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租税是国家财政的主要来源,是保证国家机能运转的物质基础,同时也是国家对国民收入进行再分配、调整经济、促进经济稳定发展的重要手段之一。研究和探讨日本税制对目前我国税制的改革具有一定的借鉴意义。 一、租税种类 日本的租税如按征税主体来划分,则分为国税和地方税两大部分。即中央政府要以国税的名义征收,地方政府则以地方税的名义征收。征税的原则,国税按能力大小为中心征收,而地方税则按受益多寡征税的原则为主。  相似文献   

受急于摆脱通缩泥潭、重塑强势的日本经济目标以及美国特朗普政权下新一轮税制改革的全球示范效应影响,日本安倍内阁掀起新一轮以降低法人税率和调整扩大税基为主要内容的法人税改革。文章在对二战后日本法人税改革的历程作系统梳理的基础上,重点分析当前安倍内阁法人税改革的政策取向与经济效应,并力求结合日本长期面临的一系列经济问题,对税改的预期效果做出客观分析与评价,最后立足中国国情,对中国企业所得税改革提出有关政策建议。  相似文献   

自上世纪80年代至今,日本政府在遵循公平、中立、简单的基本原则下对税制进行了多次大规模的改革,深刻地改变了企业法人税的结构和水平。改革的结果是,大型企业的法人税税额在税收中占有很大的比例,对稳定国税收入发挥着极为重要的作用;同时也导致了大型企业的税率降低,使大型企业成为税制改革的最大受益者。  相似文献   

日本消费税增税改革是对其以直接税为主体的税制结构的重构与矫正。消费税增税短期内有助于稳定财政收入,减轻债务风险积聚,补充社会保障资金缺口,促进代际负担均衡。消费税增税也增加了中低收入者负担,影响消费行为选择,抑制经济增长,加剧经济波动,恶化中低收入者社会福利。消费税增税难以根本化解财政和社会保障风险。中国应借鉴日本社会保障运行中的教训和经验,重视人口老龄化给财政与社会保障制度带来的冲击,及时弥补社会保障资金缺口,提前防范社会保障支付风险。  相似文献   

中国的经济前景及与东北亚合作的突破点谷源洋改革开放是中国致富图强的必由之路。过去5年,即“八五”时期(1991—1995年),中国按照建立社会主义市场经济体制的目标加快了改革步伐。以分税制为核心的新财政体制,以增值税为主体的新税制,已经基本建立并正常...  相似文献   

在俄国市场进行贸易和投资活动,首先遇到的一个挑战,就是俄国的税制。虽然俄国考虑到以贸易和投资来刺激和推动经济增长,在减少企业税务负担及鼓励外国投资者方面做了巨大努力,但对于外国公司而言,俄国税制仍显得比较混乱,而且变化很快。 俄国的税制由联邦政府,88个地区政府及成百个地方政府的税组成,充分反映了其复杂的联邦性质的体系。其中,与外国贸易与投资者相关的税,主要是联邦政府的征税,具体由财政部主管。但是,俄国税  相似文献   

"数字经济"应否征税以及如何征税成为世界各国探讨的问题。从兴起背景来看,欧盟"数字税"的制度初衷在于,作为临时措施以填补长期方案落实的"空窗期"。其在一定程度上可以缓解数字型企业与传统企业的税负不均问题,但这并不能作为各国通过单边措施推进"数字税"的依据。从法国"数字税"实践观之,相关课税要素的设计存在明显的歧视性。无论被定性为直接税还是间接税,"数字税"只能作为一项临时措施。从国际税制角度来看,单边"数字税"只会表现出"贸易保护主义"倾向,加剧国际税收竞争。短期来看,中国既要及时更新税法规则回应数字经济,也要防备"数字税"外衣下的"非关税壁垒";长期来看,良好的税制设计才是税收全球治理话语权的基础,回到问题本身才是解决问题的根本之道。  相似文献   

