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This research is a survey study of the opinions of one group of China scholars in the U.S.—scholars teaching Chinese politics in American universities—on issues concerning the People's Republic of China. Our findings suggest that despite some new developments in the Sinologist community in the U.S., China scholars continue to favor more generous and more pragmatic approaches toward China. They are more concerned with practical issues such as regional stability and economic ties with China and do not want the U.S. to be highly moralistic in dealing with China.  相似文献   

正Since U.S. President Joe Biden assumed office almost six months ago, his administration has been making efforts to rope U.S. allies into launching a crackdown on China economically, technologically, politically and culturally. Positioning China as a hostile rival, some American politicians have always viewed bilateral relationship as a zero-sum game with one winner and one loser. However, this narrow and extreme mentality will only end up hurting both sides.  相似文献   

Chinese and U.S.enterprises are upbeat about the futureDuring his icebreaking visit to China in 1972,U.S.President Richard Nixon was invited by Chinese leaders to recommend the best American enterprises from 10 sectors to drive economic exchanges between the two countries.Honeywell UOP.  相似文献   

ENN has helped local U.S. governments to provide the same green electric power,green manufacturing and smart ecology that it has already applied in China to American cities,in order to save energy and reduce emissions.  相似文献   

美国对外政策的制定通常需要有民意基础,然而现有研究鲜有从美国民众的视角探究美国对台军售。本文基于美国人对华态度实证调研的数据,利用单因子试验法测试美国民众在“中美关系”和“对台军售”间的权衡,并采用logistic模型来检查影响美国民众对台军售支持率的主要因素。结果表明即使对台军售会严重恶化或危害中美关系,58%的美国民众依然支持美国对台军售。政治倾向(温和派)、媒体和信息渠道(收听广播和浏览网络频率)、个人因素(性别、年龄)等是影响美国民众对台军售支持率的主要因素。终止美国对台军售,我国一方面需要有更加强有力的反制措施,另一方面可以尝试通过长期规划的网络传播手段来扭转美国民众对对台军售的支持。  相似文献   

Newly nominated U.S. Ambassador to China Jon Huntsman has been well received among Chinese observers. Recently, Beijing Review reporter Yan Wei discussed the nomination with Professor Shi Yinhong of the School of International Studies at Renmin University of China, a prominent expert on American studies. Excerpts of the interview follow:  相似文献   

中美关系与两岸关系的大格局,决定了美国涉台关系的变化趋势.在政治上,美国乐见国民党连续执政和两岸关系的和平发展,但对于台湾被迫走向统一,存有疑虑,希望及时把握两岸和谈的具体进程.美方对台湾在“国防”、“外交”等领域予以多方面支持的目的,从短期看是同步强化美台关系,维护美国在台海地区的既有利益;从长期看则是增加台湾在两岸谈判中的筹码,谋取美国在台湾问题最终解决方案上的主动权.  相似文献   

Some people believe that former President Donald Trump introduced anti-Asian hate to the U.S.To be sure,Trump did instigate and exacerbate racial hatred and violenee,especially with his racist rhetoric against China after his ineptitude at containing the COVID-19 pandemic was exposed.From March to December 2020,Stop AAPI(Asian American Pacific Islander)Hate,a national coalition monitoring anti-Asian discrimination during the pandemic.  相似文献   

美国战略情报思想源于20世纪40年代,其中影响最大的是谢尔曼·肯特出版的专著《服务于美国世界政策的战略情报》。如今战略早已超出了传统军事战略的层面,战略定义的扩大使情报的定义摆脱了狭隘的军事情报观念。针对我国目前的反恐工作形势,该文从影响我国反恐战略制定的因素、总体国家安全观下对反恐战略提出的新要求等方面,论述了美国战略情报思想对我国反恐战略的启示,以期能为我国目前的反恐工作带来一些裨益。  相似文献   

The available literature has overwhelmingly focused on the Taiwan issue as an obstacle and highlighted its negative role within the Sino‐U.S. relationship. Despite their historically sensitive and often acrimonious relations, it is still a puzzle why China and the United States continue their positive engagement and cooperation. We hope to contribute to the existing literature by systematically examining how and to what extent the Taiwan issue has influenced the Sino‐U.S. relationship. Therefore, this article examines the nature of Sino‐U.S. relations from perceptional, domestic, and international behavioral levels as observed through their reactions to the Taiwan problem. We argue that similarities between Chinese and American perceptions, relatively stable or peace‐favored domestic factors, as well as often restrained and cooperative behaviors by the two great powers may result in improved ties and greater regional stability and harmony. We conclude that despite its apparent negative impact, the sensitive Taiwan issue will not lead the overall Sino‐U.S. relationship into a state of comprehensive confrontation.  相似文献   

