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社区矫正:积极意义与现实困惑并存   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张玲 《中国律师》2004,(6):68-69
社区矫正是与在监狱矫正相对的一种行刑方式,是指将符合社区矫正条件的罪犯置于社区内,由专门国家机关在相关社会团体和民间组织以及社会志愿者协助下,矫正其犯罪心理和行为恶习,并促进其顺利回归社会的非监禁刑罚执行活动。社区矫正符合国际刑罚执行潮流随着社会的政治、经济的发展,人们的刑罚理念由过去的报应刑罚理论逐渐更新为目的主义刑罚理论,强调刑罚执行的目的不仅要矫正罪犯自身恶习,更重要的是通过矫正使罪犯融入日益发展变化的社会之中,并在社会变化中改造自己,使自己适应社会需要。社区矫正就是这样一种非监禁刑罚方式的探索和…  相似文献   

社区矫正是与监狱矫正相对的行刑方式,需要充分调动社区各类资源对罪犯加以教育改造,为罪犯提供正常途径接触社会,逐步规范地参与社会活动,成为守法公民。罪犯能否在社区执行刑罚不宜由法院、公安机关或监狱等公权力机关单方面决定,而应当通过召集相关各方进行入矫听证。入矫听证是廓清国家与社会关系、动员社会矫正力量、整合社会矫正资源的需要;是规范试点实践、实现社会控制路径转换、达至通过社区矫正的社会控制的需要;也是准确裁判、实现刑罚效果最优化的需要。  相似文献   

“社区矫正”是与在监狱执行的“监禁矫正”相对的行刑方式,是指将符合一定条件的罪犯置于社区内,由专门的国家机关在相关社会团体和民间组织以及社会志愿者协助下矫正其犯罪心理和行为恶习,促进其顺利回归社会的非监禁刑罚方式。  相似文献   

社区矫正是指将符合特定条件的、不予收监执行的罪犯安排于社区之内,在司法行政机关的指导之下,在监狱劳教警察、社会工作者及志愿者的积极协助之下,根据相关法律法规,在确定的期限之内,对相关罪犯进行心理矫正和行为矫正,通过各种形式的人文关怀使其充分反省自身行为并重新回归社会的特殊的非监禁刑罚方式。社区矫正离不开人民检察院的检察监督。  相似文献   

国外社区矫正的经验和问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
一、国外社区矫正的经验社区矫正在发达国家和地区已经有较长的历史。早在18世纪后半叶,英国进步的监狱改革家约翰·霍华德就提出过反对监狱非人道化刑罚的监狱改革理论,促进了对罪犯的人道化待遇。19世纪后半期,随着资本主义社会矛盾激化及西方国家犯罪现象的急剧增加,刑事近代学派的奠基人龙勃罗梭运用人道主义和实证主义方法,深入探究了犯罪的深层个性原因,论证了教育、劳动等社会因素对于矫治罪犯心理及行为倾向的重要作用,引发了以李斯特为代表的近代刑事学派的产生,以及缓刑、假释、不定期刑、保安处分等一系列现代刑法制度的出现。第…  相似文献   

一、正确理解社区矫正的含义社区矫正作为一个新兴的法律制度,带来了社会价值观尤其是刑罚观念的根本性变化。在现实生活中,无论是在理论上还是在实践中,我国普遍采用的是以监禁刑为主体的刑罚制度。这种以监禁为主的刑罚适用模式,有强有力的法律作支撑,有广泛的社会基础作后盾。而对社区矫正,相当一部分人存在认识上的偏差,认为只有把罪犯关在监狱里才是最安全的,把罪犯放在社会上容易造成失控或者重新犯罪。绝大多数人还认为犯罪分子被判刑罚后不在监狱内服刑,就意味着没有受到应有的惩罚。实践中的表现就是社区成员对社区服刑人员抱怀疑…  相似文献   

符佑新 《检察风云》2023,(S1):20-21
<正>社区矫正是对被判处管制、宣告缓刑、裁定假释或暂予监外执行的罪犯实施的非监禁刑矫正刑罚。社区矫正机构能动履职,通过对罪犯一定期限的思想改造和劳动改造,使其犯罪心理和行为恶习得以矫正,从而促进其顺利回归社会。近年来,在建设海南自贸港的背景下,检察机关能动履职,  相似文献   

近年来,随着社会暴力型犯罪不断增加,由监狱假释出来的暴力型罪犯也日益增多。所谓暴力型犯罪,是指行为人以暴力或者以暴力相胁迫,非法侵犯他人人身或财产的犯罪行为。实施暴力型犯罪的罪犯在经过一定期限的监狱改造后,确有悔改表现,人民法院认为其不致再危害社会的,裁定假释,在社区中继续矫正其犯罪心理和行为恶习。暴力型假释罪犯,相对于非暴力假释罪犯和管制、缓刑、暂予监外执行罪犯,一般认为具有更大的主观恶性和社会危害性,融入社  相似文献   

