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<正>1案例1.1案例1某日,在一农户家中发现一独居老年男子死于床上,尸体项部有一较大且较深的裂创,现场没有发现刀具类工具,怀疑为他人所害。进一步进行勘验,发现在床前衣柜旁地上有玻璃碎片,部分碎片上沾有少量血迹,玻璃碎片经拼凑后显示为一方形的窗户玻璃。尸体检验:颈项部创口长达10 cm(图1),局部创深达8 cm,创缘齐,创壁不平,创底高低不平并类似于刺创特征,死者身体其余部位未见损伤,但酒味重。  相似文献   

本文对不同厚度的单刃刺器在肋软骨上形成的刺创口进行了肉眼和实体显微镜下的形态学观察,发现肋软骨上的刺创口与皮肤和骨质上的刺创口有着明显的不同。观察结果表明,创口的宽度不能反映刺器的厚度。一定厚度的单刃刺器所致的肋软骨上的创口肉眼及镜下无明显的钝角特征。据此,对在肋软骨上刺器所致刺创的凶器种类的推断提出新的见解。  相似文献   

根据双刃刺器刺创口推断刺器宽度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
解决根据皮肤创口推断刺器宽度的问题。实验在自愿捐献的12具男性尸体的胸部,用不同宽度和厚度的双刃匕首致创221个。应用法医学、解剖学及数理统计的理论和技术对创口形成机理、影响因素及其与刺器宽度的相关关系进行分析,得出了以下结论:刺器厚度与创口长度无明显相关,刺器宽度与创口长相关,创口回缩程度与创口方向及刺器宽度相关。并建立了两个最优回归方程,提出了一个根据皮肤双刃利器创口推断刺器宽度的方法。  相似文献   

啤酒瓶 ,其瓶颈与人手背的宽度相近 ,利于握持 ,挥动攻击人体 ,可形成钝器伤的特点 ;如瓶破碎 ,用其残端攻击人体 ,可形成刺创的特点。本文作者报道 2例用啤酒瓶致人损伤死亡案 ,并探讨其致伤特点。1 案例资料例 1 男 ,6 4岁 ,餐厅门卫 ,被人发现死于某餐厅大厅内。现场凌乱  相似文献   

从贯通创的多发性以及明确损伤程度评定标准的重要性和必要性出发,结合三例检案,论述了贯通创较一般皮肤创伤所致的机体组织损害严重、易并发感染及修复障碍因素多等特点.提出并论证了贯通创“创口”长度计数的法医学观点,明确了评定损伤程度的标准依据.  相似文献   

本文通过2个贯通创的案例分析,提出贯通创在评定损伤程度时同时兼顾创管长度、宽度更为科学。 1案例资料 案例1 某男,21岁,某日因纠纷被他人用刀刺伤左上肢。病历记载:左前臂中上段偏桡侧从后向前刀刺贯通,创口长后侧3.5cm,前侧2cm,创腔内见肌腱及肌肉组织部分断裂。  相似文献   

在法医日常工作中,判断枪弹损伤的射击出、入口非常重要,有时枪弹创变异会遇到一些疑难情况。现将一例特殊的枪弹损伤案例报告如下:1案例资料1997年某日,洛阳市某发廊按摩女仝某(20岁)被一男子用手枪打死在发廊内。现场找到一枚“五四”式手枪弹壳,死者身下的地板砖上有弹着点痕迹及弹头碎片。尸检:左胸部乳头内侧有一2.5cm×2.0cm类圆形创口,创口中央皮肤缺损,边缘有撕裂口,创周皮肤上可见黑色烟晕附着(图1见第60页彩图)。左背部肩胛下角处有一0.9cm×1cm类圆形创口,创口中央皮肤缺损,创缘周围有0.2…  相似文献   

金士正 《法医学杂志》1997,13(4):228-229
从贯通创的我发性以及明确损伤程度评定标准的重要性和必要性出发,结合三例检案,论述了贯通创较一般皮肤创伤所致的机体组织损害严重、易并发感染及修复障碍因素多等特点。提出并论证了贯通创“创口”长度计数的法医学观点,明确了评定损伤程度的标准依据。  相似文献   

