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Messages from the China-U.S.engagement in Anchorage While the first China-U.S.senior officials'meeting in Alaskan city Anchorage since U.S.President Joe Biden took office has been described as chilly by the Western media,to look at it objectively,the March 18-19 strategic dialogue has clarified the red lines on both sides and broken the ice for further communication.  相似文献   

The first round of the China-U.S. Strategic and Economic Dialogue (S&ED) concluded in Washington, D.C. on July 28, ending the first phase of one of the latest and most widely anticipated set of talks between the two nations. Following the event, Beijing Review reporters sat down with two experts with differing views of China-U.S. relations and discussed their predictions for a possible outcome. Zhou Shijian is a senior fellow with the Research Center for China-U.S. Relations at Tsinghua University in Beijin...  相似文献   

正Getting the China-U.S. relationship right is not optional, but something both sides must do and must do well.That is a point Chinese President Xi Jinping stressed in a phone conversation on September 10 with his U.S. counterpart, Joe Biden, and also a premise both sides need to bear in mind when managing bilateral ties.  相似文献   

美国对两岸和谈的政策立场,是出于维系台海“不统、不独、不战”局面的战略考虑,以保证自己在台海地区的最大战略利益。美国既不希望两岸举行统一谈判又希望两岸达成和平协议的复杂心态,表现在一方面希望两岸进行谈判,降低敌对状态,另一方面又长期对台提供军售,使其增加与大陆相抗衡的资本。此一“双轨政策”对两岸和平关系的构建,有着不同方向的影响,往往起了互相抵消的作用。由于中国政府对台湾当局谋求“法理台独”的强烈反应以及台海紧张局势的升高,美国政府在20世纪90年代后期开始对两岸政治谈判采取较为积极的态度,反对台湾单方面改变现状。美国的上述战略考虑,在反对台湾“独立”、维系两岸和平这一点上,与中国政府的立场有相通之处,客观上为构建两岸关系和平发展框架提供了较好的外部条件。  相似文献   

The eighth round of the China-U.S. Strategic and Economic Dialogue(SED) and the seventh round of the China-U.S. High-Level Consultatio on People-to-People Exchanges took place in Beijing on June 6-7. Prior to the most intensive annual dialogues between the two nations, China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs convened the 16 th Lanting Forum in Beijing on June 2, during which distinguished scholars and senior Chinese officials in diplomacy, economy and education gave opinions on the development of, and questions surrounding, China-U.S. relations.  相似文献   

The Way Forward     
As two major countries in the world, China and the U.S. must work together to combat global challenges. At a three-day webinar on China-U.S. relations hosted by the China-U.S. Exchange Foundation and the China Center for International Economic Exchanges from January 26 to 28, the participants examined the main issues in the relationship and the key areas the two should focus on.  相似文献   

王毅 《北京周报(英文版)》2021,(10):I0001-I0005
各位嘉宾,各位朋友:大家好!中国新春佳节之际,中美各界有识之士在蓝厅交流互动.共商两国关系的未来,具有重要意义。首先,我谨代表中国外交部,向各位长期关心支持中美关系的朋友们致以新春的祝福!冬去春来,季节的变换启示我们,再寒冷的冬天也会过去,希望的春天总会到来。面对全球疫情、经济衰退、气候变化这样前所未有的共同挑战,人类社会不应丧失信心,而应展现勇气、团结和责任。中美作为两个大国,首先应做好自己的事情,同时也要为人类共同利益开展合作,这是国际社会的期盼,也是大国应有的担当。  相似文献   

State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi took questions from the media on China's foreign policy and external relations at a press conference on the sidelines of the Fourth Session of the 13th National People's Congress on March 7.This is an edited excerpt from what he said:China-U.S.As two countries with different social systems,China and the U.S.naturally have differences and disagreements.  相似文献   

中美关系与两岸关系的大格局,决定了美国涉台关系的变化趋势.在政治上,美国乐见国民党连续执政和两岸关系的和平发展,但对于台湾被迫走向统一,存有疑虑,希望及时把握两岸和谈的具体进程.美方对台湾在“国防”、“外交”等领域予以多方面支持的目的,从短期看是同步强化美台关系,维护美国在台海地区的既有利益;从长期看则是增加台湾在两岸谈判中的筹码,谋取美国在台湾问题最终解决方案上的主动权.  相似文献   

