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隐性采访是新闻记者热衷采用的一种采访手段,但由于现行法律没有作出明确规定,致使隐性采访纷争不断.对隐性采访进行立法规制已成为现实的需要,立法应当从隐性采访的原则、隐性采访的方式、隐性采访的程序以及隐性采访的限制等方面加以规定.  相似文献   

张大鹏 《法制与社会》2012,(23):274-275,279
近年来,随着新闻舆论监督作用的不断增强,隐性采访这一鲜活的新闻采访方式逐渐被各新闻媒介所运用,特别是新型电子设备的出现,更为电视记者进行隐性采访、偷拍偷录打开了方便之门.在隐性采访最大程度追求真实性的同时,也造成对他人权利或自由的侵犯、干涉和限制,它带来了一系列法律上的权利冲突,采访不得当就会产生法律纠纷,甚至触犯刑律.如何用道德的约束控制侵权行为和如何维护采访对象的权益是值得我们三思的.  相似文献   

隐性采访是近年来受到新闻记者普遍青睐的新闻采访形式.由于通过隐性采访这种采访手段采获的新闻具有形式的新颖多样、内容的新鲜独特等特点而受到受众的欢迎,成为大众传媒经常采用的新闻样式.但由于相关法规的缺乏,新闻记者在开展隐性采访时,经常会遇到诸多法律困惑:通过隐性采访采获的视听资料能否作为法庭合法证据使用,隐性采访实施过程中是否可以采用引诱手段,新闻记者在隐性采访时如何隐身等等.在没有专门法规定的情况下,探讨根据我国现有法律的相关规定合法开展隐性采访的方法和途径,对于隐性采访的健康发展意义重大.  相似文献   

隐性采访作为一种特殊的采访方式在实施新闻舆论监督方面有着常规采访方式不可比拟的独特优势,所以不论是国外还是国内新闻界在实施新闻舆论监督方面都不乏把隐性采访运用得恰到好处的经典案例。与此同时隐性采访历来最容易为人所争议之处就是其对采访对象隐私权的侵犯。本文从法制的角度对这一颇受争议的问题做出思考分析,并且针对当今新闻界所存在的隐性采访被滥用的趋势从法制与伦理两方面提出规避措施。  相似文献   

隐性采访的合法界限   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李华  蒙晓阳 《河北法学》2006,24(2):72-75
中国的隐性采访虽是新生事物,却越来越普遍.在驳斥"隐性采访否定论"的基础上论证了新闻媒体有权进行隐性采访,前提是没有超出法定界限,没有侵害社会公共利益或他人的合法权益;在驳斥"采访权优先论"的基础上论证了采访权与其他各种权利是平等的,没有优于其他权利的特殊地位;最后从采访的场所、采访内容、采访方式及采访材料的处理等四个方面给出了记者进行隐性采访时自我约束的参照条件,使其始终在法律许可的范围内进行.  相似文献   

隐性采访的法律问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
隐性采访的法律问题●西南政法大学刑事司法系李向彬引言隐性采访是相对于显性采访而言的一种新闻采访方法,通常情况下是指记者隐瞒自己的真实身份或者采用隐藏式技术手段获取新闻材料的新闻采访方法。隐性采性作为一种不公开的采访方法,也有人称之为秘密采访。一般说来...  相似文献   

徐力 《法制与社会》2010,(2):265-265
社会需要隐性采访,是因为新闻媒体的舆论监督是社会实现自我净化的一种必要机制。受众喜欢用隐性采访手段采制的新闻,是因为他们通过记者的采访,看到了阳光不能照到的黑暗角落。尽管我国的《新闻法》还没有出台,但每一个新闻从业人员都应当知道,自己的行为应当限定在法律许可的框架之内。无论如何,法律,都是隐性采访不能逾越的界限。  相似文献   

