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自由主义作为一种思想流派和社会思想政治运动,是从中世纪向近代社会过渡时期的全欧现象,而俄国的自由主义则是以西欧自由主义的变异形态即"不充分的自由主义"存在并发挥作用的。因此,俄国近代自由主义的类型划分、历史分期都具有自己的独特之处,这些都与近代俄国的社会政治环境和历史传统不可分割,西方含义上的自由主义难以运用到俄国。  相似文献   

俄罗斯与西方:文明冲突的历史考察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
俄罗斯是横跨欧亚大陆的奇异国家 ,它曾神速地向东扩展到太平洋沿岸 ,但它在东方注重的只是“开拓疆土” ,而对西方却幻想着“文明融合”。跻身于“文明的西方”是俄罗斯的夙愿 ,但它却始终未能叩开西方的大门。俄罗斯与西方关系的演变深刻影响着俄罗斯的历史走向和国际关系体系的未来发展。融入西方 :不渝的历史追求历史上 ,俄罗斯大致经历了基辅罗斯、鞑靼人统治下的罗斯、莫斯科公国、沙皇俄国、苏维埃俄国和当代俄罗斯六个发展段。其间 ,俄罗斯经历了五次主要的社会 -文化转型 :接受拜占庭文化、鞑靼文化的楔入、彼得大帝向西方学习、马…  相似文献   

东北亚国家现代化的韩国模式剖析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
韩国的现代化道路 ,走出了一条与西方和前苏联东欧不同的模式 ,被西方学者称为“第 3种工业文明”。韩国现代化模式的最重要特点 ,是重视现代化中的人的精神因素 ,即文化因素 ,因此韩国道路可以称之为“文化强国”的典型。特别重视教育 (基础教育 ) ,重视现代化中“核心精神”价值 ,重视人的智慧和科技含量 ,即重人甚于重物 ,这一特点应引起全世界的高度重视 ,为各国借鉴和学习。  相似文献   

俄国自由主义是俄国对西方的感应和国内的变迁共同作用的混合产物,它是以欧洲自由主义的变异形态即"不充分的自由主义"存在并发挥作用的。从短时段看,俄国近代自由主义随着1918年立宪会议被解散而走向终结;但从长时段看,自由主义作为俄国近代化的产物,它随着俄国近代化的向前发展而逐渐融入俄国社会,成为俄国近代以来政治文化传统的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

欧洲中心主义是一种狭隘的世界观和历史观,它导致人们对西方以外的世界缺乏了解,也不能正确认识西方,最终使人们不能正确认识整个世界和世界历史。19世纪末俄国文化学家尼·雅·丹尼列夫斯基通过自己的文化历史类型说,从一个崭新的视角,对这种错误观念提出了质疑,并予以明确的否定。  相似文献   

以霍米亚科夫、基列耶夫斯基、阿克萨科夫兄弟、萨马林等为代表的斯拉夫派,形成于19世纪30年代末。斯拉夫派是在与以恰达耶夫等为代表的西方派的争论中形成的,他们反对西方派提出的西化路向,主张维护俄国的东正教传统与农村公社,认为俄国的现代化道路具有独特性。斯拉夫派对俄国现代化出路的探索,构成了白银时代宗教哲学现代化出路探索参照的重要一维。正是基于对斯拉夫派现代化出路探索局限性的认知,白银时代宗教哲学走上了独立的探索路向。  相似文献   

19世纪的俄国,承继18世纪彼得一世和叶卡捷琳娜二世的治国方略,继续遵循俄国历史上极为独特的自上而下调节经济的政策。每一次的皇权更迭都伴随着一场社会政治经济变革的发生,对俄国历史发展和现代化进程产生了重大影响。19世纪俄国货币制度的演变,更是历经战争与和平的交替影响,从一个侧面反映了俄国历代沙皇拯救国家经济危机的策略以及治国安邦的既定方针和传统。  相似文献   

在普京总统执政时期,包括颇有争议的苏联时期和后苏联时期俄国历史的教学书籍,每每因社会和学术界见仁见智的看法、国内政治力量的角斗和与美国等西方国家关系的不顺而引起超出教学和学术范围的政治争论。这种争论反映出俄国内外围绕意识形态进行的激烈角逐,从一定程度上折射出普京治下的俄罗斯民主模式的某些侧面。  相似文献   

从文明角度看俄国和日本的现代化张广翔克里木战争失败后,俄国进入了19世纪60年代改革时期,而1853年日本被迫“开国”,以及随之发生的“尊王攘夷运动”,由此拉开了明治维新的帷幕。二者在这种历史性的马拉松式赛跑中各自都有独特的前提和优势:俄国较早地进入...  相似文献   

俄国地处欧亚大陆之间,其历史和文化发展中呈现出了东西方倾向的摇摆性,19世纪上半叶在俄罗斯思想觉醒的过程中,有关俄国历史命运问题的思考成为俄国哲学的主题,恰达耶夫的哲学思想就是在这种情况下产生的,这是俄国思想史上出现的第一次对俄国历史的反省和批判,也是俄国历史哲学理论建构的第一次尝试。  相似文献   

