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人力资源是重要的战略资源,是组织竞争力的保障。警察机关实施人力资源管理是十分重要和必要的。对警察的教育培训也应当纳入人力资源管理的视野下,站在战略的高度看待警察的教育培训问题,将教育培训同警察的组织目标紧密结合在一起,将长期开发同短期培训结合起来,使人才培养真正满足警察机关实施战略性计划的人才需要。  相似文献   

人力资源培训工作对彩票发行队伍建设、员工综合素质提高、彩票机构企业文化构建具有重要作用。彩票发行机构人力资源培训必须坚持学用一致、知识与道德兼顾、全员和层次结合、考核和奖励落实的原则。人力资源培训需按照测定需求、设计方案、科学实施、适时评估、应用考核的步骤逐步开展。避免组织不健全、计划不完善、流程不规范等问题,科学规划、统筹兼顾、精心组织、严格落实,推动彩票事业的新发展。  相似文献   

Abstract: The purpose of the paper is to identify the distinguishing features of an effective approach to managing retrenchment in a public service organization. It draws on the author's experience in Alberta and makes reference to experience in the rest of Canada and in the United States. Management responses to changes in the external environment are considered under two headings: strategic and operational. Strategic responses aim to acknowledge economic reality and to increase political support by enhancing credibility and visibility. A new corporate strategy aims to position the organization for maximum effectiveness at a smaller size in the post-retrenchment period. Operational responses emphasize communication and productivity planning. Restraint measures include voluntary staff reductions, compensation reductions and non-voluntary staff reductions, usually in that sequence. The central operational issue is reducing staff complement and the principal dilemma is whether to encourage voluntary terminations or to select the staff to be dismissed. The outcome is a trade-off between fairness and rationality. Ten principles of effective retrenchment management emerge from the experience discussed: 1. scan the environment; 2. acknowledge reality; 3. foster political support; 4. renew the commitment to productivity; 5. review the corporate strategy; 6. target the reductions; 7. reduce slowly; 8. seek alternatives to staff reductions; 9. balance rationality and fairness in staff reductions; and 10. communicate, communicate, communicate.  相似文献   

I have endeavoured to describe exactly how I am “turning Transport Canada around”; through this discussion I've tried to respond to many of the questions raised in the outline. However, to summarize I will try to cover some of the questions that may not have been referred to directly. 1. The corporate will is asserted through our committee structure, our operational planning system, and the corporate priorities/corporate directives system. This will be reinforced once all the reorganization has taken place. 2. By involving senior management at the front end of strategic management decisions and then tracking performance through the operational planning system, we have adapted to the changing times. 3. We have had to radically change our traditional appoaehes in order to turn around the department; through our changes in systems and resource management we are linking our priorities with our desired results and resources. 4. In Transport we have a multi-disciplined team, most of whom know exceedingly well the department, its markets, customers, products, and services. Even with all the changes, our present complement of top senior managers averages in excess of fifteen years transportation experience. 5. The team leaders' management style is critical to the success of the turn around, as the leader sets the example. His or her methods tend to become the methods of subordinates and in this way the management style permeates the organization. Critical elements in this style are total management involvement, good communication and, above all, mutual trust. 6. Finally, in terms of turning the organization around, we are modifying for the moment decentralization of decision- making and the traditional involvement of employees in the change program. However, we have an established communications program that keeps everyone informed of decisions taken by the management team.  相似文献   

日本独立行政法人改革的对象主要是科技、教育、文化、卫生等领域的公共服务机构 ,主要内容包括组织管理和财务制度、人事制度和绩效评估制度等方面。其经验对我国的事业单位体制改革具有一定借鉴作用  相似文献   

在全球经济一体化的今天,高信誉度的组织形象是一个组织可持续发展壮大立于不败之地的前提。信誉指社会对组织的信任程度。组织形象是公众对组织的整体形象的评价。打造高信誉度的组织形象是一项艰巨的系统工程,须树立长期的战略理念,并坚持不懈地付诸实践,构建组织形象才能获得成功。  相似文献   

公益事业单位既是中国事业单位集群的主体,也是分类改革后能够继续保留在国家事业序列内的唯一类型。现有公益事业单位虽然在职能目标上符合国家事业的要求,但在组织形态上还需要进一步转变成为"现代公益事业组织"。在法人自治基础上的科学管理是现代公益事业组织的基本要求和基本特征,公益事业单位内部治理模式改革的核心是构建与组织属性相符合的法人治理结构。公益事业单位由于其职能范围的广泛性、组织地位的独立性以及行为目标的公共性,适宜采用"理事会+执行负责人"的法人治理结构,同时还应建立一个由利益相关人广泛参与的共同治理架构。  相似文献   

Abstract: The decade between the release of Canada's 1994 White Paper on Defence and its 2005 International Policy Statement was a period of crisis within the Canadian Forces. The Forces' operational tempo increased significantly even as the defence budget was cut by a quarter. Defence issues were perceived to have very little profile in Ottawa, and military officers felt their concerns were not being heard. Despite rapid changes in the global security environment, dramatic budget cuts, and frequent deployments, the government failed to update its policy guidance to reflect these new challenges. However, the Canadian Forces gradually learned to survive in the absence of political guidance. Defence planners initiated a number of reforms aimed at anticipating future missions, preserving combat capabilities, and winning more resources. Drawing on a series of interviews with senior military officers and civilian officials at the Department of National Defence and a reading of the relevant literature on Canadian defence policy and strategic planning, the author examines the process of adaptation, focusing particular attention on the adoption of capabilities-based planning for resource allocation and mitigating risk. The article concludes with a discussion of the implications of these developments for civil–military relations in Canada and presents a case for institutional reform.  相似文献   