论“偷拍偷录”采访资料的证据能力   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
时下,新闻界盛行隐性采访,即新闻记者隐瞒自己的身份或意图,进行暗访,其使用的主要手段就是“偷拍偷录”。这种采访方式对于打消采访对象的顾虑,保证新闻报道的真实性、准确性,从而充分发挥新闻舆论的监督功能具有重要的作用。但在有些情况下,也不可避免地违背了采访对象的个人意愿,甚至侵犯了采访对象的个人隐私。如果涉及诉讼程序,这种隐性采访所“偷拍偷录”的采访资料在法律上是否有作为证据的资格,即是否具有证据能力呢 ?这个问题在学者中间是有争议的,本文将就此问题进行初步的探讨。   一、“偷拍偷录”的采访资料是一…  相似文献   

隐性采访的法律问题初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在现代社会中,新闻是一个庞大的产业,报纸、广播、电视以及互联网已经渗透到社会生活的各个领域,成为人们获得信息的主要途径。近年来,随着媒体间竞争的日趋激烈,新闻媒体为取悦读者和观众,千方百计甚至不择手段地获取独家新闻。在这种情况下,隐性采访在实践中的运用越来越广泛  相似文献   

电视新闻隐性采访在发挥其强大的舆论监督功能的同时也带来了法律上的权利冲突,对这些权利冲突我们不仅应作一般性的价值理性意义的衡量,还应从社会经济效率出发作经济学意义上的量化利益均衡。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact on legal advice of the major shift to telephone-only services in social welfare legal aid, which took place in April 2013. An empirical study comparing telephone and face-to-face advice reveals that face-to-face contact has considerable advantages in the advice interview. Based on interviews and observations with housing law clients, their lawyers and advisers, the findings of this qualitative study demonstrate that clients and lawyers often find it easier to express themselves and understand each other face-to-face. The face-to-face interview benefits from features including the stronger emotional connection between lawyer and client, non-verbal communication, more expansive conversation and the greater ability to consult and confer over documents. Telephone-only advice may be suitable for some more capable clients and uncomplicated matters, but this qualitative research shows that vulnerable clients are more likely to be adversely affected by the potential disadvantages of telephone-only contact. Clients with more complex social needs or with more serious or urgent cases are better served by face-to-face advice. The findings of this research should inform the LASPO review and future priorities for legal aid funding.  相似文献   

South Korean criminal trials heavily depend on the investigation dossier written by prosecutor. The judges do no more than confirm evidence in the prosecutor's interview documents. This leads to a conviction rate exceeding 99 per cent, which is one of the highest in the world. The study aims to explore the reliability of such prosecutorial interview documents and the problems caused by criminal trials depending on them. This is based on a semi-structured interview of 20 legal professionals. Prosecutors' written interview records cannot help to regulate the risk of abuse as they provide the court with quite limited and skewed information. The criminal justice system should amend the evidentiary impact of the prosecutorial interview records. Instead, it should establish a number of appropriate safeguards to protect suspects against false confessions.  相似文献   


The Cognitive Interview (CI) was compared with a standard interview protocol (based on the National Transportation Safety Board) to interview witnesses of a videotaped traffic accident. Witnesses were tested twice, five minutes after viewing the accident and again two weeks later. The CI elicited approximately 70% more correct facts than did the standard interview, and at equivalent accuracy rates, at both the first interview and the second interview. The double-testing procedure generated novel data patterns that may allow us to identify incorrect recollections; other results lead us to question some legal assumptions about the diagnosticity of inconsistent recollections.  相似文献   

Noting the historical negative public perception held of attorneys, a 2×2 factorial design was created to assess the relative roles of legal competence and relational skill in the formation of client attitudes toward attorneys. Ninety-three subjects viewed a simulated, video-taped attorney-client interview in which the attorney possessed either (a) high legal competence and high relational skill, or (b) low legal competence and high relational skill, or (c) high legal competence and low relational skill, or (d) low legal competence and low relational skill. Analysis of questionnaires completed by the subjects after viewing the tapes revealed the attorney having high legal competence and high relational skill to be viewed as most expert, attractive, trustworthy. probable of satisfying the client, and being recommended and used in the future. The attorney having low legal competence and high relational skill was rated second on sixteen of the seventeen measures employed, indicating that relational skill contributes more to the formation of a client's perception of his or her attorney than does the attorney's level of legal competence. Implications of the results for the training of future attorneys are discussed.The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers.  相似文献   

