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论面向道路交通安全驾驶模拟系统研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张勇刚  丁立 《政法学刊》2009,26(4):105-107
汽车驾驶模拟器在道路交通安全领域有着广泛的应用前景,面向道路交通安全的驾驶模拟系统是由驾驶舱等硬件系统和视景显示软件系统组成。其主要研究内容为视景仿真系统、动态驾驶模拟系统的开发研究,道路交通安全评价,事故分析鉴定与再现研究和道路交通环境的变化对驾驶行为的影响。  相似文献   

【裁判要旨】拖拉机驾驶资格的认定牵涉到我国对拖拉机驾驶员管理制度的变迁以及制度实施上的衔接。我国道路交通安全法施行后,拖拉机驾驶资格的授予及驾驶证的发放等制度在具体实施中存在衔接过渡阶段,在此期间拖拉机驾驶资格的认定应当结合各地的相关规定来进行。  相似文献   

一、对本罪客观行为范围的反思刑法将本罪的客观行为限定为追逐竞驶,情节恶劣的行为和醉酒驾驶行为。两行为都属于危险驾驶行为,但危险驾驶行为并非仅限于此。按照《道路交通安全法》的相关规定,危险驾驶行为应是指违反道路交通安全法的安全驾驶规定,驾驶机动车的行为。它具体应包括无证驾  相似文献   

为进一步增强全市客运驾驶人及危化品运输车辆驾驶人的交通安全意识,从源头上预防和遏制重特大道路交通事故发生。为“2012春运”创造良好的道路交通环境,山西省孝义市公安交通警察大队宣教科从2011年12月26日至2012年1月10日,组织全市客运驾驶人及危化品运输车辆驾驶人进行交通安全知识教育,印制《道路交通安全法》1000余本,印制驾驶员试卷500份,并对上述驾驶人进行集中教育考试。  相似文献   

危险驾驶行为是指违反道路交通安全法规、驾驶机动车造成或增加不应有的危险的行为。这种危险驾驶通常包括两种情况:一种情况是驾驶状态的高度危险,如饮酒驾驶、疲劳驾驶等。另一种情况是驾驶行为的高度危险,包括严重超速行驶、无证驾驶等。现今,以醉酒驾车为代表的危险驾驶行为已成为影响我国道路交通安全的最大危险因素之一。本文对醉酒驾车行为进行探讨。  相似文献   

[文(令)号][2006]第2号令[公布日期]2006.1.12[类别]经济法·交通[施行日期]2006.4.1[同时废止法规]1996年《机动车驾驶员培训管理规定》和1995年《汽车驾驶员培训行业管理办法》第一章总则第一条为规范机动车驾驶员培训经营活动,维护机动车驾驶员培训市场秩序,保护各方当事人的合法权益,根据《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法》、《中华人民共和国道路运输条例》等有关法律、行政法规,制定本规定。第二条从事机动车驾驶员培训业务的,应当遵守本规定。机动车驾驶员培训业务是指以培训学员的机动车驾驶能力或者以培训道路运输驾驶人员的从业能…  相似文献   

全国人大:修改《道路交通安全法》2011年4月22日,十一届全国人大常委会第二十次会议表决通过了关于修改《道路交通安全法》的决定。为了有效惩处饮酒后驾驶机动车违法行  相似文献   

施义  周雯 《人民司法》2012,(8):54-55
【裁判要旨】2011年新修订的道路交通安全法对饮酒后驾驶营运机动车的行政处罚较之饮酒后驾驶普通机动车要严厉得多。认定饮酒后驾驶营运机动车,应以车辆性质而不是车辆运行状态为判定标准。这种判定标准更具客观性和可操作性,也更符合道路交通安全法以公共安全为价值取向的立法初衷。  相似文献   

道路交通标志是用于交通管理的基础设施,是向驾驶员传递交通信息的工具,其设置规范与否直接影响交通秩序和交通安全,同时—定程度上也体现了一个城市的交通管理水平.目前我国部分城市在交通标志的设置方面仍存在很多的不规范之处.通过对国内部分城市道路交通标志设置情况的实际调研,文中梳理了道路交通标志在设计、安装、维护等方面普遍存在的问题,并在此基础上提出了相应的改善对策,旨在推动交通标志的规范化设置,从而提高道路交通安全水平.  相似文献   

