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近年来广东涉车治安基本状况涉车犯罪形势严重涉车犯罪,是指以机动车辆为目标或工具,侵害国家、集体利益和社会秩序,侵害他人生命财产安全的违法犯罪活动,以及法规明令禁止的行为。涉车犯罪主要表现在以机动车为侵害目标和以机动车为作案工具两个方面。目前广东的刑事案件大约有80%涉及机动车,以机动车为作案工具已经成为刑事犯罪活动的基本行为方式,而犯罪分子作案使用的机动车绝大多数是“黑车”。目前涉车犯罪中影响最为突出的是,盗窃随处停放的机动车、杀人  相似文献   

组合物体分离痕迹检验认定交通事故1例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在交通事故发生过程中,通常会发生车辆与车辆、车辆与其他物体之间的碰撞、刮擦等接触,由于车辆行驶速度较快,接触过程伴随着巨大的能量转换,交通事故现场常会有散落的交通运输工具零部件。由于加工过程、使用环境、分离过程等各种因素的影响,这些车辆零部件往往具有较稳定的整体分离痕迹特征,利用这些特征,可以直接认定嫌疑车辆,为事故的认定提供证据,或者提供侦查线索,缩小侦查范围。  相似文献   

<正>前言公安智能卡口系统是公安交警打击涉车犯罪的重要工具,目前的高清智能卡口系统大多通过高清卡口抓拍摄像机对过往车辆进行抓拍,在原始数据基础上经过轨迹分析和车牌比对等处理工作分析得到车辆的运行轨迹、黑名单车辆实时报警等信息。按照公安业务操作流程,利用智能卡口系统,公安交警进行车辆的布控稽查,对涉车犯罪起到了有力震慑和有效打击。公安卡口系统建设经历了从民用设备到专业的嵌入式  相似文献   

随着机动车犯罪案件数量的增多,犯罪手段的智能化、技术化、集团化趋势日益明显,公安机关的传统侦控方式已经不能满足遏制这类犯罪的需要,而追踪机动车的行动轨迹成为侦查此类犯罪的常用程序,故建议在全国机动车上强制安装卫星定位系统,以此来控制机动车犯罪.立法机关应当把“机动车上强制安装卫星定位系统”的建议写入《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法》.这一技术手段的应用可能会触及公民的隐私权,但其社会的公益性远远大于个人的隐私权,而且公民的隐私权也能够得到有效的充分保护.  相似文献   

郑才城 《政法学刊》2005,22(3):94-96
日本关于机动车“运行供用者”理论及欧洲机动车“保有者”理论,有助于我们解决实践中因车辆挂靠、借用、连环买卖等各种复杂关系情况下,对机动车方的赔偿责任主体进行确定,以保障事故受害者的合法权益。  相似文献   

在充分应用DNA检测技术进行个体同一认定的基础上,有必要充分挖掘生物检测技术的科学内涵,强化DNA检测个体间的遗传学分析,实现从“特征识别”列“个体识别”再到“特征识别”的思维转变。刑事侦查人员亦应强化同类案件的分析研判,借用生物检测技术分析结果,以推进刑事侦查思路的延伸,强化“从人到案”、“从案到人”侦查模式的主动突破,真正实现主动侦查破案、主动打击犯罪。  相似文献   

北京“网络警察”“机动车图像监测识别系统”该系统综合应用了视频监控、图像识别、数据转换、信息比对、海量存储、无线通信、网络传输等技术手段,可对行进中的机动车车牌、车标进行识别,转换为文本信息后进入信息库比对,发现嫌疑车辆即时报警。自2005年1月13日投入使用至9月1日,利用其报警信息,成功拦截嫌疑车97辆,抓获犯罪嫌疑人46人,协助破获重大案件38起,由此形成了信通、交管、指挥中心、巡交警、刑警协同作战的格局和战法。  相似文献   

侦查决策,即侦查中的决策活动。“决策”是“侦查决策”的种概念,“侦查决策”是“决策”的属概念。侦查决策是侦查主体在侦查活动中,在一定的客观条件下为达到一定的目的,为确定侦查的行动目标和行动方法而进行的一系列筹划、优选和决断活动。侦查决策这一概念的引入,为我们在侦查决策理论学术研究中开辟了一条深入研究侦查活动中的决策活动的道路,也开辟了一条从决策这一独特角度深入研究整个侦查活动过程的道路。  相似文献   