Japan overtook China as the largest foreign holder of U.S.Treasury securities at the end of 2009 after China sold $34.2 billion in American securities last December.China had previously surpassed Japan as the largest holder in September 2008.Since then,China has increased and reduced its holding from time to time.The latest amount,however,accounted for 4 percent of all Chinese holdings and was the biggest single month reduction in years.  相似文献   

正In U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry's visit to Tianjin, China, in early September and his discussions with China's Special Envoy for Climate Change Xie Zhenhua, we can see a welcome movement toward the better(old) days of cooperation in areas the two countries could agree on. The old official bridges were partially "deconstructed" and that self-inflicted damage was shouldered by the American people. Now, the U.S. can finally see what it produced: precisely nothing of value.  相似文献   

Searching for New Markets In a search of export strength,Chinese manufacturers are increasingly turning their eyes to emerging markets that were spared the worst of the financial crisis.  相似文献   

Much to the surprise of climate observers worldwide, China and the United States issued a state-ment announcing to strengthen cooperation to tackle climate change at the 26th UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow, the UK, on November 11. It's an especially bold statement on the part of the U.S., considering that ever since the Donald Trump administration, the of-ficial American position had bordered on the mockery of almost any carbon emission reduction talk.  相似文献   

庞常青 《青年论坛》2014,(1):123-128
美国有联邦监听法律法规,但各州也根据自己的立法权制定了一些本州的监听法。宪法虽然为美国人权、隐私权提供了有效的保护伞,但自9.11以后,《美国爱国者法案》赋予了美国总统特权,监听扩权问题甚嚣尘上。但联邦层面上对监听问题的监督相对完善,对此的介绍也频见报端,但对各州监听立法的研究却鲜有所见。文章比较详尽地介绍了美国各州的监听立法情况,披露了各州监听立法的内容、执法程序、监督机制等等都不尽如人意,权力监督不力、滥用情况比较普遍,以资我国监听立法借鉴。  相似文献   

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks that triggered the American "war on terror," a blanket term for all preemptive military strikes intended to reduce the threat terrorism posed to the U.S. homeland. It was foreshadowed by the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan in October 2001, which had brought about enormous sorrow, wanton destruction and civilian casualties to the Afghan nation before the American troops finally made their chaotic exit two decades later.  相似文献   

A World Trade Organization (WTO) arbitrator on January 26 ruled on the case of the United States—Countervailing Duty Measures on Certain Products From China, determining that China may impose trade retaliations against the U.S. with respect to trade in goods in the amount of$645 million annually given the U.S. failure to comply with a WTO ruling in force. China now urges the U.S. to take immediate action to right its wrongs in trade remedy investigations targeting China.  相似文献   

蒲安臣是中国历史上第一位外交使节,由于他本身是美国人这一特殊身份使得他在中美关系史上具有重要地位。在他主导下签订的《蒲安臣条约》是近代中国第一个以平等身份签订的条约。从蒲安臣的经历以及《蒲安臣条约》看出:晚清美国的对华政策往往是理想主义与现实主义交融的产物,而清政府则希望利用美国相对于其他列强对中国的善意达到“以夷制夷”的目的。《蒲安臣条约》在劳工、留学等方面对日后的中美关系产生了重要影响。  相似文献   

美国国务卿蓬佩奥2019年4月15日在演讲时说:“我们撒谎,我们欺骗,我们偷窃……这才是美国不断探索进取的荣耀。”美国政客的言论彻底暴露了其在人权问题上奉行双重标准、以人权维护霸权的虚伪面目。美国号称人权立国,以世界人权卫士自居,以自身对人权的狭隘理解为框架,以称霸全球的核心利益为标尺,每年根据捕风捉影、道听途说的材料拼凑出年度国别人权报告,对不符合其战略利益的国家和地区的人权状况肆意歪曲贬低,却对自身持续性、系统化、大规模侵犯人权的斑斑劣迹置若罔闻、熟视无睹。  相似文献   

地缘政治中的中美关系与台湾问题   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
台湾所处的地理位置决定了它在东亚-西太平洋地区的地缘政治与地缘战略中具有 特殊重要的意义。中美冷战时期,台湾成为美国遏制中国的地缘战略工具。随着中美关系的缓和, 台湾在该地区地缘政治中的重要性大幅下降。冷战结束以来,随着中美关系被美国的战略决策者 定位成战略上的竞争关系,台湾对美国而言的地缘战略价值再次上升。这正是台湾问题具有长期 性、复杂性的根本原因之一。  相似文献   

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