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针对危险化学品泄漏事故不断增多的趋势,以某省大型石化企业危险化学品泄漏事故的演练为范例,提出了危险化学品泄漏事故演练的处置经验。  相似文献   

危险化学品公路运输事故频繁发生,已成为严重影响社会公共安全的流动危险源。本文分析了危险化学品公路运输事故特点,总结了国内外危险化学品公路运输事故研究现状,指出我国目前研究的不足。在对危险化学品公路运输事故特点和研究现状充分认识基础上,结合我国的实际情况,提出了建设性的防灾对策及建议。  相似文献   

燃爆类危险化学品一旦在其运输途中发生事故,常常引起爆炸、火灾、环境污染、人员伤亡等灾难性的后果,或者造成交通中断,人员大面积疏散,严重影响了正常的社会生活秩序。燃爆类危险化学品公路运输事故处置牵涉面广、程序复杂、技术要求高,是近年来消防部队面对的一个新课题。本文分析了燃爆类危险化学品公路运输事故产生的原因、特点和危害;详细介绍了燃爆类危险化学品公路运输事故的处置程序和注意事项;提出了消防部队处置此类事故的处置方案。为消防部队在处置燃爆类危险化学品公路运输事故过程中提供了理论参考和技术上的支持。  相似文献   

一、有危险货物运输从业资格的人员,明知使用具有安全隐患的机动车超载运输剧毒化学品,有可能引发危害公共安全的事故,却轻信能够避免,以致这种事故发生并造成严重后果的,构成《刑法》第一百三十六条规定的危险物品肇事罪。二、从事剧毒化学品运输工作的专业人员,在发生交通事故致使剧毒化学品泄漏后,有义务利用随车配备的应急处理器材和防护用品抢救对方车辆上的受伤人员,有义务在现场附近设置警戒区域,有义务及时报警并在报警时主动说明危险物品的特征、可能发生的危害,以及需要采取何种救助工具与救助方式才能防止、减轻以至消除危害,有义务在现场等待抢险人员的到来,利用自己对剧毒危险化学品的专业知识以及对运输车辆构造的了解,协助抢险人员处置突发事故。从事剧毒化学品运输工作的专业人员不履行这些义务,应当对由此造成的特别严重后果承担责任。  相似文献   

CFP 《法人》2023,(3):62-63
<正>泥滩的脉络3月2日,英国肯特郡吉林厄姆,梅德韦河退潮后,一艘游艇停泊在泥滩上。 脱轨3月4日,美国俄亥俄州再次发生一起货运列车脱轨事故,事发列车运营方是诺福克南方铁路公司。2月初,该公司一列运载危险化学品的列车在俄亥俄州东巴勒斯坦镇脱轨,造成严重污染事件。对于新一起事故,该公司称没有危险物质泄漏,也无人员伤亡报告。  相似文献   

氟气等危险化学品泄露事故给公共安全带来了严重威胁,本文介绍了氟气的危害性,并通过对事故原因的分析,为加强此类危险化学品的安全管理提出建议和对策。  相似文献   

12月1日起,一批法规及规范性文件正式实施。其中有的旨在加强危险化学品安全管理,有的规定在于推动国内外汇期权市场发展。这些规定将从不同层面进一步推动我国经济社会向前发展。确立危险化学品安全使用许可制度为加强危险化学品的安全管理,预防和减少危险化学品事故,我国修订了《危险化学品安全管理条例》  相似文献   

1.2012年7月1日国家安全生产监督管理总局令第53号公布2.自2012年8月1日起施行第一章总则第一条为了加强对危险化学品的安全管理,规范危险化学品登记工作,为危险化学品事故预防和应急救援提供技术、信息支持,根据《危险化学品安全管理条例》,制定本办法。第二条本办法适用于危险化学品生产企业、进口企业(以下统称登记企业)生产或者进口《危险化学品目录》所列危险化学品的登记和管理工作。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,各类灾害事故的突发性、复杂性、危害性不断增强,消防官兵参与的危险化学品泄漏、道路交通事故、建筑坍塌、群众遇险事件应急救援越来越多,由于主观或客观的原因,造成救援过程中出现官兵伤亡的情况也逐年增加。笔者分析了消防官兵在应急救援中发生伤亡的表现形式及原因,提出了预防与减少伤亡的建议。  相似文献   