北京市延庆县公安局在市局刑侦总队、河北省张家口市公安局和赤城县公安局的支持下,历经15个月侦查,2006年8月侦破了“2005.03.08”特大系列盗窃机动车团伙案。  相似文献   

目的视频侦查中的时空轨迹信息是很多案件侦破的关键,但在证据准备和法庭质证阶段,如何使用这些信息目前并没有方法依据。本文针对视频侦查中轨迹信息的证据转化问题,开展理论分析,建立概率方法。方法结合视频侦查的典型过程,定义了摄像头下人物的人体、衣着和交通工具等特征;对不同的特征根据其出现的可能性进行针对性的概率估计以得到概率上限,对多摄像头下嫌疑人作案和逃窜过程的概率进行表示;基于图模型构造贝叶斯网络对轨迹追踪问题进行建模,并对模型利用贝叶斯网络特性进行求解,以得到似然比结果。结果结合视频侦查场景给出了问题中似然比的公式和近似计算方法。1)通过分解提出时段、时序和方向假设建立了一种时空特征概率模型分析方法;2)提出了视频图像中衣服、人体、交通工具特征的概率分析思路框架;3)得到了假设条件下的似然比结果;4)给出了假设条件对概率计算的影响,讨论了实际应用中后验比估计的方法及方法的使用限制因素。结论本文建立的理论分析方法首次为视频追踪结果的证据应用提供量化参考模型,从概率的角度解释了视频轨迹追踪结果为什么可以成为证据,有助于提升视频追踪证据的证明力:基于视频中能观察到的常见的十二个特征(体态、上衣颜色、上衣纹理、上衣款式、裤子款式、裤子颜色、鞋子款式、鞋子颜色、头发长度、摩托车款式、摩托车颜色、摩托车行李箱样式)的条件,对于具有相同特征的目标依次出现在三个摄像头下(摄像头之间没有分叉路口)的案例,计算得到的似然比(第一个摄像头下的目标与第三个摄像头下的目标为同一目标和不同目标条件下,出现给定特征的可能性之比)下限超过10;量级。  相似文献   

汽车碰撞中乘员损伤成因分析与计算机仿真研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Zou DH  Liu NG  Shen J  Zhang XY  Jin XL  Chen YJ 《法医学杂志》2006,22(4):261-263,267
目的运用计算机仿真技术模拟汽车碰撞过程,为法医学鉴定及交通事故处理提供参考依据。方法通过对汽车碰撞中乘员损伤成因分析及车辆痕迹检验,建立有效的人体、车辆仿真模型,利用动量冲量法与多刚体动力学结合仿真求解乘员运动模式,客观再现乘员交通伤特点。结果计算机仿真汽车碰撞过程中,人体模型上碰撞部位的分布符合法医学检验所得结果。结论计算机仿真求解乘员交通伤的方法在法医学鉴定和事故责任认定中具有参考价值。  相似文献   

Often, criminal acts involving a vehicle are caught on digital video surveillance systems. While potentially useful for an investigation, the recording conditions are typically less than optimal for the extraction of key information for the identification of the perpetrator, such as a license plate. Providing the make, model and year of a questioned vehicle is a common request for examiners, to narrow the field of potential suspect vehicles. This study seeks to compare the performance of a nonpeer-reviewed make, model, and year determination between two separate groups, specifically, trained forensic image examiners and nontrained individuals. Results show that even with varied image capture conditions and quality, the trained forensic image examiners more correctly and completely identified the test group of questioned vehicles make, model, and year.  相似文献   

The susceptibility for recreational shooters to transfer gunshot residue (GSR) to both the interior and exterior of a vehicle is investigated. A comprehensive sampling protocol was used to assess the most likely areas of GSR transfer from recreational shooter contact, such as the steering wheel and the area, the firearms were stored (the trunk). Up to 315 characteristic GSR, particles were found in several locations throughout the interior of a vehicle. As many as 876 characteristic particles were found throughout a single vehicle. The data indicate that vehicles frequently occupied by firearms users are a potential source for inadvertent transfer of GSR to persons unrelated to firearm activity. In criminal cases where vehicles have been used, such transfer processes for GSR need to be considered within the context of any case interpretation. The implications for subsequent contamination and transfer processes from such vehicles require further investigation.  相似文献   