开展中国特色社区矫正工作的思考   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
我国开展社区矫正工作是为了克服传统监禁刑存在的弊端。这些弊端主要是:监禁的定期性与刑罚的个别预防目的相矛盾:监禁在客观上为犯罪人交叉感染提供了条件;监禁刑不利于犯罪人的再社会化;监禁刑不利于罪犯特别是短刑犯的改造;监禁刑的行刑成本较高。推行社区矫正有利于贯彻罪刑相适应和刑罚个别化的原则;有利于降低行刑成本和合理配置行刑资源;有利于解决监狱拥挤状况和减少监狱人口;有利于利用社会资源改造罪犯;有利于维护罪犯的合法权益。创建中国特色的社区矫正模式要坚持依法规范的原则.积极稳妥的原则,协调配合的原则,改革创新的原则,矫正为本的原则,利用社区资源的原则,与监狱矫正工作相结合的原则。  相似文献   

科学改造论的突出特征是法治、科学和人文,具体表现为监狱本能的回归以及对监狱、对罪犯在认识论和价值观上的改变,随之而来的是对罪犯矫正手段的多元化和科学化。在科学认识监狱和罪犯的基础上,通过强化罪犯心理矫治,以矫正和回归社会为目标,实施多样化的矫正技术,多侧面、多视角地矫正教育罪犯,实现改造罪犯的价值。  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to examine whether inmates that have served electronic monitoring (EM) find it more punitive than offenders that have not served electronic monitoring. We asked a sample of 1194 inmates currently incarcerated in a Midwestern state to estimate exchange rates of electronic monitoring over prison by rating how many months of EM they would serve to avoid 12 months in prison. The results indicate that inmates view EM as less punitive than prison and that monitored offenders find EM more punitive than unmonitored offenders. Additionally, black inmates were more likely to have served EM than white inmates and older inmates find EM more punitive than younger inmates. Previously monitored offenders report that they will be less likely to rely on family and friends upon release from prison. These results suggest that EM is perceived as a punitive sanction by those that have experienced it. Furthermore, racial differences uncovered here may help explain why minorities view alternative sanctions as particularly punitive and may also partially explain why the experience of EM may negatively impact family relationship among those that have served EM.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(3):489-506

This research explores the role of the victim-offender relationship of prison inmates' commitment crimes in predicting violent offenders' behavior problems. The importance of the victim-offender relationship is supported by anecdotal accounts and theoretical reasoning which suggest that nonstranger offenders have fewer disciplinary problems in prison than stranger offenders. Inmate interviews and official data were collected from 273 violent offenders. Results suggest that inmates with more extensive rule-breaking behaviors are likely to be younger, less intelligent individuals who victimize strangers, have had more numerous juvenile convictions, and have served at least one prior prison term. Conclusions and implications for public policy are discussed.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(6):1090-1114
Despite recent increases in the use of incarceration for white-collar offenders, little is known about the prison experiences of these individuals or how they adjust to imprisonment. Although empirical evidence is lacking, a widespread view has prevailed that white-collar offenders have a “special sensitivity” to imprisonment—that they experience more pains and cope less well within the society of captives. Based on a sample of 366 federal prison inmates, we assessed the special sensitivity hypothesis. The analyses revealed that white-collar inmates are not more likely to experience negative prison adjustment. In some regards, white-collar inmates had fewer institutional problems and were more likely to cope with prison life successfully. Results thus call into question the merits of the special sensitivity hypothesis and are consistent with the view expressed earlier by Michael Benson and Francis Cullen that white-collar offenders may possess attributes and resources sufficient for their successful adaptation to life in prison.  相似文献   

李勇权 《犯罪研究》2010,(4):39-43,76
罪犯脱逃是一种严重破坏监狱正常的监管改造秩序的犯罪行为,它不仅影响监狱正常的监管活动,破坏监内改造、生产、生活秩序,还会因追捕造成巨大的直接损失和间接损失;更为不利的是,罪犯的脱逃还很容易在其他罪犯中产生不良的示范作用,而且罪犯脱逃后不少人在社会上又进行各种严重的犯罪活动,危害社会治安,殃及人民生命财产安全。近年来,我国发生的多起罪犯脱逃案再次凸显了脱逃形势的严峻,不能不让人警醒和反思。针对罪犯逃脱成因的主客观情况,一方面,要运用信息技术来解决罪犯"跑不了"的问题;另一方面,要采用"人性化管理"来解决罪犯"不想跑"的问题。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the deterrent effect of imprisonment. Using data on offenders convicted of felonies in 1993 in Jackson County (Kansas City), Missouri, we compare recidivism rates for offenders sentenced to prison with those for offenders placed on probation. We find no evidence that imprisonment reduces the likelihood of recidivism. Instead, we find compelling evidence that offenders who are sentenced to prison have higher rates of recidivism and recidivate more quickly than do offenders placed on probation. We also find persuasive evidence that imprisonment has a more pronounced criminogenic effect on drug offenders than on other types of offenders.  相似文献   

