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区域行政法初论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
伴随着区域一体化进程,传统公共行政日渐向区域行政拓展,并推动行政法的转型与变迁,区域行政法得以孕育。区域行政法以"新区域主义"为理论支撑,是跨行政区划政府间协作行政基础上行政法的新发展。区域行政法在调整范围、基本原则与行为机制方面存在着区别于传统行政法模式的显著特征。  相似文献   

伴随着区域一体化进程,传统公共行政日渐向区域行政拓展,并推动行政法的转型与变迁,区域行政法得以孕育。区域行政法以“新区域主义”为理论支撑,是跨行政区划政府间协作行政基础上行政法的新发展。区域行政法在调整范围、基本原则与行为机制方面存在着区别于传统行政法模式的显著特征。  相似文献   

区域法治发展的概念忽略了法治与主权的关系,在逻辑上不能自洽,区域的范围也难以准确划定,而且概念内涵也无法与地方法治进行有效区分。目前区域法治的研究带有强烈的问题导向,但无论是发展意义上的区域法治,还是协调意义上的区域法治,抑或是地方法治意义上的区域法治,都没有能够在法学视角下把握区域问题的本质。区域问题集中在区域合作、区域竞争和跨域公共事务治理等三个领域,它表明以地方政府为主体的区域关系事实上已经处于紊乱状态。因此,需要从中央立法、地方联合立法、区域行政和区域纠纷解决等四个方面加快区域法制建设。  相似文献   

在当前全球经济萎缩、国内市场疲软的大背景下,推动长三角地区内市场一体化和高质量发展既是稳定国内经济大循环的当务之急,亦是国家长远战略的应有之义。作为持续推进经济高质量发展的基础保障,竞争执法体系和方法的调适与运用应立足于统一的战略构局,破除阻碍区域一体化的体制藩篱。着力长三角各地的制度实施,积极依托制度要素,科学指导资源要素自由流通与市场公平竞争有序展开,科学合理推动区域内竞争执法机构间的高质量合作。只有不断强化公平竞争审查制度的落实,方能科学有效地应对区域一体化发展中面临的挑战,确保长三角区域一体化和高质量发展目标的实现。  相似文献   

区域协调发展是区域一体化的客观要求,也是国家区域发展战略的时代顺应。但是,区域协调发展面临市场体制不成熟、行政区行政等诸多制度障碍,两者皆指向行政区不当行政,后者直接阻碍区域一体化的发展,也对区域协调发展构成直接的制约因素。因此,突破行政区经济藩篱、纠正行政区不当行政的根本出路在于加强区域府际合作,这是破解区域协调发展制度障碍的最为重要的抓手,而加强区域利益法制协调则是区域协调发展的关键点。  相似文献   

从时间与空间两个维度梳理可以发现我国改革开放40年来区域经济法制建设的发展轨迹和基本特质。行政区划的单元性和独立性导致区域间法制不协调和落实障碍,是我国区域经济法制发展的主要现实问题。反思"提速式""法律政策化""软法包容""实体法与程序法兼顾"以及"冲突法"等区域法制建设思维,解决跨区域法制协调问题的"补强与创制"路径,才是契合实际的区域经济法制建设方向。无论是"联动措施补强型""地方法制创新型"或者"中央参与示范型"的区域经济法制实践,都仅是解决区域间经济协作"领导力和执行力不足"的治标之举。未来国家层面统一立法统摄下区域间的立法协作与创新才是适应区域经济一体化发展需要并有效促进区域合作的治本之道。  相似文献   

从法治中国视阈下审视区域法治研究,区域法治在内涵上包括国际性区域法治、大中华范围内区域法治、中国大陆地区区域法治。其中中国大陆地区区域法治又可分为准区域法治、关联性区域法治和综合性区域法治。区域法治研究应该是区域法治建设的当然随行,并且区域法治又是法治中国建设的有机组成部分。区域法治建设丰富法治中国建设内涵,只有在区域法治实践中才能逐渐总结和提炼出法治中国制度形态。区域法治建设则是法治中国建设的实践基础和现实载体,是法治中国的着眼点和落脚点。而与此同时,法治中国建设又为区域法治建设提供合法性基础和方向性指引,并将区域法治经验和成果整合在法治中国建设的框架中来。为此,需要法治中国视阈下推进区域法治建设。在此过程中需要建立和健全区域开发和发展法律体系;应加强各省、市、区之间的立法、执法和司法协调与合作;必须多方面地营造区域开发和发展良好的法治环境、社会环境、投资环境。  相似文献   

