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随着经济社会的飞速发展及应急相关理论的进一步研究,突发事件应急预案引起了社会各界的广泛关注。我国已初步建成突发事件应急预案体系,但是应急预案的应用还存在着很多问题,应急预案的作用和价值还没有很好地体现出来。通过对现有文献的梳理,系统地分析了目前应急预案的发展现状和存在的问题。重点分析了应急预案可操作性不强的问题,并且从四个方面分析了应急预案可操作性不强的原因,并分别提出了改善这一问题的方法和建议。  相似文献   

郑鈜 《理论探索》2011,(6):133-136
建立健全法律法规体系对强化突发事件应对具有重要意义。"5.12"汶川大地震显示,我国在突发事件尤其是重大突发事件应对的法制保障方面还存在明显不足,这表现在:地方政府部门和机构制定的突发事件应急预案难以涵括重大突发事件,部分地方政府缺乏针对本地区的突发事件应对法制体系建设的主动性,客观条件的限制和资源供给不足对重大突发事件应对的法制保障形成严重制约,未能完全理顺政府权力与人民权利的关系。完善突发事件应对的法制保障,需强化地方立法和政策的制定,增强地方政府的法制意识;发挥突发事件应对专门机构的统率作用,强化重大突发事件应对的组织建设;全面考量突发因素,强化对重大突发事件应对预案的制定等。  相似文献   

《突发事件应对法》及其完善的相关思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章指出《突发事件应对法》最重要的立法目的就是旨在确立在突发事件应对过程中的政府职责,严格遵循程序法治原则等。针对该法实施中出现的问题,应当在该法中明确赋予参与突发事件应急活动的社会组织和公民个人以必要的行政授权,并保证他们的合法权益,还应当注意协调应急预案与《突发事件应对法》之间的关系以及突发事件应对活动各种法律形式之间的关系。今后仍然有必要制定一部《紧急状态法》,进一步完善我国的应急法治。  相似文献   

姬琰玲 《学理论》2014,(32):239-240
当前的中小学校应急管理预案存在内容针对性不强,实践操作性较差,常态化演练缺乏的问题。进行应急预案优化,可以帮助学校管理者在应对校园突发事件时,快速、合理地对突发事件进行处置。优化应急预案,要立足动态化、情景化、实战化,切实提高针对性和操作性。  相似文献   

高校学生事务应急管理作为和谐校园建设的重要组成部分已经成为大学生思想政治教育工作的重要内容。文章从大学生思想政治教育的角度,分析了大学生的时代特征以及高校应急管理所处的社会经济发展环境背景,总结了学生突发事件的两种类型。同时,以学生工作实践为基础探讨了高校学生工作中基层学院学生突发事件应急管理预案的构建方案,提出了高校学生工作中预防和处理突发事件的一些应对措施。  相似文献   

制定危机应急预案必须遵循预见性、实用性、可行性和操作性的原则 ,以使危机应对预案在紧急状态下发挥作用 ,切实可行。各级政府应根据本地区自然、环境、人口、行业、地域等特点制定重大危机应急预案 ,并使预案制度化、规范化 ,定期修订、评估、检验预案的合理性、可行性及效果 ,这不仅是政府常态管理下的重要任务 ,也是衡量政府管理绩效的指标和强制性法律责任  相似文献   

北京防治非典型肺炎应急预案的行政学评析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了实现对传染性非典型肺炎的可持续控制,防止今冬明春疫情反复,北京市制定了应急预案.本文从行政学的视角对该预案进行案例性质的评析,以求对其他地区、部门或系统制定和完善类似的危机管理预案,提供学理上的启发和参考.  相似文献   

信息报送、资源调度和决策行动贯穿于突发事件应对和处置的始终,三者紧密联系,相互依存,其中信息报送是基础。为做好突发事件信息报送工作,四川省乐山市将其作为各级政府应急管理工作的第一要务来抓,从应急管理基础建设入手,不断完善体制,健全机制,狠抓四个方面的能力建设,全市突发事件信息报送水平明显提高.  相似文献   

制定科学的应急预案,做好火灾发生后的应急处理,是避免现场混乱、贻误救灾时机、减少人员伤亡和财产损失的一项关键措施。火灾事故应急预案的编制与管理是铁路消防管理过程中非常重要的一个环节。拟对铁路火灾事故应急预案编制的基本内容、方法进行阐述,并对完善铁路火灾事故应急预案的编制与管理提出建议。  相似文献   

美国中小学突发事件的应急管理体系具有健全的法律保障手段、完备的应急管理计划、整合的应急管理模式等.借鉴美国的经验,针对我国中小学校园管理体系的现状,我国应构建完善的中小学安全法律体系,成立专门的应急管理机构,增加对中小学安全设施的资金投入,加大对中小学生安全教育的宣传力度,重视心理评估和心理辅导工作,注重整合各界力量形成社会网络,从而增强我国中小学突发事件的应急管理能力.  相似文献   

