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自1997年《刑法》创设操纵证券、期货市场罪至今,一方面,经历时代变迁后,该罪的法定刑已经无法与其社会危害性相符;另一方面,随着新型操纵行为的出现,广义操纵证券、期货市场罪的罪名框架已经无法承受社会的挑战与满足期待,尤其是在我国分别规定交易型操纵资本市场犯罪与信息型操纵资本市场犯罪的情况下,兜底条款的适用限制不可避免。考虑到操纵证券、期货市场的欺诈本质,可将诈骗罪作为操纵证券、期货市场罪的兜底罪名加以适用,这样一来可在实际上提高法定刑适用,二来可规制无法纳入兜底条款的操纵资本市场行为。当行为同时符合两罪的构成要件时,从一重罪处罚,无需通过立法的修改实现。  相似文献   

制作、贩卖、传播淫秽物品罪就是传播淫秽物品的行为犯罪。现行刑法关于淫秽物品犯罪的规定存在不足,应从罪名确定、法定刑配置、过失罪取消、走私罪调整等方面予以完善。  相似文献   

量刑情节所依据的法定刑是什么?一种观念认为量刑情节所指的法定刑是某一罪名的整个刑罚幅度,从重处罚是在该罪名的整体刑罚内从重,从重处罚情节是导致法定刑升格的主要依据.本文对这种观点从法理上、实证上进行了反驳,认为,量刑情节是依附于犯罪事实而存在的,而每一个犯罪行为的法定刑都是根据该罪行的轻重而设定的具体刑罚档次,量刑情节适用的基础是罪行法定刑.从轻、从重处罚都只能是在所该当的刑罚幅度内判处.把罪名法定刑作为量刑情节的法定刑,混淆了从轻处罚、从重处罚与减轻处罚、加重处罚的界限,这不仅法理上是错误的,实践中也是有害的.  相似文献   

我国金融犯罪立法采取刑法典、单行刑法与附属刑法相结合的立法模式,规制范围较广,涉及罪名较多。《刑法修正案(八)》和《刑法修正案(九)》废除了金融犯罪中的死刑规定,但主刑设置仍较为严厉。完善金融犯罪立法的重点是:将非法经营证券、期货、保险业务,非法从事资金支付结算业务和非法买卖外汇犯罪行为规定在破坏金融管理秩序罪中;完善利用未公开信息交易罪的法定刑设置,增加单位犯罪主体;对逃汇罪增加自然人犯罪主体;对贷款诈骗罪增加单位犯罪主体。  相似文献   

对《刑法》第37条的正确理解和适用需要对该条文在刑法条文系统中的外部关系进行体系性解读。《刑法》第37条与刑法中的其他免刑条文在功能上具有双重的补充关系。《刑法》第13条和《刑法》第37条是我国刑法总则中的两大关节点条文,应罚性和需罚性是分别理解这两个条文的关键,《刑法》第37条是对《刑法》第13条的理性接续。《刑法》第37条与《刑法》第63条对刑法分则中的个罪法定刑具有合力超越的量刑功能。  相似文献   

王睿 《学理论》2010,(7):98-100
为了进一步打击证券、期货市场的非法交易,《刑法修正案(七)》增加了利用未公开信息交易罪。对于该罪刑法学者们纷纷对其进行了较深刻的研究,并对该罪提出了较一致的两点意见:一是内幕信息以外的未公开信息需要界定;二是对情节严重的进行相应的解释。对此相关部门也正在就这两点起草司法解释。有关该罪在司法适用上是否存在未遂问题,学者们研究甚少,而该罪是否存在未遂影响到该罪的定罪问题,所以本文试图通过刑法学相关基础理论来探究该罪是否存在未遂。  相似文献   

巨额财产来源不明罪是为了适应惩治腐败犯罪分子的需要而规定的新罪。但该罪自设立以来,一直在刑法学界存在颇多争议,拟对该罪的犯罪主体、自首等若干问题进行研究,并提出完善该罪的立法构想,以期待对本罪的司法实践有所裨益。  相似文献   

刘月颖 《学理论》2010,(19):153-153
聚众淫乱罪是由我国1979年刑法中流氓罪分解而来,两会期间有代表提议废除该罪。南京换妻案一审定性为聚众淫乱罪用事实证明了该罪存在的必要和合理性。  相似文献   