化学灾害事故中的有毒气体泄漏事故严重危害公共安全.泄漏事故发生后,有毒气体在单位时间内的扩散范围受多种因素的影响.利用ALOHA软件可以模拟内外因对液氯泄漏事故泄漏范围的影响,内因主要包括泄漏孔径、罐内液体质量、泄漏位置.外因主要有风速、空气温度、空气湿度.模拟的主要思路是,控制其中一个变量的变化以观察其对泄漏范围的影响,通过比较各因素变化对威胁区域大小的影响趋势,为液氯泄漏事故的警戒范围的快速划分和事故应急处置提供参考.  相似文献   

Innovation diffusion is important for both firms’ profitability and countries’ economic growth. For these reasons, policies that aim to reduce the main barriers to innovation diffusion are a relevant issue on the agenda of most policy makers. Although the importance of this topic is widely recognized, few studies explore public policies that aim to enhance innovation diffusion. This article attempts to fill this literature gap. Specifically, the study aims to clarify the role of policy makers in promoting new technology diffusion, to identify the barriers that affect the process of innovation diffusion and that are relevant for public policy makers and to analyze potential policies to overcome the main barriers to the diffusion of new relevant technologies. This study shows that public policies must simultaneously address the most relevant barriers to the diffusion of a new technology to be effective. Focusing on only specific barriers by developing policies with a too narrow scope may lead to poor results. The study explores a topic that is almost neglected in the innovation management literature. On the one hand, the article provides a conceptual framework for analyzing public policies. On the other hand, it proposes an overview of the repertoire of policies that policy makers can use to overcome the most relevant barriers to the diffusion of a new technology. In doing so, it also contributes to the debate about the role of the policy maker in the process of innovation development and diffusion.  相似文献   

Interest in legal innovations, particularly in the criminal law realm, often centers on an innovation's emergence, but not its subsequent diffusion. Typifying this trend, existing accounts of the prison's historical roots persuasively explain the prison's “birth” in Jacksonian‐Era northern coastal cities, but not its subsequent rapid, widespread, and homogenous diffusion across a culturally, politically, and economically diverse terrain. Instead, this study offers a neo‐institutional account of the prison's diffusion, emphasizing the importance of national, field‐level pressures rather than local, contextual factors. This study distinguishes between the prison's innovation and early adoption, which can be explained by the need to replace earlier proto‐prisons, and its subsequent adoption, particularly in the South and frontier states, which was driven by the desire to conform to increasingly widespread practices. This study further attributes the isomorphic nature of the diffusion to institutional pressures, including uncertainty surrounding the new technology, pseudoprofessional penal reformers and their claims about competing models of confinement, and contingent historical factors that reinforced these institutional pressures. This study illustrates the importance of distinguishing between the motivations that initiate criminal law innovations and those that advance their diffusion.  相似文献   

In document examination, it is of great importance to determine the composition of seal ink with different imprint times, and spectroscopic methods are widely used today. In this research, the diffusion of seal inks from three different brands on the same type of paper is monitored in situ by microinfrared spectroscopy and microinfrared imaging technology. The area of the absorption peak at 1743 cm?1 gradually decreases with increasing diffusion time. The diffusion kinetics of seal ink on paper are also studied by analyzing the infrared spectra of seal inks at the same measuring point with different diffusion times. The research provides a basic study in understanding the diffusion behavior of seal ink on paper over short time spans.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to build on the results recently obtained by Poznanski (1990). First, the estimation technique is generalised by removing both the symmetric restrictions and the effects of autocorrelated errors that are present in simple logistic functions. Secondly, attention is drawn to the existence and consequences of multicollinearity when non linear techniques are applied to a general exponential. Thirdly, an attempt is made to quantify the importance of market structure and time lags in adoption as determinants of diffusion speed. Finally, a comparison between these generalised results and Poznanski's is made. The study concludes that, by generalising the estimation technique, some significant changes take place. Changes occur in the ordering and magnitude of diffusion speeds, especially amongst the developing and centrally planned economies. Changes also occur in the nature of the diffusion process, and in the importance attributed to market structure and diffusion lags in determining the rate of diffusion. It is also shown that, for some countries, multicollinearity imposes constraints on the type of generality that can be obtained.  相似文献   