由于能量消耗是传感器网络的关键问题,制定能量有效的消息传输计划是非常必要的。为了比较不同消息传输计划的能量消耗,必须为这些计划的能量消耗进行建模。本文分析了一种能量有效的洪泛算法的能量消耗模型,主要包括该洪泛算法能量消耗的上、下界。实验表明本文给出的上、下界可以准确的界定不同情况下该能量有效洪泛算法的能量消耗。  相似文献   

突发公共事件应急管理研究中的重要科学问题   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
当今,各类突发公共事件已成为构建和谐社会的重要隐患,引起了社会各界的广泛关注.认为,加强突发公共事件应急管理中的科学问题研究是我国社会经济发展过程中产生的重大现实需求,对于建立和发展富有中国特色的应急管理理论以及相应的学科体系具有重要的科学意义;在此基础上,将突发公共事件应急管理中的科学问题归纳为突发公共事件应急管理体系建设战略研究、典型突发公共事件危机/灾害的机理机制研究、突发公共事件的监测预警研究、应急资源管理理论与技术研究、突发公共事件的认知与决策行为研究、突发公共事件的模拟仿真研究、突发公共事件的应急管理系统研究以及突发公共事件的后评估与重建研究,并对其研究现状和发展趋势进行了扼要的回顾和展望;最后建议国家有关部门设立重大研究计划以便加强研究力度,并就如何提炼和组织其中的科学问题提出了一些建议,可为我国开展突发公共事件应急管理中的科学问题研究提供参考.  相似文献   

康伟 《公共管理学报》2012,(3):101-111,127,128
运用社会网络分析方法(SNA)研究突发事件舆情传播的网络结构特征及关键节点识别,探究舆情传播的网络结构、节点位置及相互关系对信息的传播路径、传播速度及传播范围的影响等问题。以2011年重大突发事件"7.23"动车事故为实证研究对象,运用Pajek软件生成了"7.23"信息传播网络拓扑图,基于邻接矩阵数据进行了网络密度、可达性、聚类系数和中心性测度,依据测度结果和位置角色分析对其进行关键节点分层与识别。研究表明,突发事件网络舆情的传播和扩散以社会网络结构为基础,具有复杂性和动态性特征;网络结构与节点位置决定着成员的"影响力"程度;中心关键节点的资源控制能力与信息输入输出效率具有显著的正相关性。可以通过改变中心度、聚类系数等手段嵌入式引导关键节点,减少谣言和恐慌情绪的传播。本文采用详实数据对舆情传播关键节点的分层识别,拓展了社会网络方法在应急管理领域的应用,克服了以往研究中技术与管理实践相分离的弊病。  相似文献   

当前,各类突发事件呈现出跨部门、跨区域的特点,由单一部门或地方政府来应对如此复杂的突发事件显然非常困难,因此应当破除传统“行政区行政”的治理理念,采取区域协同合作行为,发挥自身的优势,借助相互的资源,共同抵御灾难。我国应急管理政府间合作主要集中在省级政府,因此建立健全省级政府应急管理协作机制具有重要意义。通过比较研究我国的《泛珠三角区域内地九省(区)应急管理合作协议》与美国的《州际应急管理互助协议》(EMAC)在体制、法制和机制三个方面的差异,发现我国省级政府的应急管理行政合作协议存在缺乏独立权威的协调管理机构、缺乏法律保障和法律权威、跨区域应急预案体系与灾后补偿机制亟需完善、人才队伍建设任重道远等问题,要借鉴 EMAC 的先进经验,结合现实国情完善我国省级政府间应急管理协同合作。  相似文献   

基于系统动力学的动员潜力释放链运行机理研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
在危机状态下,应急资源呈现超常规的供给能力,而超常规供给能力生成过程中的有关要素及其联系所构成的系统,被称为动员潜力释放链。本研究的目的是探索动员潜力释放链的运行机理,掌握动员潜力释放的运行规律。用系统动力学的方法对应急资源的动员潜力释放链进行了建模,并以地震中的帐篷资源为案例,对帐篷资源的动员潜力释放链进行了建模和仿真,结果表明:应急状态下超常规需求是超常规供给能力的核心导向,超常规供给能力取决于生产要素的供给能力、其他资源转变为应急资源用途的转化能力以及应急资源的现有量。  相似文献   

All but three of the Australian States and Territories have whole‐of‐government, jurisdiction‐wide strategic plans in place and the three exceptions had previously established a state plan in the decade after the first such plans were introduced by Tasmania and Victoria in 2001. Scholarly attention to date has been directed towards discrete aspects of state plans, such as the extent to which they can be seen as exercises in participative democracy or sustainability, rather than with examining state plans for what they explicitly purport to be – strategic plans originating in the core executive of government. We propose that there are three key strategic orientations for Australian state plans: to holistically manage, monitor and market government administration. These orientations may be competing, complementary or overlapping, and can vary over time. The article also proposes that state plans are a significant development in public management and warrant further and more detailed examination.  相似文献   