区域政府竞争力理论研究,包括相关概念的阐述、研究内容的剖析、区域政府竞争力的影响因素,本文结合相关实践对区域政府竞争力理论做了简要的介绍和论述。  相似文献   

"区域"概念由来已久,这是一个内涵丰富、外延广泛、涉及诸多学科的多层面的综合性概念。法学视野中的"区域"概念,就主权国家范围内的区域现象而言,蕴含着两个层面的含义,意即一定行政区划中的地域空间单元和跨行政区划的地域空间单元的有机集合体。由此,"区域法治"不仅指主权国家范围内基于特定行政辖区的依法治理活动,而且指基于跨行政辖区的协同治理活动,因而内在地包含着"区域法制"的概念要素。在当代中国,区域法治是与国家法治相对而言的,是国家法治发展的有机组成部分,体现了国家主权统一性的核心要义,构成了单一制国家结构体制条件下的区域社会治理权力或治权的实践载体,根本不存在"以国家主权二元论为基础"的区域法治发展。因之,"区域"与"法治"在逻辑、历史与现实意义上是完全能够自洽的。此外,区域法治与地方法治这两个概念虽然具有相通的意蕴,但是"区域法治"概念致力于引入空间变量因素,展示区域法治发展进程中的丰富多样的空间结构关系,藉以揭示区域法治发展现象的内在逻辑与运行机理。所以,我们有足够的理由去发展"区域法治"概念,丰富中国法治话语体系,以期回应变革时代的法治中国进程的理论呼唤。  相似文献   

本文分析了东西部地区差别的形势主要表现在社会资源分配、社会发展程度、人口资源分布及投资规模的差距,深刻揭示了造成东西部地区经济发展的不平衡和人文贫困的原因是国家宏观经济政策在市场经济中的不确定性,提出了促进东西部地区经济与社会协调发展和缩小经济发展差距的措施。  相似文献   

As for international direct investment, the transnational corporations are playing a leading role in the fields of international trade, international investment and international intellectual property. In theory and reality, this authors analyze the rationale of the social responsibilities taken by transnational corporations, the main problems in the social responsibilities of transnational corporations and the legislative status, and put forward the functions of the social responsibilities of transnational corporations in promotion of the legal construction of socialist market economy, the reform of the corporate governance and the development of transnational corporations in China. Wang Chuanli, Professor and Doctoral Supervisor of China University of Political Science and Law, Vice-chairman of China Society of International Economic Law, and Vice-chairman of Research Institute of WTO Law (China Law Society), also Arbitrator of China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission and Beijing Arbitration Commission. Her main publications are “The Legal Effectiveness of Foreign Economic Contracts”, “International Trade Law of Sales of Goods”, “International Protection of Intellectual Property Rights” and “International Trade Law Government Control on Business”. Moreover, she has published over ten influential discourses on international economic law. In addition, her ongoing research projects include WTO Agriculture Agreement and the Rules of International Agri-products Trade, WTO and International Core labor Standards, and the Role of Judicial Independence of European Court of Justice to Promote the Integration of Europe.  相似文献   

论美国贸易自由化进程中贸易调整援助制度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当今世界,以区域贸易协定(RTA)和自由贸易协定(FTA)为代表的区域经济一体化和自由化的发展日趋迅猛,发达国家在实施贸易自由化、区域经济一体化乃至经济全球化过程中,对旨在因此进程而受到牺牲的产业、企业、工人和农民的利益实施补偿和援助的配套制度建设高度重视。而发端于欧洲经济共同体、而后被美国发扬光大的贸易调整援助(TAA)制度,正是上述贸易自由化和区域经济一体化配套制度的支柱之一。在进一步推进贸易自由化过程中,我国一方面应大胆借鉴欧美的TAA制度,另一方面也应当汲取发达国家在实施TAA项目过程中的教训,在保留TAA制度合理内核的基础上注意扬弃和克服这一制度的缺陷和弊端。  相似文献   

