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以审判程序作为整个刑事诉讼中心的"审判中心论",是刑事程序法治化的重要基础和基本原则,但"审判中心论"并不意味着审判管辖是中心,管辖只是刑事诉讼阶段性程序启动时需要考虑的一项基本内容。以《刑事诉讼法》对公诉案件设置的程序为基准予以考察,侦查管辖在刑事管辖中具有担当"中心"的使命。确定刑事管辖权时以侦查管辖为中心比以审判为中心更具有科学性和合理性。  相似文献   

儿童观是不同时代国家或民众对儿童的基本看法与态度,它反映出特定时代对儿童群体的地位和价值等认识考量。纵观新中国70年学前教育的发展历史,首先是新中国初期作为"社会需要"的儿童,这时候的儿童主要是"接班人"和"建设者"。到了"文化革命"时期,儿童观发生错位,"政治化、成人化"是其主要价值取向,儿童被异化。改革开放以后,我们开始"重新"认识儿童,这种认识其实质是"发现"儿童和重新确立儿童本位论。21世纪以来的儿童观念是对改革开放以后"儿童本位论"的进一步深化与研究,表现为"解放儿童"和"向儿童学习"。由此,新中国近现代儿童观念改造得以确立并正在"进行"。  相似文献   

论“儿童是成人之父”   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
“儿童是成人之父”这一思想为我们认识儿童提供了一个广阔而深远的进化论视野。它不仅使我们在儿童那里感受到生命进化的神奇,也使我们体悟到个体生命的绵远历史。“儿童是成人之父”这一思想的提出是对父权本位观念的反叛,它标志着传统的成人与儿童的关系发生了一种革命性转换。“儿童是成人之父”这一思想对于促进传统儿童观的现代转换具有重要意义。由于儿童教育都自觉或不自觉地以儿童观为其前提,因此,儿童观的这种现代转换又必然影响着教育观的变革  相似文献   

环境危机是二十一世纪人类必须解决的重大现实问题,人类中心论是环境危机的思想文化根源。作为一种反人类中心论的生态中心论是一场人类价值观上的范式转变,它不仅为人类提供了一种新的伦理观和价值观,而且也提供了"人—自然"和谐统一的发展观。  相似文献   

杜威在其《儿童与课程》中,将其教育哲学落实于课程理论。杜威认为,儿童的生长需要是教育的出发点,儿童的心理规律是课程的依据,儿童的主动活动是课程实施的方法,儿童经验的增长是课程的最终目标,所以教育的各种措施都应围绕儿童这个中心。类似的精彩的教育哲学观念不一而足。杜威《儿童与课程》的问世,距今已有115年,但其中的思想对于当前的教育改革、课程改革以及教育学建设,依然具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

当前,全球性的环境问题已给人类和自然界带来了严重的威胁.在幼儿科学教育活动中,渗透自然生态观,进行环保教育显得尤为重要.幼儿园应以人本主义学习理论作为儿童中心教育的主要理论基础,立足于"儿童是一个完整的人"的教育观点,从幼儿主体出发,创设动植物标本室,种植园地和动物饲养角等环境,配以各种科学的环保教育日常系列活动,体现幼儿的自主性.  相似文献   

当前的音乐作品权利结构是创作者为著作权人,而表演者为邻接权人,这是一种在传统解释学下的"作者中心论"之权利结构模式。随着解释学本体论的转向,哲学解释学的兴起,以"读者为中心"的权利模式得以伸张。音乐乐谱是一个纲要式的草图,是未完成的作品,唯有在表演者的表演过程中音乐作品的本体性才得以呈现。表演者在音乐作品演绎的过程中不是对创作者意图的机械重构,而是一个表达艺术个性的创作过程。表演者在权利结构中不应当是传播作品的邻接权人,而是具有独创性贡献的著作权人。  相似文献   

