What does an ‘entire agreement’ clause look like?The issues         The Misrepresentation Act  相似文献   

董世杰 《北方法学》2017,11(2)
争端当事国的单方面石油活动要想成为海洋划界的考虑因素,必须通过其单方面石油活动证明存在临时协议、默认、明示或默示协议.由于临时协议仅具有历史意义,而明示协议在实践中又不可能出现,那么只能寄希望于默认和默示协议.主张默认或默示协议的当事国,负有很高的举证责任,而成功的先例更是寥寥无几.其他声索国在南沙群岛附近海域非法实施的单方面石油活动,一直为中国政府所反对,自然不能作为日后海洋划界的考虑因素.  相似文献   

Waiting for Enron: The Unstable Equilibrium of Auditor Independence Regulation     
David  Kershaw 《Journal of law and society》2006,33(3):388-420
A primary function of auditor independence regulation is to ensure that any financial incentives auditors may have to approve misleading or inaccurate accounting are outweighed by market and regulatory deterrents to compromising an auditor's independence. This article is an inquiry into the current state of this incentive equilibrium in the United Kingdom: the possible costs and benefits that may be incurred by auditors if they elect to acquiesce to management's demands to accept problematic accounting. It argues that the equilibrium position currently incentivizes a rational auditor to acquiesce. On the one hand, the article demonstrates that the recent evolution of audit firm revenue streams has provided auditors with a substantial incentive to compromise their independence and provided management with credible sanctions to pressurize them to do so. On the other hand, the article shows that regulatory and market costs of acquiescence do not counterbalance the benefits of acquiescence.  相似文献   

Los principios generales en la convención de naciones unidas sobre compraventa internacional de mercaderías     
《Boletín mexicano de derecho comparado / Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas, UNAM》2014,47(141):987-1020
In this paper the author analyses Article 7o. (2) of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. This regulation cites the general principles on which it is founded as a law of integration and interpretation of the Convention. The paper investigates some of the principles established by the doctrine such as the following: acting in good faith; interpreting the real intention and logical nature of contracts; estoppel theory; the freedom to choose the content and form of the contract, and the mitigation of damages. It also demonstrates the scope of previous court rulings.  相似文献   

论“约因论”在英美法系的衰落   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈融 《现代法学》2007,29(4):161-168
约因理论是英美契约法的独特内容,该理论的成熟形态是"交易约因论",即契约的成立以当事人之间的交换关系为基础,通常表现为受诺人的"法律受损"的"约因"就是交易的符号。"约因论"的衰落表现在多方面,既有"禁反言"等新的契约理论对它的挑战,也有成文法对约因要求适用范围的限制,而且,传统的约因法则在司法实践中也发生变革。"约因论"固有的形式主义、僵化性、技术性等弊病决定了其衰落的历史必然性,而"约因论"的衰落也标志着英美契约法从古典向现代的历史转型。  相似文献   

'Dedicating' Copyright to the Public Domain     
Phillip Johnson 《The Modern law review》2008,71(4):587-610
This article explores whether authors can dedicate their copyright to the public domain. Such dedications are becoming increasingly relevant as authors now see the expansion of the public domain as value in itself. This is facilitated by organisations providing pro forma documents for dedicating works to the public domain. However, there has been no real consideration of what, if any, legal effect a dedication to the public might have. This article suggests that such dedications are no more than copyright licences which, in English and US law at least, can be revoked at will. This means that users of such works must rely on estoppel alone to enforce any dedication to the public domain.  相似文献   

裴明学 《现代法学》2004,26(2):107-112
缔约过失责任是大陆法系国家依据诚信原则 ,对于违反先契约义务的当事人所追究的民事责任 ;允诺禁反言原则是英美法系国家依诚信原则对无对价的允诺赋予法律约束力的一种制度。这两种制度各有特点 ,但均以诚信原则为基础 ,来保护当事人在缔约过程中的信赖利益 ,并分别在两大法系内发挥着平衡缔约当事人利益的功能。本文从比较法的角度出发 ,分析了这两种制度在产生渊源、理论基础、构成要件、适用范围等方面的异同  相似文献   

Evaluating the Role of Brown v. Board of Education in School Equalization, Desegregation, and the Income of African Americans     
Ashenfelter  Orley; Collins  William J.; Yoon  Albert 《American Law and Economics Review》2006,8(2):213-248
The public profile of the Brown v. Board of Education decisiontends to overshadow the well-established fact that racial disparitiesin school resources in the South began narrowing 20 years beforethe Brown decision and that school desegregation did not beginon a large scale in the Deep South until ten years after theBrown decision. We instead view Brown as a highly visible markerof public policy’s mid-century reversal on matters ofrace. When we examine the labor market outcomes of male workersin 1990, we find that southern-born blacks who would have finishedtheir schooling just before effective desegregation occurredin the South fared poorly compared to southern-born blacks whofollowed behind them in school by just a few years, relativeto northern-born blacks in same age cohorts.  相似文献   

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The ‘acquiescence’ category of proprietary estoppel is a rare example of responsibility for pure omissions in private law. On liberal‐individualistic theories of ownership, the policy considerations against liability for nondoing are exceptionally powerful in the context of rights over land. Nevertheless, I argue that in proprietary estoppel the law is justified in imposing a duty on the right‐holder to alert a stranger when his actions are based on a mistake. Owners of property rights are under what Honoré termed a ‘special duty’ to contribute to the social good of efficient market for land by publicising their rights. This ‘duty to speak’ is however relatively weak and cannot completely suppress considerations against liability for omission. While liability in the acquiescence category can be justified in principle, the current law, in which owners who failed to correct the mistake of the relying party incur similar liability to owners who actively encouraged the other party to rely, is untenable.  相似文献   