The paper studies the concept of the place of arbitration in comparing with the legislation and practices of international commercial arbitration. It also stresses on the connection and distinction between the place of arbitration, the place of hearing, and the place where the arbitration tribunal deliberates the case, as well as the method of deciding the place of arbitration. The author also analyzes the current legislation and practices of the determination on the place of arbitration in China. The paper pointed out that it is important in both theory and practice to promote international arbitration in China and amend domestic arbitration legislation in determing place of arbitration properly. Zhao Xiuwen, professor, has been teaching international business law in the law school of Renmin University of China since 1984. She used to be a Fulbright research scholar in Georgetown Law Center of George Washington University and other universities (USA), and as a visiting professor in universities and research institutes (UK, Germany, Italy, Austria and Australia). She also works in the panel of China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC), World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb), Singapore International Arbitration Center (SIAC) and some local arbitration commissions in China. She is the author of several books and dozens of articles in the field of international business law and commercial arbitration, i.e. arbitration system in Hong Kong, international economic law, private international law, copyright, international commercial arbitration, international economic and trade arbitration law, etc.  相似文献   

Cultural products are commodities with cultural contents, which are neither equivalent to cultural relics nor ordinary articles. Such dual natures bring forth divergences in trade policy, mandating the generality and particularity of trade rules. The WTO rules lay more emphases on free trade while the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization put more stress on the free exchange and diversity of cultures. Nations enjoy cultural sovereignty over their cultural policies and administrative measures. The rules of intellectual property rights also influence trade in cultural products. To develop trade in cultural products, science and technologies shall be employed to create diversified and competitive products of distinct cultural values. Han Liyu, Ph.D, is an associate professor of law, and director of International Law Teaching and Research at Renmin University of China, Vice Secretary-General of WTO Section in China Law Society, and member of China’s International Economic Law Society. Mr. Han teaches and does research on international economic law and WTO law, publishing several monographs and articles on the US trade law and the WTO law. For many times, Mr. Han did research as visiting scholar in American universities and UNIDROIT. Mr. Han got a post-graduate diploma in Common Law from Hong Kong University.  相似文献   

The Anti-Monopoly Law of the People’s Republic of China has provided to prohibit monopoly agreements and abuse of dominant market position, control concentration of business operators and fight against administrative monopoly. The transformation of China’s economic system is incomplete, and the Anti-Monopoly Law has many flaws. At the initial stage of enforcing the Anti-Monopoly Law, severe challenges will occur in legislative purposes, enforcement authorities, fighting against administrative monopoly and handling of the relationship between anti-monopoly enforcement and industry supervision. Thus, the promulgation of the Anti-Monopoly Law is only the first step in the legislation on anti-monopoly. Wang Xiaoye held a bachelor’s degree of philosophy from Inner Mongolian Normal University (1981), LL.M. from Renmin University of China (1984) and Doctor Juris magna cum laude from the University Hamburg (1993). Since 1984, she works at the Institute of Law, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS). From 1988 to 1993, she studied in Germany based on Max-Planck Institute for Comparative Private Law. As visiting scholar she spent a year at Max-Planck Institute for Comparative Intellectual Property and Competition Law, and a year at Max-Planck Institute for Comparative Social Law in Munich. In 2004, she was invited to the US by the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice. In 2005, she was invited to the European Union Visitors Program, and awarded a Fulbright Scholarship to spend a year at the Chicago-Kent College of Law. Prof. Wang works in the areas of economic law, international economic law, and focuses on competition law. Her publications include: Monopoly and Competition in the Chinese Economy — A conception for merger control in China in view of the American and German practices (J C B Mohr, 1993); Monopoly Problem in the Merger of Enterprises (Law Press, 1996); On Competition Law (China’s Legal Publishing House, 1999); Competition Law of European Community (China’s Legal Publishing House, 2001); Economic Law (Social Sciences Academic Press, 2005); Competition Law (Social Sciences Academic Press, 2007). She also has over 200 papers published in Chinese, German and English languages. Prof. Wang has served as vice president of National Association for Economic Law of China, the head of the Consultant Committee for WTO Trade and Competition Policy of the Ministry of Commerce, and member of the Expert Advisory Board for Anti-Monopoly Legislation of the State Council and the National People’s Congress. In her honor, she once lectured on competition law for the Standing Committee of the Ninth and Tenth People’s Congress. In international academic activities, she is a founding member of Academic Society for Competition Law (ASCOLA) and of the Asian Competition Forum, and member of International Advisory Board of the CUTS C-CIER. She lectured on Chinese law at ABA, IBA, IPBA, ACF, Harvard University, Columbia University, Washington University (St. Louis), New York University, KFTC, Chatham House, LIDC, IDRC and other institutions.  相似文献   

