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我国外资并购反垄断的域外适用问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐中起  刘鹏 《法学杂志》2006,27(1):63-65
在反垄断域外适用的理论原则中,效果原则、履行地原则、单一经济体原则各有利弊。我国《反垄断法(送审稿)》和《外国投资者并购境内企业暂行规定》关于外资并购反垄断域外适用的规定过于粗糙。本文按照审查阶段对其进行了解释和补充。  相似文献   

薛莹 《法制与经济》2013,(8):76-78,80
外资并购对我国的经济发展是一把双刃剑,因此需要通过对外资并购进行反垄断审查来降低外资并购对我国市场竞争带来的消极影响。而在外资并购反垄断审查的过程中采用何种审查标准对于审查结果有着决定性的作用。文章通过国内外在外资并购反垄断审查标准方面的对比,着重讨论我国目前外资并购反垄断审查标准取得的进步和存在的不足,并对完善我国外资并购审查标准和分析方法提出建议。  相似文献   

随着中国经济发展环境的改善,越来越多的外国投资者把目光投向了中国,而我国的外资并购反垄断审查法律体系尚不完善,严重影响了外资并购的顺利进行。为了完善我国的外资并购反垄断审查机制,本文通过对具体并购案例的分析,从审查部门的角度建议引入灵活的事前商谈制度,希望能够使外资并购的反垄断审查在现实中得到顺利实施,以实现外资并购对国民经济的积极贡献。  相似文献   

《反垄断法》的出台,弥补和完善了我国外资并购的审查机制,具有非常重要的意义。但另一方面,外资并购法律规制的形势依然严峻,一是《反垄断法》本身亟待完善,二是规范外资并购的其它法律规定存在诸多不足。本文从这两大方面进行分析,并建议构建和完善以《反垄断法》为核心的,包括外资并购的产业政策、反垄断审查机制和国家安全审查机制以及并购规定等内容的外资并购法律体系和制度。  相似文献   

韩伟 《现代法学》2011,33(3):151-164
美国司法部与联邦贸易委员会于2010年8月联合发布了新版《横向合并指南》,新指南进一步淡化了结构主义色彩,打破了1992年指南所创设的五步分析法,相关市场界定的重要性也被大大降低,指南的制度设计趋向一个事实为基、更富弹性的分析框架。中国应借鉴美国的成熟经验,尽快研究制定横向合并指南,从"反竞争效果认定制度群"、"反竞争效果抗辩制度群"以及"反竞争效果补救制度群"三大方面来把握横向合并指南的内容。中国应注意平衡合并审查制度的确定性与灵活性,加强合并审查中法学与经济学的融合,并积极创建合并案件跟访制度。  相似文献   

张伟 《行政与法》2009,(4):57-59
我国<反垄断法>关于企业并购的反垄断审查规定对于_保护市场竞争秩序有着积极作用.但是,由于我国的境内企业和外资企业的发展并不平衡,外资时我国境内企业的并购已经威胁到了我国的经济安全.内外资统一的反垄断审查标准并不能给我国市场带来真正的公平竞争环境.因此在并购的反垄断审查中,必须建立针对外资并购的区别原则.  相似文献   

我国加入WTO后 ,市场经济环境的改善以及利用外资渠道的扩宽将为外商的跨国并购提供更多的发展机会。跨国并购在促进国内产业发展的同时 ,也会带来一些负面影响 ,如垄断。因此 ,尽快构建我国的并购反垄断规制法律制度 ,将跨国并购纳入该制度框架成为当务之急。本文借鉴美、德的立法和司法实践 ,并结合已公开的《反垄断法》(征求意见稿 ) ,提出了构建和完善建立起我国并购的反垄断规制法律制度的实体和程序方面的思路和建议。  相似文献   

我国对外资并购的监管在不断变化和调整过程中逐渐形成体系。但现行法律关于国家安全审查的规定相对简单,缺乏系统性和可操作性。国家安全审查有其独立性,行业审查和反垄断审查均不能代替国家安全审查。建议我国成立类似于反垄断委员会的国家安全审查委员会,专门处理外资并购的国家安全审查问题,并从审查对象、审查标准、审查机关、审查程序、救济途径等方面完善国家安全审查制度。  相似文献   

商业银行并购行为具有多重法律性质,对其进行调整的法律体系应当体现意思自治、效率、反垄断等基本原则。我国现有商业银行并购法律未能严格遵循以上原则且缺乏系统性。有必要在准确把握银行并购法律性质的基础上制定《商业银行并购条例》,完善银行并购民事合同制度、申报审批以及反垄断制度等,从而有效地维护我国银行业金融体系安全和金融市场发展。  相似文献   

成功 《法制与社会》2010,(5):106-106
2008年8月1日《中华人民共和国反垄断法》正式实施,标志着“反垄断”在中国已经进入实质阶段。本文从实体标准与程序规则两个角度,在对比国外关于外资并购反垄断规制的立法与司法经验的基础上评析了《反垄断法》及其配套法规中关于外资并购的规定。  相似文献   

为了适应 20世纪 90年代以来并购活动的日益增长,规制者运用“革新市场”和“单方效果”来支持积极的反托拉斯执法活动。“革新市场”理论通过对一个合并对相关市场上的研究和发展的影响来评估技术领先企业之间的合并。“单方效果”理论根据合并企业独自对相关市场上价格产生影响的能力来评估一个合并。  相似文献   

Horizontal mergers can be challenged by anti trust authorities under both the US and EU Horizontal Merger Guidelines. More horizontal mergers are unconditionally approved in the US than in the EU. EU merger policy toughened after 1998 but became more in line with US practices after 2004. Differences in merger policies between the US and the EU can be explained by a greater scope of the efficiency argument in the US. The paper argues that firms only want to merge in oligopoly, if they expect to realize substantial merger specific efficiency gains, which counterbalances the price increasing effect of merger.   相似文献   