为加强对危害食品安全犯罪的惩治力度,《刑法修正案(八)》对生产、销售有毒、有害食品罪作出了重大修改。结合修改内容,研究对该罪构成要件中的食品含义、行为方式、明知的认定,量刑情节中“其他严重情节”、因果关系的认定,以及该罪与以危险方法危害公共安全罪,生产、销售不符合卫生标准的食品罪,毒品犯罪,故意杀人罪,故意伤害罪等类罪的区分,有利于促进修订后的生产、销售有毒、有害食品罪的司法适用。  相似文献   

马章民 《学理论》2010,(13):118-119
2006年6月通过的《刑法修正案(六)》增设了"背信损害上市公司利益罪"。由于该罪是我国刑法中新增罪名,刑法学界在理论上论述较少。因此,研究该罪的犯罪构成要件,明确将背信行为纳入刑法的积极意义,既具有重要的理论价值,又对司法实践具有指导意义。  相似文献   

现场勘验人员的安全防护理应是现场勘查技术中现场保护的主要研究内容。长期以来,对现场保护的研究只是片面强调了对现场的保护,对现场上痕迹、物品及尸体的保护,而对现场勘验人员的安全防护却仅依靠其自身的生活与工作经验,或只是师徒传承等基础之上的自发、盲目的行为。目前,在现场勘验过程中的人员伤亡事故频频发生,教训屡见不鲜,使得现场勘验人员的安全防护成为现场保护薄弱、滞后的研究领域。现场勘验工作本身就是一个需要全体参与人员相互协作配合的团队工作,现场勘验人员的安全防护自然也概莫能外。  相似文献   

Conclusion The UN has to date not been effective in preventing genocide, and has had only a slightly better record in stopping it. There have been occasions when its interventions has occurred only after a genocide has taken place, and even then its major focus has been on facilitating the provision of aid by non-governmental agencies rather than on the task of tracking down the perpetrators and bringing them to justice. The exceptions of the ICTY and the ICTR are so stark, in this regard, that they only serve to throw light on the many other genocidal events where the UN has not initiated measures against those responsible for carrying them out. In short, as a body the UN has no—until very recently—even approached the fulfillment of its mandate as articulated in the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, and only rarely invoked Chapter VII of the UN Charter in order to intervene physically for the purpose of countering threats to peace or stopping conflict. Its strengths, so far as there have been any, have focused on balancing great power interests with demands to intervene more forcefully. While in the years up to 1989 this could be seen as a way of maintaining the peace (albeit over the broken bodies of victims of genocide in places such as Biafra, Cambodia, and East Timor), since then the UN has been required to act with greater resolve and purpose. The failures of Bosnia, Rwanda, and Kosovo must thus be seen as having been brought on by a transition from one international regime to another; from a Cold War regime in which the UN—s main role was one of preventing a third (and possibly nuclear) World War from breaking out, to a post-Cold War regime which appears increasingly to be characterized by the UN searching for a new role in which humanitarian issues are to assume a higher priority than they once did. Whether or not this will continue, of course, will depend on an extremely wide variety of circumstances—and at this time it is likely that only a few of these can accurately be anticipated.  相似文献   

苏州文化是一种很有代表性的区域文化,与其他许多地方的区域文化相比,具有更加鲜明的个性,其内在的人文精神也很有特色,在吴文化乃至整个中华文化中独树一帜、颇有影响。吴文化作为中华文化大家庭中的一员,对苏州的经济社会发展作出过重要的历史贡献。今天,在苏州以建设三区三城为目标引领,实现高水平全面小康,达成基本现代化的关键时刻,以文化贡献于经济社会发展之作用机制的视角来研究这一课题,无疑对探索苏州经济社会转型升级具有现实意义。  相似文献   

铁路犯罪现场勘查课是铁路公安院校专业特色课程建设的重要内容之一。目前铁路公安实战 单位与犯罪现场勘查工作有关的情况,主要表现在以下几个方面:一是各铁路公安局、处技术力量不均衡,二 是犯罪现场勘查设备有了一定的更新,三是对犯罪信息的重视程度有了明显的提高,四是铁路犯罪现场状况 有了新的改变,五是铁路犯罪现场构成具有鲜明特色。加强铁路犯罪现场勘查课程的研究,在深入探讨铁路 犯罪现场的特定构成,为铁路公安实际勘查操作提供切实可行的程序、方法,建立铁路犯罪现场勘查的理论 体系,促进铁路刑事案件查破工作水平的提升等方面都具有非常重要的意义。  相似文献   