后现代主义认识论颠覆了传统的知识观:知识不是被展现出的而是被建构出的.后现代主义的杰出代表社会建构主义着重强调了知识建构的社会性.儿童观是认知主体以儿童为对象建构出的一种社会知识,随"儿童形象"的诞生而形成,并影响着"儿童形象"的塑造.儿童观的社会建构属性使得儿童观随着社会的发展变迁、认识论的演变而不断更替,直至引发一场范式的转型,然后在新范式的指导下进行新一轮的建构.儿童观建构取向从聚焦于尺有所短的劣势视角转变到聚焦于寸有所长的优势视角标志着儿童观范式的转型,这一转型颠覆了儿童的传统形象,开启了一种全新的儿童成长空间.  相似文献   

创新教育观是一种适应未来知识经济需要、以培养学生创新精神和创新能力为基本价值取向的教育思想。本文从高校课程内容与体系、教学方法与手段、评价内容与方式三方面入手 ,对以创新教育观为导向的高校教学改革进行了思考 ,并阐述了在这一教育观指导下的传统教育评价观向创新教育评价观过渡的五大转变。  相似文献   

卡尔·罗杰斯是美国著名的人本主义心理学家。他的理论核心是强调对人的尊重,人的价值、情感、自我实现。他首创了“以学生为中心”的教育观,在心理治疗领域创立了“以来访者为中心”的治疗观。  相似文献   

张燕 《政法论丛》2009,(3):86-90
信息传输法律关系已经从传统环境延伸到网络环境,这对传统民法理论造成一定冲击。尤其对于最新型和最富革命性的BT传输方式下的法律规范问题,实务界莫哀一是,而学界更是关注甚少。在我国经济发展和知识产权意识逐渐增强的背景下,对BT传输方式下的信息网络传播法律关系进行梳理和分析,并对其发展趋势和立法模式等提出建议,具有重大的现实意义。  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between street children and the justice system in Egypt. After introducing the context of street children in the Egyptian case, it explores whether the justice system exacerbates the problem of street children and whether its potential to play a positive part in alleviating the problem should be revisited. The article then explores the basis for the negative perspective on the role of the justice system and the steps required to improve its role in solving the problem of the increasing number of street children. It concludes with a three-pronged approach for the Egyptian justice system to adopt to effectively address the problem of street children. The article is based on an existing knowledge base that is scattered in small-sample empirical studies, large-scale surveys, United Nations reports, newspapers, and a few academic articles written in both English and Arabic.  相似文献   

Autopoietic theory is increasingly seen as a candidate for a radical theory of law, both in relation to its theoretical credentials and its relevance in terms of new and emerging forms of law. An aspect of the theory that has remained less developed, however, is its material side, and more concretely the theory’s accommodation of bodies, space, objects and their claim to legal agency. The present article reads Luhmann’s theory of autopoietic systems in a radical and material manner, linking it on the one hand to current post-structural theorisations of law and society, and on the other hand extending its ambit to accommodate the influx of material considerations that have been working their way through various other disciplines. The latter comprises both a materialisation of the theory itself and ways of conceptualising the legal system as material through and through. This I do by further developing what I have called Critical Autopoiesis, namely an acentric, topological, post-ecological and posthuman understanding of Luhmann’s theory, that draws on Deleuzian thought, feminist theory, geography, non-representational theory, and new material and object-oriented ontologies. These are combined with some well-rehearsed autopoietic concepts, such as distinction, environment and boundaries; Luhmann’s earlier work on materiality continuum; more recent work on bodies and space; as well as his work on form and medium in relation to art. The article concludes with five suggestions for an understanding of what critical autopoietic materiality might mean for law.  相似文献   

为发挥情势变更制度下的再交涉义务解决纠纷之自律性、协作性的价值理念,学理上普遍将其作为司法适用的前置程序规范并与后续司法介入效果形成体系化互动。但司法实践的运用未对学理期待予以积极回应,需要对再交涉义务的学理定位重新作出解答。从法经济学的视角来看,再交涉义务能作为实现优化当事人地位、创造新的价值以及降低成本等诸多经济功效的制度性担保工具,但受制于再交涉行为特有的博弈属性以及再交涉结构固有的不均衡因子,再交涉义务无法抑制机会主义行动风险的产生以及矫正再交涉地位的落差。原理上通过联动后续司法介入效果可治愈其适用上的弊端,但考虑到法官信息偏差之现实困境,其无法对再交涉的过程与内容作出有效的法律评价。《民法典》视域下唯有对再交涉义务祛司法适用之限缩解释,将其纯化为倡导性规范,切断其与后续司法介入效果的适用关联,限制法官介入再交涉过程之法律评价,始能最大程度上保障法官有效完成当事人利益之公平分配的司法任务。  相似文献   