液体痕迹,是属于交通事故现场中地面痕迹的一种。通过对事故现场的液体痕迹发现、采取与对其种类、形态特征进行分析和检验,就能够为鉴别嫌疑车辆,追踪、堵截和认定肇事逃逸车辆,提供的证据。  相似文献   

《Federal register》2001,66(39):12638-12656
NHTSA is taking action to facilitate the modification of motor vehicles so that persons with disabilities can drive or ride in them. The agency is accomplishing this by issuing a limited exemption from a statutory provision that prohibits specified types of commercial entities from either removing safety equipment or features installed on motor vehicles pursuant to the Federal motor vehicle safety standards or altering the equipment or features so as to adversely affect their performance. The exemption is limited in that it allows repair businesses to modify only certain types of Federally-required safety equipment and features, under specified circumstances.  相似文献   

Deaths occurring in the setting of nonprofessional, vehicle‐related, recreational sporting activities occurring on land or in water during warm or winter months represent a diverse group of cases. These deaths tend to involve scenarios where the participants are purposefully attempting to enjoy themselves prior to experiencing sudden, catastrophic accidents resulting in lethal outcomes. Ultimately, many of the deaths are related to the high speed at which these vehicle‐related activities normally occur. Three broad categories of factors may play contributory roles in death: human factors, vehicle factors, and environmental factors. A series of selected cases are presented, representing examples of varying activity types, involving motorized and nonmotorized vehicles, land and water activities, and warm weather and cold weather environments. For each case, the various human, vehicle and environmental factors believed to be contributory to the accident are considered, and strategies for prevention of these and similar deaths involving recreational sporting vehicles are presented.  相似文献   

对交通肇事逃逸案件中车体修复痕迹的检验与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
交通肇事逃逸案件错综复杂,侦查线索少,对国内外的交通管理部门来说都是一个十分棘手的问题。尤其是针对肇事逃逸后经过修复的肇事车体,如何正确发现、分析和检验车体的修复痕迹,也就成了认定肇事车辆,追究肇事责任的重要途径和方法。  相似文献   

Reverse projection photogrammetry has long been used to estimate the height of an individual in forensic video examinations. A natural extrapolation would be to apply the same technique on a video to estimate the speed of an object by determining the distance traveled between two points over a set amount of time. To test this theory, five digital video recorders (DVRs) were connected to a single fixed camera to record a vehicle traveling down a track. The vehicle's speed was measured through Doppler radar by a trained operator and the speedometer of the vehicle was also recorded with a video camera. The recorded video was examined and the frames that best depict the beginning and end of the vehicles course were selected. Two reverse projection photogrammetric examinations were performed on the selected frames to establish the position of the vehicle. The distance between the two points was measured, and the time elapsed between the two points was examined. The outcome provided an accurate speed result with a standard degree of uncertainty. This study proves the feasibility of using video data and reverse projection photogrammetry to determine the speed of a vehicle with a limited set of variables. Further research is needed to determine how additional variables would impact the standard degree of uncertainty.  相似文献   

Connected and autonomous vehicle (CAV) use, having been tested in various cities around the world and adopted in many areas through public transport, is being prepared for private sector use. The connected dimension of CAV provides for the vehicle to communicate with other vehicles and local infrastructure to operate in a safe manner. Yet, it is this communication of data and operation through software which causes potential problems in the event of the software suffering from unlawful modification (hacking). The consequences of a CAV being hacked could result in its features being compromised resulting in accidents, damage, financial loss, deaths and personal injury. It is also likely that hacking will affect fleets of vehicles operating on the same software version rather than individual vehicles. In this paper we argue there is a need for a strategy to determine how responsibility for the damage and loss caused following the mass hacking of CAVs is to be apportioned. This discussion is presently missing in the evolving literature on CAV maturity and we conclude that a national compensatory body offering a guarantee fund from which victims may seek redress would provide the most appropriate solution for all stakeholders.  相似文献   

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