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如何培养学生的质疑能力 ?  第一,打破传统的教师权威观,使学生敢于质疑。学生具有强烈的“向师性”,他们崇拜教师,认为教师说的就是对的。这种对教师的仰视导致学生对教师所说的全盘吸收,不敢质疑,从而抑制了学生的创新思维。教师的教育方式应是平等的、民主的,由“传道型”改为“商讨型”,使学生感到你是他们的朋友。对于学生的质疑要鼓励,并予以重视,使学生敢于质疑。  第二,营造宽松和谐的课堂氛围,使学生乐于质疑。传统教学环境,过于强调秩序,课堂过于严肃,不利于学生思维的积极活动。在这种氛围下,学生拘泥于书本…  相似文献   

《基础教育课程改革纲要(试行)》强调:"教师在教学过程中应与学生积极互动、共同发展,要处理好传授知识与培养能力的关系,注重培养学生的独立性和自主性,引导学生质疑、调查、探究,在实践中学  相似文献   

《普通高中思想政治课程标准(试行)》指出:"要关注学生的情感、态度和行为表现,倡导开放互动的教学方式和合作探究的学习方式"。在新课程强调互动教学的呼吁下,教师在教学过程中注意与学生积极互动、共同发展,引导学生质疑、探究,促进学生在教师指导下主动、富有个性地学习。但是,在现实的教学实践中,由于种种原因,仍然有些教师滥用、乱用、错用互动教学,从而使教学互动走进了新的误区。  相似文献   

课堂教学进程推进方式是指通过怎样的方式将教学进程向前推进。随着新一轮基础教育课程改革的展开,要求"教师在教学过程中要处理好传授知识与培养能力的关系,注重培养学生的独立性和自主性,引导学生质疑、调查、探究,在实践中学习,促进学生在教师指导下主动地、富有个性地学习",要"创设能引导学生主动参与的教育环境,激发学生的学习积极性,培养学生掌握和运用知识的态度和能力"。换句话说,新课程更加关注学生三维目标的均衡发展。  相似文献   

长期以来,人们对卢梭"自然教育"和"道德理想国"心存怀疑,质疑的核心问题是自然教育能否以及如何使人走向自由的问题,这也正是本文试图明晰的问题.本文从解读"自然"的概念出发,阐述了人的三种天性--自爱、爱人和怜悯;通过对自由的理解区分人的三种自由--自然自由、社会自由和道德自由;最后揭示了自由如何可能,即自由向自然回归的问题.  相似文献   

中国的艰难转折--从"不发展"到"发展"到"科学发展" 上个世纪90年代,我经常到特区深圳去.最引我注意的,常常是高速公路两旁闪过的广告牌上这几个醒目的字--"发展是硬道理!"这句话出自中国伟大的改革总设计师邓小平先生之口. 这句话直白、朴实、强硬、不容质疑,只有邓小平这样历经三起三落、以实事求是解放思想为言行原则的老革命家才能有这样的目光高远、这样的真理坦真、这样的思想坚定.  相似文献   

质疑是积极思考的表现,是创新思维的萌芽。幼儿有强烈的好奇心和求知欲,他们遇事喜欢质疑,作为教师,应当积极保护幼儿这可贵质疑习惯。如何有效培养幼儿的质疑能力呢?在园本课程"快乐种植"的实施过程中,我探索出了一系列富有成效的策略。一、营造氛围,创设幼儿质疑的环境质疑氛围的构建就创设出一个让幼儿敢于质疑、乐于质疑的环境。种植活动中,我力求为幼儿营造使其敢于质疑的宽松和谐的心理环境,鼓励幼儿敢于别出心裁,勇于求新立异。具体到种植教学实践  相似文献   

课堂质疑是指在每一节课结束前用五至十分钟时间,让学生提出学习过程中碰到的疑难问题,然后由学生或师生共同讨论解决问题的一种方法。实践证明,这是提高课堂效率行之有效的方法。首先,课堂质疑促进了教与学信息的传递和反馈。课堂质疑使学生发现了学习过程中的知识缺陷,教师也从学生的知识缺陷中了解到了自己教的薄弱之点,因此,使教与学的信息得到及时的反馈和补充。其次,课堂质疑活跃了课堂气氛,增加了学生的学习兴趣,集中了学生的注意力。一方面,学生经几十分钟的学习,大脑皮层的兴奋性降低,注意力容易分散,课堂质疑  相似文献   

