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正车联网是物联网技术在智能交通领域的应用,借助无线通信和GPS卫星导航技术,通过车载设备、呼叫中心、手机客户端、PC客户端等多种服务界面给车辆驾乘人员、车辆运营企业、政府监管部门提供导航、安全、信息、娱乐、监控等多种服务,而实现更智能、安全的驾驶。车联网的核心技术包括物理感知,网络互联和智能处理,通过各类传感器技术收集自身状态和环境信息,然后通过通信技术将信  相似文献   

所谓增值电信业务,是指利用公共网络基础设施提供的电信与信息服务的业务。根据《电信业务分类目录》,包括:(1)存储转发类业务;(2)呼叫中心业务;(3)因特网接入服务;(4)信息服务业务。与增值电信业务相对应的是基础电信业务,基础电信业务是指提供公共网络基础设施、公共数据传送和基本话音通信服务的业务。  相似文献   

杨沛东 《刑警与科技》2007,(3B):169-171
一、方案概述 高速公路道路监控系统是通过沿线的外场设施(摄像机等)及时、准确、完整地收集并预告道路的各类信息,如交通量、事故、路况等,道路管理者通过监控中心的监视(显示)设备直观地了解交通运行状况。在发生交通异常时,能及时确定事故或受阻区域,并实时发布相应的诱导和救援信息。  相似文献   

提高交通事件检测性能对于减少交通事敞至美重要。本文提出了基于车载无线定位的高速公路交通事件检测模式,并在此基础上采用GSM定位与GPS定位技术相结合的定位模式设计了一种集GPS模块、车辆气囊传感器模块和手机定位模块为一体的车载终端;使用该终端设备,系统可采取驾驶员主动报警与车辆加速发生突变时传感器自动报罄相结合的报警模式,并使用已有的闭路电视(CCTV)监控系统进行事件确认;最后,还提出了驾驶员反馈交通事件信息的管理模式和教育模式,提出了提高交通事件检测性能的若干可行性方案。最终形成一套完整、高效的基于新型无线定位车载终端的高速公路交通事件检测方法。  相似文献   

广东省高速公路网实时动态监控信息发布是一个在基础信息资源环境,采用信息、通信、网络、系统工程等先进技术的应用典范;是实时动态认识与掌握高速公路网交通状况分析的有效工具。其可实现全省范围内高速公路网实时动态交通信息发布,结合广州和深圳两个中心城市的城市道路实时动态交通信息发展形成为全省范围的规模,从而将提高珠三角区域交通出行与整体交通运输的效率。  相似文献   

陈飞 《刑警与科技》2007,(11B):193-195
中兴通讯股份有限公司是中国通讯设备制造领域最大的上市公司,正在实施的全球呼叫中心工程为了满足中兴通讯股份有限公司业务发展的需要,实现呼叫中心的网管自动化及完善中兴通讯全球一体化服务体系,中兴通讯的全球呼叫中心选用的是EXV公司的DLP大屏幕拼接墙产品。[第一段]  相似文献   

正贵州是一个旅游资源丰富的省份,为各类出行者提供不同层面的出行信息服务是建设出行信息服务系统的首要任务。围绕不同的出行服务对象,打造整体化、多元化交通出行服务,是出行网系统建设的关键因素。公众出行网不但有传统的热点查询、信息接受,还利用多种先进技术手段,从用户需求和体验出发,提供交通信息查询、应急事件速递、施工养护信息报送、路况信息查询以及出行信息推送等优质服务。围绕出行用户系统提供多样的综合出行信息服务,包括出行方式选择、出行方案规划、旅游景点查询、交通及路况等信息查询。  相似文献   

交通问题是智慧厦门发展中面临的重要难题,行车难、停车难已经成为厦门的另外一道“风景线”。因此,利用先进的信息技术和感知手段,加强交通各行业间信息共享和实时交换,提高交通信息化对交通组织、运行、管理的支撑作用,为公众、交通运输企业和政府部门提供综合交通信息服务势在必行。  相似文献   

2013年12月4日,工业和信息化部向包括中国移动在内的三家正式颁发7TD—LTE/第四代数字蜂窝移动通信业务经营许可(即4G牌照)。据介绍,随着4G牌照的下发,中国移动将加快河北4G网络建设覆盖进度,优化资费套餐方案,加快4G终端引入,加强信息产品研发应用,让河北民众尽早享受4G网络极速、高效、优质的信息通信服务。  相似文献   