中国个人所得税改革设定了综合与分类相结合的基本目标。该采取何种策略,适时推进,实现税制改革目标值得进一步探索并借鉴。2006年之后,法国个人所得税就呈现了综合与分类相结合的典型特征。本文对这一最新变化进行了评述与整理。研究重点就综合与分类所得划分、费用扣除与减免变化、税率结构动态调整、世界范围内个人所得税改革比较等内容进行了原因分析和趋势追踪。这有助于更新对法国个人所得税现行税制及演化趋势的认知,同时为我国尚未建成的综合与分类相结合的个人所得税税制安排,提供相应的思路及策略。  相似文献   

韩国政府于9月1日公布了近10年来规模最大的税制修正案。为应对世界高油价以及为了支持与刺激本国企业投资,鼓励与创造就业岗位,韩国此次减税的规模空前,超过26万亿韩元,其内容涵盖所得税、法人税、转让税、综合房地产税以及对研究开发项目扩大赋税减免等各个方面。  相似文献   

我国原有的以间接融资为主的金融体制向多种金融形式并存的金融体制转变的过程,相较于日本由政府高度保护的以间接融资为主的“护航舰队”式的金融体制向自由的资本主义金融体制转变,虽然它们是以完全不同的经济制度和各异的改革背景为基础的,但是在政府与金融的关系、经济与金融的关系及其他方面具有很强的相似性,从根本上讲两国都是由高度集中的金融体制向以市场为指导的金融体制方向改革,所以分析日本的金融改革的过程及其经验与教训对于我国的社会主义金融体制改革是有很强的借鉴和现实意义的。一、战后日本金融体制的特点和弊端日本在…  相似文献   

新世纪以来,中日贸易规模进一步扩大,贸易商品结构也发生了新的变化。由于中国经济崛起而日本经济低迷,中国在日本对外贸易中的地位迅速提高,而日本在中国对外贸易中的地位却明显下降。中日贸易发展对中日两国经济都产生了积极的作用和影响,也存在一些不可忽视的问题,必须认真对待,尽快解决。  相似文献   

This article explores how tax revenue can be increased in Mexico, especially through more collection in higher-income sectors. An overview of the Mexican government's capacity to collect taxes is offered before analyzing the reasons why tax revenue has not increased in over more than two decades. A sketch of strategies that the recent Peña Nieto administration could have followed in order to increase tax revenue in a progressive fashion is also provided. One of the article's main arguments is that without more efficient public spending, it will be difficult to collect more taxes permanently, especially in such an open economy, with institutions that are as weak as those in Mexico. Furthermore, in a democracy, there is little public acceptance for more taxes, no matter how progressive they may be, unless the government can provide certainty about more efficient public spending. For these reasons, unless the quality and progressiveness of public spending and tax collection advances, it is even undesirable that the government increase its tax revenue.  相似文献   

Although many EU‐countries have reduced corporate taxes in the recent years, there is still a substantial variance between the 12 oldest EU‐member states. This contribution revisits this variation and analyses the determinants of corporate tax reforms and their magnitude from a perspective which is new in two respects: First, we combine logistic panel regression and fsQCA analysis allowing for an integration of qualitative assessments of tax reforms in the QCA analysis. This adds to the existing studies on tax reform which almost exclusively rely on regression techniques. Second, we focus on the time period 1998‐2011 where we expect tax competition to be especially intense. The results of our analyses confirm the major impact of tax competition on national corporate tax policies. This relationship dominates the regression analyses as well as the fsQCA. Furthermore, our findings allow nuancing the existing results on the influence of institutional constraints and partisan politics.  相似文献   


In the first half of the fourteenth century and on countless occasions, the Crown granted the leaders of the City of Valencia authorization to collect indirect taxes as a means of collecting the subsidies allocated to its military needs. The ratification of fiscal autonomy can be related to the Crown's interest in gaining control of municipal resources as a way of demanding donations in order to accomplish its policies.

