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景丽玲 《学理论》2012,(13):5-6
双城市认真贯彻落实省、市委关于文化建设工作的决策部署,立足自身资源优势,深入挖掘文化潜力,按照全面推进,重点带动,打造品牌,聚集产业的发展思路,积极培育特色文化精品,建设文化强市。一、打造特色文化品牌双城市充分依托现有文化资源,积极打造"红色四野、  相似文献   

打造特色文化品牌弘扬我国先进文化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
作为21世纪的朝阳产业,文化产业日益发展成为我国许多省市经济的支柱产业之一,成为提高各省市综合实力的新的经济增长点.各省市提出了充分利用文化资源和人力资源的思路,大力发展文化产业,打造文化品牌,建设"文化大省"、"文化强省",文化产业发展潜力巨大.发展文化产业除了要把文化与经济有机结合创造经济效益外,更应该注重弘扬中国先进文化,打造特色文化品牌,增强品牌的竞争力,使文化产业实现经济效益和社会效益的双丰收.  相似文献   

正近年来,江苏省灌南县国税局充分发挥国税文化的"软约束"和引领作用,把文化建设放在十分突出的位置,作为一项重点工程来抓,以灌南县"渡江第一船"的荣耀历史,打造"第一船"国税文化品牌,构建和谐国税,从精神文化、行为文化和形象文化3个层面推进文化建设。把精神文化建设作为构  相似文献   

中冶天工上海十三冶建设有限公司工会十分重视企业文化建设。以品牌打造为支点,以培育"四有"职工队伍为目标,以塑造企业形象、提升企业竞争力为主攻方向,努力推进企业的文化落地,打造了一支"上海市级"的职工锣鼓队:塑造了一支"和谐"的合唱团队;培养了一支"全民健身"的羽毛球队伍。  相似文献   

<正>近年来,市委、市政府高度重视武术工作,把武术作为打造"舞动汉风"文化品牌、建设区域性文化中心的重要举措抓实抓好,促进武术事业获得长足发展。徐州武术文化源远流长,是全国闻名的武术文化发祥地之一,自古就有"尚武之国"的称号,在中华武术版图上一直占有重要的位置,具备打造国际武术文化名城的坚实基础。打造国际武术文化名城,有利于丰富徐州文化内涵、有利于促进徐州体育  相似文献   

产业发展是一个地方经济发展的基础,也是脱贫攻坚工作和乡村振兴战略实施的重点。近年来,酉阳县大力发展村级集体经济并取得了一定成效,文章选取酉阳县的Z村为标的,在分析该村村域基本情况的基础上,指出了其产业发展存在的跟风布局、品牌缺乏、管护粗放、经营管理不足、机制不完善等问题,对此,必须科学优化布局产业、打造产业品牌、加强农业产业管护、激励产业发展主体、强化技能人才队伍建设、深化农村"三变"改革等,以此推进乡村产业发展。  相似文献   

上海市长宁区妇幼保健院结合实际工作,创新党建工作方式,通过顶层设计、精细管理、创造环境、打造服务、凝聚团队,打造"五色党建"文化建设品牌,积极探索对妇幼健康、医院文化的实践指导意义,以全面推进医院健康有序长久发展。  相似文献   

高校教职工文化是一所高校全体教职工的精神与灵魂。高校教职工文化品牌更是一面旗帜,能够极大地激发广大教职员工的认同感与使命感,对推进校园文化建设,提升学校软实力均发挥着深远的作用。浙江工商大学打造了"寻找身边的感动"、后勤"绿叶"文化等优秀教职工文化品牌,形成了良好的示范效应。总结其做法与经验,挖掘问题与潜力,以积极的姿态,努力创新,从文化理念、工作机制、活动开展等多途径不断实现教职工文化品牌建设工作的深入推进。  相似文献   

坚持以社会主义核心价值观引领文化建设制度对推进新时代文明实践中心建设具有重要的意义。上海儿童医学中心在医院文化助推医院精神文明建设方面作出了诸多有益的探索与实践,主要包括:一是营造思政教育文化氛围,打造思政教育"细胞工程";二是开展员工关爱文化行动,缓解医务员工"职业倦怠";三是树立患者服务文化品牌,提升医疗服务"暖实力";四是倡导公益慈善文化项目,点亮儿科医学"人文之光";五是拓展志愿服务文化内涵,打造志愿服务"闪亮名片"。  相似文献   

正"文化思南"是中共上海市黄浦区委打造的上海文化新品牌,组建区域化党建联席会议,以党建确保文化的方向,让文化为党建提供更丰富的内涵。通过专业化资源整合,优势互补、合作共赢,推动成员单位共同发展,做大做强"文化思南"系列品牌,更好地服务上海文化建设。探索"文化思南"的启示在于:坚持党建引领,把握文  相似文献   

郭海霞 《学理论》2011,(8):33-34
品牌展会是会展行业的未来发展趋势。在总结了黑龙江省展会的品牌化发展现状的基础上,分析了制约黑龙江省展会品牌化的因素,并提出了加快黑龙江省展会品牌化进程的对策。  相似文献   

