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我国刑法中轻罪与重罪若干问题研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
黄开诚 《现代法学》2006,28(2):98-106
我国刑法中轻罪与重罪的划分,仅指轻罪行与重罪行的划分。在学术界关于区分轻罪和重罪的四种观点中,以一定法定刑为标准认定罪行的轻重具有充分的依据。认定轻罪和重罪法定刑的分界线当以有期徒刑3年为限,即凡法定最低刑为3年或3年以上有期徒刑的罪行都是重罪,反之便是轻罪。我国刑法存在若干轻罪与重罪界限不明的条文,需调整其罪刑关系。犯罪的未完成形态只存在于重罪之中。  相似文献   

李翔 《北方法学》2013,7(5):101-109
刑事和解概念虽从国外产生,但它和中国传统文化背景以及和谐社会理念吻合,它融合了人文关怀和道德情感因素,符合以人为本、和谐有序的现代刑事司法理念和现实需要,重罪案件刑事和解虽然与刑法基本原则存在冲突,但更存在价值取向上的契合。重罪案件在司法实践中和解不仅应当而且可能。  相似文献   

重罪与轻罪是刑法中的一对重要概念,重罪与轻罪的区分主要应该从犯罪的社会危害性及其程度和刑法明文规定的法定刑即实质和形式两个方面进行综合判断,才能得出正确的结论,以期能对解决司法实践中有关重罪与轻罪的问题有所帮助。  相似文献   

本文首先比较了中日刑法涉及死刑条文数量、中日死刑的适用条件、中日死刑的适用范围、中日死刑的规定方式。在比较的基础上,文章得出一些启示:我国在立法上应该削减死刑的罪名,即缩小死刑的适用范围;我国刑法中的抽象的死刑适用条件也为我国在司法上限制死刑提供了空间;取消我国刑法中的绝对死刑,变为选择性死刑。  相似文献   

1997年《刑法》规定了68个适用死刑的罪名。之后,2011年《刑法修正案(八)》减少了13个死刑适用罪名,2015年《刑法修正案(九)》又减少了9个死刑适用罪名。至今,《刑法》共有46个死刑适用罪名目前,我国的基本死刑政策总体上是保留死刑但严格限制其适用之所以现阶段要保留死刑,一方面是由于现实中还存在极其严重的犯罪;另一方面是死刑制度的存在既有利于预防犯罪目的的实现,也符合我国现阶段的社会价值观念,能够为广大群众所接受和支持,具有满足人民群众安全心理需要的功能。严格限制死刑的适用是指坚持少杀、防止错杀。  相似文献   

张楠 《法制与社会》2013,(10):288-289
刑事和解作为一种新型的刑事问题解决机制和新兴的司法模式,在青少年犯罪案件、轻微刑事案件的解决过程中,已经得到广泛地运用,收到了良好的社会效果,表现出解决纠纷的优势。随着我国法律体系的不断健全,其适用范围应该从轻微犯罪扩大到严重刑事犯罪,但对于重罪案件中是否可以适用刑事和解,学术上还存在一定的争议,本人赞成刑事和解适用到重罪案件之中,以更好地节约司法资源。  相似文献   

自贝卡里亚提出了废除死刑的观点之后,死刑保留论和废除论的争论一直未停止。国际上很多国家已经废除了死刑或者严格限制死刑的适用。我国可以适用死刑的罪名在刑法修正案(八)之后削减了13个,但仍有55个之多。我国历史上死刑适用泛滥,受传统历史的影响,并根据我国国情的实际情况,废除死刑的目标仍然可望而不可即。但是废除死刑是大势所趋,我国在立法和司法过程中应当在保留死刑制度的前提下,减少刑法中规定的死刑罪名的数量,限制死刑适用的范围,缩减死刑适用的对象,严格贯彻死刑的执行程序,使死刑制度朝着健康文明的方向发展,并最终逐渐走向废止。  相似文献   

把犯罪分为重罪与轻罪,在西方国家,无论大陆法系和英美法系都是很普遍,如德国、法国、奥地利、瑞士、泰国、美国等的刑法典对此都作了具体的规定。在这一点上,各国除大多分为重罪与轻罪外,有的只规定重罪,其他推定为轻罪:有的只规定轻罪,其他推定为重罪:有的把叛逆罪列人重罪内或单独为一类;有的在轻罪中还包括重轻罪和违警罪。对叛逆罪美国在宪法中作了特别的规定,宪法第3条第2款规定:“反对美国的叛逆罪只限于对美国进行战争,归附美国的敌人,并给敌人以帮助或鼓励的行为。”随着社会的发展,区分叛国罪和重罪的意义不大,故美国刑法只是把叛国罪作为重罪的一部分,而没有独立为一类。  相似文献   

<正> 在美国,联邦和各州各有各的刑法体系和制度,比较复杂。本文试图简要地介绍一下美国刑法中的罪和刑,使读者对美国刑法有个初步了解。美国联邦和各州的刑法典,把各式各样的犯罪现象分为重罪和轻罪两大类,某些州把犯罪分成重罪和轻罪后,还加上轻微犯罪作为补充。其区分重罪和轻罪的标准是:(一)犯罪人被关在监狱里还是关在地方看守所里?(二)犯罪人被判处什么样的刑罚?如果是监禁的  相似文献   

孙艳丹  王志伟 《法制与社会》2011,(27):119-119,121
长期以来,监禁刑作为最重要的刑罚手段被世界各国普遍使用,适用中有许多争议。本文以重罪适用非监禁刑的必要性及合理性为基点,通过我国重罪适用非监禁刑的现状分析,提出非监禁刑适用的建议。  相似文献   