道路交通事故赔偿责任是法律责任,在民法上属于侵权责任.是基于道路交通侵权引起的,道路交通事故侵权责任人产生了对交通事故受害者的损害赔偿责任。根据《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法》的规定.道路交通事故赔偿责任是指车辆驾驶员.行人.乘车人以及其他在道路上进行与交通有关活动的人员因违反《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法》及其他道路交通管理法规规定的行为.过失造成人身伤亡或财产损失应当承担的民事法律责任。上述规定针对一般交通事故赔偿责任的主体是明确的,  相似文献   

论道路交通事故与驾驶员血中酒精含量关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨道路交通事故与饮酒驾车血中酒精含量关系及其法医学意义,为预防、控制道路交通事故提供重要依据。方法对2005份道路交通事故肇事驾驶员血酒精鉴定资料进行系统分析性研究。结果饮酒驾车以男性为主,女性饮酒驾车出现醉酒驾车的比例与男性无差别。市区驾驶员醉酒驾车高于郊区。驾驶员BAC<20mg/100mL肇事导致死亡的比例高于饮酒驾车肇事组(BAC20 ̄79mg/100ML),而BAC≥80mg/100mL则低于饮酒驾车肇事组。结论应降低饮酒驾车和醉酒驾车BAC标准,以利于减少交通事故肇事死亡率。  相似文献   

目的探讨涉嫌酒后驾驶所致道路交通事故中人体损伤情况与驾驶员血中乙醇质量浓度关系,为预防、控制道路交通事故及人体损伤提供依据。方法对467例涉嫌酒后驾驶机动车的道路交通事故损伤人员相关鉴定资料与肇事驾驶员血中乙醇质量浓度进行系统分析性研究。结果涉嫌酒后驾驶发生道路交通事故的损伤人员中,以20~39岁男性居多;事故中驾驶员损伤机率最高;酒后交通事故以长头小车及摩托车最多,而驾驶员血中乙醇质量浓度(BAC)为0.1~20mg/100mL浓度的摩托车驾乘人员伤亡构成比最高;酒后驾驶机动车肇事导致的人体致命性损伤及人员死亡的饮酒组危险程度均高于未饮酒组,在驾驶员血中乙醇质量浓度(BAC)为0.1~20mg/100mL组与20.1~80mg/100mL组比较无明显差异。结论酒后驾驶肇事导致的人员伤亡比未饮酒驾车交通事故严重;未达酒后驾车组(BAC为0.1~20mg/100mL)和酒后驾车组(BAC为20.1~80mg/100mL)交通事故导致的人员伤亡无明显差异。研究结果提示,应降低饮酒后驾车血中乙醇质量浓度(BAC)法定标准阈值,进一步控制和减少道路交通事故人身伤亡率。  相似文献   

张新海 《政法学刊》2005,22(5):115-117
车辆与驾驶人管理是公安机关实施道路交通安全管理的一个重要内容,是公安管理各项业务当中群众性最强的一项工 作。因此,应从车辆的登记制度、牌证制度、驾驶证制度、累积记分制度、安全检验制度、第三者责任强制保险制度、驾驶证审验制度和 强制报废制度等八项基本制度管理入手,使车辆与驾驶人管理工作更有效地服务广大人民群众,服务于我国的公安工作大局和现代 化经济建设。  相似文献   

自动驾驶汽车是人类研发、制造、使用和管理的智能产品,不是犯罪主体或刑事责任主体。在自动驾驶汽车自主控制状态下发生交通事故的,其生产者、使用者和其他人员难以按照我国现有刑法的罪名定罪处罚。除非道路交通安全法和刑法有专门的规定,驾驶位人员不接管汽车或接管后无力改变交通事故结果的,不构成交通肇事罪或其他管理过失犯罪。驾驶位人员的注意义务是阻止自动驾驶汽车自主控制下发生交通事故,其注意义务不应过高。允许的风险、紧急避险理论不能为自动驾驶汽车紧急路况处理算法的生产与应用提供合法、合理的解决方案,生产者遵守算法安全标准仅可以使生产行为合法化。鉴于现行刑法不适应自动驾驶汽车应用的特性,我国应当建立以生产者全程负责为中心的新刑事责任体系,使之在自动驾驶汽车生产和应用两个阶段承担安全管理责任,生产者拒不履行自动驾驶汽车应用安全管理义务且情节严重的,应当承担刑事责任。  相似文献   

