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日常生活是意识形态的寓所。本文主要讨论马克思主义意识形态嵌入日常生活,为大众认知、接受与认同的四个向度:日常生活认知图式是马克思主义意识形态嵌入日常生活的先验逻辑;日常生活现实诉求是马克思主义意识形态嵌入日常生活的出场路径;日常生活情感取向是马克思主义意识形态嵌入日常生活的心理桥梁;日常生活交往范式是马克思主义意识形态嵌入日常生活的传播纽带。 相似文献
已有研究通过“国家—社会”的分析路径探讨了社会组织党建的机制,但这些研究囿于政党视角的窠臼,局限于以“政党嵌入论”和“资源依赖论”解释社会组织的党建行为,而忽略了社会组织的主动回应和社会组织党建之后的资源变化。文章尝试以“反向嵌入与资源扩展”作为理论框架,分析社会组织对党建的回应机制和回应策略,进一步发展资源依赖论和政党嵌入论。研究发现,社会组织回应党建要求,反向嵌入党组织,积极识别和有效利用党建的空间,为自身发展创造优势,同时社会组织积极地进行资源扩展,通过党建获取引导性资源、参与相对排名竞争,开拓发展资源。 相似文献
随着历史日益成为"世界历史",中国的改革进程进入攻坚期和深水区,西方各种理论传入中国,这些理论对中国理论界造成了巨大冲击,其中有合理的,也有不合理的。对这些理论进行辨析,变得尤为重要。西方治理理论就是其中一例。本文重新研究和梳理历史唯物主义国家理论,并对西方治理理论进行梳理,从而分析其嵌入历史唯物主义国家理论的可能与边界,这对坚定我们的理论自信是非常必要的。 相似文献
购买公共服务是我国深化社会治理创新的重要工具。基层要在构建共建共治共享的社会治理格局中,积极探索通过购买党建服务进一步加强社会组织党建工作的体制机制和创新路径,不断提升基层党组织党建服务水平。基于济南市J街道购买党建服务的个案,运用嵌入性视角对其党组织嵌入社会组织的状况进行整体性理论透视后发现,基层通过购买党建服务,以政治、结构、关系、认知、文化五种嵌入方式,将党组织嵌入社会组织当中;虽然表面上似乎形成了完整的嵌入闭环,扩大了社会组织党的组织覆盖与工作覆盖,但实际上还面临制度赋能效应不足等困境,导致党组织嵌入社会组织留有“缝隙”,在社会组织的日常运作中更多的是起到仪式化的象征作用。为此,迫切需要从过程导向的嵌入转向结果导向的嵌合,通过完善购买党建服务制度体系等方式对党组织嵌入社会组织的路径进行优化。 相似文献
郭一帆 《云南行政学院学报》2021,(1)
当前我国在数字政府建设中取得了良好的成绩,多数省市明确了政务数据管理机构、制定了数字政府发展规划、开发了“一网通办”的网上政务app,并运用多种互联网技术为数字政府助力,让老百姓“最多跑一次”成为现实。但是,在这些成绩的背后,建设过程中法律制度缺失、数据安全和个人信息保护不足、电子政务服务标准不统一、公众参与渠道狭窄等问题也较为突出。因此,为裨助数字政府建设,推动政府治理现代化转型发展,有必要构建完善的数字政府法律框架、尽快出台相关法律法规,统一数字政府政务服务标准,拓宽公众参与建设途径。才能处理好“制度”和“技术”的关系,才能让数字政府建设合规、有序、安全、平稳发展。 相似文献
当代西方市场社会主义者指出,社会主义必须要赋予新的涵义,必须要加以现代化。为此,他们提出了“平等目标论”、“自由目标论”和“综合目标论”等社会主义价值目标理论,并且认为市场社会主义是现阶段实现社会主义和使社会主义现代化的一条最佳途径。从其理论内容和目的出发,我们可以认定其仍然坚持了社会主义的价值取向。他们对社会主义与市场经济“联姻”所作的论证和探索,对中国社会主义市场经济具有重要的理论借鉴意义和启示。 相似文献
Colin Hay 《Economy and Society》2013,42(4):500-527
The political economy of Britain over the past three decades provides an interesting example of the consolidation, normalization and institutionalization of a new economic paradigm – neoliberalism. As such, it serves as a potentially instructive focus for debate both about the conditions under which economic paradigms are replaced and consolidated and the evolution of such paradigms through the process of institutionalization. In this paper I suggest that the institutionalization of this new economic paradigm has been associated with the shift from a normative to a normalized and necessitarian neoliberalism. I examine the role played by rationalist assumptions in this extended process of normalization-institutionalization. After presenting a stylized account of the evolution of British neoliberalism, I show how New Labour's monetary policy regime is the heir to the legacy of monetarism and its agenda of labour-market reform is the heir to Thatcherism's supply-side economics. I suggest that the time-inconsistency thesis and the business school globalization thesis have played an equivalent role, for New Labour, to that played for the new right by monetarism and supply-side economics in legitimating neoliberalism. In this way neoliberalism has been normalized. In the final sections of the paper I reflect on the implications of the normalized and necessitarian character of neoliberalism in Britain for its contestability and for democratic economic governance more broadly. 相似文献
股票市场监管是证券业和股份经济健康发展的要求及保障。我国股票市场监管制度建设起源于清朝末期,追溯该时期股票市场监管制度建设的成效与缺陷,总结其原因和教训,有助于我们完善现阶段的股票市场监管体制并控制金融风潮的爆发。 相似文献
Amnon Raviv 《社会征候学》2013,23(5):599-607
