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中美MPA教育人才培养模式比较探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为推动我国公共管理的科学化 与现代化建设,培养国家与 社会日益需要的高层次复合型公共管理人才,国务院学位委员会于1999年5月第17次会议上正式批准在我国设立MPA学位教育。这是继我国成功设置工商管理硕士(MBA)、法律硕士、教育硕士、工程硕士等十一个专业学位后又一  相似文献   

MPA与MPP都属于公共事务范畴的学位教育,但在这两个学位教育项目之间存在着明显的不同。MPA教育生成于美国进步主义时期,致力于培养综合性与应用性的行政管理人才;MPP则是在政策科学运动中产生的,目标是培养能使用数据模型进行政策分析的专业人才。20世纪80年代,二者在课程设置等方面相互借鉴,从而出现了这两个学位教育项目间的交叉与融合。但是,我们必须看到,MPP所具有的政策分析印记使它与MPA有着明显的不同,在一个处处都是数据驱动的时代,MPP教育具有广阔的前景。在我国,MPA教育的开展已经有十多年的历史了,随着智库的发展,也对MPP教育表现出了迫切要求。但是,在开展MPP教育时,把握MPA教育与MPP教育之间的不同是非常必要的。  相似文献   

在公共管理以及公共服务教育培训方面,美国的MPA与MPP两个项目已经非常成熟,是世界各国学习的样板。我国开展MPA教育已有十多年历史,随着智库发展对人才的渴求,MPP教育也势在必行。比较美国MPA与MPP这两个教育项目的异同,对我国开展MPA和MPP教育十分必要,可以从中学习和借鉴诸多经验。美国各大学在举办MPA和MPP时较为注重突出自己的特色,由于美国建有全国统一的认证机构,许多大学也争取得到认证。虽然MPA和MPP是两个在专业上非常相近的培训项目,但美国各大学都努力通过核心课程的设置以及教师受学背景的选择而使之区别开来。一般说来,MPP项目开设了更多定量方面的课程,而MPA项目则更关注管理方面课程的开发。  相似文献   

陈朔 《瞭望》2003,(10)
自1991年中国首次引进MBA(工商管理硕士)教育以来,仅仅十余年的时间,MBA教育就在中国以迅雷不及掩耳之势发展起来。但是MBA教育究竟是一种什么样的教育?怎样才能办好大学的MBA教育?对外经济贸易大学国际工商管理学院张新民院长在MBA教育和管理方面有着独到的见解。  相似文献   

云浮作为广东省最年轻的地级市,经济基础相当薄弱,近年来,云浮市在迈向全面、协调、可持续的发展路子上进行了一系列有益的探索与实践,有效地促进了当地社会经济和人的全面发展。云浮市市长郑利平,这位1998年刚在哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院获得公共政策及管理硕士(MPA)学位,以及有多年企业及政府部门履职经历的年轻市长,对政府在市场经济条件下,应该怎么管理经济和社会,怎样促进经济社会的全面协调发展,有着深刻的体会和思索。  相似文献   

硕士研究生学位论文从开题到定稿答辩是研究生培养过程的最后一个环节,也是最重要的环节。构建硕士研究生学位论文质量保障体系,对提高研究生教育的质量具有重要意义。文章从论文选题、开题与评审、答辩、抽检、导师作用等方面阐述了硕士研究生学位论文质量评价体系的构建。  相似文献   

白君贵  陈连军 《学理论》2010,(27):261-262
适应市场是MBA教育持续发展的永恒主题。MBA教育的创立、变革是一个和社会、经济要求相互协调、互生共济的曲折历程。从市场需求的角度,探讨了MBA研究生适应性问题,指出了目前MBA教育过程中存在的一些问题,提出了MBA教学与管理创新的一些观点。适应社会发展,把握市场需求,不断地调整自己,实现教学创新对我国MBA教育具有十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

本文以打造MPA教育品牌为着眼点,对相关的几个重要问题进行了深入分析。本文认为,对优秀生源的吸引力和培养能力是打造MPA品牌的关键,处理好扩大MPA办学规模与稳定办学质量的矛盾、协调好MPA教育内容与公共部门管理方式不对称的矛盾,是打造MPA品牌的重要内容。以此为基础,本文对如何打造MPA品牌提出了具体的对策。  相似文献   

