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自 2 0 0 4年第一期开始 ,《科技与法律》编辑部与中国人民大学法学院环境资源法教研室合作开办“环境法论坛”版块 ,以期推动国内环境法学理论研究的不断发展。“环境法论坛”版块的办刊宗旨是“专业、务实、新颖、活泼”。基于编辑对环境法学术期刊并非一定死气沉沉、拘泥形式的办刊理念的理解 ,我们期盼学界同仁恩赐如下大作 :能自圆其说的理论创新者 ;独到的建设性的立法建议和学理性释法者 ;结合新近案例的法治实践 ,并有所理论提升者 ;介绍我国大陆法域外的各种新近、先进环境法制 ,开阔国人视野 ,并能启迪心智 ,而绝非仅为走马观花者 ;无论旧论新说 ,展开针锋相对的学术争鸣与回应答辩者 ;符合本栏目宗旨 ,不限篇幅与形式的书评、法制信息、学术活动综述、国外学术机构及其成果介绍等等诸者。另外 ,我们还将体现时代精神 ,与时俱进 ,不定期的开办一些专题讨论 ,如“小康路上论环保”、“节能与经济可持续发展”、“循环经济与生态安全”等 ,欢迎作者赐稿、赐题。来稿请遵循本刊以往各期的版式 ,以WORD文档附件的形式发至 :enblaw @yahoo .com .cn专用电子信箱 ,电子邮件“主题”请务必注明“环境法论坛投稿”字样。  相似文献   

我国环境资源立法的完善   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
朱晓燕 《河北法学》2003,21(4):115-118
在中国,环境与资源法基本上完成了立法的系统建设,形成了较为完备的法律体系,基本实现了 环境资源保护活动的有法可依。然而,我们也不无遗憾地看到:在中国,一方面是环境资源立法 的空前繁荣,各类法律法规大爆炸;另一方面则是每一部环境法都未能得到真正实施,使人感到 环境法的“无用”、“无能”。如何修改并完善我国环境资源立法,理顺各有关法律之间的关系,保 护各项制度能在环境与资源保护中发挥作用,确保可持续发展目标的实现,已成为我们当前面临 的重要问题。  相似文献   

科学发展观视野下的环境法律制度分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
任栋  胡欣宇 《行政与法》2006,(2):125-127
科学发展观强调以人为本,全面、协调、可持续的发展。从法制的角度来看,与科学发展观关系最为直接的是环境法律体系。科学发展观也为环境法体系的创新和完善提供了基本理念。结合这一理念和法学、哲学等理论,从法理到宪法以及环境法律制度的不同层面,实践和完善环境保护的“代际公平”、“预防优先”、“公共委托”等环境法律制度,是我国应对环境危机的重要策略。  相似文献   

公民环境意识的变迁与环境法的制度调整   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
鄢斌 《法学杂志》2007,28(3):129-131
公众环境意识是联结环境法律价值和环境法律制度的中介,只有当公众环境意识和环境法的价值理念相一致时,环境法制才可能低成本运行。我国现阶段公众环境意识呈现一种多元的二重结构,诸多因素的制约使得我国的公众环境意识远远落后于现行环境法制所追求的价值理念,也使得我国环境法出现有治法而无法治的现象。中国环境法所面临的这种尴尬要求我们必须从制度实施的外部环境出发调整环境立法、执法的基本策略。  相似文献   

《法律科学》是西北政法学院主办的、面向国内外公开发行的学术性刊物。它以探索中国社会主义法制现代化理论为宗旨 ,努力反映法学研究的新成果。主要发表法学学术理论文章 ,辟有法学论坛、立法研究、司法实践、国外法学评介、法律制度比较等栏目 ,注重学术性、专业性、知识性。本刊连续两次被列入“中文核心期刊”、“法律类核心期刊”、“中文社科常用期刊”、“法学类最重要的核心期刊”。连续被评为陕西省一级期刊。 1 999年被评为“陕西省十佳社科学报”。 1 999年全国首届人文社科类学报评比中 ,被评为全国百强社科学报第三名。2 0 0 …  相似文献   

在中国,环境与资源法基本上完成了立法的系统建设,形成了较为完务的法律体系,基本实现了环境资源保护活动的有法可依。然而,我们也不无遗憾地看到:在中国,一方面是环境资源立法的空前繁荣,各类法律法规大爆炸;另一方面则是每一部环境法都未能得到真正实施,使人感到环境法的“无用”、“无能”。如何修改并完善我国环境资源立法,理顺各有关法律之间的关系,保护各项制度能在环境与资源保护中发挥作用,确保可持续发展目标的实现,已成为我们当前面临的重要问题。  相似文献   

