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目的探讨坠车损伤及与火车撞击损伤鉴别。方法对行人被撞23例和铁路客车坠车23例死者损伤的部位、类型进行统计分析,有两处以上损伤部位的分别累计计算,采用SPSS软件进行数据进行处理、分析。结果躯干部与身体纵轴方向一致的擦伤是铁路客车坠车区别于行人被撞主要鉴别点。手部损伤伤是铁路客车坠车区别于行人被撞主要鉴别点。下肢损伤不能作为铁路客车坠车区别于行人被撞主要鉴别点。  相似文献   

[案情]王某因与孙某有矛盾,于是想法报复孙某。当王某得知孙某开车要从某处经过时.遂携带木棍到该处等候。孙某开着桑塔纳轿车路过时(当时夜已深,路上没有其他车辆和行人),王某明知车上除孙某外,还有三个人的情况下,用木棍击打轿车副驾驶位置前面的挡风玻璃.慌忙中孙某急打方向盘.结果造成桑塔纳轿车侧翻,致车上李某受伤,后经抢救无效死亡。  相似文献   

[案情]王某因与孙某有矛盾,于是想法报复孙某.当王某得知孙某开车要从某处经过时,遂携带木棍到该处等候.孙某开着桑塔纳轿车路过时(当时夜已深,路上没有其他车辆和行人),王某明知车上除孙某外,还有三个人的情况下,用木棍击打轿车副驾驶位置前面的挡风玻璃,慌忙中孙某急打方向盘,结果造成桑塔纳轿车侧翻,致车上李某受伤,后经抢救无效死亡.本案涉及的争议罪名包括破坏交通工具罪、以危险方法危害公共安全罪、故意杀人罪以及过失致人死亡罪等.  相似文献   

目的分析城市道路交通事故致死行人四肢损伤的特征。方法收集本区2016年至2018年交通事故行人死亡资料,对四肢损伤情况进行统计学分析。结果 331例城市道路交通事故致行人死亡案例中,死者以男性居多;机动车(不包含摩托车)、摩托车所致行人体表损伤以擦挫伤(包括擦伤、擦挫伤)为主,电动车所致体表损伤以皮下出血(挫伤)为主,占体表损伤71.8%(P <0.05);机动车骨折率最高(35.5%,P <0.05),电动车骨折率极低(3.7%,P <0.05),四肢多发骨折好发于机动车,四肢骨折好发于左侧。结论通过对行人四肢损伤特征的分析,在一定程度上为无目击者或肇事逃逸交通事故处理提供一定帮助。  相似文献   

正车子没买交强险撞伤行人要全赔吗编辑同志:3个月前,我开新买的轿车到保险公司买车辆保险时,突然接到家人的电话,说孩子与人打架受伤被送到了医院,我来不及办保险就匆忙开车往医院赶,途中遇到葛某等行人闯红灯过马路,我因车速太快避让不及撞伤葛某,造成其伤残。交警部门认定,我和葛某负事故的同等责任。现在,葛  相似文献   

Mao MY  Chen YJ  Liu NG  Zou DH  Liu JY  Jin XL 《法医学杂志》2008,24(2):105-109
目的选定固定参数进行计算机模拟碰撞实验.分析不同车型、碰撞车速以及碰撞接触位置对事故过程及人体损伤情况的影响。方法基于多刚体动力学方法建立汽车(大客车、小客车、小轿车和货车)和人体模型,并按照不同碰撞车速(20、30、40、50和60km/h)和不同碰撞接触位置(行人正前方、侧方和正后方)进行模拟碰撞.分析碰撞运动过程以及生物力学响应情况(头部、颈部及下肢)。结果碰撞车型和碰撞接触位置一致的情况下碰撞过程相似(碰撞车速≤60km/h).头部加速度、上颈部轴向受力以及下肢轴向受力呈现一定的生物力学响应规律。结论基于多刚体动力学方法的模拟碰撞技术研究可再现事故过程中人体的生物力学响应规律。  相似文献   