There is an ongoing debate within the economic voting literature about whether the economy's salience systematically fluctuates over time or is constant. The recent global economic slowdown provides leverage to test the proposition that voters give greater weight to economic performance when it is weak. Data on voters' issue priorities from 2000 to 2011 shows that voters were more likely to consider the economy an important issue during periods of bad or volatile economic performance. A weak economy also focuses voter attention on corruption and crime while reducing attention to social policy and foreign affairs. Crime rates, terrorist attacks, globalization, and the level of development also affect the economy's place on the electoral agenda. Thus one impact of the recent financial downturn was a shift toward economic voting in countries where it was deepest.  相似文献   

Jackman  Simon 《Political Analysis》2004,12(4):400-424
What do we really know about applicants to graduate school?How much information is in an applicant's file? What do we learnby having graduate admissions committees read and score applicantfiles? In this article, I develop a statistical model for measuringapplicant quality, combining the information in the committeemembers' ordinal ratings with the information in applicants'GRE scores. The model produces estimates of applicant qualitypurged of the influence of committee members' preferences overostensibly extraneous applicant characteristics, such as genderand intended field of study. An explicitly Bayesian approachis adopted for estimation and inference, making it straightforwardto obtain confidence intervals not only on latent applicantquality but over rank orderings of applicants and the probabilityof belonging in a set of likely admittees. Using data from applicationsto a highly ranked political science graduate program, I showthat there is considerable uncertainty in estimates of applicantquality, making it impossible to make authoritative distinctionsas to quality among large portions of the applicant pool. Themultiple rater model I develop here is extremely flexible andhas applications in fields as diverse as judicial politics,legislative politics, international relations, and public opinion.  相似文献   

20 0 3年 1月 2 3日最高人民法院出台《关于行为人不明知是不满 14周岁的幼女 ,双方自愿发生性关系是否构成强奸罪问题的批复》 ,此批复一出就引发了社会的非议和学者的争论。笔者认为 ,该批复在处罚奸淫幼女行为问题上 ,坚持了主客观一致原则 ,是符合立法本意的 ,也与相关司法解释的精神相吻合 ,实现了保护幼女的公共政策与保障被告人基本人权之间的平衡。  相似文献   

赵志新  郭峥 《学理论》2012,(16):133-134
经济犯罪侦查权的配置问题,是近年来侦查学学科内的一个热点问题。其突出表现为,一方面要整合资源,从而保证侦查权最大限度发挥效能;另一方面要求侦查权能够独立行使,从而保证司法公正。笔者试图通过探索,将经济犯罪侦查权进行优化配置,使得上述两方面能够兼得。  相似文献   

Readers of this journal, especially those who watch developments affecting the machinery of government in Canberra, will no doubt have noticed the rehabilitation of the concept of statutory independence—a notion that, in some academic circles, had been virtually written off as having little or no relevance in the real world, where the general tendency has been towards an extension of government control and co-ordination of bureaucratic systems. Although it is much too early to evaluate, with suitable scholarly detachment, the significance of the administrative changes initiated since December, 1972, it seems a safe observation that for a small group of government agencies at least, the Labor Government has committed itself to the idea of independence. This much is clear from its declared aim of giving the Australian Broadcasting Commission more autonomy and the decision, recently announced, to reconstitute the Postmaster-General's Department into two separate statutory corporations.  相似文献   

蒋毅 《学理论》2009,(20):190-192
渎职罪是国家公职人员利用公权的职务性犯罪,相比其他刑事犯罪,犯罪主体是国家机关工作人员,犯罪行为具有典型的职务特征,侵犯的社会关系具有特定性,从渎职罪的特性分析:包庇纵容黑社会性质组织罪、瞒报不报安全事故罪、缉毒人员包庇毒品犯罪分子罪、司法工作人员妨害作证罪和帮助毁灭、伪造证据罪应归入渎职罪。  相似文献   

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