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Why are students who have special educational needs at greater risk of bullying than their peers when educated in mainstream settings? This case study of one mainstream secondary school describes the various facets of the peer group dynamics that underpinned social aggression and exclusion towards students who were hearing impaired. These students were subject to the same social pressures as their mainstream peers but in addition were at risk of stigmatisation. As a result of their deafness they were treated as second class citizens (discredited). This in turn could lead to denigration and actual bullying, as well as social exclusion/marginalisation.  相似文献   

The inclusion of students with disabilities is a process that requires collaboration among multiple individuals, with teachers, aides, parents, students, and school systems playing important roles in resolving student problems. In the current study, we examined data from 75 teachers concerning 126 students about problems that students with disabilities had following a transition from a school primarily serving students with disabilities to more inclusive schools. Reported problems were reviewed and five major themes emerged: academic, behavioral, mobility/accessibility, social, and transportation issues. Teachers typically resolved academic problems by working directly with the student or collaborating with school staff. Social problems were resolved through student and teacher initiatives. Behavioral, transportation, and mobility/accessibility problems were resolved through collaboration among many key school figures and family members. Implications for theory, research, and inclusive school practices related to academic curricula, resources, services, and architectural accommodations for students with disabilities are discussed.  相似文献   


This paper provides an analysis of data on school security measures which were obtained from a survey administered to a sample of 230 high school students. The majority of students indicated that the school police officers and security officers help keep the schools safe and that the drug-sniffing dogs help reduce drugs in the schools, but there was no clear consensus among the students on the issues of whether the video surveillance cameras increase safety, whether the police and security officers should search students with metal detectors, or whether there should be more police and security officers in the schools. The only security measure which the majority of students disliked was the policy that all backpacks be translucent. An examination of gender differences in student perceptions of school security measures shows that males were significantly more likely than females to negatively evaluate the school police officers and to oppose the use of metal detectors in the schools. Finally, the data indicate that the aforementioned security strategies have little impact on the presence of drugs and weapons in the schools. The policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Violence prevention programs are commonplace in today’s schools, though reviews of the literature reveal mixed empirical findings on their effectiveness. Often, these programs include a variety of components such as social skills training, student mentoring, and activities designed to build a sense of school community that have not been tested for individual effectiveness. To fill this gap, we wanted to determine the relationships between specific violence prevention program components and aggression and violence outcomes. Using the U.S. Department of Education’s School Survey on Crime and Safety, we estimated the effects of components of violence prevention programs through analyses with proportional odds logistic regression and Poisson regression models. We found significant relationships between three violence prevention program components (individual attention, mentoring, tutoring, and/or coaching; recreational, enrichment, or leisure activities; and involving students in resolving student conduct problems) and aggression and violence outcomes.  相似文献   

Bullying prevention programs in the United States are being implemented in schools from kindergarten through high school to reduce rates of bullying behaviors. The bully prevention in positive behavior support (PBIS) model is an evidence-based, whole school intervention program. The PBIS model trains teachers, school staff, and administrators to model and provide positive reinforcement for children to decrease bullying amongst peers. This article addresses gaps in the current bullying prevention research by exploring challenges and potential modifications to the PBIS model based on staff perspectives of specific student needs. Utilizing focus group methodology, administrators, teachers, and support staff in a northeastern urban elementary school identified challenges experienced by students who were English language learners, impulsive, shy or sensitive, and female. The findings highlight the critical nature of school–parent relationships in addressing student, family, and cultural factors that influence the successful implementation of bullying prevention programs.  相似文献   

This study examined the contribution of family relationships to the social–emotional functioning of children of incarcerated fathers. College students who mentored 134 children over one academic year completed questionnaires measuring children’s social–emotional functioning, family relationships, and demographic data. In general, children’s affection towards family members was lower than other relationship qualities and antagonism was highest towards their mothers. Conflict towards mothers and siblings, antagonism towards siblings, and affection towards fathers significantly predicted children’s conduct problems. Conflict and antagonism towards mothers significantly predicted children’s low pro-social behavior. Several gender differences were found. Implications for theory and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

