrongful convictions involving the death penalty, especially in the areas of evidentiary rules and post-conviction review. In order for China to match America's success, it is necessary that China adopt more substantive reforms. China should learn from America's experience and should continue to adopt international standards of criminal justice, such as due process rights, the presumption of innocence and the exclusion of illegally obtained evidence. In the interim, China should immediately suspend all executions until adequate reforms can be carried out. Ultimately, China should surpass the US in criminal-justice reform and in the field of human rights protection by completely abolishing the death penalty and creating a more effective mechanism for criminal punishment.  相似文献   

The results are reported of a study to examine case factors associated with 732 wrongful convictions classified by the National Registry of Exonerations as being associated with “False or Misleading Forensic Evidence.” A forensic error typology has been developed to provide a structure for the categorization and coding of factors relating to misstatements in forensic science reports; errors of individualization or classification; testimony errors; issues relating to trials and officers of the court; and evidence handling and reporting issues. This study, which included the analysis of 1391 forensic examinations, demonstrates that most errors related to forensic evidence are not identification or classification errors by forensic scientists. When such errors are made, they are frequently associated with incompetent or fraudulent examiners, disciplines with an inadequate scientific foundation, or organizational deficiencies in training, management, governance, or resources. More often, forensic reports or testimony miscommunicate results, do not conform to established standards, or fail to provide appropriate limiting information. Just as importantly, actors within the broader criminal justice system—but not under the purview of any forensic science organization—may contribute to errors that may be related to the forensic evidence. System issues include reliance on presumptive tests without confirmation by a forensic laboratory, use of independent experts outside the administrative control of public laboratories, inadequate defense, and suppression or misrepresentation of forensic evidence by investigators or prosecutors. In approximately half of wrongful convictions analyzed, improved technology, testimony standards, or practice standards may have prevented a wrongful conviction at the time of trial.  相似文献   

This article examines the iron triangle of the gong jian fa (police, prosecutors and courts) in China, based on Chinese lessons from high-profile wrongful convictions in capital cases. It argues that the iron triangle acts as both an administrative and a political control on such cases, behind which lies overly close cooperation between the three state institutions. This cooperation often results from coordination by local political-legal committees (PLCs). Under this institutional environment, the police, prosecutors and courts have to work together and cooperate with combating crime, without necessary restricts to ensure criminal justice even in capital cases. Responding to repeated occurrences of such typical injustices, China has promoted several waves of justice reforms to prevent and reduce wrongful convictions over the last ten years, but has failed to make substantive progress without effectively addressing the iron triangle. This continued failure calls for a holistic approach to future systemic reform. Particularly, specific measures are required to enhance judicial independence and to reduce intervention from local PLCs during the handling of individual cases. Such reforms would greatly reduce the risk of wrongful convictions in capital cases.  相似文献   

Yu YH  Peng H  Chen YQ  Zhang LF  Peng B 《法医学杂志》2011,27(5):358-60, 364
目的 探讨经临床行剖腹探查术的腹部穿透伤的损伤特征,归纳其损伤程度的鉴定要点,为法医临床学鉴定实践及修改相关鉴定标准提供科学、合理的参考依据.方法 对笔者于1990年7月-2011年2月受理的57例腹部穿透伤后行剖腹探查术的损伤案例,根据致伤物、腹腔积血、器官损伤、鉴定结论等方面进行分析总结.结果 对于腹部穿透伤行剖腹...  相似文献   

Zhang W  Hu YL 《法医学杂志》2011,27(6):438-440
目的探讨外伤性脑梗死法医临床学鉴定的要点。方法对25例外伤性脑梗死的案例进行回顾性分析,包括一般情况、梗死部位、临床表现等。结果 25例被鉴定人中以儿童和老年人多见,并均有明确的颅脑外伤。脑梗死部位好发于大脑基底节-内囊区或额、颞、顶叶皮层区。结论外伤性脑梗死的损害后果与脑梗死发生部位具有直接关系,应引起法医临床学鉴定人的重视。  相似文献   