陈粒  顾奇伟 《创造》2007,(10):52-53
顾老先生出语惊人,演讲一开始,他就对"特色城镇"的提法表示了质疑--正是由于我们片面追求"特色",所以造成了没有特色! 多年来"特色"一词流行于大江南北,城市特色、文化特色、文艺特色、建筑特色等等成为追求的目标.目标达不到,于是批评、埋怨、叹息、呼吁、红头文件,结果还是没"特色".其实,正是求"特色"造就了没特色.  相似文献   

“揭短”本是人们所不齿的行为,但在教学中鼓励学生揭老师的短,不仅能促进学生素质的发展,同时有利于教师水平的提高。让学生“揭短”,有利于培养学生的创新精神。教师在教学中鼓励学生大胆质疑,勇于揭短,不仅可以锻炼学生向权威挑战的胆量与勇气,培养学生的批判和勇于接受挑战的精神,同时在质疑过程中可以让学生独立思考,自主探究,培养其创新精神。让学生“揭短”,有利于提高学生的学习能力。学生由过去的“要我学”变成“我要学”,主动参与到教学上来,既获得了基础知识与基本技能,又掌握了学习方法,培养了自学能力,为以后的终身学习奠定了…  相似文献   

This article focuses on the relationship between the country of birth and the ability of the individual from that country to create a sense of home, identity and belonging in other countries and cultures. What is home? Is home the place where you were born and raised, where your parents live or where they are buried? Is home the place from where you were dislocated or where you live now? What does longing for home mean? The author draws on theory to address these questions but her personal story plays a prominent part.  相似文献   

TV shows on Chinese classics gain popularity among young generation If you have a chance to talk with a historical figure, who would you like it to be? What would you like to know about the past or share from today? China in the Classics, a new TV show based on Chinese classics started by China Central Television (CCTV) in February, is exploring such premises.  相似文献   

正Have you ever read The Wolf and the Lamb from Aesop's Fables?In the story,the wolf tries every excuse to stir up trouble with the lamb as he wants to eat it.The moral of this story?When a villain wants to do you harm,he does not care if the excuse is inappropriate.  相似文献   

Beijing Review: Why have you been inter-ested in researching China-related affairs and why are you willing to refute Western media reports? Bruno Guigue:? At this historical juncture, China raises a series of fascinating issues on development, governance and democracy, especially for those Western analysts pre-pared to challenge conventional wisdom. I realized that China was providing us with answers different from those we were accus-tomed to, and that these answers were either ignored or distorted by both mainstream media and research institutes across the West. I just want to make a modest contribu-tion to provide more objective insights on China and a new outlook on the workings of Chinese society.  相似文献   

正July 1,2021 marks the centenary of the Communist Party of China (CPC).Under its leadership,China has achieved remarkable progress.What makes China different from other socialist countries?And how should China respond to its current challenges from the U.S.and the West?  相似文献   

正In an interview with Beijing Review,Alvaro Rodriguez,International Secretary of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA),shared his thoughts on the need for development and social justice.This is an edited version of the interview:  相似文献   

“读图时代”一词在90年代末首次提出,至今被广泛运用于各类文章,其中研究的焦点是对视觉传播的种种质疑和争论。本文在收集大量近现代画报研究资料的前提下,以史为证,对“读图时代”的产生和发展脉络做了一个简要的概括。  相似文献   

Beijing Review: In your book, you wrote that if both China and the U.S. were to fo-cus on improving their peoples' wellbeing, they would find no contradictions in their long-term strategies. It seems that China has been doing so, but the U.S. seems to be preoccupied with retaining its global domi-nance. What's your take? Kishore Mahbubani: I'm glad you raised a very critical point that I made in my book: the U.S. should not engage in a contest for su-premacy. Yet unfortunately, it would be difficult to change the views of many Americans, because their strategic thinking is still stuck in the 19th and 20th centuries. When you had this zero-sum games between great powers, this was the day when European powers used to fight and go to war with each other. But we no longer live in that world. We now live in a very small, interdependent world where we have many common interests and challenges to deal with.  相似文献   

DO you admire Bruce Lee and his furious fists? You are not alone - he was also a popular figure in heaven, and was snatched from this earthly world when he was in his prime. After his untimely death, Bruce Lee became a legend. Countless other film stars, including Jackie Chan, were influenced by this paragon of martial arts cinema.  相似文献   

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