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At the age of 15, Sun Wenqiang first dipped his spoons into the world of cooking under the watchful eye of a senior chef specializing in cooking dishes of Huaian cuisine, which originated from Huaian, Jiangsu Province in east China, but is popular far beyond its birthplace. Having been a chef for 15 years and tasted numerous palates unique to the places he has come across, Sun, now an executive chef at local restaurant chain Ancient Huaian, believes that the essence of a fine dish lies not only in its taste, but also in its history.  相似文献   

江群 《青年论坛》2009,(3):134-137
乔伊斯一生在欧洲大陆“东行”,而在《死者》结局中,被认为其影子人物的加布里埃尔顿悟到“该是他动身去西方旅行的时候了”。加布里埃尔的思想发展经历了融合、觉醒、顿悟后妥协三个阶段。文章结合爱尔兰殖民历史背景和乔伊斯早年流亡经历,探讨乔伊斯“东行”同加布里埃尔“西行”之间的矛盾,揭示出乔伊斯作为殖民地里的爱尔兰人和国际主义者双重身份的痛苦,展露出乔伊斯长期被误解的民族情怀。  相似文献   

哈贝马斯创建社会批判理论的过程 ,就是他探索批判理论“规范性”的过程。在确定以“交往行动理论和话语伦理学”为理论核心的过程中 ,哈贝马斯对于启蒙的思考经历了断裂、残缺和重建三个阶段 ,其中关于“启蒙与现代性”之间关系的思想 ,为他的社会批判理论奠定了基础 ,并最终使他偏离了马克思历史唯物主义的科学批判维度。  相似文献   

正Laws, regulations and legal assistance safeguard the rights of people with disabilities As a public interest lawyer serving the community, Ouyang Jihua, Executive Director of the Zhongtong Law Firm in Beijing,provides legal advice at local communities once a week. Recently, a man came to see him about his unfair termination at work. The man, who was not named, had had an accident at work and was left disabled, according to Beijing-based Legal Daily.  相似文献   

宋生贵 《思想战线》2002,28(3):97-100
人类生存与发展的需求 ,总是促使其与自然环境保持一种根本性的关系 ,但要真正实现“和谐共存” ,则必须建立相适的制衡机制。其中 ,关键性的问题 ,是要实现对于人自身的调节 ,而调节的重心则是要抑制贪欲 ,高扬诗性 ,建立起富有审美特质的关系。此可谓是当代背景下新的生存理性的自觉  相似文献   

AT the award ceremony of"Touching China's 2020 Person of the Year" held on February 17,2021,a man with a slightly stooped back but a resolute expres-sion on his face stood on the podium.Mao Xianglin was one of the 10 candi-dates being awarded.Eight days later,Mao was honored as a model poverty fighter at a grand gathering held in Beijing to mark the country's victory in the battle against poverty.Receiv-ing such honors made him recall the journey which led him here:building a road on a cliff,being among a group of villagers who lifted themselves out of poverty,and playing a part in the revitalization of their village after de-veloping agritourism.  相似文献   

蒋永青 《思想战线》2001,27(4):65-69
王国维的"境界"说,是对其所研究与信奉的"审美"视域的学术超越;"知力意志"说是王国维从"审美"论向"境界"说发展过程的一个重要阶段;作为叔本华与尼采思想的综合提炼,它是理解王国维"境界"说真、善、美"同一"之域性质的一个重要概念.  相似文献   

Thirty-nine-year-old Bao Yongliang is the head of the Department of Digital Animation at the Jilin University of Arts in northeast China.However,the birth of his daughter in 2013 not only fulfilled Bao's dream of becoming a father,but also inspired a creative passion that has seen him launch his own art toy company.  相似文献   

Donald Trump has not only lost his presidency but to insult to the injury,even Twitter aimed on him,losing no time to announce a permanent ban on his account.For a president keen on"governing by tweeting",that really hurts.  相似文献   

总结历史,立足现实,中央人民政府和西藏地方政府签订和平解放西藏的"十七条协议",和平解放西藏.立足民族平等,消除民族隔阂,加强藏、汉民族团结,强调民族工作要"慢",不能急躁,采取灵活、"慎重、稳进"的方针开展工作.实行民族区域自治是中国共产党和毛泽东解决民族问题的基本主张.坚定不移的实行民族区域自治,藏族人民在政治上实现当家作主.帮助西藏发展经济和社会各项事业.尊重藏民族的生活习惯,保障宗教信仰自由.对达赖喇嘛的基本立场和态度是,停止独立活动,欢迎他回来.  相似文献   

