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信访改革取向与制度创新问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈庆云 《法学杂志》2005,5(6):135-137
2005年5月1日国务院修订的新《信访条例》开始施行。虽然新条例对老条例进行了大幅度修改,但是学术界和实务工作部门对信访制度各种问题的争议并未因此而停止。本文从制度设计和功能定位等方面探讨了我国信访制度的改革取向和制度创新问题。  相似文献   

李栋 《法学》2014,(12)
自2005年起,党和国家对信访工作做出了一系列重要的决策部署,学术界、实务界也对信访制度改革提出了诸多方案。近10年过去了,这些部署和改革方案并未在实质上推动中国信访制度问题的解决,为了改变这一现状,制定统一《信访法》势在必行。统一《信访法》能够克服现有信访改革方案之不足,最大限度地凝聚信访改革共识,将迟滞不前的信访制度改革推向前进;统一《信访法》的制定能够从制度设计的层面落实信访改革的共识,弥补既有信访制度设计之不足,从法律规范层面化解信访制度所引发的问题。  相似文献   

信访制度作为一项具有中国特色的制度,在强化人民群众监督、化解矛盾、解决纠纷、凝聚人心方面曾起到重要作用。但目前,这一制度的存续和发展遇到了极大的挑战,因此其改革也成为当前我国政法工作的一项重要任务。要从根本上解决我们社会中种种信访难题,就应该通过改革彻底消除上述设计缺陷。首先,信访机构的改革——重新定义信访的功能,应该完全取消信访具有的解决争议、维护权益的功能,同时强化信访机构了解民情和参政议政功能。其次,进行司法制度改革。重树法律的权威,恢复我国社会对司法机制的信心。最后,在过渡阶段的措施,要进行说服诱导工作,劝说信访人通过司法程序解决其争议。依法处理信访人在信访过程中的违法行为。  相似文献   

信访的理论思考与制度完善   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
信访制度是我国特有的一种权利救济制度。长期以来,它在我国的社会生活中发挥着独特的作用。信访制度的起源可以追溯至1957年国务院发布的《关于加强处理人民来信和接待人民来访工作的指示》,直到1995年国务院颁布了《信访条例》,才有了第一个正式的信访法规。随着实践的发展,其制度缺陷逐渐显露,于是在总结经验的基础上,2005年5月1日国务院修订了新《信访条例》。虽然新条例对老条例进行了大幅度修改,但是学术界和实务工作部门对信访制度各种问题的争议并未因此而停止。新《信访条例》的颁布实施,仅仅是信访制度改革的新起点,后续的改革应…  相似文献   

周璐 《法制与社会》2014,(11):39-40
我国各方面的改革都在继续深入,信访形势与任务也出现了新变化,信访制度作为法治化国家建设中重要制度之一,也不能一成不变。信访制度带有一定中国历史沿袭的影子,但从该制度建立以来的实践看,谁也无法否定信访制度的功能,信访制度是符合中国国情和社会发展需要的。同样不可否认的是,从多年来的具体实践中,我们可以看出信访制度在实际运行的过程中仍然存在大量的缺陷与问题。要想更好发挥这一制度优势,必须继续不断完善,探寻改革之路。  相似文献   

和谐社会视野下信访制度的变革之道   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
信访制度是中国特色的意见表这方式,是我国公民参政议政的特殊途径,对我国的政治和社会稳定发挥了重大作用.随着改革的不断深入,信访制度的局限性逐渐暴露出来,尤其是近年来不断出现的"信访洪峰"对信访制度的存在价值提出了挑战.笔者认为,信访制度仍有存在的合法性及合理性,改革信访制度的关键是推进司法制度的改革,同时应加强社会主义民主政治尤其是基层民主政治的建设.  相似文献   

行政复议在当下社会所遭遇的困境已是有目共睹,作为一种公民权利的救济方式,行政复议处于信访与行政诉讼的双重夹击之下,"生存空间"日趋狭窄。《行政复议法》"内部监督"的功能定位和一系列制度设计的偏差,导致了行政复议制度在现实中公正性与公信力的缺失。行政复议的理想价值取向应在于"效率"与"公正"之间,制度设计应最大限度地调和这两种基本价值。现行制度过于偏重"效率"取向,忽视"公正"追求,使得其急需以"有限独立化"为方向进行相应改革。  相似文献   