胡萌 《证据科学》2014,(5):567-577
禁止反言是英国证据法的一个重要组成部分,也是诉讼中被作为抗辩理由提出的常用规则。禁止反言的形态从产生到发展已得到不断扩展,而证据法上的禁止反言主要表现为记录禁止反言或者现在更常提及的以先前司法程序禁止反言。民事诉讼中的禁止反言主要包括诉因禁止反言和争点禁止反言,并且通过判例发展出一些例外;刑事程序中的禁止反言只要表现为禁止双重危险(包括先前无罪开释和有罪判决的抗辩)与程序滥用,并通过《2003年刑事审判法》以成文法的形式作了例外规定。  相似文献   

表见代理为无权代理之一种,乃民法学界之通说。本文通过对表见代理与无权代理、有权代理的区别与联系及典型客观表象的分析,并从比较法学的角度上论证了表见代理的独立性。进而认为:表见代理是于无权代理、有权代理之外的一种独立的代理形态。  相似文献   

自认罪认罚从宽制度实施以来,被告人认罪认罚反悔问题引发了学界热议。从效果上看,被告人反悔权是一把"双刃剑",其有助于保障被告人认罪认罚的自愿性,确保认罪认罚案件的质量,但被告人滥用反悔权造成的负面影响亦不容忽视。为避免认罪协商程序运行受阻,有必要从规范反悔权行使、完善量刑激励制度、强化法律文书的释法说理、发挥值班律师作用、加强自愿性审查与监督、恰当使用认罪供述证据等方面构建被告人反悔应对机制,以减少被告人反悔机率。  相似文献   

我国新合同法中的表见代表制度评析   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
尹田 《现代法学》2000,22(5):114-117
表见代理制度在我国新合同法上的确立 ,反映了我国市场经济体制运行过程中对交易安全保护的重视。有关表见代理构成要件的理论纷争 ,是对这一制度作用于实际生活所应当发生的具体效果以及立法选择之合理性的不同角度的观察结果。  相似文献   

表见代理的基本价值取向是效率,即以最小的预防成本预防表见代理纠纷的发生,从而促进交易并降低社会成本.表见代理是否成立,应当取决于相对人预防成本是否比本人的更大.相对人的善意无过失,可界定为相对人投入了不低于最佳预防的预防成本.经济分析表明,表见代理的适用不以本人过失为要件.  相似文献   

表见代理源于私法,一直为行政法学界所忽视。行政权行使过程中出现的众多现象与问题,非仅处理内部关系的委托所能解决。代理与委托相伴而生,唇齿相依。代理制度,特别是表见代理制度引入行政法,既能从理论上补充委托之不足,亦在实践中解决行政管理领域无权代理、越权代理情况下行政责任的承担问题,进而确定行政诉讼的被告,化解行政诉讼中存在的现实困难。  相似文献   

Prosecution history estoppel generally bars patent infringementunder the doctrine of equivalents when a claim is narrowed byamendment during examination, but the ‘tangential relation’criterion preserves that doctrine when the claim is narrowedin a manner unrelated to the particular equivalent which, itis alleged, infringes the patent.  相似文献   

Legal content: This article intends to raise awareness of the English law doctrineof licensee estoppel and how it may be relevant in practice.The relevant English case law and its relationship with Englishstatute and European legislation are discussed. Key points: Many practitioners are unaware of the nature and significanceof licensee estoppel under English law. The doctrine of licenseeestoppel seems at first sight to run contrary to European competitionlaw: this situation is made more complicated by the fact thatEuropean legislation and case law seems to presume that sucha doctrine does not exist. Once the doctrine itself and itsrelationship with European competition law have been explained,the remedies that are available and commercially relevant tolicensees become clearer. Practical significance: These considerations are relevant to practitioners draftingand negotiating technology transfer agreements under Englishlaw, as well as to those advising licensors and licensees ontheir rights and available remedies.  相似文献   

This article examines the process of customary arbitration, which is recognised under Nigerian law as a valid dispute resolution mechanism. It attempts to answer the question whether an award by a customary arbitral panel can give rise to the plea of estoppel per rem judicatam.  相似文献   

This note discusses the decision of the Court of Appeal in Collier v P & M J Wright (Holdings) Limited , and notes that while the Court purports to uphold both the decision in Pinnel's Case and the effect of Re Selectmove , in fact, by an extension of promissory estoppel, it bypasses them.  相似文献   

The first 150 words of the full text of this article appear below. Key points
  • The construction of commercial contracts has seena shift from a strict to a liberal philosophy of constructionand this has had an impact on commercial agreements and actors.
  • Thereis an ongoing debate concerning the widening background or matrixevidence to include prior negotiations, reflecting the desireof parties to insulate commercial agreements from collateralterm arguments or other recourse to wider materials.
  • This hasin part led to the emergence of ‘entire agreement’and ‘non-reliance’ clauses.
  • This article considersthe construction of such clauses and whether such clauses takeeffect through construction or estoppel reasoning. It also looksat the merits of estoppel by representation and ‘estoppelby contract’, the impact of Unfair Contract Terms Act1977 and Misrepresentation Act 1967, and the effect of waiverof clause.
  The law of contract is fundamental to all markets, and participantsin wholesale markets are wedded to the . . . [Full Text of this Article]
   1. The modern approach to contractual construction    2. ‘Wider still and wider’?: prior negotiations    3. ‘Entire agreement’ and ‘non-reliance’ clauses    4. Construction of entire agreement clauses    5. Waiver    6. Estoppel and non-reliance clauses    7. Statutory regulation
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