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微博作为一种新型载体,既具有对于信息的承载能力,又能够被思想政治教育工作者所使用,对教育客体实施有计划有组织有目的的影响。在微博中,教育主体包括掌握公权力的机构、专门从事思想政治教育工作的人员及所有致力于传播主流价值观的微博;教育客体是指通过微博接受教育的普通民众。微博载体思想政治教育具有导向作用、保障作用、育人作用和协调作用。教育主体可通过积极回应法、共情法、比较鉴别法、心理问答法实现对客体的教育活动。  相似文献   

思想政治教育的主体和客体是思想政治教育活动的基本要素,主客体结构是思想政治教育活动的基本结构。当前对思想政治教育主客体结构的认识在方法和结果上都存在着不足,将客体定位于作为受教育者的"人"也有局限性。思想政治教育"精神客体"说的提出,使思想政治教育的客体具体化、准确化,为深入认识思想政治教育的主客体结构提供了新的视角,对思想政治教育具有重要的理论意义和实践意义。  相似文献   

人把自然界和社会作为自身存在的对象,作为认识和实践活动的客体,那么,人与自然、人与社会的关系就是一种主客体关系。人可以是主体,也可以是客体。道德活动正是这一类主客体关系,一切道德活动都既是有主体、又有客体的社会实践活动。(一)道德主体应该是规定、推崇某种道德规范,实现某种行为方式的人,应当包括个人以及由个人构成的社团、政党、阶级等。首先客体是道德主体活动的对象,即接受这种道德规范的约束,遵守这种行为准则,执行这种行为方式的人。道德主体不应该是道德规范和行为方式本身,只应该是这种道德规范、行为方式…  相似文献   

思想政治工作是“人对人”的工作,它所面对的客体是具有主观意识的人,而不是没有思想的自然物。作为思想政治工作客体的人,因为其思想表现出一定的认识、情感、意志,借助于一定的概念、判断和推理,运用分析和综合、归纳和演绎、抽象和具体等特有的方法进行活动,决定了他对主体所传播的信息具有“选择性”的特点——他不会无条件地接受主体的、灌输,主体所传导的观念。信息必须通过客体的思考、甄别、判断、分析,其中的一部分才能进入客体的思想领域,才有可能对其行为发生作用。卜)客体选择性对主体的要求。就思想政治工作过程而言…  相似文献   

现象学大师胡塞尔认为,人的认识具有意向性活动的特点,意识的意向性行为在对感觉材料的加工整理过程中赋予感觉材料以意义,并使它们成为意向性活动的对象化内容显现于人的意识并为意识所体验.马克思哲学认为,认识对象作为实践客体,在交往实践中成为多重主体交往得以发生的中介客体时,交往实践活动建构对象的意义,实践决定相对于多重主体的多重意义.从对象意义来源的视角,认识马克思哲学的出发点,有助于我们更好理解实践,认识马克思哲学.  相似文献   

按照列宁的观点,一切都是经过中介连成一体。认识和把握市场经济条件下党员教育的本质,提高党员教育质量,就不能不研究党员教育活动的中介。因为正如列宁所说:“要真正地认识事物,就必须把握、研究它的一切方面、一切联系和‘中介”’。(一)党员教育活动作为社会系统,是一个充满活力的有机体,最根本原因是党员教育活动中的主体和客体,都是具肴充满激情的活生生的人。党员教育活动,在最抽象意义上也可以称作为“追求着自己目的的人的活动”。社会主义市场经济条件下,党员教育活动同其他社会活动一样,有一定的结构。这一结构由三…  相似文献   

从认识论的视角研究国际传播的基本规律,可推动国际传播研究进一步深化,奠定国际传播的哲学理论根基。国际传播认识论具有不同于一般认识论的基本特征,如主客体平等性、客体(受众)认识间接性、传播过程完整性、传播内容逻辑递进性、客体的特殊性和具体性等。把握这些基本特征,可以使国际传播的理论建设更深入,传播实践更有效。  相似文献   

褚凤英 《理论探讨》2008,3(1):122-124
从交往视角来看,思想政治教育活动是教育者与教育对象之间的一种交往活动,二者在活动过程中以共同的活动客体为联结纽带,结成"主体-客体-主体"的主体际关系.由此,交往活动是思想政治教育过程主体际关系生成的内在根源,交往范畴是我们重新审视思想政治教育者与教育对象关系的新视角.  相似文献   