Hate, a simple word, is easily understood by young children. But as a concept, hate is vast, complex, and slippery. The study of hate is not limited to one discipline; it is studied throughout the humanities and social sciences. This paper, which presents a psychological theory of hating, argues that hate is an understudied psychological construct and has particular relevance to justice research. Hate can trigger injustice, and injustice has the capacity to trigger derogation, violence, and hate. Relying on four literatures—justice, psychology, psychoanalysis, and criminal justice—we present a theory of hating that describes the formation, perpetuation, and expression of this influential emotional state. The Intensification Theory of Hating describes hate as a dynamic process that moves from antecedents to emotions, cognitions, morals, and behaviors. Hate, we argue, is not only an emotion; it becomes systemic when interactions among its components unfold over time to intensify hate. We conclude by proposing research approaches and questions that could address hate in psychological and justice research. Submitted to David De Cremer and Kees van den Bos, “Justice and feelings: An emotional revolution”. Social Justice Research, December 11, 2006  相似文献   

在系统论的视角下,儿童绘画评价既是美术治疗中的一个重要因素,同时也是一个有机的系统.在美术治疗中,儿童绘画评价要立足于治疗过程中治疗师与儿童的互动关系,综合考量儿童所处的生活背景对儿童的"绘画动机"、"绘画过程"和"绘画作品"的影响,进而对儿童的行为表现等作出全面、系统的诊断和评价,最终制定和实施有针对性的治疗方案.  相似文献   

RALF POSCHER 《Ratio juris》2009,22(4):425-454
The theory of principles is multifaceted. Its initial expression contained an important argument against positivist theories of adjudication. As a legal theory, it fails in its effort to claim a structural difference between rules and principles. It also fails as a methodological theory that reduces adjudication to subsumption or balancing. It misunderstands itself when it is conceived as a doctrinal theory especially of fundamental rights. Its most promising aspect could be its contribution to a more comprehensive theory of legal argumentation.  相似文献   

This paper reconsiders the Canadian Supreme Court Decision in Eaton and examines its implications for the equality rights of Canadian children in general. The suggestion is made that a 'best interest of the child' standard cannot be met if it involves the violation of fundamental Charter rights. Segregated special education placement, when against the wishes of the parents or guardians and with no s. 1 justification, it is argued, is unconstitutional. The latter gives rise to violations of equality provisions with regard to the student's freedom of association, the right to personal autonomy in decision-making for parents in regards to their child's education, as well as, in some cases, security of the person insofar as the psychological, social and cognitive development of the disabled child is concerned. Such an exclusion from the mainstream, if imposed, it is suggested, does not generally meet the test for 'reasonableness' in accommodation consistent with Charter guarantees. The presumption in favor of integration unless the parent or guardian wishes otherwise is, it is argued, a constitutional imperative based on Charter equality rights rather than a preference for one pedagogical theory (integration) over another (segregated special education placement).  相似文献   

Under Dutch divorce law, children in theory have ample opportunity to make their voices heard: the petition for divorce must state how the children have been involved in preparing a parenting plan; all children aged 12 or 16 (depending on the context) or older have the right to be heard by the judge, and the judge may additionally hear younger children; the court may appoint a guardian ad litem to represent the interests of the child; and the child has the right to seek informal access to the court (by letter or telephone, for example) which may lead to an ex officio decision that changes the arrangements agreed by the parents in a divorce settlement or an earlier judicial decision. In practice, however, there is no guarantee that children's voices will actually be heard in divorce proceedings. Notably in the case of separation after an informal relationship (other than marriage or registered partnership) the opportunities given to children to be heard are often a dead letter.  相似文献   

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