袁东  靳希斌 《民主》2007,(1):21-23
一、教师教育模式的历史变迁教师教育是与学校的大规模发展相伴而生的,如法国和德国在17世纪,俄国和英国在18世纪,中国、美国和日本在19世纪都先后产生教师教育的专门机构——师范学校。初期教师教育的规模性发展主要源自两种不同的历史动因。一是代表新兴资产阶级力量的国家与代表宗教势力的教会对教育领导权的争夺。在欧洲各国,从17世纪到19世纪,资产阶级与宗教势力对教育领导权的争夺,促使了最初义务教育制度的诞生和对师范教育需求的产生。无论各种社会力量对教师教育发展的影响如何,教师教育都顽强地体现了它的一种本质特征,即教师的知…  相似文献   

澳大利亚:明年赴澳将面临更高签证费到澳大利亚留学,有一个非常大的吸引力——国内学历被承认,较易拿到签证。中国的硕士和学士学位获得者若能出示盖有《中华人民共和国学位条例》字样的正式学位证书(无论毕业于大学、学院,还是它们的分校),他们的学位可直接被认定为与澳洲的硕士和学士具有同等学历。但从明年起,到澳大利亚就读的海外留学生和各大学将受联邦政府新的收费打击,寻求在澳大利亚读书的外国学生将面临更高的签证费。  相似文献   


Appraisals of public employees are important for a host of reasons, and particularly so with the increasing emphasis on pay-for-performance systems and performance-based management in the public sector. However, managerial appraisals of employees can be somewhat subjective and our understanding of the appraisal process in the public sector is largely U.S.-centric. In this study, we explore whether characteristics of managers, like a rater's public service motivation (PSM), affect appraisal outcomes for their subordinates. Using a mixed experimental design, we analyze these dynamics in a non-U.S. context with MBA and MPA students enrolled in one of Korea's top universities. We find that rater PSM moderates the influence of both task and non-task behavior on an employee's performance appraisal.  相似文献   

Master's degree enrollment and debt have increased substantially in recent years, raising important questions about the labor market value of these credentials. Using a field experiment featuring 9,480 job applications submitted during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic, I examine employers’ responses to job candidates with a Master of Business Administration (MBA), which represents one-quarter of all master's degrees in the United States. I focus on MBAs from three types of less-selective institutions that collectively enroll the vast majority of master's students: for-profit, online, and regional universities. Despite the substantial time and expense required for these degrees, job candidates with MBAs from all three types of institutions received positive responses from employers at the same rate as candidates who only had a bachelor's degree—even for positions that listed a preference for a master's degree. Additionally, applicants with names suggesting they were Black men received 30 percent fewer positive responses than otherwise equivalent applicants whose names suggested they were White men or women, providing further evidence of racial discrimination in hiring practices.  相似文献   

The Big Questions of Public Administration Education   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Following Behn's observation that scientists in other fields understand the big questions of their disciplines and focus attention and their discussions on those questions, public administration scholars have attempted to identify the “big questions” in public management and public administration. In this article, I suggest that scholars in public administration should also be attentive to the big questions of public administration education, those timeless and enduring concerns that speak to the basic perspectives that we bring to the educational process. Specifically, I identify four big questions: Do we seek to educate our students with respect to theory or to practice? Do we prepare students for their first jobs or for those to which they might aspire later? What are the appropriate delivery mechanisms for MPA courses and curricula? What personal commitments do we make as public administration educators? I argue that these big questions in public administration education are far more connected than we usually think, and by posing these questions in terms of processes of human development we can at least provide a framework through which we might develop more coherent answers to these big questions, answers that recognize and build on the diversity of our students and our faculty.  相似文献   

哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院在每一学年为研究生开设超过200门的课程,这些课程除强调基础理论方法、手段方面的政策与制度分析、公共组织的战略管理、政治主张及领导艺术外,还包括企业和政府政策、健康照料政策等12个专业领域的课程。肯尼迪政府学院硕士学位有MPA、MPP等多种类型,博士学位研究方向有公共政策、健康卫生政策、政治经济和政府、政府与社会政策等4个领域。  相似文献   

高校学生事务应急管理作为和谐校园建设的重要组成部分已经成为大学生思想政治教育工作的重要内容。文章从大学生思想政治教育的角度,分析了大学生的时代特征以及高校应急管理所处的社会经济发展环境背景,总结了学生突发事件的两种类型。同时,以学生工作实践为基础探讨了高校学生工作中基层学院学生突发事件应急管理预案的构建方案,提出了高校学生工作中预防和处理突发事件的一些应对措施。  相似文献   