众所周知,伽利略因自己的科学信念而被审判。事实上导致他被审判的原因非常复杂,学者们就此争论不休,不过,可以肯定导致他被审的原因绝不仅仅是他的科学信念。笔者认为,导致伽利略被审的原因既有政治形势的影响,也与他的宗教和科学信念有关,更与他的哲学立场密切相关。这其中既有偶然因素,也有必然因素。具体说来,主要有如下几个方面的原因:一、他所处的时代使他身不由己地卷入了一场天主教与新教的严酷的政治斗争之中;二、他在神学上关于解释《圣经》的观点被视为有异端倾向,他的科学方法论所具有的反权成的特色使他在哲学上得罪了亚里士多德派的经院哲学家;三、他又很不合时宜地得罪了教皇;以上种种因素汇集在一起,促成了他的悲剧性的结局,使他很不幸地成了一个牺牲品。  相似文献   

杜甫是一位伟大的现实主义诗人,儒家的"仁爱"思想深深地影响了他,决定了他关爱他人,关心民生疾苦,关注国家命运的性格,读其诗,知其人,可直接感触到的是他那浓浓的"情".他至情至性,是"诗圣",更是"情圣".  相似文献   

叔本华是西方非理性主义的代表,“生存意志”构成了他的哲学体系的核心主题,并由此成为他悲观主义哲学的基础,但深受康德二分哲学和佛教影响的叔本华还是试图寻找在“此世”中证悟并得到解脱的方法。世界在叔本华眼中是如此悲观的一副景象,却依然没有阻挡他找寻出路的理想,这样的态度本身是积极乐观、值得钦佩的。  相似文献   

正U.S. President Joe Biden emerged from the election as a redeemer, promising to put Donald Trump's mistakes behind him and lead the country back on track. But after more than four months in office, Biden has not really lived up to his promise, with the domestic and foreign policies of the United States essentially following the path set by his predecessor: "Trumpism," just without Trump. This is particularly evident in China-U.S. relations.  相似文献   

王彦斌 《思想战线》2002,28(3):10-13
职工持股是企业职工通过拥有企业的股票 ,以劳动者和所有者的双重身份参与企业生产经营管理的一种制度。普通职工持股的心理是混杂着“投资人”的理性与社会人的情感要素的。理性的效益 ,使职工能时时关心企业的兴衰 ,始终注意为企业出谋划策 ;情感基础上建立的归属依赖关系 ,则会起着凝聚起职工的作用。它使职工对企业的归属、参与和责任有了可靠的物质基础和切入点 ,普通职工持股制度的设计与实施 ,必须对其实质及其适应性有充分的认识 ,并寻求能与其结合的具有内在性的制度依据  相似文献   

Former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo recently said in praise of his successor, "Secretary [Antony]Blinken has spoken about the genocide that’s taking place in western China. I applaud him for building on what I tried to do. I hope that he can do even better than we did." This meant to imply that Pompeo himself was the original architect behind the current wave of anti-China propaganda warfare.  相似文献   

正Speaking Standard Chinese is a skill that helps people out of poverty For the first few years after Abudullah Urashim left his hometown in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, "2 yuan for 50 grams" was the most fluent Standard Chinese sentence that he could say. He left Xinjiang to sell raisins in east China and used this phrase to answer all questions posed by his customers.  相似文献   

雷锋精神生生不息,代代相传,一个重要原因是雷锋身上那些最优秀的基本的品德,即自觉践行社会公德的道德精神一直吸引着人们,使雷锋和雷锋精神深深扎根于人们的日常道德生活中。无论时空如何变化,人们的日常道德生活都需要雷锋和雷锋精神,社会越发展越需要雷锋和雷锋精神,道德缺失使人们更加呼唤雷锋和雷锋精神。学习雷锋就应该让雷锋精神更好地渗入人们的日常道德生活。  相似文献   

李菁 《今日上海》2013,(8):24-29
7月上海,骄阳似火。笔者来到位于黄浦江边的某高端写字楼,随即见到的就是此次受邀采访的黄隆铭先生。50多岁的他,言行举止透着中年成功男性的温文儒雅,轻言轻语却又思维敏捷、条理清晰,让人顿感亲切随和。在接下来的采访过程中,笔者更领略到一位非凡商界领袖,将企业管理的成就转化为创立自己企业的理念与个人价值实现的卓越智慧。黄隆铭先生是领动有限公司(培训咨询)和领动国际有限公司的创始人、董事长及首席执行官。1980年他以营销专业一级荣誉工商管理学士学位毕业于香港中文大学,而后又干1995年取得全球十大MBA学校之一——香港科技大学MBA学位。  相似文献   

郑峰 《贵州民族研究》2001,21(3):124-132
本文先是通过对贵阳教案后的中法交涉中的关键问题——田兴恕是否应该“抵偿” 问题的分析,揭示出清政府所实施的一系列交涉策略,其实是它此时不仅要对外妥协,而且还要对内有顾忌的结果。然后通过对教案查办过程中田兴恕屡屡“抗违” 举止的考察,并结合对韩超、恽出临等屡屡为之“说情”、“饰词” 的表现的分析.展现出军功阶层在当时所具有的“能量”。最后通过对四位办案疆臣在查办教案中种种“推诿”、“迁延”之举的考察分析,得出咸同之交军功阶层日益坐大的时局面貌。  相似文献   

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