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谢沁怡 《前沿》2012,(22):105-106
由于台湾地区出现了“政党轮替”,不仅仅给两岸关系以及台湾地区的和平稳定的发展带来了很大变数,也对台湾本身经济与两岸经贸关系发展产生了很大的影响.同时,内地政府为维护海峡两岸稳定,以及进一步发展两岸经贸关系采取了一系列的措施.本文试就两岸组织对经贸关系的发展的作用作一些简要的分析.主要从四个部分研讨内地与台湾经济关系中的组织合作,简单探讨了内地与台湾经济关系中组织发挥的作用,出现的问题及解决方法.  相似文献   

胡石青 《两岸关系》2008,(10):33-34
自祖国大陆制订发展“海峡西岸经济区”计划,闽台金融合作就不断被两岸热心人士所关注,并且提出了各种有益的设想,但由于种种原因,一直未能付诸行动。现在台湾地区新领导人提出有利于两岸经贸关系发展的政策主张,为闽台金融合作进入实质的操作阶段提供了实现的条件。  相似文献   

曹小衡 《两岸关系》2011,(12):13-14
2008年以来两岸经贸关系迎来一个新的历史时期。两岸在“九二共识”的共同政治基础上建立了互信,使中断近十年的海协会与海基会恢复协商,签署了两岸经济合作框架协议(ECFA),达成16项两岸经贸交流与合作协议,实现了两岸直接全面双向“三通”,为两岸经贸关系正常化发展打下了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

随着中国-东盟自由贸易区建设进程不断加快,特别自2004年中国-东盟博览会落户南宁以来,广西与东盟贸易合作持续快速增长,双向投资互动交流趋势加快,合作范围不断扩大,合作空间与内容不断拓展,双方经贸关系蓬勃发展。  相似文献   

4月26日,“陈江会”在南京举行第三次正式协商,并签署两岸金融合作等二项协议。协议的达成使这个原本平淡的日子成为两岸经贸关系发展中值得铭记的时刻,也使得两岸经贸交往因此跨入“直接、双向、机制化”的发展阶段。  相似文献   

张国庆 《半月谈》2004,(1):86-88
对中美经贸关系而言,2003年5月是个“分水岭”。在此之前,尽管存在一些贸易纠纷,然而还是小范围的、得到控制的。在美国财政部长斯诺公开表示希望看到人民币的“形成机制”发生变化后,一场围绕人民币汇率的争论逐渐升级。此后,“贸易差额”和“入世承诺”等因素也相继卷入,中美经贸摩擦全面升级。在温家宝总理访美后,中美经贸关系的负面因素得以部分地遏制,但中美经贸摩擦的长期化却是一个不容回避的现实,中美两国必须逐渐适应在经贸摩擦中共同前进的“生活”。  相似文献   

陈筠 《两岸关系》2010,(6):19-21
两岸农业交流与合作是两岸经贸关系的重要组成部分之一。随着2008年两岸关系出现转折性的积极变化、两岸经贸论坛的成功举办、两岸直接双向“三通”实现……近年来两岸农业交流与合作进入了一个又一个新阶段。  相似文献   

中韩农产品贸易争端与我国的对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自中、韩建交以来,双边贸易关系越来越密切,但随着两国农产品贸易交流与合作的不断发展,其贸易争端也与日俱增,尤其是蔬菜、水果等农产品的双边贸易摩擦日益加剧.深入分析双边农产品贸易摩擦产生的原因、背景以及如何妥善解决这些问题,对促进中、韩经贸关系的发展具有十分重要的意义.  相似文献   

张莉 《两岸关系》2011,(3):45-46
2011年2月22日,两岸经济合作委员会首次例会在台湾召开,这一制度化合作平台的成功运行,标志着两岸经贸关系已进入以ECFA框架为主导的"ECFA时代"。会议双方决定成立产业合作工作小组,  相似文献   

“云南发展潜力巨大,越南希望双方进一步拓展合作渠道,丰富合作内容,在巩固云南与越南北部地区合作的同时,加强云南与越南中部和南部各省市的合作,推动两国全面战略合作伙伴关系不断发展。”  相似文献   

WITH all the world's eyes upon them,China and the United State have wrapped up their high-level strategic dialogue held in An-chorage,Alaska. Undoubtedly,the China-U.S.relation-ship is one of the most important bilateral ties in today's world.Therefore,for the two sides,dialogue is always better than confrontation.During this round of dia-logue,the two sides conducted candid,in-depth,and constructive communication on their respective domestic and foreign policies,China-U.S.relations,and major international and regional issues of com-mon concern.  相似文献   

Chenghong Li 《当代中国》2007,16(52):477-497
The deepening rapprochement between China and Russia, those two formidable continental powers, constitutes one of the most noteworthy phenomena in post-Cold War world affairs. Through detailed investigation of this vital bilateral relationship over a variety of issue areas, we characterize the current Sino–Russian relations as a limited defensive strategic partnership, with strategicness constituting the core of the Sino–Russian relationship. More than that, we further argue that the Sino–Russian rapprochement is externally-driven rather than internally-driven. More specifically, realism's balance of power theory, or its variety balance of threat theory, provides a relatively convincing explanation regarding the increasingly strengthened Sino–Russian strategic partnership. In a roughly chronological way, this paper will demonstrate how America's increasing unilateralism in its foreign policy approaches was correlated with, and thus contributed to, the deepening rapprochement between China and Russia.  相似文献   

