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刘远涛 《工会博览》2009,(3):175-176
政治领导者与智库是相互影响的关系。智库结构和性质影响政治领导者的政策制定,政治领导者的领导风格也影响智库结构,性质和领导者与智库成员的关系。政治领导者风格包括权力诉求.认知复杂程度和以前的政策经验。本文试图按这一模式探讨毛泽东和周恩来合作和搭档关系形成原因。  相似文献   

权力的平衡是一种公认的隐喻表达,经典力学理论通过“隐喻”的方式影响了人们对国际关系的认识。18世纪的均势隐喻发生了巨大变化,均势隐喻的嬗变既取决于控制相对权力兴衰的军事经济动态,也取决于基于宇宙学之下规则和论述的建构,新的宇宙学建构使得权力政治和均势政策合法化和自然化。这一时期有关国际关系智识的增长和进步有赖于自然科学的发展。政治经济及自然科学的发展促使“牛顿—笛卡尔式”国际关系本体论伴随新的国际秩序诞生,这一本体论至今仍然深刻影响着主流国际关系理论。均势的隐喻不仅代表了彼时国际政治的特征,更代表了启蒙运动对科学的信仰,以及在唯物主义自然哲学下人类对自己控制世界和未来的信念。  相似文献   

1958年炮击金门决策的再探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1958年炮击金门尽管有一定的政治含义,但首先是一场军事行动,这项军事计划形成的重要动力和首要目的是维护东南沿海地区的基本安全。它是解放军1954年制定的夺取东南沿海蒋占岛屿之军事计划的一个部分,是1954年春季即逐步展开的军事行动在特殊国内外环境下的继续。这项军事计划从形成、调整到贯彻的过程中,大大增加了维护国家安全的内容。当然,毛泽东本人的个性和有关的认知、1958年中国对外政策激进化等其他因素对1958年炮击金门决策影响仍需进一步研究。  相似文献   

利益集团是美国政治制度的产物,是美国权利结构的组成部分,也是影响美国政治和政府决策的重要力量。由于美国的大国地位及美国对外政策对特定国家和地区的影响,在对一些国家和地区的政策制定过程中,外国(或地区)政府也仿效美国利益集团,通过游说影响美国对这些国家和地区的政策。冷战结束后。台湾当局在谋求“独台”、“台独”的同时,加大了对美国的游说力度,争取美国的支持。本文根据有限的资料.就台湾当局通过游说影响美国对台湾地区政策的途径、手段、效果进行一些分析。以期对这个问题有一个较清晰的认识。  相似文献   

西方学者关于毛泽东国际战略思想的概念与中国学者的理解是一致的。在他们看来,毛泽东国际战略思想有三个层次的含义,一是国际战略,指毛泽东代表的中共领导人对于当代世界形势与格局的总体把握及其制定的团结谁打击谁的政策;二是对外军事战略,指运用军事实力等手段遏制、打击敌人潜在威胁或威胁的政策;三是指毛泽东具有特色的战略思维,如战略上藐视敌人、战术上重视敌人,"纸老虎"理论等.中国对外政策主要指在毛泽东国际战  相似文献   

政策制定者在制定时缺少系统分析,导致该政策在具体执行时产生了执行效果时好时坏地循环往复、根本问题得不到解决、政策执行过程中产生副作用等各种问题.通过对政策的系统分析,我们可以找出这些问题产生的根本原因,并给出解决方法.同时我们也可以看到,系统分析是一个成功政策制定过程中必不可少的要素,并且系统分析本身也需要能够使其健康成长的必要基础.  相似文献   

张华 《台湾研究》2014,(3):70-78
美国对台湾“政治安排”的政策对“合情合理安排两岸政治关系”有重要影响。美国对台湾政治定位的政策是“认知到台湾是中国的一部分”,不支持“台独”或“两个中国”,但同时又“对台湾地位不持立场”。在两岸关系的解决方式方面,美国对台湾的前途持开放立场,但认为应透过对话和平解决,且要尊重两岸民众的意愿。美国这一政策增加了对统一前两岸政治关系做出“合情合理安排”的难度,但在某些方面与大陆对台政策也有一致性。目前,两岸应充分利用这些相契合的政策,推进两岸政治关系做出“合情合理”安排。  相似文献   

1999年后,全球艾滋病流行问题进入了美国的安全政策框架。以"9.11"事件为分水岭,美国对全球艾滋病问题的认知从一项国际安全威胁转变为国家安全威胁。美国政策准备过程中的政治动员重点相应地发生了改变,从重视对国际社会进行说服变为强调国内团结,尤其是争取宗教保守势力的支持。不同的安全化进程导致了美国对国际合作形式选择从多边转向双边,主要合作方式从政策施压转变为资源投入。在这一全球治理议题上,美国面临着加强投入和重视国际协调难以兼顾的局面。  相似文献   