Q:李律师,您好!我这边碰到一起交通事故,有一些法律问题不太清楚,想向专业从事交通事故的律师咨询一下。这起交通事故大致情况如下:2013年6月26日凌晨,沈某驾驶轿车沿罗秀路由西向东行驶至罗秀路望族苑南门口时,适逢行人奚某下晚班回家在上述地点由南向北横过罗秀路,轿车车头与行人相撞,导致奚某倒地受伤,事发后沈某驾车送伤者去医院救治,奚某经医院抢救无效于当天死亡。事发地点位于居民小区门口路段,距离西边十字路口约两三百米,小区门口设置有摄像头,十字路口也设置有摄像头,事发地点附近有人行横道。事故发生时有在马路对面等候奚某的李某、治安民警徐某、小区门卫张某。  相似文献   

一九八二年八月十一日早七点多钟,河北省廊坊市内发生了一起驾驶汽车在马路上向行人冲撞,致无辜群众死伤多人的特大刑事案件。 罪犯王云龙,男,现年三十岁,是石油部管道局第一运输公司修配厂工人。因他与原车间主任罗开模的矛盾未能得到及时解决,于一九八二年八月十日下午私自将五十铃牌卡车一辆开回宿舍,次日晨七时许携带菜刀一把,将  相似文献   

顾应欣 《刑警与科技》2013,(23):207-210
面对城市道路交叉口普遍存在的右转车辆与行人之间通行权的冲突问题,本文首先对机动车不避让行人的交通违法行为给出清晰的界定,分析作为交通违法处罚记录所必须的关键取证信息;然后研究系统的总体架构、路侧系统的功能组成,并简单分析了行人目标视频检测技术的实现方法。该系统的研究对进一步规范机动车的驾驶行为,缓解机动车和行人之间的通行权冲突做出了有益的尝试。  相似文献   

正【基本案情】2012年2月23日19时左右,被告人杨某驾驶三轮汽车沿马鞍山市马濮路由东往西行至该市凤凰湖路段(该路段为双向二车道,无照明设施),因疏于观察,将前方同向步行的行人孙某撞倒在地,事发后杨某驾车逃离现场。随后,郑某驾驶小型轿车经过该路段时碾压到倒地的孙某。郑某立即停车,并电话报警。此时,姜某驾驶小型轿车经过该路段,再次碾压到倒地的孙某。  相似文献   

When a car is parked in an inclined plane in a parking lot, the car can roll down the slope and cause a pedestrian accident, even when the angle of inclination is small. A rolling car on a gentle slope seems to be easily halted by human power to prevent damage to the car or a possible accident. However, even if the car rolls down very slowly, it can cause severe injuries to a pedestrian, especially when the pedestrian cannot avoid the rolling car. In an accident case that happened in our province, a pedestrian was injured by a rolling car, which had been parked on a slope the night before. The accident occurred in the parking lot of an apartment complex. The parking lot seemed almost flat with the naked eye. We conducted a rolling test with the accident vehicle at the site. The car was made to roll down the slope by purely gravitational pull and was made to collide with the silicone block leaning against the retaining wall. Silicone has characteristics similar to those of a human body, especially with respect to stiffness. In the experiment, we measured the shock power quantitatively. The results showed that a rolling car could severely damage the chest of a pedestrian, even if it moved very slowly.  相似文献   

The authors report on a fatal pedestrian accident in which the victim lay on the street and got under a car being run over by one of the front wheels. Both the car driver and the killed pedestrian were strongly alcohol-intoxicated at the time of the accident (2.45 a.m.). After the car had come to a standstill, the pedestrian remained trapped under the car until she was rescued by the fire brigade. On the basis of the autopsy findings and the technical expert opinion it could be reconstructed that the pedestrian's death was not caused by the consequences of being run over by the car, but by the subsequent compression of her thorax in the final accident position.  相似文献   

事故重建、数据分析以及计算机仿真是行人安全防护研究的三个重要手段。行人运动机理的研究对于揭示人-车交通事故的特征具有非常重要的意义。文章以一起真实案例为基础,运用MADYMO仿真分析探讨真实交通事故中行人的运动机理。并以真实的交通事故数据作为验证手段。  相似文献   