Based on data for private wage and salary workers in May 1988, this article examined pension coverage under two types of employer-sponsored pension plans. Some of the factors associated with employer-financed pension coverage were also examined, and comparisons were made to findings on pension coverage of full-time workers in 1972, 1979, and 1983. "Covered" workers were defined as those actually participating in a pension plan. Among all private sector employees studied, 34 percent were covered by a "basic" pension plan (most of which, presumably, were defined benefit plans), and 14 percent were covered by a pretax retirement savings plan--a subtype of defined contribution plan. With 7 percent of the respondents covered by both types of plans, the total coverage rate under employer-sponsored plans was 41 percent. Twelve percent of the respondents reported that they had contributed to an IRA in 1987. The reported IRA usage was somewhat higher among those already covered by a pension plan than among noncovered workers. Six percent of the respondents were not covered by an employer-sponsored plan but were contributing to an IRA, yielding a total of 47 percent who were participating in either an employer-sponsored or an individual retirement plan. While it was assumed--as in previous studies--that all "basic" coverage was being funded by employers, only four-fifths of those in pretax retirement savings plans reported that employers were also contributing to these plans. The remainder of the analysis was restricted to coverage under employer-financed plans, and it was further restricted to full-time workers. A total of 46 percent of these workers were covered under employer-financed pension plans--33 percent covered only by a basic plan, 7 percent covered only by a pretax plan, and 6 percent dually covered. Among men, the coverage rate was 49 percent, compared with 43 percent among women. Several individual and job-related characteristics were found to be associated with employer-financed pension coverage among full-time employees. Coverage rates were quite low among workers under age 25, but were substantially higher among those aged 35-59. Pension coverage was also low among those with less than 5 years of employment on the job, but relatively high among those with 5 years or more of job tenure. Coverage rate differences by race were not substantial. Whites reported a coverage rate of 47 percent, compared with 42 percent among blacks and 45 percent among other races.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Abstract: The Public Service Board of Victoria initiated a project in March 1989 to plan a framework for the development of competent managers. The methodology involved an examination of the current practices of 23 organisations, together with a worldwide literature search. The major findings were that the managerial task is similar across sectors, but the manager level and the environment are qualifying variables; that training, management education and development in private sector organisations and statutory bodies has total commitment from the chief executive, is closely linked to the business plan, forms part of an integrated human resource management system, and is continually reinforced by the organisation's culture and values; and that there is no strategic and focused approach to developing managers across the Victorian Public Service. The 21 recommendations covered the areas of investment and commitment, the development of a systematic approach by providing quality management programs based on core managerial competencies and the integration of training, education and development with performance management processes.
The implementation plan calls for pump-priming funds for resourcing and delivering high quality programs, a change in the culture, the adoption of a set of principles, the establishment of a management education unit, acceptance of a common language of competence for managers, and an integration of education and development needs with corporate plans through the performance improvement system. Commitment to implementation should result in a systematic approach to the formation of competent managers with the benefits flowing to the community through improved services, the government gaining by increased performance of the agencies, and public servants being able to reach their full potential.  相似文献   

Employment sector and employer size account for substantial variation in workers' participation in employer-sponsored retirement plans. Other things being equal, employees in the public sector--that is, federal, state, and local governments--are much more likely to be offered a retirement plan than workers in the private sector. Within the private sector, workers in firms with 100 or more employees are significantly more likely than workers in smaller firms to have the opportunity to participate in a retirement plan. This situation has prompted Congress to seek ways of reducing small businesses' obstacles to pension coverage. For example, Congress has authorized retirement plans that have fewer reporting requirements and less stringent contribution rules than those imposed on larger employers. Evaluating the effect of these laws on pension coverage is complicated by the many other variables that affect an employer's decision to sponsor a retirement plan and a worker's decision to participate in it. Nevertheless, data collected in national surveys of employers and households can be used to establish a baseline against which future changes in retirement plan sponsorship and participation can be measured. Recent surveys of employers and households reveal that: During the 1990s, participation in retirement plans rose among workers in firms with fewer than 100 employees but remained steady among workers in larger firms. The 1990s saw a substantial shift from defined benefit retirement plans to defined contribution plans. Despite increases in participation, workers in firms with fewer than 100 employees are only about half as likely as those in larger firms to participate in an employer-sponsored retirement plan. In both the public and private sectors, part-year or part-time workers are much less likely than year-round, full-time workers to be offered an opportunity to participate in an employer-sponsored retirement plan.  相似文献   

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