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目的观察原发性脑干损伤(PBSI)致死者脑干神经元凋亡及caspase3的表达情况,探讨其法医学意义。方法选择法医学检案中30例确定为原发性脑干损伤致死者脑干,按伤后不同存活时间(t≤5min、5min〈t≤15min、15min〈t≤1h、1h〈t≤24h)分为4组,以5例非脑干损伤死亡者脑干为对照组;分别运用常规HE、免疫组化和TUNEL染色检测中脑、桥脑及延脑重要核团内神经元凋亡及caspase3的表达情况。结果原发性脑干损伤后15min~24h出现明显神经元细胞凋亡(23.2%~35.9%)和caspase3阳性表达(28%~54%),并呈现随损伤时间进行性增加的趋势,与对照组有显著性差异(P〈0.01)。结论原发性脑干损伤早期即出现神经元凋亡及caspase3表达增加,并随损伤时间的延长呈进行性增加,可据此辅助诊断原发性脑干损伤死亡。  相似文献   

38例单纯型脑干损伤法医学尸检的回顾性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的报道38例原发性单纯型脑干损伤致死案例法医学尸检所见的脑干损伤、致伤方式和致伤物等特点,并探讨在法医学鉴定中的意义。方法从208例脑干损伤死亡法医学尸检案例中,挑选出38例符合单纯型脑干损伤的案例,分析单纯型脑干损伤发生的案情、损伤的部位和类型等特点。结果38例中男性占绝大多数,农民明显多于其它人员;大多发生于纠纷斗殴中;头部拳击伤18例(47.4%);头皮挫伤19例(50.0%);头皮挫裂创9例(23.7%);未见头皮损伤7例(18.4%);受伤当时昏迷并很快死亡者34例(89.5%);其损伤为局灶性挫伤出血,有32例(84.2%)肉眼未能辨认出,镜检见小灶性出血:其中,桥脑18例(47.4%)、延脑10例(26.3%)、中脑4例(10.5%)、桥脑和延脑均有出血6例(15.8%)。结论原发性单纯型脑干损伤不仅存在,而且能致人死亡;应引起同行的重视。  相似文献   

潘国南  吕凌 《法医学杂志》2009,25(5):370-372
目的探讨脑弥漫性轴索损伤(diffuse axonal injury,DAI)与脑挫裂伤和原发性脑干损伤的关系。方法分析112例DAI伤者的法医临床学资料和影像学特点,对原发性脑损伤的特征进行比较。结果112例DAI伤者中70.5%为交通事故致伤,多次暴力致伤比较多见(60.7%),伴脑挫裂伤者80例(71.4%)。CT或MRI发现出血灶者90例。结论DAI多伴有脑皮质挫裂伤和原发性脑损伤,CT或MRI有助于法医学死因分析和伤残程度鉴定。  相似文献   

在法医学实践中原发性单纯型脑干损伤(primary simple brain stem injury,PSBSI)由于死亡迅速、损伤病灶轻微、隐匿,常引发死因鉴定困难或争议.本文对4例PSBSI的案例进行分析,以期为相关鉴定提供借鉴. 1 案例资料 例1 胡某,男,79岁,被中型客车迎面撞击,当即倒地死亡.尸体解剖检验:左顶部头皮片状擦挫伤;颅骨无骨折,蛛网膜下腔无出血,大脑、小脑未见出血,脑干各切面肉眼未见明显出血病灶.病理学检验:大脑、小脑、颈髓等未见异常,桥脑、延脑内见灶性、裂隙状出血,局部轴索肿胀.左冠状动脉前降支粥样硬化,管腔狭窄Ⅰ~Ⅱ级,余各脏器未见异常.  相似文献   

目的观察原发性脑干挫伤的形态学特点。方法从465例致死性颅脑损伤中,检出171例有脑干挫伤病变、均于伤后10min~7d死亡者。脑干标本经福尔马林固定后,以脑干各颅神经根水平面等处切取检材,每例共8块,HE染色,光镜观察。结果 171例中有24例颅底骨折致脑干挫伤者,脑干横切面见小灶出血,其余只有在镜下方可见有组织出血、挫碎或撕裂等脑挫伤改变,以及对损伤的应激反应现象。结论原发性脑干挫伤的形态学具有一定特点,故对鉴定脑干损伤有着重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

目的探讨脑干神经丝蛋白的定量分析对短时间内死亡的原发性脑干损伤鉴定的法医学意义。方法14例原发性脑干损伤者的脑干标本(损伤组)和15例脑外疾病死亡者的脑干标本(对照组),分别取中脑、脑桥及延脑组织,作NF广谱免疫组化染色,用OPTIMAS 6.0系统图像分析仪定量检测脑干的神经丝蛋白表达,所得数据进行统计学对比处理。结果中脑、脑桥、延脑的NF阳性表达率分别为75.84±23.62(对照组45.17±17.95),65.94±14.61(对照组42.99±24.12)和83.30±26.66(对照组53.50±28.14),损伤组与对照组的NF阳性物含量在中脑、脑桥及延脑等3个部位中均有显著差异,P〈0.001或〈0.01。结论定量分析人脑干神经丝蛋白的含量变化,超出常人数量对鉴定早期原发性脑干损伤有价值。  相似文献   