The nature of the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA) is a free trade agreement under the framework of the WTO. For the purpose of clarifying the legal status of the CEPA and the future agreements between the Mainland and other separate customs territories of China, four options are brought forward: (1) To revise the PRC Foreign Trade Law, (2) to make amendment to the Basic Law of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China, (3) to have a special law on the conclusion of the interregional agreements, or (4) to amend the PRC Constitution. Wang Wei, Ph.D, is an associate professor at School of Law, Fudan University, China. Before, he was a research fellow at the Faculty of Law, University of Hong Kong. He holds an LL.B. from the East China University of Political Science and Law, an LL.M. from Fudan University in international law, an LL.M. from Southern Methodist University in comparative and international law (Sohmen Scholar), a Ph.D from the University of London in law (the John and Joan Jackson Scholar). Dr. Wang wrote a number of articles on WTO law, financial law and commercial law, such as Historical Evolution of National Treatment in China (39 International Lawyer 759–779, Fall Issue, 2005). He has spoken and chaired conferences and seminars in London, Hong Kong and Mainland of China. Recently he acts as consultant in banking law projects, including the Asian Development Bank.  相似文献   

In the most range of the East China Sea, the exploiting oil and gas have been blocked for decades by conflicting claims to the boundaries and islets by China and Japan. For the sake of addressing conflicts in a comprehensive cooperation by bilateral and multilateral agreements aiming at reducing rising tensions and harvesting resources in disputed areas, it has become a key issue worthy of research. Zhou Zhonghai is a professor of international law and director of the International Law Center in China University of Political Science and Law. He was a senior visiting scholar of the Law School, University of Virginia (1991). As a legal adviser of the Chinese delegation to the third UN conference on the law of the sea, he once attended the drafting committee conference. His main works include Comments on International Law (2001), International Law of the Sea (1987), Legal Problems on International Economic Relations (1993), Peace, Justice and Law (1996), Technologic Progress and Development of the Law of the sea (1998), Law Dictionary (1998), Business Law in China, Trade, Investment and Finance (1997), On the Case of Agusto Pinochet Ugarte (1999). In addition, he has published many essays, for instance, Zhonghai Zhou’s essays on international law (2006), Jurisdiction of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (2005), International law and its functions in international relations (1997), On diplomatic protection for the overseas investments (2007).  相似文献   

借着上海主办世博会的良机,香港律政司联同香港贸易发展局、香港大律师公会、香港律师会、香港国际仲裁中心以及国际商会国际仲裁院举办此次以“香港法律服务——环球视野”为主题的“论坛”,目的是希望向内地的企业和法律界介绍香港的法律和仲裁专业的优势及最新情况,与内地同行分享我们的经验,以及共同探索进一步加强合作的途径。  相似文献   

陈利强 《法律科学》2008,26(2):156-162
美国一方面对中国适用反补贴税法,另一方面通过WTO争端解决机制控告中国的禁止性补贴措施之做法,说明美国正在积极行使WTO协定下的贸易权利。应当从美国联邦宪法与国际法之双重视角把握贸易权利之性质并将其分成实体性市场准入权利与程序性贸易救济权利两大类,唯此才能理解美国对中国实施“双轨制反补贴措施”之实质。对美国正在推行的以贸易权利为导向的对华贸易政策,中国必须用自己的贸易救济权利加以对抗。  相似文献   

Globalization has enabled China to rationalize and institutionalize its economic and political system. China has been quite successful in accommodating globalization in its legal reform. As China becomes one of the important trade players in the international market, the commercial disputes between Chinese companies and foreign trade-partners to be resolved through the arbitration are arising substantially. To an extent, China’s accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) has sped up its legal reform in the past decades. However, there are some deficiencies with respect to the mechanism and legislation of China’s arbitration law that arguably is not responsive to the norms of the United Nations Commission on International Trade (UNCITRAL) Model Law (1985) and its Amendment (2006). This paper provides an overview of arbitration in China from the legislative and practical perspectives, covering the arbitration’s evolution history and problems before and after 1994. The paper focuses on some important issues in China’s Arbitration Law (“CAL”), evaluating its legislative defects which are inconsistent with the Model Law and its Amendment, clarifying how the Model Law was incorporated into China’s CAL. Some legislative amendments are recommended for CAL’s modernization and its practices, to align it with international arbitration norms in the future.  相似文献   

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