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案外人执行异议之诉,是立法为执行中可能遭受不利益的案外人提供的实体救济制度。案外人执行异议之诉的目的是排除法院对案外人享有实体权利之标的执行处分,异议之诉应当定性为程序上的形成之诉,异议之诉的理由应当是案外人对执行标的物享有足以排除强制执行之权利。法院对执行中针对执行标的物的确权诉讼应当采取审慎的态度,立法上可将此种确权诉讼规定为由执行法院专属管辖。  相似文献   

债务人异议之诉的目的在于排除执行名义的强制执行力,第三人异议之诉的目的在于排除对特定标的物的执行,二者在性质上均已构成了独立的诉,必须由专门的程序加以规范。修改后的《民事诉讼法》对原有的案外人异议制度作了修正,但将该制度作为前置程序予以保留,并将审判监督程序与另行起诉的程序相掺杂、将对案外人救济的程序与对当事人救济的程序相混合,并试图以一个简单的条款涵盖执行异议之诉的诸多程序问题,这必将造成理论和实践上的难题。完善实体上执行救济制度的根本之道,乃在于废弃案外人异议制度,同时借鉴大陆法系国家的成功经验确立执行异议之诉制度。  相似文献   

案外人异议之诉研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2007年修改的民事诉讼法通过赋予案外人以提起诉讼的方式对执行行为可能侵犯其实体权益的情形予以救济,确立了案外人异议之诉的独立性,恢复了案外人异议的实体性本质。为了实现案外人异议之诉的价值,有必要在当事人、诉讼请求、管辖法院等诉讼构造以及当事人诉权的限制上实行与一般民事诉讼不相一致的独特制度。  相似文献   

朱新林 《法治研究》2015,(1):99-106
民事执行救济制度的完善是民事执行立法史上的里程碑,但从司法适用到立法完善上都有待进一步凝聚共识。执行救济制度的本质属性和执行工作的根本任务决定了执行救济制度的价值定位为“保障公正、注重效率”;“违反法律规定的执行行为”应界定为:执行机关实施的、旨在实现债权人债权,且违反了法律、司法解释明确规定的执行行为,不包括执行预备行为、辅助行为;执行异议原则上由负责执行审查的法官根据案情实际需要采取相应的审查方式,不必限定次数;“足以阻止执行标的转让交付的实体权利”之判定标准在于案外人在执行标的物上的实体权利性质、效力与强制执行措施的目的、方法是否冲突;建议取消案外人异议前置程序,设立债务人异议之诉。  相似文献   

2007年民事诉讼法确立执行异议之诉制度以来,案外人的权益得到了切实有效的保护,实现了制度的预期功效,但伴随而来的是异议之诉权利的滥用,尤其是案外人执行异议虚假诉讼,不仅妨害法院强制执行程序的正常推进,阻碍当事人胜诉权益的及时兑现,亦严重损害了司法权威和司法公信力。  相似文献   

案外人异议之诉   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
新民事诉讼法第204条虽然设置了案外人异议之诉,但规定过于简单,在该诉的构造和适用要件方面尚有诸多内容需要通过司法解释和司法判例加以充实和完善。案外人异议之诉是执行救济的一种方法和手段,其目的在于阻止或撤销执行机构对执行标的的执行,在性质上属于特殊的命令诉讼。案外人异议之诉适用于所有的对财产的强制执行。  相似文献   

案外人基于对执行标的物主张实体权利而提出异议.以排除对该执行标的物之强制执行的,属于案外人异议,不管该案外人主张实体权利的依据是否涉及其他法院的相关生效法律文书,均应当适用《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》第二百二十七条规定处理.以保护案外人和当事人通过诉讼途径寻求实体救济的合法权利。  相似文献   

依照现行民事诉讼法和相关司法解释,执行程序中当事人以外的人可以提出的异议种类有:执行行为异议、案外人实体异议①、执行依据异议等三种类型的异议,每一种异议都有不同的审查程序和救济途径。但是,由于民事诉讼法及相关司法解释在不同的条文中将执行标的物和执行标的混用,对当事人以外的人分别使用案外人、第三人和利害关系人三种称谓,但又没  相似文献   

论案外人异议之诉的废除   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李先伟 《政法论丛》2011,(1):118-124
以程序性争议与实体性争议的分类为基础的案外人异议之诉,并不符合民事诉讼的法理。案外人异议之诉和案外人执行异议,实系分别以强制执行法的当事人主义和职权主义为基础。因此,制度的法理基础完全冲突的案外人异议之诉和案外人执行异议,无法在强制执行法中并存,二者必废其一。强制执行中的当事人主义和职权主义本无优劣之分,但需要结合一国的国情予以选择。从当前的国情出发,我国应当废除案外人异议之诉。  相似文献   