This article examines the saga of local government restructuring in Canada's capital city. Specifically, it analyzes the interplay between provincial and local agendas for local government reform over many years, which culminated in provincial legislation and a one-year transition process to establish one municipality for the Ottawa city region. In doing so, the article addresses the extent to which the Ottawa transition demonstrates learning from other major urban restructuring efforts and the extent to which the Ottawa case provides new insights for future local government reform efforts. Key conclusions are that the key motivation for provincially initiated reform—cost saving through simplification of the local government structure in Ottawa—does not fully coincide with local needs and interests. Furthermore, the promise of financial savings has proven difficult to realize as a result of the local politics surrounding existing municipal debt and unresolved human resource management costs. Instead, future benefits from the amalgamation may lie in improved capacity to manage physical development, environmental sustainability, and cultural diversity.  相似文献   

Communication in political marketing plays an important role in political mobilization, building trust both in political actors and the government. Politicians construct their messages through careful branding as the power of the cultural symbols and signs conveyed through the brand are potent heuristic devices. This is particularly important in emerging democracies, where there is limited political knowledge and understanding. Therefore, this research explores how young voters understand the symbolic communication fashioned by political actors in Indonesia and how it relates to their brand. Indonesia is an interesting area for study; it is both secular and the world’s largest Muslim democracy. Using a phenomenological approach, a total of 19 in-depth interviews with young voters were conducted to gain rich insight into perceptions of the complexity of political symbolism, and trust among young voters. This study conceptualized political communication as a dual approach. The political brand promise is intrinsically linked to cultural references and conveyed through symbolic communication combined with a distinctive brand message. This builds trust, which then affects political participation. This conceptual framework provides insights into the importance of culture in branding which has implications for policy makers and actors in emerging and established democracies.  相似文献   

This article argues that the brand concept is a powerful tool for understanding political images. It challenges typical economic versions of political marketing that tend to deemphasize the significance of communication, popular culture, and personality in politics and argues that the brand as a concept can bring together the economic and the aesthetic, rational choice and cultural resonance. It proposes a model of brand distinctiveness and argues that this may be useful both in the analysis of party communication and in the normative evaluation of that communication.  相似文献   

侯俊东  杜兰英 《公共管理学报》2011,8(2):109-118,128
为了吸引个人捐助,非营利组织必需采取有针对性的营销手段来增加这一捐赠群体对该组织及其公益事业的良好感知,以满足他们的利他或利己需求,这说明影响个人捐赠行为决策的感知特性将值得探索。为此,本研究在中国文化传统背景下,运用探索性与验证性方法对影响个人捐赠行为决策的感知特性及维度结构进行了实证研究。结果表明:(1)在中国背景下,影响个人捐赠行为决策的感知特性有两个层面,即对非营利组织的感知与对公益事项的感知;(2)非营利组织感知层面,主要是个人捐赠者对运作绩效、品牌资产的感知,后者由品牌个性、形象及意识三个维度构成,而公益事项感知层面的结构分为5个维度,分别是公益事项效用、重要性、可参与性、可接近性及与价值观一致性。  相似文献   

Despite the relevance of powerful brands in the present-day market, research on the process of brand name design from a cognitive perspective focuses almost exclusively on the effects of the use of conceptual metaphor, and to a lesser extent, metonymy, overlooking the role played by other cognitive strategies. This paper analyzes the potentiality of mitigation and strengthening cognitive operations as tools for the systematic, risk-free design of new brand names with highly predictable and felicitous connotations. In particular, it focuses on their role in the systematic generation of axiologically positive brands in both Spanish and American wine labels, thus largely reducing the need for the costly and time-consuming cultural checks that branding companies need to run on new brand names before their commercial launching. In so doing, the interaction of the two aforementioned cognitive operations with a number of pragmatic principles and cultural models of social interaction, and their subservience to other cognitive operations, like those of comparison, correlation, and domain expansion and reduction, are also considered. The results of the study offer new insights on the semantics of commercial brand names which should prove useful for branding professionals, as well as data of interest to linguists dealing with inter-linguistic issues and cognitive modeling alike.  相似文献   

This article seeks to explain how science has emerged as political brand. While science and politics have intersected for centuries, more recent social, cultural, and political events led to increased attention to the role of science in everyday life and how science is used in policy decision-making. This led to a tipping point in 2017 when the March for Science was formed, following what many in the U.S. and countries around the world viewed as anti-science stances by political leaders. The political spectacle of the March for Science not only brought increased attention to the scientific community, but also emerged to define the brand of science in society. Drawing on research from the role of brands in consumer culture – including political marketing, brand resonance, and brand community – I describe the implications of the science brand for the scientific enterprise, and the ways in which the scientific community consider the strategic communication of their brand within the political marketplace.  相似文献   

论我国国家创新系统的文化环境及其塑造   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会文化环境对国家创新系统有两种相反的作用和输入,即积极的、有利的输入和消极的、不利的输入,这两种作用都会在系统的形态、特性、行为、功能等方面打上环境的烙印,这就是所谓环境对系统的塑造作用。因此,笔者认为,完善我国国家创新系统的一个重要方面就在于塑造有利于国家创新系统功能发挥的社会文化环境。  相似文献   

金江莲 《学理论》2012,(25):145-146
分析了哈尔滨市朝鲜族民俗文化在现代社会背景下面临的挑战,论述了民俗博物馆在保护独具特色的朝鲜族文化中的积极作用。提出创新民俗博物馆工作方式,积极主动地调查、征集朝鲜族民族文化的有形遗产,完善文物信息;抓紧开展对朝鲜族非物质文化遗产的整理和保护工作;有效利用现有馆藏特色资料和优势,开展文化交流与合作。对朝鲜族传统民俗文化进行抢救性整理与保护,弘扬朝鲜族传统文化和民族风情,打出哈尔滨市独特的文化品牌。  相似文献   

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