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青少年网络犯罪已引起社会的重视,成为人们关注的焦点,但青少年在网络犯罪中的被害更应是人们关注的焦点中的焦点。由于青少年生理上心理上的特殊成长期,在网络犯罪中属于易被害群体,针对其被害现状、原因及特征,应积极建立青少年网络被害预防系统,它包括社会预防、群体被害预防和个体被害预防。  相似文献   

家庭教育状况对青少年网络被害有着重要的影响.本文采用问卷的方法对在校学生、中小学教师、学生家长进行了调查,并利用SPSS对调查数据进行了分析,以探讨我国目前家庭教育方面的缺失对青少年网络被害的影响,进而提出了一些改进对策.  相似文献   

近年来,随着电脑和网络在中国家庭的普及,青少年上网问题成为家庭、学校及社会日益关注的焦点之一。有的青少年能够健康地使用网络并从中受益,而有的却陷入到所谓的网瘾之中不能自拔。本研究以正常青少年和成瘾青少年两个群体为研究对象,以家庭社会资本理论为框架,采用定性的方法进行探究,剖析家庭对于青少年网络使用的影响。  相似文献   

青少年违法犯罪问题已成为一个非常严重的社会问题。文章从青少年的认识水平、自我意识发展、情义需求、欲望、生理需要等方面,分析了青少年违法犯罪的心理特点,并从青少年的个性结构特征、环境影响、网络影响、学校教育、家庭因素以及个体主观方面等讨论了青少年违法犯罪心理的形成原因,最后就如何从社会、网络、学校、家庭、心理学等方面构建青少年违法犯罪心理的预防体系,最大限度地预防和减少青少年违法犯罪,提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

面对青少年网络犯罪不断增长的现实,本文分析了当前网络文化诱发青少年犯罪的催化剂作用,探讨了青少年网络犯罪的类型、特点和原因,并从规范网吧管理,清理整顿社会环境;优化家庭成长环境;端正学校教育方向,明确学校教育宗旨;加强社区青少年工作四个方面提出了应对策略。  相似文献   

当今时代的青少年,利用网络获取了大量资源和信息,开阔了视野,但往往经不住网络的诱惑,易于上网成瘾.其原因主要有网络因素、青少年自身因素、家庭学校教育因素以及管理层面的因素.防治的要旨是加强防范意识,改善教育方法;加强心理健康教育,培养青少年健全的网络人格;加强技术防范和管理;加强网络立法,严厉打击青少年网络犯罪.  相似文献   

青少年网络成瘾的成因极其复杂。从传播学"使用与满足"理论视角,本文认为网络工具使用特性、网络心理需求无法满足、网络信息内容多元及网络传播异化是导致青少年网络成瘾的关键因素。要矫治青少年网络成瘾,就需要切实提高青少年自身的免疫力,努力实现高校、家庭和社会的有机联动,进一步加强对青少年进行行为干预。  相似文献   

网络虚拟社会"双刃剑"效应对价值观尚未成型的青少年的影响广泛而深远。本文分析了网络虚拟社会语境中青少年价值观存在的问题,并尝试从加强青少年自身修养、注重家庭心理沟通、拓展学校教育资源、净化社会网络环境等方面着手,对网络虚拟社会语境下青少年核心价值体系教育和价值观重塑路径做出有益探索。  相似文献   

上海网吧青少年网络成瘾状况的实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
沈黎 《青年探索》2008,(3):33-36,46
网络时代给青少年的生存方式带来了巨大变化,对青少年网吧经验的探究是认识这一问题的路径之一。本文通过定量研究,分析网吧青少年的基本情况、网络成瘾状况,并对网络成瘾与非网络成瘾青少年之间差异进行分析,以期能够对网络成瘾青少年的网吧经验做一描述性分析。最后,本文就网吧管理和青少年服务提出建议:规范网吧管理条例、实施统一执法,加强青少年网络教育、增加青少年休闲场所,引入社会工作制度、强化家庭功能。  相似文献   

我国“网络与青少年”研究述评沈汝发/青年探索.-2001,(6)提要:21世纪是一个网络的时代,青少年是网络社会的主体。网络对青少年价值观念和行为模式的影响已引起许多青年学者、社会学者和教育学者的关注。本文从研究内容、研究方法等方面总结并简要分析了我国学者关于网络与青少年的研究成果,以推动此类研究的进一步发展。城市独生子女与非独生子女家庭教育的比较研究罗凌云、风笑天/青年探索.-2001,(6)提要:本文从家庭互动、家庭期望、家庭观念和家教方式四个方面比较了独生子女和非独生子女家庭教育的现状。发现“四过”现象仍然…  相似文献   

Helping youth in congregate care form healthy relationships and achieve stability is an ongoing concern among child welfare stakeholders. The purpose of this mixed methods study was to examine the effectiveness of a family finding intervention with youth with a history of congregate care placement and to explore factors related to the achievement of relational and physical permanency. Results from a logistic regression indicated that for youth previously in congregate care, intensive family finding increased the odds of achieving relational permanency, but not physical permanency. Qualitative analyses identified several themes surrounding successes and challenges to achieving relational and physical permanency.  相似文献   

