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《劳动经济学》是劳动与社会保障专业的核心课程,其建设应从激发学生的学习兴趣着手,进而系统地改进教学方法,最终切实提升学生的综合能力。从价值选择上看,课程建设应当兼顾校本特色与市场导向,处理好兴趣、知识与能力的关系并使理论与实践相耦合。在教学改进方面,可通过课堂教学的"有限翻转"、立体化教学资源的积累与建设以及考核方式与评价标准的改革等实践来进行。课程建设还应拓展到课外实践及学生科研活动层面,以期培养学生的社会实践能力和科学研究能力。  相似文献   

利用网络平台来促进传统课堂教学效率的提升,是高职院校信息化教学实践及研究的重要方面。以高职院校的计算机专业课程为研究对象,以Moodle平台为课程任务和资源平台,采用QQ为交流工具来实现课程的学习支持服务,并对实验组(班)和控制组(班)的学生的期末理论成绩与实训成绩进行统计分析,远程学习支持服务能够明显提升高职课程教学效率。  相似文献   

基础会计学是为以后后续专业课程奠定基础的课程,学好这门基础课,培养了学生对专业课的兴趣,对后续专业课程学习和今后职业生涯的选择,都具有重要影响.根据高职学生特点,本文介绍了从向学生进行会计专业介绍,利用精彩的多媒体教学,实地情景教学,请有实践经验专家讲座,模拟教学法,角色扮演法各方面进行了对在基础会计教学中学生兴趣的培...  相似文献   

针对高校本科经济管理类课程教学的现状,运用结构方程建立起高校经济管理类课程教学质量评价模型,通过对各个影响因素的分析,明确了提升经济管理类课程教学质量的方向,并建立起教学质量评价指标体系,为高校经济管理类课程教学质量评价提供新思路。  相似文献   

劳动经济学在工会理论上的新发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
劳动经济学对工会问题的研究,自20世纪70年代末以来主要沿着两个方向发展:一是利用经济分析的方法研究工会在工资谈判中的作用;二是利用经济分析的方法研究工会的罢工行为。本文对劳动经济学在这两个方面的发展作出了评述。  相似文献   

学生评价教师教学质量是高校教学质量监控体系的关键环节,对教师能力发展和学校改进工作具有重要意义。高校学生评教有教师、学生、课程及评价管理等4个影响因素和影响机制,要提高高校学生评教的科学性、客观性与有效性。  相似文献   

随着开放教育资源运动的蓬勃发展及移动通讯技术、网络媒体及社交网站的广泛应用,微课程逐步成为当前教育领域研究的热点问题,文章对微课程在高职院校中的应用进行了实践探索,在分析高职院校微课程开发的可行性与必要性的基础上,结合教学实践,进行了高职院校微课程的开发模式研究,并进行实践应用。实践证明,基于该模式开发的微课程能够激发学生的学习热情,提高学生自主学习能力。  相似文献   

高等职业教育教学改革呼唤灵活多元的新型教学模式,本文从高职计算机课程教学内容和学生学习特点两个维度对当前的人才培养需求进行了分析,综合主流新型教学模式的优点,结合我院特色品牌“历奇教育”模式的优势,以《计算机网络安全》课程为例,提出一个有青年院校特色的高职计算机类课程混合式学习模式。  相似文献   

学生反映的突出问题是教学改革的基本出发点。问卷调查表明:当前,《概论》课教学过程中比较突出的问题主要有:兴趣不高、价值不大、实践偏少、阅读乏力和考核单一等五类问题。对于这些问题,可采取相应的五种教改思路:开发学习兴趣、彰显课程价值、开展实践教学、加强阅读指导、实施多样考核。  相似文献   

探究高校劳动育人效果、影响因素,有助于精准把握高校劳动教育方向、提高劳动教育质量。基于天津市19所高校的调查数据,研究发现:高校劳动教育依然处在初级阶段;劳动认知是劳动教育的初始动力源,理论教学和专业实践是劳动育人的关键要素,教师学科专业素养和劳动素养影响劳动育人成效,劳动实践基地和劳动教育制度对于劳动育人缺一不可,考核评价是劳动教育实效的保障手段,校园劳动文化对劳动育人效果也有重要影响。研究建议:新阶段劳动育人需要强化个体内驱力、高校自组织力、支持保障力,将“学中干”“干中学”相结合,深化劳动教育认知,加快专业师资培养,推动多元融合性劳动教育,完善考核评价体系,创建特色劳动主题校园文化。  相似文献   

在计算机应用基础课双语教学中采用动态调节的教学方法,有助于提高学生的学习效果。结合专业特点整合教学内容,有助于提高学生对双语学习的积极性,拓宽学生获取信息资源的渠道,开阔学生的眼界和思路。  相似文献   