信访制度是我国公民政治参与的重要渠道,也是实现和维护公民民主权利的具体形式。面对制度设计及其运作中已存在缺陷的信访制度,必须破除因循守旧的思想桎梏,增强改革创新意识,树立新的信访价值理念,扭转已经异化的信访运作机制,实现信访制度在推进法治建设和构建和谐社会中的价值。  相似文献   

从五十年代初期初露端倪,到八十年代形成规模,再到新世纪的制度创新,中国信访制度历经了半个多世纪风雨。如果说,国家新政权为回应基层群众呼声而设立的这项制度,最开始是一个蹒跚学步的稚嫩孩童的话,而今已然步入中年,满面沧桑。特别是十八大召开之后,针对信访制度弊端,触发了一场国家主导的信访重大改革。这场有些出人意料的改革,一经面世便争议不断:赞成者有之,认为其为旧信访制度赋予了新的生  相似文献   

葛颖 《法制与社会》2011,(27):257-258
诉讼时效制度有利于稳定社会经济秩序,督促权利人及时行使权利,保证人民法院及时、准确地解决各种民事纠纷。诉讼时效制度是民法中的一项基本制度,尤其是大陆法系国家均在民法典中作出了精巧的设计。我国在诉讼时效制度的许多问题上,学界对于诸多问题的认识都存在着较大的分歧。本文主要是从理论角度,对诉讼时效客体进行了分类的阐述,对学术界存在的一些争议,提出了自己的理解与想法。  相似文献   

论法律的确定性与不确定性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
曹祜 《法律科学》2004,22(3):13-18
崇尚法律的确定性,是西方法学界一个悠久的学术传统。20世纪以来,西方法学界关于这一问题的立场发生了根本转变,转而强调法律的不确定性。在法律运行的过程中,存在着多种不确定性因素,包括法律标准的不确定性、事实认定的不确定性、司法人员个性的不确定性和其他社会因素的不确定性等四个方面。无论是法律的确定性,还是法律的不确定性,都是相对的,而且,二者都蕴藏着一定的社会价值。  相似文献   

刘政 《法学杂志》2012,33(2):128-132
能动司法是在借鉴西方司法制度与考察我国国情的基础上形成的一种司法理念。由于其在提高司法效能、促进司法正义等方面的特殊作用,已经受到我国法学界和实务界的高度重视。本文通过在理论推导、实践需求、价值取向等方面的研究,对践行具有中国特色的适度的能动司法进行探析。  相似文献   

涉诉信访法治化的路径选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
涉诉信访已成为困扰我国司法与行政的一大顽疾,解决的根本在于将其纳入法治的轨道。重塑涉诉信访,首先要从"权限"和"程序"两个方面对其进行规制,规范信访机构的受理与处理行为;其次要对现有的"四级两审"诉讼制度进行改革,完善法的可诉性;最后,构建真正的以司法独立为根基的多元纠纷解决机制,彻底实现当事人的息诉罢访目的。  相似文献   


Academics are becoming increasingly internationally mobile, and yet there is still limited research into the nature, outcomes and limits of academic mobility. This paper examines the biographies of over 700 academics employed within Australian law schools. It identifies legal academics who hold academics qualifications have been employed outside of Australia. Almost a quarter of legal academics in our sample hold a first degree outside of Australia, over a third hold a non-Australian post-graduate degree. While it could be expected that possessing international experience would broaden an academic’s cultural experiences, we also found that the internationally mobile academics have typically studied and worked previously within an elite international law school, and are now employed within an elite Australian law school. In addition, experiences of international mobility are not equally distributed, and male legal academics are significantly more likely to have international experience than female legal academics.  相似文献   


I have been teaching Ethnic Minorities and the Law at undergraduate and Masters level for some eight years now. It is my conviction that the subject has achieved a certain maturity and that it is high time that serious notice was taken of it in legal education circles at all levels. This article presents some reflections on approaches adopted and experiences of being involved in teaching this field. In the next section some of the reactions that are likely to be encountered when working in this area are discussed briefly. In the following section the nature and extent of ethnic diversity in the UK are outlined, and some of the limits in academic and policy conceptualisations of this diversity are highlighted. There follows a critical discussion of the various paradigms within which legal knowledge has framed discussion relating to ethnic minorities in the UK. This forms a prelude to the introduction of legal‐pluralist perspectives which, it is argued, offer the most positive approach in the area of ethnic minority legal studies. Lastly, some of the practical issues that arise in teaching about ethnic minorities in law are discussed.  相似文献   