随着我国现代化进程和世界一体化趋势的发展 ,外语在对外交往中的地位和作用更为明显和重要 ,对外语人才的需求量也越来越大 ,对他们的素质要求比以往更高。不仅需要培养学习文科的外语人才 ,而且还需要培养理科及跨学科的外语人才 ,才能适应我国对外开放和科技发展的要求。人才离不开教育。长期以来 ,我国的外语教育都是以应试教育为主 ,社会适应性较差 ,因此 ,外语教育的改革势在必行。外语教育的对象和目标应与社会经济的发展紧密结合起来 ,改革原来的教育方法和教育模式 ,探索出一条与国际接轨的外语教育快车道 ,培养出更多、更适用的各类外语人才。  相似文献   


Since the 2014 Not Alone report on campus sexual assault, the use of climate surveys to measure sexual violence on campuses across the United States has increased considerably. The current study utilizes a quasi meta-analysis approach to examine the utility of general campus climate surveys, which include a measure of sexual violence, in comparison to sexual assault specific climate surveys, in measuring student sexual assault experiences. Past research has highlighted the need to not only understand campus sexual assault prevalence rates for the general student population, but also the specific risk posed to more vulnerable populations such as the lesbian, gay, bisexual, questioning/queer community (LGBQ) and Native American students. Results indicate that general campus climate surveys may be underestimating both the sexual victimization of the general student body as well as that of LGBQ and Native American students. Research and policy recommendations that focus on improved measurement of campus sexual assault experiences are discussed.  相似文献   

For students with disabilities, the process of school inclusion often begins with a move from segregated settings into general education classrooms. School transitions can be stressful as students adjust to a new environment. This study examines the adjustment of 133 students with and without disabilities who moved from a school that served primarily students with disabilities into 23 public schools in a large urban school district in the Midwest. These students and 111 of their teachers and other school staff rated the degree that students felt they belonged in their new schools and the quality of their social interactions. Results show that students who experienced more positive and fewer negative social interactions with school staff had higher school belonging. Teachers accurately noted whether students felt they belonged in their new settings, but were not consistently able to identify student perceptions of negative social interactions with staff. Implications for inclusion and improving our educational system are explored.  相似文献   


This study examined the effectiveness of the Too Good for Violence Prevention Program (TGFV), a multifaceted interactive intervention. Grounded in Bandura's Social Learning Theory, the TGFV curricula focus on developing personal and interpersonal skills to solve conflict non-violently and resist social influences that lead to violence. Participants were 999 third grade students and 46 teachers in ten elementary schools. The schools were matched on student characteristics and academic performance and assigned to treatment or control conditions. Teachers and students completed checklists assessing students' behaviors prior to, following, and 20 weeks after program delivery. Results show that treatment students, as compared to control students, were perceived by teachers as evidencing more frequent use of personal and social skills and of prosocial behaviors after program delivery. Student survey data show that treatment students, as compared to control students, evidenced more positive scores in the areas of emotional competency skills, social and resistance skills, and communication skills after program delivery. The benefits of the TGFV program continued to be observed at the 20-week follow-up.  相似文献   

This study examines the association between schools and student bullying behaviors and victimization among a nationally representative sample (N = 9,107) of New Zealand high school students. In particular, the study sought to explore the role of characteristics of schools and school culture with respect to bystander behavior, while controlling for individual student factors related to victimization and bullying behaviors. Results indicated that a total of 6% of students report being bullied weekly or more often and 5% of students reported bullying other students at least weekly. Results of multilevel analyses suggested that schools characterized by students taking action to stop bullying were associated with less victimization and less reported bullying among students. In contrast, in schools where students reported teachers take action to stop bullying, there was no decline in victimization or bullying. Overall, these findings support whole-school approaches that aid students to take action to stop bullying.  相似文献   

This qualitative study explored parent perspectives of the transportation difficulties students with disabilities experienced getting to and around school. Participants were parents of predominantly African American and Latino/a high school youth with disabilities from low income neighborhoods. Content analysis of 14 meetings with 5 to 12 parents sponsored by the school district revealed five primary themes concerning transportation: the role of aides, exclusion from school programming, scheduling problems, equipment problems, and physical safety issues. Findings are discussed in regard to students' social and emotional experiences at school. Implications for school policy include improving the integration of transportation within inclusion best practice models. Incorporating parent perspectives can help school administrators and staff enrich the quality of inclusive, socially just education for students with disabilities.  相似文献   