This Article begins with an antitrust primer, then analyzes the appropriate application of antitrust principles to nonprofit healthcare providers. In light of the inherent charitable character of nonprofit healthcare providers, the author contends that the government and the courts should accord some deference to nonprofit hospitals when they are seeking approval of mergers. To date, this has not generally been the case, although a few recent court decisions have rested their approval of mergers, in part, upon the nonprofit character of the merging entities. The author, in particular, believes the paradigmatic local nonprofit hospital with a community board is less likely than a for-profit hospital to abuse any market power that it may obtain through a merger; consequently, any such merger should not be analyzed solely under the traditional presumptions of antitrust jurisprudence. Rather, the premerger analysis should involve meaningful consideration of the hospital's charitable character.  相似文献   

The significance of patient outmigration patterns, third-party payor reaction, and post-merger cost savings have been regularly argued by defense counsel and hospitals as important consideration in the antitrust evaluation of hospital mergers. The reliance placed by the Commission on these factors in its Ukiah decision is a welcome confirmation that the antitrust agencies are increasingly sensitive to these aspects of hospital mergers, reflecting a more sophisticated understanding of the health care market than was suggested by the staff's more mechanical evaluative approach. Hospitals and their counsel should therefore prepare for and document these factors if they anticipate antitrust agency scrutiny of a proposed acquisition or merger.  相似文献   

China's merger enforcement agency approved the Google/Motorola merger with conditions. This pattern of approval is not in full accordance with that in other jurisdictions, including the United States and the European Union, which made unconditional approvals. This contradiction attracted ample criticism; some critics believe that China's policy is designed to protect domestic industry. In investigating the Chinese merger agency's decision and the basis for its decision making, this article finds that much of the criticism is groundless and misleading because the critics have failed to incorporate all elements of the global value chain of mobile intelligent terminals into their analyses. The investigation also shows that, although the decision makers are less experienced, their decisions are based on Chinese competition law and market realities. It is important for international firms to be aware of this pattern in merger analysis.  相似文献   

In this article, I use the Federal Trade Commission and the Department of Justice 2004 report Improving Health Care: A Dose of Competition as an occasion to comment on two specific issues that have arisen in health care antitrust: the recent string of losses by the enforcement agencies in hospital merger cases and an antitrust exemption for physicians to bargain collectively with health insurers. One of the more salient facts about health care antitrust enforcement is the notable recent lack of success of the enforcement agencies in hospital merger cases. This may be due to judges and juries holding views of hospital markets as being different from markets for other goods and services. My conclusion is that hospitals are an industry with unique attributes, but nothing about the specifics of the health care industry suggests that the unregulated use of market power in this industry is socially beneficial. As a consequence, the antitrust laws should be enforced here as in any other industry. Countervailing power is an issue that has come to the fore in health care antitrust. Physicians have explicitly asked for legislative exemption from the antitrust laws in order to bargain collectively with insurance companies, as a means of counteracting insurers' monopsony power. It is not clear that health insurers possess significant monopsony power. Even if they do, bestowing monopoly power on physicians will not necessarily improve matters. Active antitrust enforcement in insurance markets is the correct response, not blanket exemptions for providers.  相似文献   

反垄断法的城外适用是有其理论基础的,"两拓"并购案促使我们有必要分析我国反垄断法域外适用的依据及可行性,从而对我国适用反垄断法以规制跨国公司并购对我国产生的负面影响进行探讨,进而督促我们更好地反思和完善我国反垄断法的域外适用机制.  相似文献   

Traditional control of nonprofit hospitals by the communities they serve has been offered as justification for restraining antitrust enforcement of mergers that involve nonprofit hospitals. The community is arguably a constraint on a nonprofit's inclination to exercise market power in the form of higher prices; however, community control is likely to be attenuated for hospitals that through merger or acquisition become members of hospital systems--particularly those that operate on a regional or multiregional basis. We report findings from a study in which we examined empirically the relationship between market concentration and pricing patterns for three types of nonprofit hospitals that are distinguishable based on degree of community control: an independent hospital, a member of a local hospital system, and a member of a nonlocal hospital system. Study results indicated that when conditions existed to create a more concentrated market, (1) all three types of nonprofit hospitals exercised market power in the form of higher prices, and (2) hospitals that were members of nonlocal systems were more aggressive in exercising market power than were either independent or local system hospitals. The results have important implications for antitrust enforcement policy.  相似文献   

全球大型数字平台通过"复制、收购与扼杀"的策略扼杀并购了大量初创企业,引发了创新赛道垄断的顾虑。初创企业并购通常不会引起显著的市场结构变化,但随着时间推移,平台"切香肠式"的扼杀式并购,在扼杀潜在竞争对手、强化自身市场支配地位的同时,更会扭曲长期创新供给,致使未来市场可竞争性丧失。而并购效率改进收益的消亡、创业者奖励作用的证伪与动态竞争约束工具的全面失灵,进一步要求反垄断执法机构应摒弃目前普遍不作为的监管做法,及时识别与规制平台扼杀式并购。对此,有必要引入内部文档调查、并购价格组成分析等并购动机过滤机制,识别出那些出于消除未来竞争威胁或扼杀潜在迭代式创新目的的初创企业并购;同时,通过引入补充性的申报门槛、设定更具针对性的审查补救措施与授权必要的事后调查,将能有效地遏制平台资本的无序扩张,为初创企业创造一个不受主导平台扼杀式并购威胁的现代化营商环境。  相似文献   

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