Based on participation observations and interviews with petitioners and petition officials in Chinese courts, this article analyzes how the petitioning discourse is organized and how it influences the dispute resolution process. It finds that the discourses between the petitioners and the petition officials are mismatched. The petitioners fight to frame their disputes in legal terms, while the petition officials use a “channeling discourse” to divert the petitioners to legal or extralegal institutions. The two types of discourse barely confront each other; nor are the substantive issues seriously debated. Since being channeled into other institutions does not resolve their disputes, petitioners start calling their petitioning experiences as injurious, blaming officials, and making new claims. Disputes are thus reproduced. The research sheds light on the petitioners’ legal consciousness and the operation of the petition system in China, and explores the contextual reasons why the phenomenon of mismatched discourses occurs in China.  相似文献   

民事诉讼处分原则重述   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
张卫平 《现代法学》2001,23(6):89-95
处分原则是民事诉讼中的一项基本原则。但长期以来 ,学界对处分原则一直存在着误识。这些误识源于原苏联的民事诉讼国家干预理论和传统的审判理念。对处分原则的误识导致了我们在民事诉讼中对当事人处分权行使限制的扩大化。从民事诉讼的特性和民事纠纷的性质来看 ,这些限制都是不妥当的。本文认为 ,应当重新认识处分原则 ,真正理解和贯彻处分原则。只有这样才能使我国民事诉讼体制的建构和运行符合民事诉讼的规律。  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the reform of academic tenure in the United Kingdom (UK) after the 1988 Education Reform Act.1 We test the hypothesis that softening tenure encourages incumbent academics to consolidate their hold on academic life [ Carmichael (1988)]. We also assess the economic significance of the English and American case law on tenure, because an understanding of the legal aspects of tenure is required to identify the possible effects of tenure reform. The years after passage of the Act provide an interesting natural experiment, as the broad effect of the legislation was to soften, though not to remove, tenure in British universities. 2 We can find support for the Carmichael hypothesis prereform but do not believe that the Act caused incumbent academics to consolidate their hold on senior posts after the reform.Tenure implies that the holder of a post cannot be removed from it except for good cause, usually based on gross moral turpitude or gross incompetence. Such removal is historically characterized by a costly procedure governed by organizational statutes, as shown in Hines v. Birkbeck College.3 In the United Kingdom, academic tenure has been associated with open-ended contracts of employment and often had a particularly hard form before 1988. In the United States, where it has often been possible to dismiss academics for financial reasons by abolishing whole departments, tenure has taken a softer form (although often harder to obtain) and can still be held to exist even when an employment contract is of a fixed term as long as it is renewable. 4 The details of universities’ tenure statutes have always varied between institutions, in both the United Kingdom and United States, which is often overlooked.


“Before 1988, could your university make academics redundant by giving notice and paying statutory redundancy pay, or was it extremely hard to sack academics—having to buy them out or use arguments based on gross moral turpitude or incompetence?”  相似文献   

永佃权的历史考察及其当代价值   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
周子良 《现代法学》2002,24(2):65-73
本文对中外永佃权的历史做了粗略的梳理 ,以期辨正学界对永佃权某些方面的误解。以此为据 ,进而阐明永佃权的当代价值。在考察中国和国外法律史的过程中 ,采用可靠的史料是重要的 ,而使用该国文化中特定的语言系统又是必须的。中国古代存在永佃制 ,但绝没有永佃权 ;中国的永佃制萌芽于隋唐而非秦汉或北宋 (英宗 ) ;永佃权虽然生成于私有制的土壤 ,但对我国物权法中的农地立法 ,仍有借鉴的价值。  相似文献   

改革开放以后,我国刑法学发展迅速,在经历了复苏阶段、展开阶段、繁荣阶段后进入推进阶段,并取得斐然战绩。2004年的刑法学研究更是基础理论研究成果迭出,研究视野更加开阔,外向型刑法研究与犯罪学研究引人瞩目,学术活动异常活跃。当然,理论研究中的重复与浪费现象、刑事法学研究各学科发展不平衡和研究方法与研究视域的拓展亦需引起关注。未来刑法学的发展还将彻底转变刑法观念,建立法治国的刑法文化;适应时代发展需要,完善现有的刑法学体系,加大外向型刑法的研究力度,在加强判例研究、密切关注实践要求等方向上前进。  相似文献   

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