思想政治教育的主体与客体是思想政治教育中的两个最基本的要素,梳理清主体与客体及相关概念:如教育者和教育对象、主体性与客体性的含义和他们之间的关系,对我们深入学习和了解思想政治教育这门学科是具有极其重要的理论和实践意义。在学习和把握这些相关概念时,要注意的是,主体性与客体性是属性类词,是在实践活动中所体现出来的人或物的相关属性,因而要注意在动态中去把握。  相似文献   

高校马克思主义理论教育中的缺陷及解决措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丁玮 《学理论》2009,(27):256-257
高校是进行当代马克思主义理论教育的重要阵地,如何开展多种形式的高校教育活动直接决定马克思主义理论教育的成败。但是高校在传播主体、传播对象、传播内容和传播方式中存在许多问题,使得马克思主义理论教育显现的十分匮乏。本文是在分析每个问题的基础上,提出新的传播选择路径,不断开拓高蛟马克思主义理论教育的领域。  相似文献   

高校廉洁文化传播是高校党风廉政建设的重要组成部分,也是高校党的建设和思想政治教育的重要内容。高校廉洁文化传播要素包括传播主体、传播内容、传播媒介、传播效果、传播环境五个方面。高校廉洁文化传播机理主要体现在自我传播、人际传播和大众传播等语境的动态运动中,应坚持将高校廉洁文化传播视为开放性系统,构建开放性、双向对称型的新型高校廉洁文化传播模式,力争使高校廉洁文化传播效用得到最大发挥。同时要注重将高校廉洁文化传播与大学生思想政治教育、高校廉洁从政、廉洁从教教育以及全社会廉洁教育进行有机结合,进一步推进以培育和践行社会主义核心价值观为主线的廉洁文化建设,大力营造崇廉尚廉的文化氛围。  相似文献   

新时期大学生廉洁文化传播,不仅需要依托新媒体的技术优势,而且要渗透到以新媒体架构的虚拟空间。新媒体在廉洁文化传播中具有监督、批判、引领和建设"四大功能",发挥了重要作用,但同时也客观存在着传播的信息真实性难以准确界定、引发的舆论导向性难以科学把握、廉洁文化传播的针对性有待进一步提升、廉洁文化传播的氛围有待进一步营造等现实问题和发展难题。因此,我们要依托新媒体的独特优势,凸显监督功能,彰显廉洁文化传播引力;拓展多元载体,形成廉洁文化传播合力;注重对接融合,提升廉洁文化传播效力,不断丰富和拓展大学生廉洁文化传播的载体和路径,全面提升大学生廉洁文化传播的针对性和实效性。  相似文献   

In recent years, the study of policy advisory systems has been advanced conceptually and analytically through studies of externalisation and politicisation. Still, the understanding of institutional variation in how organisations supply policy advice remains limited. The contribution adds to recent research on think and the study of policy advice by arguing for a focus on the dissemination of policy advice by asking how the dissemination activities of think tanks vary across different policy advisory systems and what this implies for the study of policy advice. This question is explored in a quantitative design which compares publications, events and newspaper mentionings of samples of think tanks from a coordinated (Germany), liberal (UK) and mixed (Denmark) system in 2012. The analysis indicates that think tanks in the UK have the highest level of dissemination on all three activities when controlled for the number of full-time staff. The study indicates that factors beyond the policy process such as developments of funding and media environments should be analysed further as they are likely to be important for how and where think tank disseminate their policy advice.  相似文献   

邱小禾  吴斌 《学理论》2009,(9):178-179
中职学校要提高德育工作的针对性、实效性和主动性,应在德育观念、德育内容、德育方法等方面进行创新。  相似文献   

The dissemination of social program innovations that have been demonstrated to be effective through rigorous evaluation is an important issue. The classical dissemination framework emphasizes the position that programs implemented with fidelity to the original model are most likely to produce the positive outcomes demonstrated in the model's evaluation phase. However, critics suggest that local programs that are extensively modified are more likely to meet local goals and, therefore, are more likely to be sustained within the organization. The present research examined the implementation, effectiveness, and routinization of seven innovations replicated in a nationwide sample of organizations. The innovations were diverse in both content and implementing context and were located in a variety of sites, including schools, courts, prisons, police departments, and social service agencies. The results suggest that the innovations were replicated with acceptable levels of fidelity to the disseminated program models, and that higher-fidelity implementations tended to be more effective than those implemented with lower fidelity. The implications of the findings for social program dissemination policy are discussed and the authors propose an expansion of Berman's contingency model of innovation dissemination.  相似文献   