前言中美经贸关系是两国关系的“压舱石”和“推进器”,事关两国人民根本利益,事关世界繁荣与稳定。两国建交以来,双边经贸关系持续发展,合作领域不断拓宽,合作水平不断提高,形成了高度互补、利益交融的互利共贏关系,不仅两国受益,而且惠及全球。  相似文献   

Can the China-U.S.relationship bottom out after the severe setbacks caused by Washington's hostile policy during Donald Trump's presidency?To Li Qiangmin,the answer is"sure"and he believes expanded energy cooperation could help ease tensions between the two countrnes.  相似文献   

There is potential for China and the United States to work together in many areas and improve global governance. Competition is not an obstacle as long as it is healthy. This was the message from a webinar, Reset and Reshape—China-U.S. Relations and Global Governance, held on March 12. Hosted by Beijing Review, the event was attended by experts on China-U.S. relations from both countries. This is an edited excerpt from what they said。  相似文献   

Jan Carol Berris has witnessed a series of events that made history for China-U.S. relations, including ping-pong diplomacy, the exchange of ping-pong players in the 1970s that eased the way for higher-level contact. She has overseen hundreds of American delegations to China and met many from China. She has traveled to China about 100 times with groups and individuals as diverse as a tennis team and a Supreme Court Justice. She is popular among different groups of people in China, who better recognize her C...  相似文献   

Two speeches on foreign policy are being parsed for their implications for China-U.S.relations going forward.The first was delivered to the National Committee on United States-China Relations by Yang Jiechi.Known as China's top diplomat,Yang spoke directly about the past four years and what will be necessary for relations to improve as the Joe Biden administration finds its footing.The second speech was by U.S.President Biden,delivered at the State Department,where he emphasized in contrast with his predecessor that U.S."diplomacy is back,"and the U.S.will rekindle ties with allies but will also seek cooperation with adversaries and competitors.  相似文献   

Normal China-U.S.interactions need to be restored to bring the relationship back to the course of sound and steady development,senior diplomat Yang Jiechi said.Yang,a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Director of the Office of the Central Commission for Foreign Affairs,called for proper management of differences and broadened mutually beneficial cooperation during a virtual conversation with board m em bers of the National Committee on U.S.-C hina Relations on February 2.This is an edited excerpt of his speech.  相似文献   

女士们、先生们、朋友们:大家好!感谢中国日报“新时代大讲堂”提供这个重要的交流平台。新的一年已经开启,美国新政府也刚刚就职,我们此时进行对话,探讨中美关系走向,可谓适逢其时,也十分有意义。刚刚过去的2020年是极不平凡的一年。  相似文献   

In his virtual meeting with U.S. President Joe Biden on November 16, President Xi Jinping, from the perspective of a commu-nity with a shared future for humanity, pointed out that China and the United States need to increase their communication and coopera-tion, tend to their domestic affairs and, at the same time, shoulder their share of international responsibilities, as well as work together to advance the noble cause of world peace and development. Xi also expressed his readiness to work with President Biden to build consensus and take active steps toward moving China-U.S.relations in a positive direction as doing so will advance the interests of both populations and meet the expectations of the international com-munity.  相似文献   

Every time the occupants of the White House change, China-U.S. relationships undergo a change as well. Four renowned Chinese scholars on American studies and bilateral relations analyze the dramatic result of the U.S. presidential election and its implications at an event in Tsinghua University on November 9  相似文献   

正U.S. President Joe Biden emerged from the election as a redeemer, promising to put Donald Trump's mistakes behind him and lead the country back on track. But after more than four months in office, Biden has not really lived up to his promise, with the domestic and foreign policies of the United States essentially following the path set by his predecessor: "Trumpism," just without Trump. This is particularly evident in China-U.S. relations.  相似文献   

Amid turbulent times for China-U.S.relations,China expert Kenneth Lieberthal,Director of the John L.Thornton China Center at the Brookings Institution,appeared March 3 in a live Web chat,answering questions from Beijing Review and an Ineternet audience on issues related to bilateral relations.Excerpts follow:  相似文献   

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