Pulmonary surfactant-associated protein A (SP-A) is an exclusively lung specific protein, and is considered to leak into the blood stream in alveolar septal damage. In this study we examined the serum SP-A level in forensic autopsy materials using an enzyme immunoassay with monoclonal antibodies to assess the postmortem level in relation to the cause and mode of death. Although a gradual postmortem degradation should be taken into consideration, topological relationship of serum level seemed to be fairly stable (arterial> or =venous blood in most cases), indicating no evident influence of postmortem diffusion. Significant elevation of serum SP-A (76.7-250 ng/ml in left heart blood) was observed in hyaline membrane diseases from various causes independent of the postmortem intervals (<30 h). However, mean SP-A levels in postmortem heart blood were usually low in asphyxia including hanging, strangulation and choking (left, 25.5 ng/ml; right, 22.3 ng/ml), polytrauma (left, 13.1 ng/ml; right, 9.0 ng/ml) and stab wound to the neck (left, 34.1 ng/ml; right, 29.4 ng/ml). Prominent elevation was noted in a case of fatal strangulation with complication of idiopathic interstitial pneumonia, and also in some deaths due to drowning, burns in fires, blunt and gunshot chest injuries. These findings indicated that postmortem elevation of serum SP-A levels was associated with alveolar septal damage due to inflammation, mechanical and physical stresses, which caused leakage of SP-A into the bloodstream.  相似文献   

This article reports the results of a study that uses social network analysis to compare the persuasiveness of legal precedents in the diffusion of the strict liability rule for manufacturing defects. This new study tests which legal precedents were most influential and also whether certain state judicial variables influenced the diffusion process. The results are striking. The federal circuit regions appear to define an important reference group in the diffusion process, and social network effects dominate economic and political variables. In addition, the de facto separation of powers in the enactment of new state legislation appears to influence courts' propensities to adopt the strict liability rule. When the executive and legislative branches were controlled by the same political party, regardless of whether it was Republican or Democratic, state courts were more inclined to adopt the strict liability rule.  相似文献   

The "50 percent rule" is an Israeli judicial doctrine that has played a pivotal role since the early 1960s in deciding disputes between the Israeli government and Palestinian landholders under Article 78 of the Ottoman Land Code. It was first institutionalized during a government land-claiming campaign aimed at providing state land for settlement-based Judaization of Israel's predominantly Palestinian Galilee region. Two decades later, during a similar state land-claiming campaign, the doctrine diffused into the occupied West Bank. Drawing on spatial components of social science diffusion literature and work in the field of legal geography, this article offers a legal-historical-geographical analysis of the evolution and diffusion of the 50 percent rule. Its conclusions suggest a new spatialized approach to the study of legal transfers and transplants that conceptualizes law's movement across international borders as one component of a broader process of legal diffusion, in which internal diffusion also plays an important role.  相似文献   