We introduce an Implicit Association Test whose purpose is to measure implicit—or unconscious—prosocial motivation. In doing so, our aim is to provide researchers with a tool that can serve as a complement to explicit, survey-based measures of prosocial and public service motivation. We present the results of a series of tests designed to probe the validity of our version of the Implicit Association Test, which we call the “Pro-IAT.” First, we test the Pro-IAT’s known groups’ validity by administering it to four groups of subjects that theory and empirical evidence suggest differ in their prosocial and public service motivation—MPA students, MBA students, Mturk adults, and local government employees. Second, we examine correlations between subjects’ scores on the Pro-IAT and subjects’ survey-based prosocial and public service motivation. Third, we use an online task to test whether subjects’ scores on the Pro-IAT are associated with the amount of (real) money they pledge to charity. Fourth, we use a survey experiment to test whether the Pro-IAT is resistant to a randomly assigned social desirability prime. Our tests provide strong support for the Pro-IAT’s known groups’ validity and modest support for the Pro-IAT’s predictive validity. Additionally, they suggest that the Pro-IAT is resistant to social desirability bias and is measuring a different dimension of prosocial/public service motivation than survey-based measures.  相似文献   

The Coalition government's first Comprehensive Spending Review will cut 40% from university budgets by 2014. This will result in an increasingly tension‐prone political economy of UK higher education. As it is, the sector already sits uncomfortably astride the two distinct welfare models currently in existence in Britain. As the fees agenda has taken hold, university degrees have been increasingly susceptible to being rebranded as a strategic investment in the future, thus acting as an exemplar for the move towards an asset‐based system of welfare. Despite this, even in the post‐Browne world students will still not be charged the full market price of delivering degree programmes. Higher education institutions therefore continue to be redistributive mechanisms providing long‐term welfare‐enhancing transfer payments to their overwhelmingly middle‐class student base. The budget cuts and the associated changes to student finance will bring into stark relief the contradictions of serving two welfare masters at once.  相似文献   

Scholars and practitioners within the U.S. education system have focused considerable attention on developing new programs aimed at raising educational achievement for disadvantaged students. New programs are only one way to improve student performance, however; recent work in public administration suggests that public management and implementation practices might also have a large impact on student performance. Existing research shows that managerial networking, managerial quality, and effective personnel management can significantly improve the quality of the education received by disadvantaged students. Additional work highlights the contribution of representative bureaucracy. Because these research agendas have targeted the public administration literature rather than the education policy literature, this article seeks to bring this research back to education policy. Using data from several hundred Texas public school districts, spanning 1995 to 2002, and focusing on disadvantaged student performance (Latinos, blacks, and low‐income students), this article illustrates how both management and processes to enhance the representativeness of teaching faculty produce benefits for disadvantaged students.  相似文献   

Abstract: As Australia struggles to become technologically competitive and to raise its productivity to international standards, several reports have suggested that such productivity depends critically on the existence of an appropriately structured and trained engineering workforce. As a result, engineering education at all levels has come under close scrutiny and rapid change in the period 1987–92. The scrutiny has come from governments, industry and from the engineering profession itself. Some of the changes are consequent to wider administrative changes in education; others are inspired by industry training needs; still others have been brought about by the engineering education community in order to attract more high-quality students. The binary system of higher education has given way to a unified system. The state-controlled TAFE colleges are being brought under national standards. In engineering education a new three-year BTech degree is being promoted to fill the gap between two-year associate diplomas from TAFE colleges and four-year professional degrees from the universities, because of a serious shortage of para-professional engineers in Australian industry. Recent reviews and reports on engineering education have called for rapid expansion at all levels and a greater variety of courses. The use of competency standards is spreading from the trade levels into the professions, including engineering, threatening some traditional concepts of university education. The government has funded three Advanced Engineering Centres, modelled on institutes in other countries. Quality in higher education is under discussion, bringing the concepts of total quality management and world-best practice to teaching in the universities. Continuing professional education is being rapidly expanded by the Institution of Engineers, Australia. Many more women are now entering the engineering profession, attracted by the humanisation of engineering courses. Environmental engineering and combined degree courses are proving very popular. The level of technological awareness is being improved by bringing engineering students to assist in classes in primary and secondary schools. Cooperative education programs between universities and industry are proving attractive and effective.  相似文献   

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