正Even before U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken sought to explore possible areas of cooperation with his Russian counterpart, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, in Iceland on the sidelines of the Arctic Council ministerial meeting on May 20, a lot of damage had already been done to the traditionally fragile bilateral relationship. As recently as in April, Lavrov said in a state television interview that Russia's relations with the U.S. are now even worse than during Cold War times because of a lack of mutual respect.  相似文献   

The Way Forward     
As two major countries in the world, China and the U.S. must work together to combat global challenges. At a three-day webinar on China-U.S. relations hosted by the China-U.S. Exchange Foundation and the China Center for International Economic Exchanges from January 26 to 28, the participants examined the main issues in the relationship and the key areas the two should focus on.  相似文献   

The People's Liberation Army has always had a significant role in shaping and implementing the People's Republic of China's foreign policies. Over the past two decades, the PLA's role has increased considerably, and is likely to become even more important in the future as China develops its military capabilities and casts a broader shadow in the Asia‐Pacific region. The PLA's foreign relations program has several goals: to shape the international security environment in support of key Chinese national security objectives; to improve political and military relations with foreign countries; to enhance China's military and defense industry modernization; to provide military assistance to countries in the developing world; and, to acquire knowledge in modern military doctrine, operations, training, military medicine, administration, and a host of non-combat related areas. The PLA seeks to accomplish these goals through its military attache´ offices abroad and the use of an elaborate system of bilateral exchanges. Of these programs, the most visible relations involve high-level visits, functional exchanges, arms purchases, and ship visits.  相似文献   

You Ji 《当代中国》2001,10(28):387-398
The common view is that China is North Korea's ally. The two countries share a similar political system and considerable strategic interest in regional international relations. Indeed, this is true to a large extent. This paper, however, analyses the problems in the bilateral relations that are gradually eroding the strategic ties the two countries formed 50 years ago. Its central argument is that, in reality, beneath the surface of the alliance relations the two countries share very few common interests. In fact, the two countries can hardly agree to any matters between them, be it historical ties, ideological stance, political and economic programs, or diplomatic interactions. This heralds an uncertain future for the bilateral relations and thus may further complicate the security situation in the Korean Peninsula.  相似文献   

Though the United States remains atop the world's power hierarchy, it is becoming less dominant, both because of the rise of new power centers and because the problems are becoming larger. The United States now must function in a world of relatively greater power equality and ever-larger problems springing from interdependence. The United States and China now have to look each other straight in the eyes, with the core of their relationship resting on the strategic foundation of stabilization—stabilization of the global economy, global ecosystem, and global security. This essay makes several additional points: (1) China has made some wise domestic and foreign economic policy decisions in the context of the great economic downturn of 2007–2009 that probably will increase the PRC's relative capacities coming out of the downturn; (2) US–China relations are more fundamentally sound than they have ever been before. Both nations' leaders should seize this opportunity to recast their relationship as partners in the effort to build coalitions to address the global system's most pressing challenges; and (3), even with a relatively sound strategic foundation for bilateral relations, when one moves from the general to the specific in important policy domains, it will be exceedingly difficult for Beijing and Washington to reach agreements on how to proceed on many key issues.  相似文献   

Although China and the US are starting their fourth decade of energy cooperation, it is only recently that there has been a concerted US effort to create a framework for US–China bilateral energy relations. The past 30 years have witnessed many successful energy projects that have lacked follow through and institutionalization, often becoming ‘one-off’ exercises that duplicated previous projects. Recent initiatives intend to establish long-term linkages between US and Chinese energy bureaucracies, linking energy efficiency, energy security, and environmental issues. The US is nesting the bilateral relationship in global and Asia–Pacific multilateral energy and environmental regimes, and is also using bilateral agreements as mechanisms to promote domestic energy and environmental reform. This paper will examine US–China relations in the Asia–Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate and the Five-Country Energy Ministerial.  相似文献   

In February 1972,then U.S.President Richard Nixon paid a visit to China.Considered an icebreaking trip in SinoAmerican relations,both sides issued the Shanghai Communique,marking the end to 22 years of alienation between the two countries and the beginning of a normalization of bilateral relations.Today.  相似文献   

和谐社会建设的关键与核心是人自身特别是青年的身心和谐。人生存于世界,需要面对人与自然、人与人、人自己身与心三重关系。在这三重关系中,人的身心是否和谐决定和制约着人和人关系是否和谐,而人和人之间关系是否和谐又制约了人和自然的关系。科学发展观的本质和核心是坚持以人为本。以人为本,就是以实现人的全面发展为目标,所以建设社会主义和谐社会的关键和核心就是必须全力塑造青年一代健全的身心和人格。  相似文献   

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