环境法律观检讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
巩固 《法学研究》2011,(6):66-85
当前环境法学表象繁荣的背后隐藏着专业性不强的危机,其根源在于较为落后的法律观。在一些环境法理论中作为言说基础和前提预设的“法”与作为现代法治基础的“法”存在较大差异,具体表现为法律道德主义色彩浓厚、与科学规律界限不明、主体性缺失、孤立立法、与传统法的关系失当五个方面。法律观偏失的环境法学研究在实践中只起到思想启蒙的作用,无助于环境法治的实现。要想获得理论提升和实践突破,环境法学必须对自己的核心任务和研究范围作出准确定位,牢牢把握法的本质特征,加强本土化研究,尊重现行法,采取现实主义思维,实现向法学的回归。  相似文献   

《法律科学》是西北政法大学主办的、面向国内外公开发行的学术性刊物。它以探索中国社会主义法治现代化理论为宗旨,努力反映法学研究的新成果。主要发表法学学术理论文章,辟有法律文化与法律价值、法律思维与法律方法、人权与法制、部门法理学、法律制度探微、法学译苑、域外法评、长安法史、立法研究、法律实践等栏目,注重学术性、专业性、知识性。本刊连续被列入“中文核心期刊”“法律类核心期刊”“中文社科常用期刊”“法学类最重要的核心期刊”。  相似文献   

贾梅清 《法制与社会》2013,(31):274-275
“雾霾”一词现在频频出现在人们的视线中,“雾霾”折射出的是环境对人类活动破环生态平衡的报复,提醒人类应该重视环境保护问题与相关的法律保护,因此,深入研究环境法律关系,对于建立环境法这一独立的法律部门的地位,完善环境法的理论和体系,具有重要的意义.环境法学界传统观点认为,环境法律关系的客体是我国环境法所规定的环境资源与环境行为,但随着环境问题不断为人类敲响了警钟,我们应该突破传统观念,将生态利益纳入环境法律客体的范畴.  相似文献   

《法律科学》是西北政法大学主办的、面向国内外公开发行的学术性刊物。它以探索中国社会主义法制现代化理论为宗旨,努力反映法学研究的新成果。主要发表法学学术理论文章,辟有法律文化与法律价值、法律思维与法律方法、人权与法制、部门法理学、法律制度探微、法学新问题研究、域外法评、长安法史、立法研究、法律实践等栏目,注重学术性、专业性、知识性。本刊连续被列入“中文核心期刊”、“法律类核心期刊”、“中文社科常用期刊”、“法学类最重要的核心期刊”。连续被评为陕西省一级期刊。1999年被评为“陕西省十佳社科学报”。1999年…  相似文献   

Public sex has been the focus of a number of academic texts in recent years, but while some comment more generally on how the media have presented specific forms of public sexual activity, it remains unclear how the media have constructed these undertakings. The phenomenon consists of a number of subcultures aimed at providing sexual enjoyment in public settings in different ways. There has been evidence that those engaging in public sex undertake significant risk that, while motivating for those taking part, can lead to a number of tragic consequences. Some of these consequences include physical attacks by members of the public as well as susceptibility to robbery and even abduction. This article will explore one of the possible reasons behind an unfavourable view of public sex in the public conscience- the mass media, and in particular, newspapers in the United Kingdom. The way in which the media have constructed various forms of public sex will be explored, as well as the information provided in reports, and in particular, the detailing of locations of Public Sex Environments (PSEs).  相似文献   

We characterize optimal economic growth in an endogenous growth model in which production requires public capital (a stock) and public services (a flow) in addition to private capital and labor. We analyze the comparative static effects of changes in the fundamental technological and preference parameters of the model on the optimal values of several variables, such as the optimal rate of growth and the optimal allocation of resources among consumption, the provision of public services, and investment in public and private capital. We show that the general optimal path converges in finite time to the balanced growth optimal path. We relate our paper to important contributions to the existing literature by obtaining them as special cases of our model.  相似文献   

公物公众使用收费过高或不当的免费都存在公平、效率等问题。现有学说对收费判断的标准过于空泛、单一,无法反映复杂的现实,也难以给予实践有效指导,需要更精细化的研究。影响收费与否及定价的主要因素包括需求的基本性、资金来源、价格调控的合比例性、自然公物还是人工公物、使用习惯、受益对象和受益范围与时机、自愿的意思表示等。这些因素需要进行综合权衡,在一定条件下发挥作用,从而类型化出免费、成本性收费、效率性收费、营利性收费和混合性收费五种收费与定价的具体方式。  相似文献   