<正> 在法医临床学中,创口的长度对判断损伤程度,是评定伤情的依据之一。医疗单位在处理创口过程中,有时会根据治疗需要进行扩创,以致使原有损伤的长度增加。实践中,也有极少数伤者为达到某种目的而故意自行将创口延长。因此如何区别原创与扩创,对准确进行法医学鉴定具有重要意义。  相似文献   

捅创论(附尸检例报告)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
无尖无刃的细长钝器,沿其长轴戳入人体形成的创伤应命名为捅创。国内外现有的法医学书籍很少甚至没有描述过此创,个别作者将其归入锐器刺创。本文作者通过案例研究发现:不仅该创的致伤物为无刃无尖的棍棒类钝器(如木棍、木桩、手杖、擀面棍、铁锹把、竹竿、筷子、钢筋)而且成伤机制、形态学变化也与锐器刺创不同,应属于钝器伤。  相似文献   

In a retrospective evaluation of 799 consecutive autopsies of victims of sharp force performed between 1967 and 1996 in Münster and Berlin, only 18 cases (2.3%) were classified as accidents. A typical pattern was present in 15 cases: inebriated adults (1.4-3.6g/l BAC) fell into an architectural glass surface in the form of a door or window (12 cases), an aquarium, a mirrored wardrobe or a telephone cell. Another man fell into a large drinking glass. Many victims in this group showed multiple scratches, abrasions and superficial incisions as well as one or more deep tear/cut/puncture injury. The wound margins can be clean-cut or irregular and abraded. Death was mostly caused by exsanguination except for one case of air embolism and one case of cerebral injury. The fatal injuries were produced by large and dagger-like slivers of glass, by sharp-edged fragments of glass remaining inside the frame or by a portion of glass which fell down and acted in a way similar to a guillotine. Ordinary types of flat glass were involved in all cases and it is not until the impact that sharp fragments or cutting edges are produced. So the motion of the person commonly provides the force necessary for a fatal injury. This was also true for the remaining two cases not involving architectural glass. A farmer suffered cerebral injury from a fall into the long prong of a pitch fork, and the wounding agent was a knife in only one case. A man who stated that he had fallen into the knife in his hand died from pneumonia after inadequate therapy following a single stab injury to the periphery of the left lung and liver. Accidents where the victim is killed by his own knife therefore appear to be extremely rare.  相似文献   

During the course of a criminal trial, an investigating pathologist is commonly asked how much force was required to produce an injury. This subjective opinion is based on the pathologist's previous experience of dealing with wounds inflicted with similar weapons. However, in the case of stab wounds inflicted by broken glass, it is unlikely that two glass fragments would be physically similar. In the case studied, two theories were examined: that a wound resulted from a thrown glass fragment or that it had been caused as a stab injury by the glass held in the bare hand. The investigation involved quantifying the energy required for human tissue penetration, comparison of sharpness, a biomechanical analysis of throwing actions and testing of the hypothesis that if the glass shard were used as a stabbing implement it would result in a cut to the hand.The investigation utilised a scientific methodology that reduced the need for speculative (though informed) opinion from the pathologist by producing quantitative results.  相似文献   

A comparative study of 174 homicidal and 105 suicidal sharp force deaths in the Stockholm area is presented in order to identify variables of importance in the differentiation between homicides and suicides. In homicides, a significantly (p<0.05) higher number of cut and stab wounds were seen in the head, upper and lower extremities and a significantly higher number of vertical stab wounds were found in the chest. Lower numbers were seen in the wrist and the crook of the arm. When counting the injured areas, irrespective of the number of injuries, abdominal wounds and horizontal chest stab wounds were also significantly more often found in victims of homicide. Injuries to the back and to the genitals were not seen in suicides. The suicide victims were significantly older and had significantly lower blood alcohol levels. A new variable pointing at a statistically significant difference between homicides and suicides was found: In homicides, stab wounds with a horizontal axis of entrance wound in the chest was found to be less common than those with a vertical axis. Other variables studied were prevalence of defence and tentative wounds, farewell notes and suicidal ideation, earlier parasuicides, venue, gender of the victims and the types of sharp objects used.  相似文献   