The main reason for the royal privilege to raise taxes in favour of the cities was the extensive expenses caused by the conquest of Corsica and Sardinia during the reign of James II. The Kingdom and the city of Valencia came to the aid of the monarch because they were interested in trading with Sicily and these two islands were impeding trade routes. To make things easier, Alfonso IV granted them a privilege to levy taxes on the grain and meat trades and on merchant shipping within the municipal territory of the city of Valencia. The municipal tax on meat and grain was used as a model for the tax approved in the Cortes of 1329, extending it to exports everywhere in the Kingdom of Valencia. The tax approved by these Cortes, agreed in order to collect the subsidy offered to the monarch, was the first general tax validated in the Cortes following the model of the exisiting municipal tax. To mark the occasion of the war against Castile, Peter IV took a decisive step in 1363 and extended the capacity to levy taxes to all royal towns and cities. The municipalities turned indirect taxation into one of the basic pillars of their economy.  相似文献   

鸦片问题是日本在接管台湾后面临的一个重要课题,因为它关乎日本在台湾的殖民统治能否巩固和维护,而日本通过摸索逐渐找到了一条管理鸦片问题进而有效统治台湾的出路,这套出路和“经验”为后来的美国和中国禁烟提供了参考,进而形成东亚地区各国联合禁烟的互动和相互依赖。  相似文献   


This article analyses the evolution of the fiscal policy of the Crown of Castile in the reign of Philip II in relation to the salient characteristics of the tax system and of the political and constitutional structure of the kingdom. The character of the Kingdoms of Castile as an aggregate of autonomous communities coordinated by the superior authority of the monarch was reflected in a fiscal system based upon the delegation to local authorities of the management of the most important royal taxes (alcabalas and servicios) and thus upon principles of autonomy and decentralization which made negotiation with the Kingdom in the Cortes, both with regard to the total sum and to the conditions of its collection, unavoidable. The financial needs of Philip II led him to try to overcome the rigidities of this system by extending the fiscal powers of the Crown by means of the creation of new taxes or the increase of those already in existence, as well as by redefining the constitutional processes of negotiation with the Cortes and the cities. Nevertheless, Philip II neither succeeded in getting acceptance for all his demands nor did the pressure to which he subjected the Kingdom generate any significant change in the nature of the Castilian fiscal system nor in the politico‐constitutional bases which sustained it.  相似文献   

大东亚会议是日本为巩固和强化对占领地区的控制于1943年11月初主办的"首脑会议",是日本操纵下的一场徒具象征意义的检阅。对于伪满洲国来说,在大东亚会议的政治展示背后更具有深刻的内涵,标志着日本在太平洋战争后期对伪满洲国在其侵略体系中地位的强化与再确认。由此可见,日本精心策划的大东亚会议就是其在战局不利的情况下加紧强化对各仆从政权的控制而召开,并基本达到预期目的,促使伪满洲国进一步"国防国家化"。  相似文献   

基于1971年—2014年间日本对中南半岛四国(柬埔寨、老挝、缅甸、越南,简称CLMV)的官方发展援助(ODA)与双边贸易的面板数据,以贸易引力模型为工具,实证分析了日本对四国的官方发展援助(ODA)和双边贸易增长的联动关系,探讨了日本对中南半岛区域内相关国家官方发展援助所产生的贸易效应。结果表明:日本对CLMV的官方发展援助(ODA)与双边贸易流量具有显著的正向关系,其对外援助的确具有积极的贸易促进效应。  相似文献   

受家族、西方和同僚的影响,鸠山形成了以"友爱"思想为内核的政治哲学.出任首相后,鸠山基于"友爱"外交思想,推出了以积极的历史观和"东亚共同体"新构想为主要内容的新亚洲政策.这些政策无疑在营造与亚洲邻国的政治互信方面起着正面作用.但是,由于日本内部政治因素、日美关系的变化以及中日地区利益着眼点的不同,鸠山政府的"东亚共同体"新构想前景不容乐观.  相似文献   

国际秩序的变动、突发的新冠疫情和中美战略竞争的加剧等因素促使日本的中国形象正在发生重要而深刻的变化。日本智库和主流媒体更多地把中国放在国际秩序变动的语境中来认知中国,比起双边,更多是在多边框架内来感知中国。在多种因素的综合作用下,日本形成了“崛起的强国”“国际秩序改写者”、疫情下“坚韧”而“强硬”的中国、带有不确定性的美国“假想敌”等多层次中国形象。日本智库和主流媒体对中国形象的塑造未必是客观的,是基于在国际秩序转型期对自身认同的建构,那就是现行国际秩序维护国和中美之间的“非等距离”协调者。应该对日加强沟通宣介工作,充分调动其对华战略认知中的建设性因素,消解不利因素,防止其固化为刻板印象。  相似文献   

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