我国两高三部联合发布的非法证据排除规定,对非法言词证据和实物证据进行了具体的界定,也对排除非法证据问题规定了具体的操作规程。它不仅对侦查办案机关,特别是办理刑事案件提出了更高、更严的证据标准;更有力地遏制了冤假错案的产生,并对以往的某些办案规定及审讯理念产生了巨大的撞击。从现实意义而言,非法证据排除规定既是我国刑事诉讼制度法制化、精细化的表现,也是维护与保障人权的一项社会进步的体现。  相似文献   


Implementing police in schools is a common strategy for ensuring school safety, but it is unknown whether, to what extent, and for whom the presence of police in schools affects student arrest rates. Utilizing nationwide data from the 2013–2014 Civil Rights Data Collection (N = 92,620), this study examines how police presence is related to student arrest rates, and whether this association varies by student race/ethnicity and gender. Path models and propensity score matching models show that the association between police presence and arrest rates was stronger for all the groups examined in schools with police, particularly for Black students and boys. This provides support for criminalization theories suggesting that police presence results in more arrests.  相似文献   

中华民族是有浓厚感恩美德底蕴的民族,而当代由于主客观原因导致大学生感恩意识的缺失。大学生亲情淡漠、人际关系冷漠、师生情淡化以及社会责任感弱化是其感恩意识缺失的典型表现,大学生感恩意识的缺失有着深刻的主客观原因。重塑当代大学生的感恩意识,应该从德育的理念、目标、内容、体制、过程几个方面实现传统德育的现代转型。  相似文献   


Faculty (n = 55) and student (n = 75) perceptions of service-learning outcomes were evaluated using a questionnaire format. Results indicated that while faculty strongly believe service-learning is important to student academic growth, few actually teach service-learning courses because of time constraints and unfamiliarity with service-learning course models. Comparisons of faculty and student perceptions showed that compared to students, faculty had a stronger perception of the value of service-learning for students. When students were divided into those who had (n = 33) or had not (n = 42) participated in service-learning, faculty and service-learning students' perceptions did not differ, and both rated these experiences more valuable than did non-service-learning students.  相似文献   

心理咨询与思想政治教育是高校大学生工作中两个重要方面,两者既有区别,又有联系。将心理咨询的技能融入思想政治教育工作,既培养了大学生健康的心理和健全的人格,又解决大学生的思想问题,适应了高校全面提高人才素质的要求。  相似文献   

女大学生就业"难"主要表现为:就业机会"难"与理想持平,求职过程"难"获尊重礼遇,薪资待遇"难"与能力对应,工作地位"难"与男生平等。性别刻板印象的存在、人才培养模式的滞后、相关保障措施的乏力、社会责任意识的欠缺、女性生理心理的特征是导致女大学生就业"难"的主要原因。坚持以人为本,营造女大学生就业氛围;完善保障政策,保护女大学生就业权益;优化培养结构,增强女大学生就业能力;履行社会责任,保障女大学生就业岗位;强化自强意识,拓展女大学生就业空间等,有利于改善女大学生就业"难"问题。  相似文献   


In this paper the role of culture in the social development of African-American youth was explored, and an Afrocultural social ethos was advanced as a concept for investigating the social functioning. Study 1 found no significant gender differences on the social ethos variable in third and sixth graders (47 boys, 43 girls) ratings of self, family or friends. However, boys reported more delinquent behaviors than did girls, and friend's social ethos was predictive of fewer aggressive and delinquent behaviors. Although no significant gender differences on social ethos emerged among the sixth and seventh graders (54 boys, 47 girls) in Study 2, family ethos was predictive of empathic concern while the ethos of friends predicted greater perspective taking. Gender was the only significant predictor of peer-rated helping behavior, with girls judged to demonstrate such behaviors more than boys. Discussion focused on directions for basic and applied research, with an emphasis on African-American men and the importance of mobilizing indigenous community resources.  相似文献   

法律诊所式教学在非诉讼业务中的运用,就是让学生们在情境中了解和掌握与法律相关的非诉讼业务的实体知识和程序规程。通过具体的非诉讼业务,培养学生处理经济领域法律事务的能力,改变法学专业的学生单一的知识结构,将学生的知识结构向社会需要的行业拓展,培养学生处理非诉讼法律事务的能力。  相似文献   

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