城市化条件下的公安人力资源规划,是指在城市化进程中根据公安工作整体发展的战略布局,在现有人力资源环境的基础上通过对公安机关未来人力资源需求和供给状况进行分析和预测,制定供需平衡方案,为公安事业及公安组织的健康发展提供相应人力资源保证的战略性规划。制定科学的人力资源规划,有利于促进公安民警个人行为和组织整体目标一致,有利于公安组织和公安事业的健康发展,为城市化建设提供重要保障。  相似文献   

论我国的非政府组织及其在公共服务领域的运作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国非政府组织以社会团体、行业协会、民办非企业单位、国办非企业单位的形式存在,具有组织性、民间性及准政府性、公益性或非营利性、自治性的特征。我国非政府组织可以成为政府与社会互动的桥梁,在弥补政府、社会、市场不足,提高公共服务水平等方面发挥重要作用。我国非政府组织通过寻找服务空间、参与决策、降低政府服务成本、加入公共服务过程、协助政府完善公共服务等途径参与社会的公共服务。  相似文献   

This research note examines “below the line” media relations planning templates that are used to coordinate the release of government information, such as communications plans, event proposals and social media calendars. Methodological pathways to collect data through access to information are discussed. Templates and guidelines obtained from Canadian federal, provincial and territorial governments are classified into six phases of production: planning authorization, strategic planning, tactical planning, logistical planning, approval of media products and evaluation. The findings suggest political strategizing is least prevalent on matters involving public safety and crisis communications.  相似文献   

随着医疗机构分类制度的推行 ,营利性医疗机构将得到不断发展。但是营利性医疗机构的组织目标、资金来源、服务范围和手段、公众形象和以往具有福利性质的医疗机构有很大不同 ,因此营利性医疗机构的人力资源管理将面临组织成员“双重角色”的对立、管理体系“双重权威”的冲突等问题。有关人员必须坚持从实际出发 ,尊重市场经济的规律和卫生工作的特点 ,建立以责任制为中心的新的组织运行模式 ,形成适应市场经济的人力资源管理系统 ,在冲突和矛盾中寻求一致和协调 ,逐步规范和发展营利性医疗机构的人力资源管理 ,使其更好地服务于社会主义现代化建设  相似文献   

人力资源开发与管理是影响国有企业生存状况的一个很重要的问题.目前企业主要存在缺乏战略人力资源开发与管理等问题,主要原因是缺乏内外在制度动力,没有形成人力资本的理念等,应通过观念更新、建立战略人力资源管理体系等方式予以解决.  相似文献   

政府执行力是政府组织不可忽视的核心要素,决定着政府执行有关政策决策时能力的高低。本文拟从公共管理的视角透视政府执行力不佳这一政府公共管理中的突出问题,并提出构建和提升政府执行力的价值取向。  相似文献   

法学应当把科学地认识人权、认真对待人权、切实保障人权、持续发展人权作为终极关怀和研究重心。在社会转型时期,时代特点决定了法学研究和法学教育的主要任务是理论上为建设社会主义法治国家提供理论支持和法治理念,实践中以培养了解国情的高素质法律人才为目的。为了实现这一教学目标,必须弹性整合知识结构,将人权法作为一门独立的课程纳入法学体系是本文的理性思考。  相似文献   

There’s been relatively rare research on the internal governance of nonprofit organization, and for this, we should take the elite as an individual focus. Based on theories of multiply disciplines, three analytical paths are constructed: Elite dependency on value, elite dependency on resource, elite dependency on capability. The actual operational logic of nonprofit organization for social service is as follows: elite dependency on value determines elite dependency on resource; elite dependency on resource disturbs elite dependency on value; elite dependency on value determines elite dependency on capability; elite dependency means dependency on elite as well as informal relationship.  相似文献   

本文主要阐述政府内部组织机构的整合问题,阐述我国政府机构分散、公共服务"碎片化"的现状与弊端,强调可以借鉴整体政府的理论观点和西方国家的改革经验,进行政府内部服务部门的职能机构、目标、信息以及文化的整合,以提高公共服务质量。  相似文献   

努力确立循环经济发展新模式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
循环经济模式倡导在物质不断循环利用的基础上发展经济,是符合可持续发展战略的一种全新发展模式.其主要原则是:减少资源利用量及废物排放量(Reduce),大力实施物料的循环利用(Recycle),以及努力回收利用废弃物(Reuse),这就是著名的3R法则.循环经济新模式的确立,要从理论上和实践中解决目前存在的若干难题,采取有效的对策,从而解决资源不足和环境污染的问题,实现经济社会的可持续发展.  相似文献   

出版社作为知识密集型企业,开展知识管理是提高企业核心竞争力的必由之路。出版社知识管理的方法有显性知识管理和隐性知识管理。其中显性知识的管理需要良好的硬环境,即营建全面、高效的知识库;对隐性知识的管理则需要在战略制定、组织结构、人力资源管理、企业文化建设等各方面全面贯彻知识管理的原则和方法。  相似文献   

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