Each year millions of Americans become victims of predatory crimes. The way victims respond to these attacks varies from complicance with offenders' requests to physically challenging offenders. In some cases, the physical defense of self and property has lethal consequences for the initial offender. While much is known about felony murder victims and typical homicide offenders, little is known about individuals who fight back against predatory attack by using lethal violence. In this paper, we use data from the Homicides in Chicago, 1965–1995 study to describe the characteristics of defensive homicide offenders and to determine how they compare with felony murder victims and defensive homicide offenders. Our results indicate that defensive homicide offenders are more similar to typical homicide offenders than felony murder victims, and are even more likely to have violent criminal histories and to use firearms than typical homicide offenders. Our results challenge the common perception that individuals who fight back against predatory attack are simply “law-abiding citizens.” We conclude the paper with a discussion of the implications of our study for additional research and police practice. Authors' Note: The authors thank editor Dennis Stevens and James Black for their helpful comments on earlier draft of the paper.  相似文献   

Florida law allows judges to withhold adjudication of guilt for individuals who have been found guilty of a felony and are being sentenced to probation. Such individuals lose no civil rights and may lawfully assert they had not been convicted of a felony. Labeling theory would predict that the receipt of a felony label could increase the likelihood of recidivism. Reconviction data for 95,919 men and women who were either adjudicated or had adjudication withheld show that those formally labeled are significantly more likely to recidivate in 2 years than those who are not. Labeling effects are stronger for women, whites, and those who reach the age of 30 years without a prior conviction. Second‐level indicators of county characteristics (e.g., crime rates or concentrated disadvantage) have no significant effect on the adjudication/recidivism relationship.  相似文献   

A proper test of the deterrent effect of the death penalty must consider capital homicides. However, the criterion variable in most investigations has been total homicides—most of which bear no legal or theoretical relationship to capital punishment. To address this fundamental data problem, this investigation used Federal Bureau of Investigation data for 1976–1987 to examine the relationship between capital punishment and felony murder, the most common type of capital homicide. We conducted time series analyses of monthly felony murder rates, the frequency of executions, and the amount and type of television coverage of executions over the period. The analyses revealed occasional departures (for vehicle theft and narcotics killings) from the null hypotheses. However, on balance, and in line with the vast majority of capital punishment studies, this investigation found no consistent evidence that executions and the television coverage they receive are associated significantly with rates for total, index, or different types of felony murder.  相似文献   

刘林呐 《政法论丛》2012,(2):93-100
陪审制度具有重要的政治意蕴与司法功能。在法国,对于法定刑较重的重大案件,实行以随机方式抽选一般国民担任陪审员,由陪审员与职业法官组成合议庭,共同审理案件,一起决定定罪量刑的制度。法国重罪陪审制度对于完善我国人民陪审员制度,如构建重罪、复杂案件由陪审团审理的制度,取消对陪审员学历的要求、确立科学的陪审员遴选程序与陪审团评议表决程序方面具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(1):28-47
With nearly 4 million adults under supervision in the US, probationers make up the largest group of offenders under the supervision of the criminal justice system. Yet the sanction of probation has received relatively little study. Because probation is generally a local endeavor, coordinated data collection is rare. In this article, the changing dynamics of felony probation populations in California over two decades are examined using dynamic systems simulation modeling. In addition to demonstrating the utility of this underused modeling technique, the legal and social sources of changes in the use of felony probation in California’s criminal justice system are discussed, as are the practical and policy implications of these changes.  相似文献   

Another look is taken at the murder case of the late President John F. Kennedy. The overall pattern established by various investigations should force any reasonable person to conclude that a conspiracy of greater or lesser proportions did exist. The actors in that conspiracy have not been identified. The role of Lee Harvey Oswald in the event is still obscure. The art and science of pathology, in this case, failed the nation. Federal agencies were incompetent and possibly criminally negligent in their handling of the case. The fact that more than a single gunman was involved in the murder seems indubitable. Scientists, as scientists, have contributed all that they can to resolving the case. Suppression, modification, and destruction of evidence crucial to the case by those having it in custody have been completed so effectively that one esteemed historian has asserted, "at least some of those responsible for the murder of a President of the United States got away with it."  相似文献   

面对严重危及社会生存与发展、民众安宁与秩序的一些严重犯罪,"重重"是世界范围内的一种刑事政策选择现实与趋势."重重"绝非一种重刑主义政策,其核心含义与要求是严密法网并严格责任.其基本的理论假定是:既然刑罚的矫治罪犯、回归犯罪人并预防犯罪的目的对有些犯罪与犯罪人难以达到,那么起码有一点能够做到,那就是,让刑罚发挥其能够起到的惩罚犯罪的作用,从而更好地保护社会.  相似文献   

On September 10, 1990 Charles Troy Coleman was put to death by lethal injection at the Oklahoma State Penitentiary. Coleman's execution was the first in the state in more than 25 years, generating significant media coverage and providing a unique opportunity to assess the impact of the state's return to executing capital offenders. Interrupted time-series analyses are performed with weekly data from the UCR Supplemental Homicide Reports for the state for the period January 1989 through December 1991. Analyses are performed for the total level of criminal homicides and homicides disaggregated into two types of murder–felony murder and stranger homicides–testing hypotheses that predict opposing impacts for each type of homicide. As predicted, no evidence of a deterrent or a brutalization effect is found for criminal homicides in general. Similarly, the predicted deterrent effect of the execution on the level of felony murders is not observed. Evidence of the predicted brutalization effect on the level of stranger homicides is observed, however. Supplementary analyses on further offense disaggregations continue to support these initial findings and permit a more coherent interpretation of the results.  相似文献   

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