交通信息共享是智能交通领域研究的重点领域之一,动态、异构和分布是交通信息系统所具备的主要特征。如何对这些复杂综合的信息进行系统的融合,从整体决定了这些系统能否发挥功效。物联网技术为交通信息资源整合提供了新的可供参考的模式。本文通过对物联网概念和技术的分析,结合网格计算技术,重点研究了该技术在交通信息资源共享方面的技术架构,并通过对交通信息系统中实体的分析,建立了相应的网格对象模型,提出了适用于交通行业的信息资源共享体系。  相似文献   

WhatsApp is a widely adopted mobile messaging application with over 800 million users. Recently, a calling feature was added to the application and no comprehensive digital forensic analysis has been performed with regards to this feature at the time of writing this paper. In this work, we describe how we were able to decrypt the network traffic and obtain forensic artifacts that relate to this new calling feature which included the: a) WhatsApp phone numbers, b) WhatsApp server IPs, c) WhatsApp audio codec (Opus), d) WhatsApp call duration, and e) WhatsApp's call termination. We explain the methods and tools used to decrypt the traffic as well as thoroughly elaborate on our findings with respect to the WhatsApp signaling messages. Furthermore, we also provide the community with a tool that helps in the visualization of the WhatsApp protocol messages.  相似文献   

Without a defendant’s appearance in court, the adjudication of criminal charges cannot proceed. The low defendant court appearance rates of Lafayette Parish, Louisiana were identified as a high priority to address. A pilot project was implemented, in which, Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office (LPSO) Information Officers would call defendants approximately 5–9 days before their pretrial court appearance. This process began in September 2014. LPSO staff attempted to call all non-incarcerated or diverted defendants with known contact information. LPSO staff documented when calls were made and the type of response (spoke to defendant, left a voicemail, no answer, inoperable phone or spoke to friend or family member). Calls were made to defendants with court appearances in arraignment hearings, misdemeanor pretrial and trial, felony pretrial and traffic court. Court appearance rates for all court hearings increased from 48 to 62%.  相似文献   

Citizen calls for police service represent direct demands on government. It is the job of police phone operators to translate these demands into official, bureaucratically recognized inputs. As “street-level” bureaucrats, police phone operators enjoy considerable discretion in how they recieve, process, and transmit information. Operators screen all calls, categorize the citizen's problem, and by that process they determine much of the initial police response to that call. This article analyzes data on citizen requests and operator responses coded from a sample of over 26,000 phone calls to police in 21 jurisdictions in three metropolitan areas. The data indicate that most citizen calls to police involve the provision of information or assistance, nuisance abatement, traffic problems, or the regulation of interpersonal disputes. Citizen calls cover a wide range of topics, but only about 20 percent involve predatory crime of any type. The typical operator response to the problems described by most citizens was to promise the dispatch of a patrol unit, although this varied by problem type and by the apparent seriousness of the call. Complaint operators seem to follow a decision rule that a patrol unit will always be sent to the scene except in those situations where it is clear that none is needed. The article concludes with a discussion of the possible impact of operator demeanor on policy-community relations.  相似文献   

互联网是社会生活中表达民意、畅通民情、汇聚民智的重要渠道,其影响力越来越大。因此,迫切需要加强网络舆论引导机制建设。在新形势下,针对我国网络舆论引导机制存在的一些问题,进一步做好网络舆论引导工作,必须在遵循柔性管理、第一时间、主流引导和疏堵结合原则的前提下,加快建立快速反应的网络舆论引导机制。  相似文献   

《刑法》第133条规定的逻辑结构决定了如若将交通肇事者肇事后报警并保护事故现场的行为认定为自首,将违反刑法禁止重复评价原则。通过与交通肇事罪同质的其他过失犯罪的法定刑配置对比,可得出交通肇事罪的基本法定刑适用情形中包含了肇事者报警并保护事故现场的内容之结论。其他法律、法规为肇事者设定自首义务有其心理学基础且契合作为法的整体精神。肇事者逃逸后又自动投案并如实供述自己罪行的成立本罪之自首。  相似文献   