论我国民事执行救济法律制度之重构   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
洪浩 《法学》2005,(9):78-83
民事执行救济制度包括程序上的救济——执行异议和实体上的救济——执行异议之诉,但两者的法理基础并不相同,并由此决定了制度构建的不同。执行异议以执行行为违法为前提,基于执行行为的行政权属性,从权力制约和权利救济出发,应采取行政救济和司法救济相结合的方式。执行异议之诉不以行政行为错误为前提,而以执行当事人及案外人之间的实体权利义务争议为基础,该争议构成独立的民事诉讼。  相似文献   

论法治国家、法治政府、法治社会建设的相互关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
法治国家、法治政府、法治社会三个概念在同一时空使用时,法治国家指整个国家公权力的法治化;法治政府主要指国家行政权行使的法治化;法治社会则主要指政党和其他社会共同体行使社会公权力的法治化。法治国家、法治政府、法治社会建设的相互关系是:建设法治国家是建设法治政府的前提,建设法治政府是建设法治国家的关键;建设法治国家是建设法治社会的基础,建设法治社会是建设法治国家的条件;建设法治政府是建设法治社会的保障,建设法治社会是建设法治政府的目标。  相似文献   

合同成立与生效区分的再探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
尹飞 《法学家》2003,(3):115-124
作者考察了各主要国家民法对合同成立与生效区分的态度及其成因,认为法律对这一区分的态度受到合意在交易中的地位、意思主义与表示主义、法律对法律行为本质的认识等因素的影响,并探讨了合同成立与生效区分的意义、合同的不成立与被撤销之间的关系等内容.在此基础上,揭示了我国《合同法》区分合同成立与生效的法理基础及《合同法》相关规定的不足之处.  相似文献   

This case is about the finding of a body of an unidentified male of approximately 70 years of age who was hit by a train. During the carrying out of the corresponding autopsy and after the radiological tests for posterior odontological identification, a foreign body of a cylindrical-cone shape, identical to that of a bullet, was found lodged between the first and second cervical vertebrae. During dissection of the neck, a bullet was found. When the ballistic test was carried out, it was ascertained that the bullet was from a cartridge of 7.92 by 57-mm Mauser caliber, manufactured in Spain in 1936. This ammunition corresponds to that used during the Civil War in Spain (1936-1939). After the identification of the body, it was proved that the bullet was the result of a war wound. However, the victim had been unaware of the existence of the bullet, which had remained in his body for 50 years.  相似文献   

A consignment of individual packages is thought to contain illegal material, such as drugs, in some or all of the packages. A sample from the consignment is inspected and the quantity of drugs in each package of the sample is measured. It is desired to estimate the total quantity of drugs in the consignment. Sampling variation is present in the original measurements and it is not sufficient just to adjust the sample mean pro rata. An analysis is described which takes account of the uncertainty concerning the proportion of the packages that contain drugs and provides a probabilistic summary of the quantity of drugs in the consignment. In particular, a probabilistic lower bound for the quantity of drugs in the consignment is given, which is dependent on the required standard of proof. This is in contrast to the approach based on confidence intervals which assumes that in the long run, the interval will contain the correct quantity the appropriate proportion of the time, but gives no measure of uncertainty associated with the particular consignment under consideration.  相似文献   

The rise in the scale and complexity of the tasks of building communism constantly puts new and higher demands on the apparatus for managing the country's economic and social development. A special role in assuring that the mechanism of administration will proceed without fits and starts belongs to the ministries, upon which are placed the full responsibility for the state of affairs in the branches of economy and culture under their jurisdiction. The December 1977 Plenum of the CPSU Centr Committee emphasized that the duty of the heads of each branch and each ministry requires that, as they seek improvement of their indices, they tie this as closely as possible to the final effect of their work on the national economy, that they overcome elements of localism and departmentalism, and that they help to satisfy real social needs in the most economical and effective manner possible.  相似文献   

This article reports on an investigation of children's definitions of the truth that can pertain to their ability to provide accurate information during an, investigation or trial: whether corroborating an inaccurate statement made by a parent is lying or telling the truth. Subjects were 133 preschool through third-grade children who were shown a videotape in which either a boy makes a false statement to a neighbor about the neighbor's daughter hitting him and his mother listens passively or a mother makes a similar false statement and the boy corroborates it. None of the children classified the corroboration as the truth. Only a small percent of the preschool and kindergarten children classified the boy's or mother's initial false statement as the truth; all of the older children classified these statements as a lie. About 20% of the children recalled incorrectly that the neighbor's daughter hit the boy.This project was supported with funds from the College Research Grant Fund of the College of Human Ecology, Cornell University. Great appreciation goes to several schools, including Groton Elementary (Joseph Amore, Principal), Montessori School of Ithaca (Carol Hill, Co-Administrator), Ithaca Community Child Care Center (Gloria Landis, Teacher), and Pinwheels Day Care Center (Kendra Maturo, Administrator). Virginia Alhusen, Ph. D., managed data collection and analysis for the project superbly.  相似文献   

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