90年代中期以来,国内学术界对中苏同盟破裂过程中中国有关政策的研究有两个重要的特点。其一是越来越多的学者更加强调毛泽东个人的作用,甚至有学者认为,在导致中苏同盟破裂的各种因素中,“领导人(也包括苏联领导人)个人因素是最主要的”。其二是有关的论著证明,以往将毛泽东改变对苏政策主要归结于苏联的大国沙文主义和  相似文献   

智库影响着美国决策者的政策偏好和政策选择,并通过多种方式参与决策过程。总体上,美国智库通过推动官方涉港问题倡议、发布涉港问题研究报告、参与召集涉港问题活动、接受媒体涉港问题采访、出席国会涉港问题听证等方式介入香港问题。美国智库在香港问题上的"积极作为",某种意义上间接扮演了压力集团的角色,影响了美国官方的对港政策,干扰了中美关系的良性互动,并对中国政府对香港的管治造成负面影响。但是,美国少数智库学者对香港问题的理性、深入分析,也有利于我们从国际层面认识"一国两制"面临的挑战。美国智库在党派属性、政治立场、议题角度等诸多方面的不同,使其对香港问题的介入也存在差异。中方应利用美国智库这种影响力与认知差异共存的"二元性",有针对性地加以应对,把握美国对港政策的趋势,有效降低其对香港的繁荣稳定可能造成的负面影响。  相似文献   


For Mao Zedong and the Chinese Communist Party, the socialist transformation after 1949 was not only a political and administrative construction, but also a process of transforming the consciousness of the people and rewriting history. To fight lukewarm attitudes and “backward thoughts” among the peasants, as well as their resistance to rural socialist transformation and collectivization of production and their private lives, Mao decided that politicizing the memory of the laboring class and reenacting class struggle would play a significant role in ideological indoctrination and perpetuating revolution. Beginning in the 1950s, the Party made use of grassroots historical writing, oral articulation, and exhibition to tease out the experiences and memories of individuals, families, and communities, with the purpose of legitimizing the rule of the CCP. The cultural movement of recalling the past combined grassroots histories, semi-fictional family sagas, and public oral presentations, as well as political rituals such as eating “recalling-bitterness meals” to educate the masses, particularly the young. Eventually, Mao’s emphasis on class struggle became the sole guiding principle of historical writings, which were largely fictionalized, and recalling bitterness and contrasting the past with the present became a solid part of PRC political culture, shaping the people’s political imagination of the old society and their way of narrating personal experience. This article also demonstrates people’s suspicion of and resistance to the state’s manipulation of memory and ritualization of historical education, as well as the ongoing contestation between forgetting, remembering, and representation in China today.  相似文献   

Abstract: Nonlinear tools and concepts (derived from the relatively recent computational advances in the physical, biological, and cognitive sciences) offer valuable insights into the evolution and behavior of human as well as natural systems. Hence, of late, organizational studies have begun to apply both the methods, as well as the metaphors, of nonlinear dynamical systems (known by the popular terms “chaos” and “complexity”). While these various studies often allude to unique epistemological features, full-blown theoretical developments are rare indeed. Moreover, this lack of a coherent foundation leads to a number of misconceptions, not the least of which is the belief that the results of nonlinear analysis can be integrated easily with existing social theories. In reality they present significant theoretical challenges. Specifically, they rely upon its concepts of holism and emergence, as well as alternative perspectives of sociocultural evolution and collective rationality. Thus, serious theory building requires a revival of elements from earlier Systems Theories, including the development of certain hybrid concepts such as “Systemic Choice” (which seeks to reconcile human agency and institutional processes).  相似文献   

Space, Boundaries, and the Problem of Order: A View from Systems Theory   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
The idea our global polity is chiefly divided by territorially organized nation-states captures contemporary constellations of power and authority only insufficiently. Through a decoupling of power and the state, political spaces no longer match geographical spaces. Instead of simply acknowledging a challenge to the state, there is the need to rethink the changing meaning of space for political processes. The paper identifies three aspects, a reconceptualization of the spatial assumptions that IR needs to address: the production of space, the constitutive role of boundaries, and the problem of order. With this contribution, we argue that one avenue in understanding the production of space and the following questions of order is by converging systems theory and critical geopolitics. While the latter has already developed a conceptual apparatus to analyze the production of space, the former comes with an encompassing theoretical background, which takes "world society" as the starting point of analysis. In this respect, nation states are understood as a form of internal differentiation of a wider system, namely world society.  相似文献   