A heated debate over the rise of China has been going on unabated in the international community for nearly two decades. However, with the elapse of time, the initial divergence of views in the mainstream opinion has gradually diminished and the gap in China policy among nations has likewise narrowed down. Instead, reason and a realistic approach have eventually taken center stare.  相似文献   

布什政府上台以来,始终未能阻止朝鲜拥核步伐.朝核试后,美对朝政策有了新的调整,六方会谈得以复会.但美朝双方受各自国家利益和政策目标的限制,在朝鲜半岛无核化问题上的尖锐分歧难以解决,朝核危机仍存在再度升级的可能.  相似文献   

This article argues for the confirmation of Marxist philosophy as the ideology that guides international relations (IR) studies in China. Justification comes through the following points. According to Marxism, correct theoretical guidance serves as the prerequisite for correct practice. Marxist philosophy embodies, by nature, righteousness, in opposition to political hegemony. Accordingly, practice under its guidance represents fruitful revolutionary realism. Finally, advanced studies of international relations in this country cannot be separated from philosophical thinking. Using these arguments as background, this article specifically advocates materialism, patriotism, and service to the people as the corner-stone of China's IR theory building.  相似文献   

The EU's strategy for Russia since the end of the cold war has to a large extent failed, and the direct consequences are the currently deadlocked EU-Russia relationship. There are three reasons for this: the EU and Russia's respective strength and status relative to each other have been changing since the beginning of this century; the EU's strategy towards Russia has been more fragmenting in recently years; and the American factor. The EU-Russia relations could continue to be in poor shape in the years to come, and it is very likely sometimes even further worsening. But the two sides would refrain from extreme measures and prevent their relations from sliding into real cold war.  相似文献   


Citizens in democracies are expected to make better decisions if they understand policy tradeoffs. However, politicians rarely have incentives to communicate them; citizens are uncomfortable choosing among valued outcomes; and devising a common metric is difficult. It is not surprising that in the United States the environment provides relatively little cuing or priming of tradeoffs in television news. Russian citizens, on the other hand, face a media environment in which tradeoff cuing is intentionally suppressed by owners' agendas, yet viewers detect concealed tradeoffs even in the absence of tradeoff priming and viewpoint diversity. Analysis of discourse among ordinary Russians in 16 focus groups convened in four cities, differentiated by political reform and media market environments, showed that when watching news in which tradeoffs are thoroughly concealed, viewers challenge stories by offering a broad spectrum of uncued tradeoffs. Tradeoffs come from diverse policy domains and represent a range of cognitive strategies, some of which are considerably more abstract than others and link elements of their observations and assumptions (together with what they can extract from the stories) into complex reasoning outcomes.  相似文献   

There may be more than one year to go before the 2008 U.S. presidential election, but the primary election of the two parties has already begun ahead of time. Both the Democratic and Republican candidates for the  相似文献   

In this paper, the author has made a thorough study over the new generation of American China Watchers. Most of the pages are devoted to a detailed comparison between the old generation and the young generation of American China Watchers regarding to their background, education, and views over China. At the end of the paper, the author also gives some policy suggestions for both the Chinese and U.S. government based on the findings in this study.  相似文献   

1. Introduction
On the morning of April 1st, 2001, a U.S. EP-3 surveillance aircraft was conducting an intelligence flight along the Chinese territorial border in the airspace south-east of China's Hainan Island. Two Chinese fighter jets intercepted the spy plane and followed its flight, as is considered ordinary international practice. For reasons unknown, the EP-3 airplane made a sudden maneuver and crashed into one of the Chinese planes. The Chinese plane dropped into the sea, the pilot missing. The U.S. spy plane was also severely damaged. It intruded into Chinese territorial space and landed on Hainan Island without official permission from the Chinese side. After landing, the spy plane and 24 crew on board were detained by the Chinese authorities. This air collision episode was the first of its kind in the China-U.S. relations and an urgent diplomatic crisis ensued.  相似文献   

正Chapter I General Rules Article 1 The Chinese Association for International Understanding is a national non-governmental organization(NGO)in the People’s Republic of China.Article 2 The official name of the Association is"Zhong Guo Guo Ji Jiao Liu Xie Hui"in Chinese,or"Jiao Liu Xie Hui"for short.Its English translation is"Chinese Association for International Understanding",and abbreviated as"CAFIU".  相似文献   

Guide to Authors     
正Published by China Institute of International Studies,China International Studies is China’s first English-language journal on diplomacy and international politics for formal circulation.The magazine mainly publishes the latest research achievements of Chinese scholars and specialists on China’s diplomacy,international politics and international relations under such columns as China’s Diplomacy,International Relations,International Politics,International Security,Regional Issues and World Economy.  相似文献   

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