报道17例经CT扫描或MRI证实的脑梗死后皮质性出血(CHI)鉴定.发现CHI发生于大、中面积脑梗死之后.CT表现在低密度灶周围皮质表面可见蜿蜒走行的高密度或等密度影,且可被造影剂进一步增强.MRIT1加权像其形态呈"脑回强化线样"高信号.MRI是发现脑梗死后皮质性出血的最佳检查方法.  相似文献   

外伤生脑梗死后皮质性出血17例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道17例经CT扫描或MRI证实的脑梗死后皮质性出血 (CHI)鉴定。发现CHI发生于大、中面积脑梗死之后。CT表现在低密度灶周围皮质表面可见蜿蜒走行的高密度或等密度影 ,且可被造影剂进一步增强。MRIT1加权像其形态呈“脑回强化线样”高信号。MRI是发现脑梗死后皮质性出血的最佳检查方法  相似文献   

脑干损伤是指中脑、桥脑和延髓的损伤,又分为原发性和继发性脑干损伤,是一类特殊的脑损伤。单纯原发性脑干损伤较少见,而且脑干损伤者多在数小时内死亡。笔者曾遇一起脑干损伤较严重而存活5天的案例,现报告如下:1案情简介死者李某,男,45岁。2000年8月29日下午2时许,被他人打面部一耳光,傍晚时自觉头部不舒服,于次日晨7时许换班时,同事发现他未醒,唤他不能说话,只有用手比划,立即送医院抢救,CT检查示桥脑、中脑偏右侧见椭圆形高密度灶,边缘清晰,大小约3cm×1.5cm,病灶延续4个层面,诊断为急性闭合性重度颅脑损伤、脑干出血、脑疝。经抗炎、对…  相似文献   

受虐儿童及青少年法医学鉴定92例分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对92例不满18周岁家庭暴力受虐儿童和青少年法医学鉴定案例进行回顾性研究。结果表明:虐待行为多发生于下午5时前后,受虐者以女性居多(63.04%),损伤部位以头面部最多见(36.98%)。损伤类型以软组织挫伤最常见(51.13%),损伤具有多部位、广泛性、新旧不一等特点;发生场所以家中及家居周围附近为多,受虐者家庭情感生活环境差等.同时,作者还对虐待行为产生的社会根源、受虐儿童及青少年法医学鉴定及法律保护等问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

171例脑干颅神经损伤   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
目的 观察头部受力致脑干颅神经损伤的形态学改变 ,探讨脑干颅神经损伤形成机制及其与头受力部位和方式的关系。方法  171例脑干标本 ,于双侧第 3~ 12对颅神经的根部水平横切取组织块 ,常规固定、脱水、包埋、切片、HE染色 ,光镜检查。结果 所有标本均见颅神经损伤。有动眼神经损伤 ( 12 0例 ,70 2 % ) ,面听神经损伤( 92例 ,5 3 8% ) ,三叉神经损伤 ( 85例 ,49 7% ) ,外展神经损伤 ( 4 5例 ,2 6 3 % ) ,舌下神经损伤 ( 3 1例 ,18 1% ) ,迷走神经损伤 ( 2 7例 15 8% ) ,舌咽神经损伤 ( 2 4例 ,14 0 % )及滑车神经和副神经损伤 (各 10例 ,5 8% )。损伤可为单侧或双侧 ,累及单条或多条。病理形态学改变有出血 ( 4 2例 ,2 4 6% ) ,水肿 ( 2 6例 ,15 2 % ) ,神经根部组织结构变形 ( 71例 ,41 5 % ) ,根部撕裂 ( 3 2例 ,18 7% )等。结论 脑干颅神经损伤是脑干损伤的并存病变 ;位脑干高位的颅神经损伤比位低位的多 ,粗的神经损伤比细的多而严重 ;动眼、面、听神经损伤的发生率较高。  相似文献   

Microscopic features of primary and secondary hemorrhages in the stem portion of the brain in craniocerebral injuries are described. Criteria of differential diagnosis between primary and secondary hemorrhages in the stem in subjects dead during 24 h after isolated and combined craniocerebral injuries are defined. The forensic medical significance of differential diagnosis of hemorrhages in the stem for the solution of many expert problems is evaluated.  相似文献   

Diffuse axonal injury is a distinct form of head injury, induced by direct external forces at the time of the trauma, and not produced by secondary changes due to a primary injury. This type of lesion may be without conspicuous findings on gross brain examination, or may be found with coexisting conventional types of brain injuries. It is characterized by diffuse retraction balls (axonal swellings), hemorrhage or laceration of the corpus callosum, and hemorrhages in the brain stem. It is of utmost importance for forensic pathologists to be aware of this little-recognized entity. Five illustrative cases are presented.  相似文献   