Research Summary Public scholarship aspires to bring social science home to the individuals, communities, and institutions that are its focus of study. In particular, it seeks to narrow the yawning gap between public perceptions and the best available scientific evidence on issues of public concern. Yet nowhere is the gap between perceptions and evidence greater than in the study of crime. Here, we outline the prospects for a public criminology, conducting and disseminating research on crime, law, and deviance in dialogue with affected communities. We present historical data on the media discussion of criminology and sociology, and we outline the distinctive features of criminology—interdisciplinary, a subject matter that incites moral panics, and a practitioner base actively engaged in knowledge production—that push the boundaries of public scholarship. Policy Implications Discussions of public sociology have drawn a bright line separating policy work from professional, critical, and public scholarship. As the research and policy essays published in Criminology & Public Policy make clear, however, the best criminology often is conducted at the intersection of these domains. A vibrant public criminology will help to bring new voices to policy discussions while addressing common myths and misconceptions about crime.  相似文献   

事业单位改革是关系到我国公共服务创新能否实现的重要载体。随着社会的发展变化,行政生态的转型,必然导致公共治理与公共服务模式的治道变革。如何学习和借鉴国外公共服务改革的经验,改革政府,改革事业机构,为全社会提供统一的公共产品和公共服务,建设同改革发展新阶段相适应的公共服务体系已成为一个越来越迫切的任务。  相似文献   

The U.S. Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948, also known as the Smith-Mundt Act, is a mostly unknown and widely misunderstood piece of legislation. Revised multiple times, the law bans domestic dissemination of Voice of America and other U.S. international broadcast content in the United States. Presenting government-supported international broadcasting as an example of public diplomacy, this article discusses the long-term misrepresentation of Smith-Mundt's original intent and highlights the consequences of the continuing ban. The article considers prospects for ending the ban and emphasizes potential opportunities presented by its elimination, concluding that ending the ban might eliminate incongruity between American foreign policy goals of democracy promotion and the reality of banned domestic content. Repeal of the ban may also result in unexpected remedies for challenges facing the American media industry and the American public's desire for international news.

The United States government may be the largest broadcaster that few Americans know about. Although its networks reach 100 countries in 59 languages, they are banned from distribution in the United States by a 1948 law devised to prevent the government from turning its propaganda machine on its own citizens. 1 1Mark Landler, A New Voice of America for the Age of Twitter, N.Y. Times, June 7, 2011 at 9. The broadcasters comprising the U.S. international broadcasting operation are the Voice of America (VOA), Alhurra, Radio Sawa, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Radio Free Asia, and Radio and TV Marti. The Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) is “a bipartisan agency … that acts as a ‘firewall’ between the U.S. government and international broadcasting entities it funds.” Kim Andrew Elliott, America Calling: A 21st-Century Model, Foreign Service J., Oct. 2010, at 31. When Smith-Mundt was passed in 1948, USIB authority fell under the Department of State. Later, Congress created the United States Information Agency (USIA) to facilitate American public diplomacy operations. After the end of the cold war, Congress dismantled USIA and returned responsibility for American public diplomacy efforts to the Department of State. For an excellent history of the rise and fall of the USIA, see Nicholas J. Cull, The Cold War and the United States Information Agency: American Propaganda and Public Diplomacy 1945–1989 (2008).   相似文献   


Conclusion Public guardianship provides a useful means of providing care for a very vulnerable group of people—the incapacitated. This vulnerability requires that special care be taken to assure that the guardian does not subordinate the ward's interests to any other considerations. Such subordination of the ward's interests may be inadvertent or well intentioned. It may even, on occasion, be consistent with broader social or governmental policies. Nevertheless, it is a violation of the guardian's duty of loyalty.This article has discussed several methods for reducing the likelihood that the ward's rights will be infringed. Ultimately, however, the avoidance of improprieties and the maintenance of incapacitated persons in dignity depends not on procedural or managerial devices, but on the loyalty of the guardian to the interests of his or her ward.  相似文献   

Public Trusts     
Public, as distinct from charitable, trusts were authoritatively recognised in 1827, when the House of Lords determined that the permanent basis of equitable jurisdiction protected 'public money' from unlawful application, on the same basis as charitable funds were protected. These trusts made the relevant public functionaries subject to equitable remedies, but the remedies were displaced from equitable practice by jurisdictional fusion and by administrative audit surcharges. In the twentieth century they survived unrecognised in the ambiguously phrased 'local authority fiduciary duty to ratepayers'. Recently, public trusts have again been implicitly acknowledged, and the distinctive remedy of personal liability to make good loss arising from misapplication has been applied. However the right to litigate is confined to current fund-holders in fulfilment of their protective trust duty and to the Attorney General in the general public interest in countering unlawful appropriations of public money.  相似文献   

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