Recent studies point to the potential theoretical and practical benefits of focusing police resources on crime hot spots. However, many scholars have noted that such approaches risk displacing crime or disorder to other places where programs are not in place. Although much attention has been paid to the idea of displacement, methodological problems associated with measuring it have often been overlooked. We try to fill these gaps in measurement and understanding of displacement and the related phenomenon of diffusion of crime control benefits. Our main focus is on immediate spatial displacement or diffusion of crime to areas near the targeted sites of an intervention. Do focused crime prevention efforts at places simply result in a movement of offenders to areas nearby targeted sites—“do they simply move crime around the corner”? Or, conversely, will a crime prevention effort focusing on specific places lead to improvement in areas nearby—what has come to be termed a diffusion of crime control benefits? Our data are drawn from a controlled study of displacement and diffusion in Jersey City, New Jersey. Two sites with substantial street‐level crime and disorder were targeted and carefully monitored during an experimental period. Two neighboring areas were selected as “catchment areas” from which to assess immediate spatial displacement or diffusion. Intensive police interventions were applied to each target site but not to the catchment areas. More than 6,000 20‐minute social observations were conducted in the target and catchment areas. They were supplemented by interviews and ethnographic field observations. Our findings indicate that, at least for crime markets involving drugs and prostitution, crime does not simply move around the corner. Indeed, this study supports the position that the most likely outcome of such focused crime prevention efforts is a diffusion of crime control benefits to nearby areas.  相似文献   

Quantification and aging of the post-blast residue of TNT landmines   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Post-blast residues are potential interferents to chemical detection of landmines. To assess the potential problem related to 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT), its post-blast residue was identified and quantified. In the first part of this study laboratory-scale samples of TNT (2 g) were detonated in a small-scale explosivity device (SSED) to evaluate the explosive power and collect post-blast residue for chemical analysis. Initiator size was large relative to the TNT charge; thus, issues arose regarding choice of initiator, residue from the initiator, and afterburning of TNT. The second part of this study detonated 75 to 150 g of military-grade TNT (typical of antipersonnel mines) in 55-gal barrels containing various witness materials (metal plates, sand, barrel walls, the atmosphere). The witness materials were analyzed for explosive residue. In a third set of tests, 75-g samples of TNT were detonated over soil (from Fort Leonard Wood or Sandia National Laboratory) in an indoor firing chamber (100 by 4.6 by 2.7 m high). Targeted in these studies were TNT and four explosive-related compounds (ERC): 2,4-dinitrotoluene (DNT), 1,3-dinitrobenzene (DNB), 2- and 4-aminodinitrotoluene (2-ADNT and 4-ADNT). The latter two are microbial degradation products of TNT. Post-blast residue was allowed to age in the soils as a function of moisture contents (5 and 10%) in order to quantify the rate of degradation of the principal residues (TNT, DNT, and DNB) and formation of the TNT microbial degradation products (2-ADNT and 4-ADNT). The major distinction between landmine leakage and post-blast residue was not the identity of the species but relative ratios of amounts. In landmine leakage the DNT/TNT ratio was usually greater than 1. In post-blast residue it was on the order of 1 to 1/100th of a percent, and the total amount of pre-blast residue (landmine leakage) was a factor of 1/100 to 1/1000 less than post-blast. In addition, landmine leakage resulted in low DNT/ADNT ratios, usually less than 1, whereas pre-blast residues started with ratios above 20. Because with time DNT decreased and ADNT increased, over a month the ratio decreased by a factor of 2. The rate of TNT degradation in soil observed in this study was much slower than that reported when initial concentrations of TNT were lower. Degradation rates yielded half-lives of 40 and 100 days for 2,4-DNT and TNT, respectively.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the radiation levels resulting from leakage and scatter encountered by the forensic dental personnel using the Nomad at St. Gabriel, LA, following Hurricane Katrina. Using a Keithley Radiation Survey Meter and Lucite head phantom, radiation levels were measured at various distances and angles from the Nomad corresponding to the positions occupied by the dental personnel at St. Gabriel. The measurements were used to approximate the maximum total radiation dose from the Nomad to each team member for a 2- and a 4-week deployment. The results show that the maximum scatter radiation dose to any team member was 4.4 microR per X-ray or 0.253 millisieverts (mSv) for a 2-week deployment and 0.506 mSv for a 4-week deployment. Therefore, the leakage and scatter radiation dose from the Nomad was insignificant compared with established radiation safety guidelines of 50 mSv per year for all team members.  相似文献   

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