面试合分方法的合理性辨析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在目前的面试工作中,有两种合分方法:“总分去高低分法”和“分项支高低分法”。究竟哪一种面试合分方法更为科学,已经成为当前面试工作关注的问题。通过对这一问题的数学分析,得到如下研究结论:在面试合分方面,“分项去高低分法”是消除各考官之间的相对不合理性的最佳途径,要比用“总分去高低分法”进行面试合分更趋于合理。  相似文献   

Purpose. The main aim of the study was to examine the efficacy of the appropriate adult (AA) safeguard for vulnerable adult and juvenile suspects undergoing police interviews. Method. We examined the records of suspects held in custody by the London Metropolitan Police at 74 charging stations during February 1997 (Medford, Gudjonsson, & Pearse, 2000). Adult suspects whose custody record indicated psychological vulnerability were included in the study, as well as juvenile suspects. Audiotaped interviews of suspects were analysed using a special coding frame. The contribution (or lack of contribution) made by the AA, the extent to which they fulfilled their role, and the effect of their presence on other persons and interview outcome were examined and analysed. Results. Of the 501 interviews available for analysis, 365 (73%) were with adult suspects and 136 (27%) with juveniles. An AA was present during 212 (58%) adult interviews and 135 (99%) juvenile interviews. The AAs of juveniles, who were mainly family members and friends, contributed more in interview, both appropriately and inappropriately, than did social workers and volunteers, although overall there was little direct intervention bythe AA. Conclusions. Although AAs contribute little to the police interview in terms of verbal interactions, their mere presence during the police interview has three important effects. First, in the case of adults, but notjuveniles, it increases the likelihood that a legal representative will be present. Second, it appears to be associated with less interrogative pressure in interview. Third, in the presence of an AA, the legal representative takes on a more active role.  相似文献   

于朝印 《现代法学》2011,33(5):37-44
商业信托是商事信托的一种具体形式,商业信托具有偿性、组织性及财产独立性等法律特征。赋予商业信托法律主体地位实际上是国家立法政策及价值选择问题,在理论上不存在障碍。美国的成文法商业信托取得完全的法律主体地位是一个长期的历史选择。随着商业信托在中国越来越多地被应用,应当逐步规定商业信托的法律主体地位,这有助于解决商业信托领域中存在的信托财产所有权、受托人有限责任、商业信托正确设立等方面存在的一些理论与实践问题。  相似文献   

赵运锋 《北方法学》2017,11(1):86-98
法益是刑法理论中的基本概念,在不同的社会阶段,法益保护观会在国家主义与自由主义之间摇摆。随着刑法教义学理论研究的深化,理论界对法益在犯罪构成中的作用认识日趋合理,不过,法益在立法批判与规范诠释中的作用还没有被论述透彻。借助法益的政策分析功能,可以对罪与非罪、此罪与彼罪、犯罪停止形态进行科学、合理的界定,并对以刑制罪司法逻辑的运行具有积极意义。  相似文献   


We describe a study of more than 1000 interrogations by Metropolitan Police Officers. Obtaining a confession is found to be the paramount reason for interviewing a suspect. However, few suspects who did not initially confess changed their minds during the interview. 42% of suspects admitted their guilt—about the same number as obtained before tape recording of interviews was introduced. Strength of evidence and legal advice were the principal factors associated with confessing. The confession rate also varied according to which police station hosted the “interview”. An “accusatorial” style of questioning was associated with the possession of strong evidence against the suspect.  相似文献   

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