Using a sample of 16-year-old youth placed with kinship foster families in California, the current study examines the relationship between kinship foster family structure and foster youth's biological family contact and support. Latent class analysis was used to examine differences in family structure based on the relatedness between foster youth and other members of the kinship family household. Subsequently, the respective relationships among household structure and foster youths' characteristics, experiences, and biological family contact and support were examined. We find that the kinship families serving foster youth are represented by four distinct household types, including sibling and grandparent households. Kinship family household type is found to be statistically significantly associated with youths' contact with siblings, closeness to caregivers, and perceived social support. Implications for kinship foster family scholarship are discussed.  相似文献   

Over the past few decades researchers have begun to examine the importance of understanding positive youth development and the many contexts in which youth find themselves. The social contexts in which adolescent development occurs are varied and complex, particularly the development among African American youth. African American youth are faced with a number of challenges including living in single-parent homes, high teen pregnancy rates, and poor neighborhoods, yet many of these youth continue to thrive. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between family structure (single-parenting) and adolescent outcomes such as educational aspirations and sexual activity among African American adolescent youth aged 12-17. Approximately 462 African American youth were surveyed. A number of positive results emerged; for instance, there was a negative correlation between family structure and educational aspirations. The number of parents in the home did not interfere with youth wanting to complete high school and go on to college (r?=?-?.218, r2?=?.04, p?相似文献   

王新刚  温静 《青年论坛》2007,1(4):24-26
新世纪,经济全球化和网络信息化加剧了社会思潮的传播,处在"心理断乳期"的青年,世界观、人生观和价值观等的形成和发展呈现出不稳定和持续发展的特点,社会思潮对青年的影响呈现出了影响内容的复杂化、影响途径的多样性、影响方式的非强制性和潜移默化性以及影响效果的显著性和不可测性等新的特点。正确认识这些特点有利于正确地引导青年健康成长。  相似文献   

Over the past few decades researchers have begun to examine the importance of understanding positive youth development and the many contexts in which youth find themselves. The social contexts in which adolescent development occurs are varied and complex, particularly the development among African American youth. African American youth are faced with a number of challenges including living in single-parent homes, high teen pregnancy rates, and poor neighborhoods, yet many of these youth continue to thrive. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between family structure (single-parenting) and adolescent outcomes such as educational aspirations and sexual activity among African American adolescent youth aged 12–17. Approximately 462 African American youth were surveyed. A number of positive results emerged; for instance, there was a negative correlation between family structure and educational aspirations. The number of parents in the home did not interfere with youth wanting to complete high school and go on to college (r = ? .218, r² = .04, p < .05). The results also showed that as educational aspirations increased, the number of sexual partners decreased (r = ? .141, meaning that the more adolescents reported a desire to complete high school, they were less likely to report having sexual intercourse. These positive results should be promoted among African American youth so that those faced with these challenges will note that others have overcome and accomplished their goals. In this population educational aspirations were important. Limitations and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Despite focused efforts toward the prevention of youth violence within the United States, it continues to adversely affect the lives of children and families within our communities and society at large. The articles in this issue address risk and protective factors that affect violence among urban youth to inform prevention and treatment. Pathways to youth violence are complex and may begin early. Prevention efforts in school, family, and community settings that address risk and protective factors within a socially, culturally, and ecologically valid context early in human development are crucial. While challenges remain for the prevention of youth violence, research suggests opportunities to improve our efforts. Federal agency initiatives in partnership with communities are currently underway to increase the knowledge base and advance prevention of youth violence among diverse populations.  相似文献   

网络时代青年政治社会化的隐忧与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在人生的早期学习过程中获得并形成的政治立场、政治态度和政治信仰对人的一生影响很大并难以改变 ,往往成为其政治自我的一部分。随着网络技术在 2 0世纪末的飞速发展 ,网络对青年政治社会化形成冲击 ,简述隐忧、分析原因、寻求对策。  相似文献   

本文通过对一次网络公共事件的观测,从中筛选出有关人肉搜索的信息,以网络传播的视角对人肉搜索的现状与特点进行描述与探讨,梳理人肉搜索从产生至今的发展线索,并分析其在青年网络政治参与中改变话语权分配、议程设置、赋予舆论监督权利、彰显社会正义、维护社会道德、推动青年政治成长的重要作用.同时注意到人肉搜索负面效应的不良影响.  相似文献   

网络信息传播的总体特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据1998年联合国新闻委员会年会上正式提出的“第四媒体”——网络传播的概念,网络媒体指的是继报刊、广播和电视后出现的互联网和正在兴建的信息高速公路。网络媒体属于大众媒体的后起之秀。进而还可认为,基于网络媒体的网络传播属于大众传播的一种。其呈现出特有的特征,本文就其特征做了综合分析。  相似文献   

试析青少年犯罪的社区预防   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,青少年犯罪成为一个严重的社会问题。为了从根本上遏制青少年犯罪,我们必须利用社会的力量,形成职责明确、协同配合、齐抓共管的工作网络,切实做好青少年违法犯罪的预防工作。社区是城市管理体制的基础,是青少年学习、生活、娱乐和就业的重要场所。社区对青少年的成长,有着深刻的影响。立足社区,可以把闲散青少年、流动青少年和问题家庭青少年等群体有针对性的管理起来,强化预防青少年违法犯罪工作的力度,同时把学校教育、家庭教育和社会预防工作整合起来,形成预防青少年违法犯罪工作的社会联运机制。  相似文献   

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