原发性脑干损伤组织学诊断要点   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
目的 探讨人头面部受击致原发性脑干损伤的组织病理学诊断标准。方法 用171例脑干损伤者的脑干颅神经根部作水平切块,HE染色光镜下观察;另取50例非脑干损伤死亡者作对照。并用统计学方法分析两组所见病变。结果 损伤组见脑干浅表部(32.7%-55.6%)或脑干内部挫伤(57.9%-85.9%)、颅神经根部损伤(动眼神经70.2%,面及位听神经53.8%,三叉神经49.7%等)、星形胶质细胞反应性增生、肥大(34.5%-57.3%)及水肿(19.3%-57.3%)改变,与对照组相比,脑干的挫伤、颅神经根部损伤和星形胶质细胞反应性增生、肥大有显著差异(P<0.001),水肿无明显差异(P>0.05)。结论脑干浅表部和/或脑干内部挫伤、颅神经根部损伤及星形胶质细胞反应性增生肥大可作为原发性脑干损伤的诊断依据。  相似文献   

10例单纯型脑干损伤   总被引:16,自引:12,他引:4  
<正> 拳击头面部造成脑干损伤而突然死亡。国内除有个别案例报导外,尚缺乏病理组织学检查。由于损伤仅限于脑干,肉眼检查无明显出血,易造成漏诊。现将我们尸解的材料,结合文献探讨这种脑干损伤的机理与特点,供法医工作者参考。  相似文献   

目的 研究脑干枪弹伤的超微改变及其分子水平的致死机理。方法 用一例颅外损伤与2例头部枪伤作对比,于死亡后25min切取其脑干部组织块,相当于弹道处主要取自中脑被盖部与脑桥的被盖部和延脑的第四脑室底深部灰质部的组织,进行透射电镜及扫描电镜观察。结果 (1)脑内的枪弹伤病理改变包括烧灼伤、冲击和压力伤等。(2)枪弹伤虽在中脑而病理改变波及整个脑干。(3)损伤特点是神经轴突最广泛和损伤严重,神经胶质纤维次之,神经元受损又次之。(4)轴突烧灼伤表现髓鞘、轴浆及其内线粒体浓缩、变性,轴浆、轴索水肿;冲击、压力伤呈现轴突扭曲、变形、融合、挤压、缺损、破(断)裂及错位,轴浆内容外流或缺失,轴索内线粒体、神经微丝和微管偏向一侧位等。结论 脑干网状结构严重广泛性神经轴索损伤可能与致死有着最重要关系。  相似文献   

The brain stems from 52 corpses were microscopically examined. These cases died as a result of closed head injuries, which were clinically diagnosed and/or diagnosed postmortem as primary brain stem lesions. The morphological changes in these cases were compared with morphological changes in the brain stems of corpses who died from cerebral hemorrhage with additional secondary brain stem lesions. The examinations revealed acidophilic necrosis of the vessel walls in brain stem hemorrhages with fibrin impregnation of the vessel walls. Fibrin penetration to the perivascular space was the basic morphological marker that helped to differentiate between these two groups of cases.  相似文献   

This article represents the work of the National Association of Medical Examiners Ad Hoc Committee on shaken baby syndrome. Abusive head injuries include injuries caused by shaking as well as impact to the head, either by directly striking the head or by causing the head to strike another object or surface. Because of anatomic and developmental differences in the brain and skull of the young child, the mechanisms and types of injuries that affect the head differ from those that affect the older child or adult. The mechanism of injury produced by inflicted head injuries in these children is most often rotational movement of the brain within the cranial cavity. Rotational movement of the brain damages the nervous system by creating shearing forces, which cause diffuse axonal injury with disruption of axons and tearing of bridging veins, which causes subdural and subarachnoid hemorrhages, and is very commonly associated with retinal schisis and hemorrhages. Recognition of this mechanism of injury may be helpful in severe acute rotational brain injuries because it facilitates understanding of such clinical features as the decrease in the level of consciousness and respiratory distress seen in these injured children. The pathologic findings of subdural hemorrhage, subarachnoid hemorrhage, and retinal hemorrhages are offered as "markers" to assist in the recognition of the presence of shearing brain injury in young children.  相似文献   

We describe an infant with an acute subdural hematoma, a fatal head injury, and severe hemorrhagic retinopathy caused by a stairway fall. His cerebral and ocular findings are considered diagnostic of abusive head trauma by many authors. Our literature search of serious injuries or fatalities from stairway or low-height falls involving young children yielded 19 articles of primary data. These articles are discrepant, making the classification of a young child's death following a reported short fall problematic. This case report contradicts the prevalent belief of many physicians dealing with suspected child abuse that low-height falls by young children are without exception benign occurrences and cannot cause fatal intracranial injuries and severe retinal hemorrhages. The irreparable harm to a caregiver facing an erroneous allegation of child abuse requires physicians to thoroughly investigate and correctly classify pediatric accidental head injuries.  相似文献   

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