Online forms of harassment, stalking and bullying on social network and communication platforms are now arguably wide-spread and subject to regular media coverage. As these provision continue to attract millions of users, generating significant volumes of traffic, regulating abuse and effectively reprimanding those who are involved in it, is a difficult and sometimes impossible task. This article collates information acquired from 22 popular social network and communication platforms in order to identify current regulatory gaps. Terms of service and privacy policies are reviewed to assess existing practices of data retention to evaluate the feasibility of law enforcement officials tracking those whose actions breach the law. For each provision, account sign-up processes are evaluated and policies for retaining Internet Protocol logs and user account information are assessed along with the availability of account preservation orders. Finally, recommendations are offered for improving current approaches to regulating social network crime and online offender tracking.  相似文献   

Pedestrian protection is one of the key topics for safety measures in traffic accidents all over the world. To analyze the relation between the collision site of the vehicle bumper and the severity of the lower extremity injuries, we performed biomechanical experiments. We compared the applied external force and the risks of subsequent injuries between the impact of the center and side positions of the front bumper. These comparisons were performed by practical impact tests with eight typical different types of cars which were typical of the current vehicle fleets. The tests were made using the TRL legform impactor which was a mechanical substitute of a pedestrian lower extremity. The TRL impactor is used all over the world for assessing the safety of car bumpers. It was found that the risks of lower extremity injuries in the impacts at the side positions, in front of the vehicle's side member, were significantly higher than those at the center. In the tests, we found that foam materials around the rigid front cross member had a significant effect on reducing the lower extremity injury risks and especially tibia fracture risk against vehicle bumper center collisions, but had little effect at the sides of the bumper over the vehicle's side members where the foam was thinner. We also found that the front shape of the vehicle affected the risk of ligaments injuries. According to these results, the information of impact locations of cars in vehicle-to-pedestrian traffic accidents is valuable for clinicians to diagnose patients with lower extremity injuries in traffic accidents and for forensic pathologists to analyze the accident reconstruction. Furthermore, the results suggest that testing of the bumper area in front of the main longitudinal beams should be included in the car safety legislation to require pedestrian safety.  相似文献   

This article analyses government deployment of information security sensor systems from primarily a European human rights perspective. Sensor systems are designed to detect attacks against information networks by analysing network traffic and comparing this traffic to known attack-vectors, suspicious traffic profiles or content, while also recording attacks and providing information for the prevention of future attacks. The article examines how these sensor systems may be one way of ensuring the necessary protection of personal data stored in government IT-systems, helping governments fulfil positive obligations with regards to data protection under the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights (The Charter), as well as data protection and IT-security requirements established in EU-secondary law. It concludes that the implementation of sensor systems illustrates the need to balance data protection against the negative privacy obligations of the state under the ECHR and the Charter and the accompanying need to ensure that surveillance of communications and associated metadata reach established principles of legality and proportionality. The article highlights the difficulty in balancing these positive and negative obligations, makes recommendations on the scope of such sensor systems and the legal safeguards surrounding them to ensure compliance with European human rights law and concludes that there is a risk of privatised policymaking in this field barring further guidance in EU-secondary law or case law.  相似文献   

潘荣坤 《政法学刊》2009,26(2):114-118
交通协管员作为一种对交通警察管理公共交通事务的辅助力量,在当前国内现实的车路矛盾、人路矛盾、人车矛盾凸显的情况下,有着积极的作用和意义。在公共管理理论中的治理理论视野下,尤其是在公共治理与多中心治理理论的角度探析交通协管员,把国内交通协管员的实践看作是一种公共治理理论和多中心治理理论的较为典型的实践形式,提出交通协管员发展的多元化发展,综合化发展,法治化发展和组织化发展的方向和趋势。  相似文献   

In an age of explosive worldwide growth of electronic data storage and communications, many vital interests require the effective protection of information. Today's information age requires businesses to compete on a worldwide basis, sharing sensitive information with appropriate parties while protecting that information against competitors, vandals, suppliers, customers, and foreign governments. Elements of the US civilian infrastructure, such as the banking system, the electric power grid, the public switched telecommunications network, and the air traffic control system, are central to so many dimensions of modern life that protecting these elements must have a high priority. Governments have an important stake in assuring that rival nations do not appropriate technology.  相似文献   

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