This paper reveals the limits to representing cyberspace as a threat. In contrast to more conventional threats, the suggestion is that the not-immediately-apparent consequences of a cyber-attack make it largely reliant on official practices of representation. Exploring the implications of this reliance, the paper outlines how attributing meaning and culpability – always contested practices – are amplified in the potential absence of a readily apparent attack. Given these limits, does the cyber-threat then require a different lexicon of danger to both educate and engender a sense of caution? Examining the discursive construction of the cyber-threat, the paper demonstrates how this threat draws upon an established economy of danger – likening it to warfare and terrorism – but also suggests a limit to these representations. Specifically, by engaging post-structuralist literature the paper illustrates that these limits are best understood through an appreciation of the performative and the constitutive ‘lack’ in signification. It thus concludes that the value of the cyber-threat is not determined by transparently representing a cyber-attack. Rather, it is drawn from processes of hyper-securitization and through the establishment of institutions like the NATO Center of Excellence in Cooperative Cyber Defense that retroactively bring into existence the very object it purports to defend against.  相似文献   

This paper draws on constructivist theory to assess the contemporary debate around inclusion within peace-building and state-building processes and on inclusivity as an emerging norm within international policy processes. Within the wider context of an ongoing but still incomplete normative shift in terms of how peace building is both understood and practised, it focuses on the case of the New Deal for Engagement in Fragile States, and makes the case that the inclusivity agenda marks a significant shift towards fulfilling a longstanding commitment to respecting national ownership of peace-building processes.  相似文献   

Theories of multi-level and network governance have been applied to changes derived from processes of Europeanisation. These theories reflect vertical and horizontal interdependencies which may erode the power of the central state vis-à-vis supra-national and regional layers of governance. This paper suggests that through the enlargement process institutional adaptation has been uneven and led to the creation of a democratic deficit. It suggests that metaphors of asymmetry or variable geometry better reflect the reality of fluidity and dynamism in the distribution of powers at differing territorial levels in accession states.  相似文献   

Investigating Romanian radical right populism, I evidence the gendered nature of conceptual metaphors and provide insights on the specific masculinities that they underpin in such political discourses. With the 2004 presidential elections as a backdrop, the analysis focuses on how the radical right populist candidates articulated in their discourses the conceptual metaphor of the “strict father.” At first, the theoretical standpoints on conceptual metaphors are corroborated with the conceptualization of populist charismatic leadership. Subsequently, a gendered perspective is added to the populist conceptualizations. The leaders' self-representation as messianic fathers of the national family is evidenced by investigating their discursive appeals to protect, discipline and punish the people. Furthermore, I elaborate how conceptual metaphors may be employed to consolidate a position of uncontested leadership and moral superiority of the radical right populist leaders.  相似文献   

African countries are increasingly engaging in bidding wars to host sport mega-events. To date, however, not much analysis has been done of African countries' involvement in the growing global mega-events enterprise. Little is also known of the broader political character and consequences of events and bid campaigns in the international system. This article investigates these aspects through a comparative analysis of the bid processes of South Africa and Morocco for the 2006 and 2010 Soccer World Cup. It explores the internal (domestic) and external (international) elements of their legitimating narratives and promotional rhetoric and how these played out in their international relations. Both countries made extensive use of an ideological and emotive posturing of 'Africa'. Against the background of the generally tenuous position the continent occupies in the wider international system, and of its overwhelmingly negative representation, the two countries' replication of neocolonial ties and use of postcolonial rhetoric both aided and hampered their bid campaigns. Overall, competitions to host mega-events occur on an unequal basis which, for African countries, is worsened by very unfavourable positioning in the international arena.  相似文献   

Coleman D  Casey JT 《危机》2007,28(4):198-203
The treatment processes associated with reduced suicidal ideation have received little research attention. This study evaluates the influence on suicidal ideation of theory-based intrapsychic processes: maladaptive cognition and defensive style. Thirty-three community mental health patients completed questionnaires at two time points. Decreases in automatic thoughts were a strong correlate of decreased suicidal ideation, and decreases in immature defenses were a moderate strength correlate. These relationships remained significant even when controlling for initial level of depression. The theorized mechanisms of cognitive-behavioral and psychodynamic therapy had the expected effects on suicidal ideation. The strong association of decreased maladaptive cognitions with decreased suicidal ideation supports further development of cognitive-behavioral suicide interventions and clinical use of cognitive interventions. Psychodynamic processes in suicidal ideation and behavior warrant further exploration.  相似文献   


This article examines embodied representation of race, ethnicity, and gender, questioning ideas of cultural appropriation. Using the London-based Congolese transnational fashion brand Kiyana Wraps as a case study, the article addresses how young Congolese designers re-invent their cultural heritage to conceive the label stylisation and construct meanings of Blackness/Africanness. The article also explores the brand’s social spaces, where the headwrap ritual is used by different actors to perform hybrid identities. In addition, wearing the headwrap reveals symbolic metaphors of empowerment, through which intertwined ‘feminist’ and ‘feminine’ identities are evoked. The paper examines how Congolese women are creatively taking inspiration from the environment of London to produce innovative fashion trajectories as lived socio-cultural experiences. It argues how the headwrap ritual signifies an aesthetic and material process through which specific racial and ethnic boundaries are transcended, fabricating transcultural body spaces which encompass individuals with diverse cultural backgrounds.  相似文献   

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