We reviewed the case records of all fatalities due to sharp injuries in New York City in 1999. The epidemiological profile, circumstances, toxicology results, location, and injuries were examined. There were 120 deaths: 101 homicides, 17 suicides, and 2 accidents. The causes of death included: 112 due to stab(s) with or without incised wounds and 8 pure incised wound fatalities of which 5 were suicides. The detection of ethanol and/or illicit drugs was 61% in the homicide and 12% in the suicide groups. "Defense wounds" were reported in 49% of the homicides and "hesitation" wounds were found in 65% of the suicides. There were no self-inflicted sharp injuries of the face. Deaths due to a single stab wound occurred in 34% (34/101) of the homicides and 24% (4/17) of the suicides. Of these 38 deaths, 58% were of the anterior thorax (chest) and 71% injured the heart and/or great vessels. The remaining deaths with single stab wounds involved the femoral artery, abdominal organs, or head. There were no sharp injury suicides by Hispanics, Asians, or anyone under the age of 18 years. Over half of the suicides at home occurred in the bathroom and 78% of these occurred in the bathtub. Suicide notes were found in 24% of suicides, and an additional 24% verbally expressed a plan to commit suicide.  相似文献   

At a party of a sports club, an argument started between two groups of young men, in the course of which one of the persons involved threw a beer glass hitting a young man of the other group, who collapsed with a profusely bleeding wound. Although resuscitation measures were initiated immediately, the victim died at the scene due to exsanguination from the completely severed left external carotid artery in combination with the aspiration of blood. Tests with drinking glasses thrown at a skull-neck model suggested that an undamaged beer glass thrown at the head of the victim could not cause the fatal injuries on the neck because of its splintering behaviour. In fact, it seemed that the beer glass had been damaged prior to throwing it and that its sharp edges perforated the skin on hitting the neck.  相似文献   

Three cases are presented where fatal puncture wounds caused by broken glass were very similar to stab wounds inflicted by a knife with a single-edged blade. Thus, all three cases caused a murder investigation to be initiated. It could only be determined that these wounds had been caused by glass after a detailed forensic autopsy. In two of the three cases, the only evidence for this was the identification of glass fragments in the wounds. The importance of X-ray examinations is underlined because modern glass in common use is radiopaque. Glass fragments lodged in the wounds can reduce the loss of blood and thus, prolong the capacity to act despite severe injuries.  相似文献   

Schizophrenia is associated with a significant risk of suicide. According to recent research, 10-15 % of all schizophrenic patients die by suicide. It is not uncommon that the victims show sharp force injuries, so that the forensic pathologist first has to differentiate between self-infliction and involvement of another person. The authors' case report presents a 68-year-old schizophrenic patient who committed suicide by jumping out of a window of his apartment located on the second floor after inflicting multiple stab wounds to his thoracic region. At autopsy, an older stab wound to the apex of the heart was detected. In the criminal investigation, a suicide attempt made 13 days before could be ascertained. As the patient did not want to be taken to a hospital at that time, the injury had never been examined or documented. Since there was no evidence suggesting homicide, the older stab to the heart was interpreted as a tentative injury.  相似文献   

Stab wounds upon bone are analyzed to interpret the weapon used and the physical context in which the attack occurred. The literature demonstrates that most research conducted pertaining to wound patterns has been carried out on defleshed and unclothed bone samples, not adequately replicating actual circumstances. For this research, six half pig torsos (Sus scrofa), fleshed (including muscle, fat, epidermis, and dermis layers) and clothed, were stabbed using three knife types, applying both straight and downward thrusts. Analysis conducted macroscopically and through a scanning electron microscope with an environmental secondary electron detector revealed a general lack of consistency in wound pattern and associated secondary effects. Consequently, it was not possible to establish wound pattern per knife type as suggested in previous research or relate it to stab motion. Advantage of microscopic analysis was evident in recognizing wound traits and observation of trace evidence not visible macroscopically.  相似文献   

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