The medical clown's multimodal performance in the hospital takes place within its rigid space. A clown in a hospital is a paradox. “Medical clowning” is a metaphor taken from two seemingly unrelated fields of meaning, juxtaposing what is medical, scientific, serious and logical with clowning, emotions, carnival spirit and humour. The clown addresses barriers erected by illness, pain, alienation and distress with a continuous flexible performance of humour and fantasy tailored to changing conditions and circumstances. A clown, by definition, threatens the public order and seemingly has no place in the hospital paradigm. The current article compares medical clowns to carnival clowns, examines the medical clown's flexible performance, illustrates it with case studies, presents a semiotic analysis of the clown's journey through the hospital and examines the significance of the performance on the ideological level. 相似文献
Legal directives – whether laws, regulations, or contractual provisions – can be written along a spectrum of specificity, about which behavioral and legal scholarship present conflicting views. We hypothesized that the combination of specificity and monitoring promotes compliance but harms performance and trust, whereas the combination of specificity and good faith enhances both the informative goal‐setting aspects of specificity and people's sense of commitment. To test these hypotheses, we used a 2x2x2 experimental design in which participants were instructed to edit a document with either general or detailed instructions, with a reference to good faith or without it, and with a review of the work or without it. Participants could engage in various levels and kinds of editing, allowing us to distinctly measure both compliance and performance. When participants require information and guidance, as in the case of editing, we found that specificity increases performance relative to the vague standard condition. We discuss the characteristics of the regulatory frameworks in which our findings are especially relevant. 相似文献
信息技术的运用及发展在国与国之间和国家内部是不均衡的,主要的问题便是数字鸿沟问题。数字鸿沟是当代信息社会中一个普遍的、愈演愈烈的世界性问题,给社会带了来诸多问题,对于民主的负向作用更是不容忽视。要解决数字鸿沟问题,正确看待数字鸿沟是首先要面对的问题。 相似文献
《Race & Society》2002,5(2):163-177
While digital divide research has focused on differences in computer access at the national level, few studies have examined interrelationships among race, income, and personal computer (PC) ownership at the regional level. This article examines the racial and economic divide in home PC ownership across four census regions of the U.S. Our analyses are based on supplementary data from the Census Bureau’s August 2000 Current Population Survey. The results indicate that White households are significantly more likely to own a PC than African American households in all regions. The extent of this racial divide is greatest in the Midwest and smallest in the West, and particularly high in the $50,000–$75,000 income category. The racial divide in PC ownership is negated only in households earning more than $75,000 annually. A significantly large income divide also exists among African American PC owners in all regions. 相似文献
Fiona Symington 《社会征候学》2013,23(3):307-321
It is now commonplace within the discipline of art history and visual culture to speak to theories of vision and visuality. Recent questions concerning the subject of vision, sexed positionalities and discourses of viewing are indebted to theories of visuality, which now occupy a privileged place within the study of visual culture. Theories of visuality have revealed both the terms of cultural visibilities and significantly the how of what we see. And yet despite this engagement of the opacity and duplicity of the visual, recent work into visuality has been plagued by a re‐occurring myopia regarding the corporeal This oversight within the visibilites of visual discourse is the unchallenged idea of a ‘human vision’ within the social constructivist project. In this article I assess how this universal operates as the matter for theories of visuality and of the ramifications of this for the project of the critique of vision. 相似文献