Public education has been transformed by the widespread adoption of accountability systems that involve the dissemination of school district performance information. Using data from Ohio, we examine if elections serve as one channel through which these accountability systems might lead to improvements in educational quality. We find little evidence that poor performance on widely disseminated state and federal indicators has an impact on school board turnover, the vote share of sitting school board members, or superintendent tenure, suggesting that the dissemination of district performance information puts little (if any) electoral pressure on elected officials to improve student achievement.  相似文献   

社会管理创新是指政府和社会为实现社会系统的良性发展,建构新的社会管理体制和机制,实现对社会公共事务有效治理的一系列过程。在社会管理方式不断创新的今天,各地反腐倡廉建设中也出现了一些新的方式和手段,取得了一定成效,但也有一些让人感觉流于形式,力量单一、薄弱,未能形成社会反腐合力。针对此种情况,今后应该选择促进社会管理创新、弘扬全民廉洁道德、抑制贿赂腐败犯罪三位一体的反腐倡廉路径,从理念的更新、主体的拓展、手段的多元化、制度的完善、法律的健全等多个渠道,全面推进反腐倡廉建设。  相似文献   

Focusing on the relationship between education and tolerance toward ethnic out-groups in the Danish public, this analysis presents evidence in support of the argument that an important mechanism behind the positive impact of education on tolerance is cognitive constraint: Academic education promotes the ability to connect ideas, and minds equipped with this ability will tend to generalize the norms of the prevailing democratic culture to include ethnic relations. This tendency is particularly apparent when political orientations of the liberal left are added to common democratic norms. The constrained mind that holds left-leaning political beliefs is compelled to express ethnic tolerance. On the other hand, constrained minds permit themselves to be intolerant only when subscribing to right-wing political ideas explicitly at variance with liberal democratic ideals. Interestingly, cognitive constraint is high also in the minority among people lacking in academic education that scores high on tolerance. Compared to their less tolerant peers, the members of this minority are much more likely to be involved in political organizations, for the most part at the ideological left. This indicates that in Denmark such organizations serve a function that in terms of fostering ability to connect ideas is equivalent to the function of academic institutions.  相似文献   


Despite recent progress made by the human rights education movement in the United States to bring human rights education into curriculum standards, textbooks, and classrooms, preservice and in-service teachers have few opportunities to receive human rights education themselves. I argue that future teachers urgently need to receive preservice human right teacher education for a number of reasons. First, social studies curriculum standards in forty-two US states include human rights standards (Advocates for Human Rights 2016). Second, human rights education allows learners to engage with the human rights framework and gain skills to advocate to end human rights violations. Third, for human rights education to be effective in ending human rights violations, teachers must teach in a way that can help to dismantle oppression rather than perpetuate it. Thus, teacher educators must implement preservice human rights teacher education thoughtfully. I address challenges to, critiques of, and recommendations for implementation. Following this, I build on these ideas with my own recommendations for implementation. These recommendations are based on interviews I conducted with members of Human Rights Educators USA, a national volunteer network of educators and advocates who promote human rights education in the United States (HRE USA 2018).  相似文献   

The European Union relies on decentralised agencies to implement important transnational regulations, such as certifying the safety of medicines. However, the authority of these agencies does not have ‘hard’ legal status and crucially depends on disseminating ideas and information effectively: what can be termed ‘political entrepreneurship’. This article provides the first comprehensive analysis of the political entrepreneurship of EU agencies by constructing a conceptual typology of entrepreneurial strategies. Drawing conceptually on transnational public administration, a new database is constructed of the ‘entrepreneurship’ of 33 EU agencies in 2014 based on their media communication activities, face‐to‐face networking in workshops and collaborations, and knowledge dissemination and ‘learning’ exercises. This is mapped against the political salience of agencies in the European Parliament and media. The mapping exercise shows four types of entrepreneurial strategies covering the population of EU agencies: technical functional, insulating, network‐seeking and politicised. The typology is validated through semi‐structured interviews in 11 EU agencies, showing the core characteristics of each type of strategy. The article concludes by arguing that this typology provides an important addition to existing categories of EU agencies based on autonomy and accountability, and advocates a future research strategy examining the interaction between agencies’ entrepreneurial strategies and the expectations and reactions of stakeholder audiences.  相似文献   

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