黄薇  陈珏 《犯罪研究》2014,(1):40-46
随着社会的不断发展和监狱押犯结构的变化,女性罪犯的狱内需求也在不断变化。按照需求理论,只有当激励措施满足于需求时,才能发挥其最大作用。根据在上海市女子监狱某监区进行问卷调查和数据统计,监区尝试探索女犯的改造需求,并优化已有矫正措施和手段,以此激发女犯本身的改造潜力,期望能够达到提高罪犯改造质量、减少重新犯罪率的目标。  相似文献   

Research Summary: The growth of prison populations over the last three decades is a great source of concern for policy makers and observers. One mechanism by which this growth occurs is via sentencing reforms that extend length of stay for certain categories of offenders. This has the effect of aging prison populations, which is problematic for many reasons. Apart from the increased financial burdens entailed in caring for older prisoners, it is also important to consider the intent of reforms in evaluating them. Of late, sentencing reform has become increasingly focused on the selective incapacitation of dangerous offenders. Policies that have the effect of aging the prison population are problematic from this perspective due to the diminishing returns realized with respect to incapacitation as offenders age. Dynamic systems simulation analysis is employed to investigate the likely consequences of recent sentencing reforms that increase length of stay for some offenders. These analyses indicate that the effects of recent reforms may not be as dramatic as some observers have predicted, but they suggest that the consideration of alternatives to incarceration for elderly offenders is warranted from the standpoint of cost considerations as well as that of selective incapacitation. Policy Implications: The results indicate that California's Three Strikes law will not accelerate the rate of growth of the elderly prison population. However, even without increasing the proportional representation of elderly prisoners, the number of elderly prisoners is expected to grow substantially over the next three decades. These prisoners will strain criminal justice system resources while presenting little public safety threat. State criminal justice policy makers and their constituents should closely examine laws that impose very long stays without discretionary release, as these statutes may contribute to the production of elderly prisoners. This problem is particularly pronounced in Three Strikes and other habitual offender laws that use retrospective methods to identify habitual offenders. Additionally, the effects of reforms lengthening stay for some offenders must be considered in light of cumulative effects of sentencing reform resulting in changes to the demographic structure of the prison population overall. Dynamic systems simulation modeling is presented as a valuable policy‐making tool, as it allows the policy analyst to examine the potential impacts of laws in the absence of data suitable for conventional statistical analyses.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to investigate the current status of mandated treatment in prison for sexual offenders in Taiwan. The information-gathering methods were composed of two parts: questionnaires and interviews. The results showed the difficulties of mandated treatment in prison, including poor client adherence, the lack of consistent disciplines for the therapists, a standardized algorithm, and explicit laws and rules, the safety concerns of the therapists, and a shortage of staff. The development of mandated treatment in prison of sexual offenders in Taiwan is still in its early stage, and the treatment models have not yet been integrated. A cooperative and collaborative center for the mandated treatment in prison of sexual offenders and an integrated rule and treatment model should be set up in the future.  相似文献   

Although available empirical evidence suggests that Minnesota's Determinate Sentencing Law has had little effect on prison incarceration, it is still uncertain whether the sentencing guidelines affected jail use. A few recent studies imply that the guidelines have had a positive effect on jail incarceration rates. Accounts have pointed to preexisting trends, more severe sanctioning of repeat property offenders, and judicial concern with prison overcrowding as possible underlying causes of this observed increase. Using longitudinal data and an ARIMA study design, we investigate the validity of these competing explanations. Our findings show that the onset of the sentencing guidelines increased judicial use of the jail sanction beyond the effect of preexisting trends. In addition, the effect of mitigated dispositional departures from the no prison/prison outcome on jail use is salient only when prison population levels are high. This latter finding supports the thesis that judicial concern with prison overcrowding motivated judges to circumvent the guidelines in order to shift the burden of incarcerating offenders from the state to the local level. The policy implications of these results for determinate sentencing reform are discussed.  相似文献   

Previous research revealed gender and racial differences in offender preferences for prison compared to alternative sanctions, in the amount of an alternative sanction offenders would serve to avoid prison, and in the severity ranking of criminal sanctions. Nevertheless, opinions of officers who supervised those clients have all but been ignored. In this study, this literature was extended by comparing perceptions of Kentucky probation and parole officers regarding the amount of alternative sanctions that offenders would serve to avoid one year of imprisonment to perceptions of the offenders whom they supervised regarding the same topic. Based on analysis of data from an electronic survey of approximately 230 probation and parole officers and approximately 600 probationers and parolees, results suggested that there were significant differences in “exchange rates” of officers when compared to those of offenders. Justifications for these findings and their implications for correctional policy and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

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