Attitudes towards the perceived seriousness of road traffic offenses were studied as a function of the age and sex of drivers. Ratings of seriousness of 31 verbalized offenses were analyzed using detection theory parameters to study sensitivity and bias effects in the discrimination of “overt” and “covert” offenses. Overt offenses were defined as those which are immediately obvious to a casual observer, such as jumping red traffic lights. Covert offenses are those not so easily observable, such as driving a defective vehicle. The latter are inherently more hazardous, because they do not allow other road users to adopt appropriate margins of safety. The results indicated that young male drivers were relatively insensitive in discriminating between overt and covert offenses compared with other subgroups of drivers tested. Instructions which directed drivers to judge the offenses from the standpoints of personal responsibility, or involvement in, or the social consequences of, any accidental outcome, increased sensitivity relative to no such instructions being given. Analysis of the rating data itself showed that, overall, overtly offensive driving was considered less serious than covertly offensive driving. This was particularly the case for male and younger drivers. Possible implications of the results for legal sanctioning and other accident countermeasures are discussed.  相似文献   

交通事故机动车驾驶人鉴定特点研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
遵循系统科学的原则,将交通事故机动车驾驶人鉴定作为一个体系来研究。机动车驾驶人鉴定的对象虽然是人,但应充分考虑人与车、人与路以及人与整个事故现场之间的关系,既要研究驾驶人自身,也要研究其反映形象以及相关的事实和现象。通过对事故现场、车辆、衣着、人体等要素进行观察和分析,尤其是对各要素之间的关联性和动态性分析,提出了综合鉴定机动车驾驶人的方法。  相似文献   

Researchers have studied the involvement of drugs and alcohol in fatal road traffic incidents, but with particular emphasis on the possible impairment of the driver. This paper describes a comparative study of drug and alcohol findings in various victim groups (drivers of cars, vans or lorries, car passengers, motorcyclists, motorcycle passengers, cyclists and pedestrians) between 2000 and 2006. Post-mortem blood and urine specimens submitted were analysed by immunoassay, GC–NPD, GC–FID, GC–MS and HPLC–DAD. The results of 1047 cases indicated 54% of all victims were positive for drugs and/or alcohol, with the highest percentage of positive findings occurring in pedestrians (63%). Males between the ages of 17–24 were most likely to be involved in a road traffic accident, whether being in control of a vehicle (driver) or involved indirectly (car passenger, pedestrian, motorcycle passenger). A wide range of drugs were detected (e.g. drugs of abuse, anti-convulsants, anti-histamines, anti-inflammatories, anti-psychotics, cardiac drugs and over-the-counter products), but alcohol and cannabinoids were the most frequent substances across the victim groups. When detected, alcohol was commonly above the legal driving limit in blood and urine (> 63% in those in control and > 60% not in control). Overall, the presence of drugs and/or alcohol was of similar frequency in those victims in control (55% of driver, 48% of motorcyclists, 33% of cyclists) and not in control of a vehicle (52% of car passengers, 63% of pedestrians). This degree of frequency strongly implicates the involvement of drugs and alcohol in road traffic incidents and infers an effect on driving ability and individual impairment.  相似文献   

Traffic norms violations are the most common form of law breaking. Our aim was to investigate a factor that might contribute to the massive disobedience to traffic laws, namely drivers’ use of self-legitimization strategies that allow them to transgress them without paying the psychological costs that would follow, such as regret or shame. Using the framework of the self-exoneration mechanisms described by the Social Cognitive Theory, we developed a measure assessing drivers’ strategies of justification of their traffic violations. Across two studies, we tested the psychometric proprieties of the Justifications of Traffic Violations scale (JTVs), its factorial structure, and its construct, external and incremental validity. Results showed that drivers self-exonerate when transgressing traffic laws predominantly through four strategies (Minimizing risks, Displacement of responsibility, Personal needs and Outcome – based justification) that are addressed by the JTVs and that construe one’s refraining from committing deviant driving behaviours as unnecessary, impossible or undesirable. The JTVs and each of its four specific cognitive mechanisms were found to be positively related to the most maladaptive driving styles, as well as to self-reported traffic offences and accidents, suggesting that these self-exonerating strategies favour the instilment and maintenance of habitual deviant behaviours on the road.  相似文献   

In the paper we wish to emphasise the significance of vehicle driving dynamics analysis in the collision phase and occupant load analysis by means of using a software environment. Thereby we also wish to present the results of the simulation of the course of a traffic accident with nine victims that arose from a collision between an Audi A6 passenger car and the VW Caravelle van. In treating the traffic accident the forensic expert was faced with the questions about what caused the injuries to the front passenger in the Audi A6 passenger car, about the way the two vehicles had collided, about their collision velocities, about the way the two vehicles were handled and about the causes that originated the traffic accident. The critical situation on the road was a consequence of the tiredness of the van driver, the inadequate use of the passive safety systems and overloading the van.  相似文献   

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