VB程序设计是一门实践性、理论性很强的课程,如何提高学生的学习兴趣,理论联系实际,学以致用,就成了该门课程教学设计的关键。采用任务递进驱动教学法实施课堂教学,为学生提供了研究性学习和创新性学习的环境,学生参与程度高,收到了较好的教学效果。  相似文献   

应用写作是成人高等教育中一门重要的基础课程,对于培养和训练学生的写作能力有着实际的意义,而写作能力是工作能力和交往能力的组成因素之一.如何抓住应用文教学中的特点,更好地实现教学目标,收到更好的教学效果,是值得认真研究和思考的问题.  相似文献   

要使计算机成为教师真正的教学工具,首先要转换计算机辅助教学的思路.要了解本学科教学的根本目的,了解教学中的难点所在,了解传统教学的优点和局限性,结合技术提供的能力更好地进行教学活动.  相似文献   

Feminist economics draws increasing attention from professional mainstream economists. In this paper, we discuss methodological issues, some theoretical developments – notably on the household – and issues of economic policy. We point to parallels between feminist economics and institutional economics, and argue that these relations might be strengthened to the benefit of both.  相似文献   

隋代教育家王通的教育实践经验启示我们:鲜明的人格魅力是优秀教师的必备素质;对学生品性能力的培养和评价,更有利于教育目标的实现。  相似文献   

通过对网球选修课的大学生进行分组教学,把运动表象训练法的理论及方法应用在网球的教学中,旨在提高网球教学效果,同时还运用数理统计的方式对实验组与对照组的考核结果进行统计分析.实验表明,结合表象训练进行教学,对学习和掌握动作技术具有明显的促进作用,它可以加速学生形成正确的运动技能;有助于建立和巩固正确动作的动力定型,加深动...  相似文献   

自《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》颁布以来,国内众多高校利用现代教育技术,在构建学生自主学习模式等方面进行了一系列的改革探索。在新的时代要求下,自主学习的培养变得越来越重要,成为大学生学好英语的一项必要技能。有限的课时、充足的课余时间以及丰富的学习资源为大学生自主学习英语提出了要求也提供了条件。大学英语教师应当长期坚持不懈地努力,培养大学生的自主学习能力。  相似文献   

《Labor History》2012,53(2):161-188
This paper seeks to provide a close examination of the nature and history of the institutional economics that developed at the University of Wisconsin. There has been a significant amount of work done on the thinking of John R. Commons, but much less on the history of Wisconsin institutionalism more generally. The paper proceeds through an examination of the development of the Department of Economics at Wisconsin from the time of the hiring of Richard T. Ely in 1892; the faculty hired to the Department from the early 1900s through to Commons's retirement in 1933; the program of instruction offered, particularly in the late 1920s when the full complement of institutionalist faculty were present; and the areas of study and later careers of Commons's graduate students. It is argued that although Ely played a role in the development of Wisconsin institutionalism, it was Commons who became the center of graduate student work, and that the Department only took on its decidedly institutionalist character after the hiring of Commons and a number of his students as faculty. The program of study in the late 1920s was very heavily institutionalist in character with Commons providing a core course on value and valuation, and a notable emphasis in the fields of public utilities, labor economics, and statistics. Very little instruction was provided in neoclassical theory. Many of Commons's students went on to notable careers in the academic world or public service or both. Wisconsin students were heavily involved in labor legislation issues, and in the development and administration of social security. But a number of Commons's students went into academic careers, and many produced large numbers of PhD students themselves. The decline of Wisconsin-style institutionalism after World War II was not, as has been suggested, a result of Commons's students moving largely into non-academic careers, but of many other factors, including the rise of Keynesian economics, and the migration of what had been much of Wisconsin institutionalism into new schools of industrial relations.  相似文献   

As a women's studies academic who has taught health and social care students for four years in the UK, it strikes me that much of what and how I teach is incompatible with my own pedagogic position. At a time of government cuts and economic austerity there are ever shrinking opportunities to work in women's studies environments within the higher education academy, and I often find there is a mismatch between what I am offering as an academic and what an employer is looking for. Occupying the most junior teaching post on a fixed-term contract, and coming from the discipline of women's studies – constructed often as irrelevant and/or too political and controversial, rather than a necessary philosophical foundation to critical thinking – I have diminutive curriculum influence and find myself, more often than not, delivering hegemonic groups of theories and practice. Drawing largely on level 5 health and social care interprofessional learning module course materials, this paper will analyse the discourses inscribed within them, and consequently expose the essence of the learning and teaching that takes place within the classroom. This paper will also act as a catalyst to explore whether it is possible to find, or construct, a feminist space in my learning and teaching practice.  相似文献   

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