Studdert J in all three cases went to great length to summarise the global judicial position of "wrongful life" claims. He did not, however, examine in great length how or whether "wrongful life" claims or "wrongful birth" claims are reconcilable with tort and common law principles. Although the cases identify the difficulty in assessing and quantifying damages, they do not directly address the strict legal principles which apply in the assessment of damages. The main conclusion of the three judgments was that no duty of care is owed to the plaintiff in these circumstances and, even if a duty could be established, the impossibility of quantifying damages and public policy considerations warrant the rejection of such a claim: "thus conscience does make cowards of us all." The significance of the decisions cannot be understand. The decisions deny recognition of "wrongful life" claims in circumstances where a disabled person has incurred injuries en ventre sa mere (in the mother's womb) as a result of infections contracted by a plaintiff's mother or genetic material passed on by a plaintiff's parents. Some countries have now legislated for the abolition of "wrongful life and birth" suits. In January 2002 the French legislature passed a Bill overturning the "wrongful life" decision of the Cour de Cassation in Perruche (17 November 2000). As the issue now falls for ultimate determination by the French Senate, the French pro-life movement continues to lobby for the prohibition of "wrongful birth" suits as well. Furthermore, eight States in the United States have prohibited either one or both actions and the State of Michigan prohibited both actions in 2001. It is likely that all three cases will be appealed. The appeal in Harriton will re-examine the viability of a "wrongful life" claim in Australia whereas the cases of Edwards and Waller still need to determine the "wrongful birth" claims brought by the plaintiffs' parents. It is likely that the latter two cases will not be determined until the High Court has considered the Queensland "wrongful birth" case of Melchior v Cattanach, expected to be late in 2002.  相似文献   

对生物检材进行DNA分型是解决法医遗传学实践中个体识别和亲权鉴定问题的重要步骤,法医学实践中复杂生物检材和复杂亲缘关系鉴定等一直是现有的检测分析技术的难点和挑战。随着DNA技术的发展,新的检测分析技术不断引入到法医遗传学领域,以期提高检测效能。二代测序技术具有测序通量高、成本低等特点,能够获得样本DNA详细序列和相对含量等信息,有助于生物检材的检测和案件的分析。二代测序技术在法医遗传学领域的应用受到广泛关注,相关的应用研究逐渐增多。本文就目前法医遗传学领域借助二代测序技术对遗传标记分析的研究进展进行总结,希望能为相关研究和应用提供参考。  相似文献   

Invalid expert witness testimony that overstated the precision and accuracy of forensic science procedures has been highlighted as a common factor in many wrongful conviction cases. This study assessed the ability of an opposing expert witness and judicial instructions to mitigate the impact of invalid forensic science testimony. Participants (N = 155) acted as mock jurors in a sexual assault trial that contained both invalid forensic testimony regarding hair comparison evidence, and countering testimony from either a defense expert witness or judicial instructions. Results showed that the defense expert witness was successful in educating jurors regarding limitations in the initial expert's conclusions, leading to a greater number of not-guilty verdicts. The judicial instructions were shown to have no impact on verdict decisions. These findings suggest that providing opposing expert witnesses may be an effective safeguard against invalid forensic testimony in criminal trials.  相似文献   

杨飞 《行政与法》2012,(6):67-70
因医院产前检查过失导致缺陷婴儿出生之损害赔偿案件在我国司法实践中并不鲜见,但世界各国对此类案件的处理则没有统一规定,在我国也没有相应的法律规范。本文从法理上剖析了人民法院以医院产前检查过失行为侵犯缺陷婴儿父母的生育选择权为裁判基础的不妥之处,评析了"缺陷婴儿不当出生之诉"的侵权不成立、违约救济之困境,提出在我国侵权法体系中应当增加"违反保护他人的法律规定之侵权类型",以消弭此类纠纷在司法实践中法律适用的困惑。  相似文献   

错误的刑事羁押与国家的赔偿责任   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李建明 《现代法学》2004,26(6):37-42
刑事诉讼中的错误羁押与刑事错案常常相伴而生,但二者并非同一概念。错误羁押以刑事程序法为认定依据,即使没有错案发生,羁押行为违反《刑事诉讼法》的规定亦照样构成错误羁押。与错案相联系的错误羁押或合法羁押都应当导致刑事司法机关的国家赔偿责任,而未构成错案但构成错误羁押并因此导致当事人合法权益损害的,国家也应当有条件地承担赔偿责任。国家对无错案条件下错误羁押承担赔偿责任,有利于增强刑事司法机关的程序公正意识和人权保障意识,防止和减少羁押的滥用。  相似文献   

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