Was the pedestrian hit in an erect position before being run over?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
If a pedestrian was run over by a car, the question can arise whether there was a preceding collision while the pedestrian was in an erect position. From a total of 53 selected autopsy reports, the findings associated with accidents known to involve running over in isolation (n=32) were compared to findings associated with a combined mechanism of a primary impact in an erect position and subsequent running over (n=21). Findings exclusively present in the combined group were wedge-shaped bone fractures ("Messerer"-wedges, 38%), glass fragment injuries (24%), traumatic amputations (10%), traces of car paint on the lower extremities (50%) and abrasions of the shoe soles (17%). These findings can be considered specific for a primary impact in an erect position. Fractures of the cervical and lumbar spine were present in the combined group in 33 and 17%, respectively. In contrast, in the run over group, there was only one case of fracture of the cervical and one of the lumbar spine and both cases involved direct contact with a car wheel. Fractures of the cervical and lumbar spine are, therefore, very indicative for a primary impact. "Bumper injuries", sacroiliac dislocations and fractures of the thoracic spine were approximately 2.5 times more common in the combined group than in the run over group. In the vast majority of cases, a clear differentiation between the two groups is, therefore, possible on the basis of the autopsy findings. This is especially relevant if an inspection of the car cannot be performed after a hit-and-run accident, which occurred in 26% of the cases in this study. In addition, the blood alcohol levels were higher in the run over group (mean=2.14g/l) as compared to the combined group (mean=1.53g/l).  相似文献   

Testimonies disclosed that a 44-year-old pedestrian was struck head-on by a truck while she was roaming on the motorway; at the time of collision, the truck was travelling at a speed of about 90 km/h. In the second phase of the collision, the pedestrian was projected about 100 m before her body was run over by the truck and then by a car. The autopsy revealed extensive mutilations, making it impossible to verify the testimonies of witnesses to the collision as regards the pedestrian's position at the moment of the first impact. However, the reports produced by the technical expert and the forensic pathologist were able to confirm the testimonies, based on an impact zone on the front panel of the cab of the truck, where part of the pedestrian's face was reproduced like a "modern holy shroud".  相似文献   

潘荣坤 《政法学刊》2009,26(2):114-118
交通协管员作为一种对交通警察管理公共交通事务的辅助力量,在当前国内现实的车路矛盾、人路矛盾、人车矛盾凸显的情况下,有着积极的作用和意义。在公共管理理论中的治理理论视野下,尤其是在公共治理与多中心治理理论的角度探析交通协管员,把国内交通协管员的实践看作是一种公共治理理论和多中心治理理论的较为典型的实践形式,提出交通协管员发展的多元化发展,综合化发展,法治化发展和组织化发展的方向和趋势。  相似文献   

The aim of forensic biomechanics is the reconstruction of traumatic events based on the pathological findings in the victim's morphology, the accident traces and the car damages. The use of forensic documentation tools (e.g. Streifenlichttopometrie) enables 3-dimensional and proportional accurate documentation of the victim's body, of its injuries and of the car damages with submillimeter precision. The generated topographic image serves as input for a multi-body system model of the victim. It allows further to determine exactly the contact points between car and victim for a computer simulated dynamical reconstruction of the impact situation. In the case of an accident involving a car and a pedestrian the generation and application of computer aided 3-dimensional reconstruction models are shown.  相似文献   

Stretchmark-like tears of the inguinal region are commonly referred to as typical lesions in pedestrian accidents when the victim is run over by a motorcar. These lesions can also be observed when a pedestrian is hit by a vehicle while being in an upright position. Stretchmark-like tears are due to hyperextension or excessive abduction of the hip joint. Characteristic morphological features are variable numbers of equally superficial and parallel tears of the skin following the skin's cleavage lines. Drivers of two-wheeled vehicles may exhibit inguinal stretchmark-like tears when they hit an obstacle with their bent knee, suffering excessive abduction of the hip joint. Finally, stretchmark-like tears are described in victims of collisions with railed vehicles, of aircraft crashes and--very rarely--in severely injured car passengers.  相似文献   

Formulas for evaluating the lower bound of the impact velocity are valuable in vehicle–pedestrian accident reconstruction. The theory of classical mechanics and four hypotheses were employed to derive formulas; the research results and simulation/accident tests were employed to validate their feasibility. Then, two simple formulas were developed according to the distance between the rest positions of the vehicle and the pedestrian and the flight‐phase distance. The results showed that the evaluated results by the two proposed formulas are inferior to the existing results. The influence of a roadside step on the impact velocity, which decreased with an increase in the flight‐phase distance and a reduction in the road slope, was evaluated. Based on a real accident, the study concludes that the lower bound can be easily obtained with the proposed formulas, which can be used to determine the evaluated impact velocity during simulations.  相似文献   

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